The wolf protector. (A Bella...

By crazychick94

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Bella is a werewolf. She was apart of Sam's pack until she ran away after giving birth to the alpha's baby. B... More

Chapter 1:- Meeting the Protector.
Chapter 2:- Memory.
Chapter 3:- Shopping Spree
Chapter 4:- The attack
Chapter 5:- The Court.
Chapter 6:- Bella finding out who she really is.
Chapter 7:- Hurt, Angry and Confused.
Chapter 8:- Memories.
Chapter 9:- I Love You.
Chapter 10:- Hunting Trip.
Chapter 11:- Bonding Time
Chapter 12:- The Plan
Chapter 13:- Revealing The True To Billy
Chapter 14:- La Push
Chapter 15:- Healing
Chapter 16:- Moving Out
Chapter 17:- Forks High School
Chapter 18:- Girls Night.
Chapter 19:- Kidnapped
Chapter 20:- School
Chapter 21:- Healing Up
Chapter 22:- Realising
Chapter 23:- Becoming Stronger
Chapter 24:- Broken
Chapter 25:- Dealing
Chapter 26:- Argument
Chapter 27:- Resting
Chapter 28:- Becoming Alpha
Chapter 29:- New Day With New Alpha
Author's Note
Chapter 30:- A New Izzy
Chapter 31:- Who Are You
Chapter 32:- First Date
Chapter 33:- What Happened?
Chapter 34:- Vengeance
Chapter 35:- Can't Cope
Chapter 36:- I Don't Know Who You Are
Chapter 37:- Hurting Leah
Chapter 38:- The Fall Out
Chapter 39:- Back At School
Chapter 41:- New Family
Chapter 42:- Making Friends
Author's Note.
Chapter 43:- The Dance
Chapter 44:- Fighting The Newborn Army

Chapter 40:- New Girl

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By crazychick94

Jasper's P.O.V

I don't know why Izzy wouldn't want me taking her to the nurses office. I wonder if she's ok. I wonder if she is ok? I'm in my last class before school ends. I've not seen any of my family. I wonder if Alice or Edward knows what's happened.
The last bell rings, I put everything in my bag and walk out the class room. I go to my locker and see Rose.
"Why are you here? Haven't you seen Izzy?" Rose asks.
"She walked past my last class but she wouldn't let me take her to the nurses office." I say.
"Jasper she's a mess. She's bumped into my in the hall way, I was going to take her home but she refused. She was bleeding loads." Rose says.
I get out my phone and ring Izzy. She doesn't answer it goes straight to voice mail. I ring Esme to see if she is home.
Esme answers on the first ring.
"Hello Jasper is everything ok?" Esme asks answering the phone.
"Is she home?" I simply ask.
"Who?" Esme asks.
"Izzy, I've not seen her much and she didn't come to lesson. She walked into Rose. Rose said she offered to bring her home but Izzy said no. She walked past lesson and the teacher told her she needed to go to the nurse but she refused to let me help her. She's not at school but Rose said she was bleeding loads." I say.
"No she's not here. I haven't seen her since she left this morning." Esme says.
"Ok. I'll see if I can find her." I say putting the phone down.

I run out the school as fast as a human and jump on my bike. "Jasper bring her back to the house." Rose says and I start my bike and ride off.
I speed down the road and head back to the house. If she's not at the house maybe she's at the cottage.
I get to the cottage and smell Izzy. I can also smell blood. I walk into the cottage and see Izzy laying on the sofa covered in blood.
"Izzy, we need to get you to the main house so Carlisle can sort you out." I say to her, walking over to the sofa and slowly picking her up.
"I'll be ok Jasper." Izzy says to me.
"Izzy your bleeding. What happened?" I ask her, walking to the main house with Izzy in my arms.
"I went into the bathroom and phoned one of my friends from Sunnydale as they asked me to, some girls was in there talking and they was talking about me and what I'd done. I walk out and told them its none of their business. Anyways, somebody pushed me into the bathroom and I pushed her off me, walked out the cubical and walked into some who had a knife. She stabbed me and I fell to the floor then she stabbed me again." Izzy says.
"Who was it?" I ask.
"Just some girls." Izzy says.
"What girls?" I ask her.
"Just some girls." Izzy says.
I walk up the stairs and throw the front door. "Omg Izzy what's happened?" Esme asks, when she sees me walking in with Izzy.
"I'm ok Esme. I'll heal soon." Izzy says.
"Why didnt you come straight here. Carlisle could come home from work." Esme says.
"No I'm ok." Izzy says.
I lay her down on the sofa. "Izzy please tell me who did this." I say to her.
"Them fucking bitches, who do they think they are? Why do they think they can do that?" I hear Edward saying getting out of his car.
"What's the matter Edward?" Esme asks, when he comes walking into the livingroom.
"He's been like this all the way home. We obviously could here him in our car." Rose says.
"The fucking britches. Somebody needs to teach them a lesson." Edward says again.
"Hello, Edward. Tell me what's the matter." Esme says.
I can feel anger coming off him. I wonder who's angered him? He doesn't normally get angry easily unless somebody has done something to his family.
"Them little bitches. They hurt her. I seen it in there minds. They knew Izzy was in the cubical and that's why they started saying stuff. They was obviously going on about the rumours about me and Izzy sleeping together and how a few hour before us Izzy slept with a random stranger. Izzy came out the toilet and said 'for you information he wasn't a stranger and it's none of your business.' The thoughts she was having about Izzy was horrid. Lauren was thinking about what Izzy would taste like. Jessica was thinking how cool it would be if something happened to Izzy and she got with Jasper. I seen what they did to her. Lauren pushed Izzy in the cubical and started touching her. Izzy was trying to push her off but she couldn't. Eventually Izzy pushed Lauren off and she walked out the cubical and into Jessica who was holding a knife. It went straight into Izzy's stomach. Izzy falls to the floor and Jessica stabbed her again in the back and Lauren stood on Izzy's face. They was trying to kill her so they could have Jasper." Edward says.
"How dare they try to kill my sister!" Emmett says, angrily.
"They are lucky I didn't go in there." Rose says.
"As if I would ever get with one of them." I say.
"Guys, I'm ok. I'll heal in to time." Izzy says, lifting up her dress. "See, healing already."
"I want to give you a scan first Izzy to make sure you've not got any internal damage." Carlisle says walking into the livingroom.
"I'm fine Carlisle. But if it will make you happy than that's fine." Izzy says.
I pick Izzy up and walk up the stairs to Carlisle's office. I open the door and lay Izzy on the hospital bed. Carlisle comes in and starts getting everything set up.
"I'm going to put this jelly on your stomach and see if you have any damage to your organs." Carlisle says.
He scans Izzy's stomach. He looks a little worried about something but doesn't say anything.
"You have scars but nothing is open." Carlisle says.
"Scars? How does she have scars?" I ask.
"I don't know. It doesn't look like something that was caused by today's incident." Carlisle says.
"Izzy do you know?" I ask her.
She looked at me, she's trying to think of how she could have scars. "No." Izzy says.
"I'll check your records. I'll ring the hospital now and ask them to send me your records." Carlisle says.
"You don't need to do that. I haven't got much on my record. Don't see a doctor much." Izzy says.
"I still want to see them." Carlisle says.
He walks to his phone and rings a number.
"Hello, this is nurse Sasha at Forks Hospital. How may I help?" Sasha says.
"Hello Sasha, it's Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I would like you to send me over a patients file please. She's a friend of my kids and she's been poorly so I've been looking after her and I want to see her file." Carlisle says.
"Yes, I will get them sent over right away. You should recieve them in a few minutes." Carlisle says.
"Thank you Nurse Sasha." Carlisle says.
"Bye Dr Cullen hope you have a lovely evening." Sasha says putting the phone down.
Just then Carlisle's computer pinged.
He opens the notification and has a look through it.
"How strange. From the age of 1 years to 12 years there is no record. Then from 12 to now there is very little." Carlisle says.
"When I lived with Renee I never needed to go hospital, since being with Charlie and being abused I've needed to but only for bad stuff." Izzy says.
"It's says at 12 you broken your arm, got a head trauma and a broken jaw. At age 14 you had a operation but it doesn't say what operation. Do you know?" Carlisle says.
"I do know but nobody else does. I don't want anyone to know." Izzy says.
She's hiding something from me. I wonder what it is?
"Izzy I need to know. Wait here it says you was pre....." Carlisle started.
"No!" Izzy shouts.
"Jasper, could you give me and Izzy a few minutes please." Carlisle says.
I nod my head and walk out the room. I walk out the door and shut it behind me. I stood outside the door. Izzy must have her shield up because I can't hear them talking. I wonder what it is she is keeping from me.
10 minutes later the door opens and Izzy comes walking out. I look at her and Carlisle.
"She's healed nicely. She can go back to school tomorrow if she wants." Carlisle says.
"Yes I am going back to school tomorrow." Izzy says.
She walks up the stairs to our room. I follow her and she walks over to the bed and lays down. "I'm going to take a bath. Would you like to join me?" Izzy asks.
"Sure." I say.
I walk into the bathroom and start running the bath. I put bubbles in the water. When the bath is ran I turn it off. Izzy comes into the bathroom and gets out her clothes. She gets in the bath and sits down. She whines a little as its hot. "You getting in or what?" Izzy asks.
I take off my clothes and slide in behind her. I pull her closer to me and start rubbing her shoulders.
We cuddle in the bath for ages. We don't talk we just sit in silence and enjoy the hot water on our skin. Izzy closes her eyes and relaxes into me.
I lay back and close my eyes and relax as well. I love having a bath and relaxing.
I hear Izzy's breathing even out and know she's fell asleep in the bath. I'm not going to wake her yet. I'll just lay here with her.
After 4 hours, somebody knocks on the door.
"In the bathroom with Izzy." I say quietly so I don't wake Izzy.
I hear the bedroom door open and hear somebody walking towards the bathroom door. The bathroom door opens and Rose sticks her head round the door. "Just thought I'd let you know its 6.30am. Thought you would like to know so you can get ready for school." Rose says.
"Thanks Rose. I'll wake Izzy up now." I say.
Rose walks out the room and I slowly move from behind Izzy. She jumps awake. "Sorry." I say.
"What time is it?" Izzy asks.
"6.30am. We need to start getting ready for school." I say walking out the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
I go to the wardrobe and pull out a pair of black jeans, a light blue t-shirt and a white jumper. I also get out my black cowboy boots. I get dried and dressed and walk out the bedroom as Izzy is coming out the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
I walk downstairs and sit on the sofa to wait for my siblings and Izzy.
"Hopefully she will be ok today." Esme says.
"Yes I hope she will." I say.
I don't want anything to happen to her today in the toilets.
Izzy comes walking down the stairs in a pink crop top, some denim jeans and pink cowboy boots. She has her hair down and curly and is wearing a cowboy hat. She looks like a proper cowgirl.
"Hey Cowgirl." I say to her, walking over and kissing her.
"Hey my Cowboy." She replied kissing me back.
The others walk down the stairs and Izzy gets her back before we go to the garage. Rose and Emmett hope in Emmetts Jeep. Edward gets in his Volvo and me and Izzy jump in my Jeep. I'm driving me and Izzy to school just in case she needs to come home.
We get to school and get out our cars. We stand around and Izzy decided to lay on my bonnet. Other people start coming into the school. I see a car that I haven't seen before. I can't really see who's driving it. They don't feel nervous or anything about being here. I see a girl with blonde hair get out the car. The car drives off, she got a lift.
"I wonder who that was?" I hear a girl say who just got out the car.
"Did you see who was driving? Damn he was fine." Another girl says.
When the bell rings me and Izzy goes to our locker and heads to our first lesson.

Izzy's P.O.V

I heard people talking about a new girl. I haven't seen her yet. She wasn't in any of my lessons. My first 2 lessons was ok. They went fast like normal. I'm current staring at the clock waiting for it to ring. I'm in 3rd lesson and I've finished my work. I'm doodling in a note book I have.
"Did you spot the new girl at break?" I hear a girl say in front of me.
"I had a glimpse. Did you see who drove her to school?" Another girl says.
"He was fine. He looks older though." Somebody else says.
The bell rings and I put my book and pen away, I stand up and wait For Jasper. We went to history class. I love history class. We walk in silence. When we get to history class, I walk in and sit at the back. The teacher came in and said we was watching a film today. I relaxed at the back of the class.
"Izzy, at lunch I don't want you going to the bathroom on your own." Jasper says whispering.
"Why not? I'm ok Jasper. I can look after myself." I say to him.
"I know but I don't want you getting hurt." Jasper says.
"I'll be ok." I say cuddling up to him.
History went fast. I'm now walking to the cafeteria with Jasper and Edward. We met Edward at his locker and he said Rose messaged saying they will be a little late.
We walk into the cafeteria and walk to our table. I stand up and go to the food line. I grab a chicken and bacon pasta salab with a coke can. I pay for my food and go to the table. When I joined the table Rose and Emmett was there.
I put my food on the table and walk to the bathroom. I'm going to the bathroom myself as I don't need to be babysat. I'm capable of looking after myself. I walk into the bathroom and straight into a cubical. I use the toilet.
I just remember what day it is today. Today is 23rd June. I can't belive that. Today my Son would have been 3 years old. I get out the little bag of coke I have in my pocket and have a line. I walk out the cubical and wash my hands and face. I turn around and slam into somebody. Fuck. It's Lauren.
"Hey slag, didn't think you would be in today for saying you was bleeding loads yesterday." Lauren says.
"I'm ok now. I'm not going to let that stop me." I say.
Lauren grabs my hair and starts pulling my head down. She whacked my head of the sink and pushed me into the cubical.
"I love this Izzy. You love it so rough." Lauren says.
She shuts and locks the cubical door and starts removing my top and shorts. Not again. Not today. I don't want to loose control.
Lauren starts touching me in places she shouldn't and kisses my neck. I push her off me and she squeezes my breasts really hard.
I just let her do it. When she's had enough she hits me in the face and walks out. Jessica comes behind me and pushes me to the floor. She stands on my back.
They both start laughing and walk out. I sit there and get dressed again. When I feel like I'm calm, I walk out the bathroom and head back to the cafeteria. I walk through the door and see a woman with blonde hair sitting next to my Jasper and talking to the Cullen's. I start to smell her scent. I know her.
"B, what are you doing her? Why you talking to my friends?" I ask her walking up and giving her a hug.
"Iza, we are all here. Only I am in school today." Buffy says.
"Everyone?" I ask raising a eyebrow. She knows what I mean.
I see the Cullen's looking at me for an explanation. She's my friend from Sunnydale. She's a slayer.
"Yes. All of us." Buffy says.
"B, are they here?" I ask.
They as in Spike and Angel. I don't want to see Angel at the moment. Something happened between us and he doesn't know. I kept it from him. I wish I didn't but I did.
"Yes." Buffy simply replies.
"Why?" I ask getting a little angry.
"We need your help and we have come to help you." Buffy says.
"Why are you here talking to the Cullen's? Why are they in Forks? They don't need to be." I say.
"I wanted to say hello to your friends and they are here Iza because they want to help you." Buffy says.
"Don't think about it." I say to Buffy.
She was giving me a look, she was going to tell them about her and about my past with Angel and Spike.
"What?" Buffy says innocently.
"They don't know. Leave them alone." I say to her.
"Don't you think you should?" Buffy asks.
"No!" I shout, my shaking. That's how angry I was.
Don't give me your attitude." Buffy says.
"Where are they?" I ask, on about Spike and Angel.
"At our home." Buffy says.
"Where is that?" I ask.
"In the woods." Buffy replies.
"Where?" I ask again.
"About 4 mile from another house. It's got glass walls around it." Buffy says.
"No, no, no, no. B, they can't be." I say to her.
"Well they are. I needed your help and I couldn't leave them in Sunnydale. Everyone is here, me, Dawn, Xander, Willow, Anya them and Giles." Buffy says.
"Get them out. I need to talk to you alone." I say to her dragging her out the cafeteria.
Me and Buffy walk out the cafeteria and intk the school park.
"Buffy, they know nothing about you or them. They don't know about my past with Spike or Angel. I don't want them too. I don't want them to know some stuff. God you don't even know it all." I say.
Buffy's mouth starts to say something but then she closes it again.
"Iza, I need you help and I wanted to get to know your imprint and his family. And we want to help you." Buffy says.
"What do you need my help with? And I don't need any help. I don't mind you talking to them but don't say anything about my relationship with Angel or Spike." I say to her.
"I wouldn't do that anyways. But I would love to meet the rest of the family and for them to meet mine." Buffy says.
"You didn't answer my question." I say.
"There is a vampire somewhere. I don't know who she's after but she keeps coming to Sunnydale and the goes away." Buffy says.
"Do you know who she is? Where she goes?" I ask.
"I don't know who she is or where she goes. I just know that she's been turning people." Buffy says.
"Can't Spike or Angel find out. That's what they used to do?" I ask.
"No, everytime they try she nearly kills them. Ive tried killing her but I can't. I might need your help and also your family's help." Buffy says.
"Ok. If we help they are going to have to meet everyone. This is something I don't want. Jasper knows about them. Jasper knows I slept with Angel behind his back. Well, he won't know it's them as I used there birth name so he won't know if they say there names now." I say to her.
"Come to the house after school. You bring all your family and we will talk." Buffy says.
"Ok. I'll try. I'll ring you when I get home and hear what they say. Don't mention Angel or Spike to them ok. If they ask about my past in Sunnydale they are called Liam and William. That's it." I say to her.
"Sure. The bell just rang. I gotta go back to the cafe to get my bag. You coming." Buffy asks.
"No, I'm not. If you see Jasper or anybody tell them I should be back later and if not I'll see them when they get home." I say, I turn away and walk into the woods.
I run in the direction of our house but run past it to Buffy's house.
When I get to Buffy's house I can smell them straight away. Angel's scent is stronger. I knock on the door and walk in.
"Hello, where is everyone?" I ask.
Somebody comes running down the stairs and wraps me in a big hug.
"Hey Iza." Dawn says.
I turn around and hug her back. "Hey Dawny." I say to her.
"Everyone Iza is here. Come say hello." Dawn shouts up the stairs.
I hear people moving about upstairs.
Willow, Xander, Anya and Giles come walking down the stairs. They each give me a hug.
"What you doing here Iza?" Willow asks.
"I've come to say hello and I've come to talk to Angel and Spike." I say.
"Hopefully you can sort them out. They've been arguing since Angel came back." Anya says.
"Again. Ain't they always. They always argue over Buffy." I say to them. It's the truth. Since I'm not here anymore they argue over Buffy. That's why me and Angel split in the first place.
"Not about her this time. It's you." Xander says.
"I'll fucking bang there heads together." I say to them.
They laugh and somebody came through the back door.
"Bag who's head together?" Angel asks.
"Both of yours. Arguing over me." I say to them.
Spike comes over to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, what can we say. We both want your heart." Spike says.
"Well none of you will ever have my heart. It belongs to my imprint." I say to them.
"Why are you here?" Angel asks.
"I've come to talk to you and Spike. Seen Buffy in school today. I'm not very happy that you are both here. I don't want you ruining what I have with my imprint. I've already done that myself. My imprint doesn't know much about my past in Sunnydale. I've told my imprint everyone names apart from both of you. He asked me about my relationships so I told him of my relationship with Liam and William. Buffy has said that you need my help and you may also need my imprints help along with his family. So they are coming here later. When you speak to them you are not them people. You do not talk about your birth names. I told my imprint how I slept with Liam the other night being his back." I say to them.
"We won't say anything. We want you to be happy." Willow says.
"Your not happy though are you. Your take drugs again and your drinking loads again. That means your unhappy." Dawn says.
"Dawn your to young to understand. I'm happy. My imprint has made me happy. I'm just relying on it for a few more days to get me through all the bad stuff. Your lucky, you have a lovely sister who loves you and you have all these who love you and wouldn't let you get hurt. Ever since I can remember, I've been hurt by everyone at some point. I don't have people who are there for me. I only have me. I'm the only person I can rely on." I say to her.
"That isn't an excuse Iza to be using. You have us and you also have your imprints family. We are there for you and I'm sure they are." Dawn says.
"You all there for me. Not all the time your not. I have to call you when I need you and sometimes your to busy. My imprint can't always be there for me. People are still going to hurt me. You don't know the first thing that's happened in my life." I say to them.
"We are there when you need us Iza. That's why we are here." Xander says.
"Don't bullshit me. Buffy has already told me you need my help. If you didn't need my help where would you be right now? In Sunnydale sorting out something else. Or helping out one of your own. I'm not really in that mix anymore since I left. Since I had to leave. I have to call you and ask for help and you will give it me if you can. Since you are here Buffy said you will help me but I don't need your help. I'm perfectly fine." I say to them.
"No your not. Your in pain Iza. Your hurting and we can see that. We know your parents died but you should be happy. At least now Charlie can't hurt you. You didn't see me and Buffy using when our mother died." Dawn says.
"No you didn't need to. You had everyone there. You had Buffy. You had Giles. You had Willow. You had Xander. God, you even had Spike. And Buffy had Angel. Who did I have but myself. Where was everyone then. You all piss me off. You all say we are there for you. We love you Iza. But then you all pick Buffy. And I get it. She's not fucked like me. She's not broken like me. She's perfect. She's strong and brave. I'm nothing." I say to them, starting to shake.
"Iza, calm down before you phrase." Angel says coming over toe and putting his hand on my arm.
"Don't fucking touch me! While your in Forks I want you to leave me alone. I will bring my imprint and his family round later if they want to come round and you can introduce yourself but don't talk to me or about me. I won't be here. I'll just bring them." I say, running out the house. I phrase as soon as I get out the front door. I run in the woods and decide to have a little hunt while I'm at it. I follow the scent of a deer and take it down. When I'm done I head back to the house. As I phrased due to being pissed off, I ripped my clothes so I can't phrase back to human. When I get to the house and slowly walk up the front steps and lay on the steps until either Esme comes and brings me some or until the others come home from school.
I'm not lay there long before I hear a set of pounding feet. I see Seth and Embry running towards the house in wolf form. Since I'm alpha the wolves are aloud on this side if I'm here and they need me.
'Boys what are you doing here?' I ask in my mind.
'Izzy Sam has sent us. Jake has been hurt and your not in La Push so Sam has took over at the moment on your say so. There was a vampire in La Push and he hurt Jake. Jake phrased straight away and the vampire guy looked so shocked. He ran away afterwards. He doesn't look like the other vampires we have encountered.' Seth says.
'What did this vampire look like?' I ask. It best not be Angel or Spike otherwise I'm going to fucking kill them.
Embry replayed the scene from Sam's mind.
Sam and Jake was on patrol and Jake picked up a smell he'd never smelled before. He started running in the direction on the scent and spotted a vampire, he was tall, muscular and had black hair. Jake ran at him and the vampires face changed. The vampire now had fangs. He put his arms around Jake and squeezed his ribs. Jake started to shake and he started changing into his human form. The vampire dropped his hands and looked at Jake in surprise and horror. He ran into the woods the other way.
'Go back to La Push. Tell Sam to keep his eyes on Jake and to run the pack for a while. If you need me ill be here.' I say to them.
They start running back to La Push. I hear the guys cars start driving down the drive. I need to go see Angel. I'm going to kill him.
I get off the steps and run to Buffy's house. As soon as I get to Buffy's house I phrase into my human form and walk straight through the door.
"Where the fuck is he? I'm going to fucking kill him." I say walking through the livingroom, shaking.
"Who?" Dawn asks.
"Move away from her Dawn. She could phrase any minute and hurt you." Willow says.
"Angelus." I say.
"Out back why?" Xander says.
I ignore them and strom through the back door.
"Angelus, I'm going to kill you. How dare you? How dare you go onto my land and hurt my pack brother." I say to him, walking up to him and hitting him.
"Iza, I didn't know there was a pack of you. I though he was a wolf. When I seen him change I left. I didn't mean to hurt him." Angel says.
"You've broke his bones. He was my second in command. He was looking after my pack while I wasn't there. Now the pack has gone to the third in command. Sam. You know who I mean. He's now running the pack. All because you hurt Jake." I say to him hitting him again.
"Iza, calm down he didn't mean it." Spike says on my ear dragging me off Angel.
"Stay off La Push all of you otherwise next time I will kill you. All the wolves you see in Forks are my pack. Shifters. There isn't wolves here other than them." I say and shift into my wolf form and run back to our house. When I get there, I see Jasper sitting on the front steps with some clothes in his hand. I walk over to him and he hands me the clothes. I phrase right there and change. I put on the black leggings and pink crop top Jasper got me.
"Everyone has said they will be willing to meet your friends. If you could let them know we will be ok to go anytime after 6 when Carlisle finishes work." Jasper says to me.
"Are you sure? You don't have to." I say to him.
"Izzy they are your friends and they need help. Although I'm not sure what with." Jasper says.
"Maybe they will tell you when you go there. I will take you to there house but I will wait outside." I say.
"I would feel better if you was with us in there Izzy." Jasper says to me.
"Fine. But I'm staying near the door." I say.
"Izzy what's up? Where did you go?" Jasper asks.
"Jake's been hurt so now Sam is in charge as I'm not in La Push. And I went to Buffy's to see my old friends and tell them that you may meet them." I say to him.
Jasper nods his head. I pull out my phone and ring Buffy.
"Hey B." I say to her when she answers the phone.
"Don't hey B me. What do you think you was doing coming here. You could of hurt Dawn." Buffy says.
"I wouldn't hurt Dawn. I'm not a new wolf. I know how to control myself." I say to her.
"You scared Dawn when you started shouting and hitting Angel. She's never seen you like that." Buffy says.
"He will survive and she didn't have to watch." I say to her.
"What do you want anyways?" Buffy says changing the topic.
"Jasper has told me to let you know him and his family is willing to meet you and the others after Carlisle finishes work at 6pm." I say to her.
"Ok. Shell we say 6.30pm?" Buffy asks.
"Sure. B, I'm just letting you know now that I'm going to stay by the door. I was just going to bring them and wait outside but Jasper wants me to be there." I say.
"Ok. I'll let them know and we will see you at 6.30" Buffy says putting the phone down.
It's 4pm now so I have 2 and a half hours to kill. I walk into the house and go up to my room. I walk to my wardrobe and find a dress that Angel brought me years ago. I forgot I have this. It's a light purple dress, that has a slit in the sides and just below the chest. It comes just below my bum as well. I have matching high heels and a bag to go with it as well. I also find another dress. It's the same but in hot pink. I get the both out with the matching shoes and bag. I don't know which to wear. I walk into my bathroom and take a shower. I turn on the shower and take my clothes off and get into the shower. I start humming a song in my head. I wash my hair and then I see the bathroom door open.
Jasper comes into the bathroom. "Would you mind if I joined you?" Jasper asks.
"Sure." I reply to him.
He gets out his clothes and comes and gets in the shower with me.
I finish washing my hair and start washing my body.
"Izzy why was Buffy upset that you went to hers?" Jasper asks.
"Because I got angry and I was shaking. Her sister Dawn, who I'm close to or at least was got a little scared as she's never seen me like that before and Buffy thought that I would phrase and her Dawn." I say to him.
"Oh right. Why was you angry?" Jasper asks.
"They lied to me. Said they was here to help me when I questioned them." I say to him.
"Oh right ok." Jasper says.
I carry on washing my body and the just stand under the shower for a while.
"Baby, I'm sorry that I've been hurting you. I do love you." I say to him.
He looks at me and gives me a funny look. Why is he looking at me like that?
"Baby?" He asks.
"Well would you rather me call you Jasper, Baby or Babe." I say to him.
"Any but you've never called me Baby or babe before." Jasper says.
"I know but I thought I would now." I say to him.
"Ok." He says.
I get out the shower and grab a towel. I wrap my hair in a towel and wrap a towel around my body. I pick my clothes up off the floor and put them in the laundry basket.
"Princess, would you put my clothes in there too please. I love you too." Jasper says.
I smile at him. Princess. Angel used to call me that. If he hears me and Jasper calling each other that he's going to be really jealous.
"Princess?" I ask.
"Yes. Your my princess." Jasper says.
"Your my Prince Charming." I say to him.
I walk out the bathroom and see Rose sitting on my bed. I didn't hear her come in and Jasper never mentioned anything either.
"Rose are you ok?" I ask her.
"Izzy, I'm not to sure about this. I don't know if I trust your friend. There's something about her I don't like." Rose says.
"Rose, she wouldn't hurt you and neither would the rest of them. For 1 I wouldn't let them and for 2 they wouldn't want to loose me or make me there enemy and 3 there are some people in that house that would actually kill them for hurting me." I say to her.
"Will you be there with us? To keep us safe." Rose asks.
Looks like I'm going to have to go in and be relaxed myself for them to relax.
"Would you relax more if I was there?" I ask her.
"Yes but it wouldn't just be me also Esme is feeling a little nervous meeting them." Rose says.
"Don't worry I'll be there and trust me they wouldn't hurt you. I actually thing you would get on with 1 of them. So would Emmett to be honest. Jasper on the other hand probably not. Everyone else I think will." I say to her.
"Why not Jasper?" Rose asks.
"Long story. Maybe I'll tell you another time." I say to her.
Rose nods and walks out the room. It's 5pm so I have a hour and half to get dressed, do my hair and put my make up on. I'm going to have a quick talk to them as well to make them aware about some of them and to make Edward aware to try not look into there minds.
Jasper comes out the bathroom and goes to the wardrobe. "Princess what are you wearing? I hope its not a towel." Jasper says with a laugh.
"I can't make up my mind whether to wear this dress or this one." I say holding them up.
"You should wear the purple one. I like that and it's your favourite colour." Jasper says.
"Ok. Thank you." I say.
Looks like I'm wearing the dress Angel got me a few years ago. He's gonna be so jealous. Well not just Angel so is Spike. I hope they don't fuck about and start arguing.
I walk over to my dressing table and dry my hair with the hair dryer. When my hair is dry, I take out my purple hair extensions and start box braiding my hair and putting in the extentions. When I've done my hair I do my make up using purple eye shadow and a light pink lipstick. When my make up is applied I get dressed. I don't put a bra on with my dress as you would see it. I get out a pair of purple thongs and put them on then put my dress on. I put my shoes on and grab my bag. I open the door and walk downstairs.
Everyone is sat downstairs but Jasper. Carlisle and Esme are sat on the love seat on the left. Rose and Emmett are sat on the love seat on the right. Edward is sat in the chair and I sit on the sofa. When Jasper comes down he sits next to me and grabs my hand.
"I want to tell you something before we go to Buffy's house to meet what she calls her family but just friends. I can't go into to much detail but I want to let you know that they ain't all human." I say.
"What do you mean?" Emmett asks.
"I can't say to much they will hopefully tell you but only a few of them are human. In Sunnydale there is other beings that people only think is legend. Like vampires. There are others in Sunnydale. That's where I first found out about vampires." I say.
"Are you trying to say we are going into the home of other vampires?" Edward asks.
"I can't say. I promised them I wouldn't. They will tell you when they are ready. I can promise you that they won't hurt you. They know your my family and they know my past. They won't want to hurt me as they know what would happen." I say to them.
"Ok. As long as my family dont get hurt." Carlisle says.
"They won't. I wouldn't take you there if I thought they would hurt you. Also Edward whatever you do try and not use your gift. They wouldn't like that and to be honest I don't think you would like what you heard anyways." I say to him.
Edward nods his head at me in understand.
"How far away do they live?" Esme asks.
"Not far. About 4 mile that way." I say point to the left of the house.
"How many people or things are in that house?" Rose asks.
"They are all people Rose. Please remember that. I want you to get on. They are my friends. Sometimes I see them as family. But there are 7 maybe 8 in the house." I say to them.
"Should we leave now?" Carlisle asks.
"Sure." I say. We all get up and walk out the front door.

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