my principal (Patrick Stump)

By QueenBrebearDiyQueen

1.2K 95 0

this is a story about a principal falling in love with his student. will they get in trouble or stay in love... More

2 intro
3 monday
4 Tuesday
5 Wednesday
6 the weekend
7 next week
8 Tuesday
9 Wednesday
10 Thursday
11 the weekend
12 Saturday
13 Monday 🖤
14 Tuesday
15 Wednesday
16 Thursday
17 a month later
18 Saturday
19 Monday
20 Friday
21 Saturday
22 Sunday
23 a couple of months later
24 Tuesday 🖤
25 Thursday
26 Friday
27 next year
28 Tuesday
29 Wednesday
30 Friday
31 Saturday
32 Sunday
33 Monday 🖤
34 Tuesday
35 Friday
36 Saturday
37 Sunday
38 a couple of months later
39 Tuesday
40 Friday
41 Saturday
42 the last week of school 🖤
43 Tuesday
44 Wednesday
45 friday seniors last day
46 Saturday
47 sunday
48 next week
49 friday graduation
50 graduation party
51 Sunday
52 monday
53 a month later
54 day one of trip monday
55 day two Tuesday
56 day three Wednesday 🖤
57 day four Thursday
58 day five Friday
59 day six Saturday
60 day seven sunday
61 day eight Monday
62 going home Tuesday
63 a two months later
64 Tuesday
65 Wednesday
66 Thursday
67 Friday
68 Saturday
69 Sunday
71 Thursday
72 Monday
73 Thursday
74 Friday
75 Saturday
76 Monday
77 a month later
78 Tuesday
79 Wednesday
80 Friday
81 Saturday
82 a couple weeks later
83 Patrick stump
84 Tuesday
85 Friday
86 a couple of months later
87 friday
88 Saturday
89 Monday
90 Friday
91 Saturday
92 Sunday
93 a couple of years later
94 the end

70 next week

7 1 0
By QueenBrebearDiyQueen


Unfortunately the guys are going on tour and I am absolutely not ready because I'm really gonna miss Patrick and the guys when they leave.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into my bathroom and closed the door I used the restroom then headed back into my room and yawned.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable my phone started ringing and I grabbed my phone and answered it and said hello Patrick said Bella I love you.

I sat up and said Patrick I love you too he said the bus will be here in twenty minutes I said hold on I hung up and got out of bed and put my shoes on and headed downstairs and ran towards the front door.

I unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out of the front door and closed it and ran to Patrick's house and started banging on his door he quickly answered it and he hoisted me up and closed the door.

Patrick locked the front door and walked into his living room I noticed his bags next to the door Patrick had a couple shirts and a jacket hanging on his chair.

Patrick sat down with me wrapped around him I pulled back and said I love you so much Patrick he said I love you more Bella and he leaned down and kissed me.

Patrick pulled back and we took a couple pictures together then he put his phone down and I rested my head on his shoulder we talked about random shit and laughed together.

A little while later Patrick's phone started ringing and he answered it and sighed and said alright and hung up me and Patrick headed outside and his bus was waiting in front of his house.

Patrick locked his door and he put his stuff on his suitcase Patrick cupped my cheeks and started kissing me passionately I moaned slightly and he pulled back and said I will talk to you all the time bells.

Patrick grabbed his suitcase and handed me his shirts Patrick walked onto the bus and turned and looked at me and said I love you Bella I said I love you more Patrick.

He smiled and walked in and closed the door and the bus drove away I felt like my heart got ripped in half it took everything in me to not break down and scream.

I went back home and locked the front door and headed upstairs and went into my room and closed the door and put my phone down.

I put Patrick's shirts on my chair and took off my shoes and climbed into bed and got wrapped up in my blanket and felt like I wanted to die a little.

I fell asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast.

My mom also made coffee then she fed midnight then she continued cooking breakfast for us a little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched and felt like shit.

I got out of bed and felt like my body wanted to give out on me I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications Patrick sent me a picture of him ans the band and said we miss you I smiled and texted him back and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

My mom said holy shit bella you ok I looked at her and said Patrick left this morning she dropped the spoon and said oh my God are you serious.

I said yea in a weak voice my mom finished cooking and turned off the stove and gave me a hug and kissed my head and said its gonna be ok bella I started crying and my mom said my baby.

I pulled back and said am I gonna be ok mom she said yes Bella I said ok and made a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.

My mom made a cup of coffee and food then she sat down at the table and started eating breakfast I played on my phone then I put it down on the table.

My mom said when did Patrick leave I said around 2 am she said Jesus that's early I sighed and said yea I know I looked at the table and zoned out.

My mom was busy talking to me but I didn't hear anything she said she looked at me and sighed and said poor bella.

My mom tapped my shoulder and I jumped and she said I'm sorry I said yea she said you ok I said yea I just zoned out she said yea I noticed I was just worried about you.

I said I just miss Patrick a lot she said I bet and she started rubbing my back to make me feel better but it wasn't working I still feel like shit.

After my mom finished eating breakfast she got up and started working on the dishes while I sat at the table and thought about me and Patrick.

I grabbed my phone and called Patrick and he answered and said hey babe I said how are you guys he said we are a couple of hours away from our first venue I said oh fun.

Patrick said I miss you I felt my eyes watering and said me too he said I love you Bella I said I love you more Patrick he smiled and said I'm gonna talk to you for a while ok.

I laughed and said ok my mom was busy washing dishes and smiling while I talked to Patrick midnight was running around the house meowing loudly.

Patrick started laughing and said is the cat ok I said I have no idea anymore me and Patrick started laughing together and it felt really nice to hear his laugh again.

After my mom finished washing the dishes she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and looked for something to watch I stayed in the kitchen and talked to Patrick.

A little while later Patrick had to go so I hung up and put my phone down on the table and layed my head down I felt my eyes watering I said why dies this suck so much.

I sighed the table felt cool against my skin midnight started rubbing against my leg and meowed loudly I said hi midds she meowed and jumped on the table.

Midnight started rubbing against my head and purred loudly I felt my heart break slightly I felt my eyes watering slightly I said fuck I hate this so much.

I sat up and my cheeks were wet I bit my lip and started crying I got out of the chair and walked over to my mom and layed on her lap and continued crying.

My mom started rubbing my hair and said it's gonna be ok bella he will be home before you know it midnight jumped on my stomach and layed down and got comfortable.

My mom said it's ok bells I couldn't stop crying I covered my face and I couldn't breathe my mom called Patrick and put him on speaker he said Bella hey its ok babe I'm here.

I uncovered my face and continued sobbing midnight jumped off the couch and I rolled over and buried my face in the couch cushions Patrick sighed and said this sucks so much.

My mom said I have never seen her this sad before Patrick said yea I know and it's killing me how I can't be there and hold her while she cries.

I stopped crying then I rolled over and looked at my mom she said Bella your gonna be fine I promise I started laughing and said it doesn't feel like it will get better she said I know it doesn't.

Patrick said Bella beans I laughed and said yea he said I love you I said I love you more Patrick he smiled and said we are gonna be ok I promise just steal my clothes when you want.

I smiled and said ok and bit my lip and looked down he said go outside my house and look for my house key I got up and walked out of the house and walked over to Patrick's house.

A couple minutes later I found the house key and made sure his door was locked I headed home and locked the front door my mom said did you find it I said yea.

I went upstairs and put it on my night stand I looked at Patrick's shirts and smiled and bit my lip and said I'm gonna go crazy soon.

I sighed and went downstairs and layed on the couch my mom talked to Patrick until he had to get ready for a show my mom put on a movie to distract me.

The rest of the day went by extremely slow I cried a couple more times and my mom helped calm me down I ate food then I headed upstairs and went into my room.

I used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and plugged my phone in and turned on my TV and looked for something to watch.

A couple of hours later my mom came upstairs and went into my room and said Bella you ok I sighed and said yea I will be she said ok love you.

I said love you more mom she closed my door and headed into her room and went to bed for the night I turned off my TV and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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