Once a cheater, always a chea...

By pollewop01

1.3K 44 218

~ Maybe it looks all over dramatic, but if you know that this isn't the first time he pulls this shit, would... More

1. Drunk mistake
2. Fight
3. Text
4. Harry
5. Stepbro
6. boyfriend
7. The truth can be hard
8. The idea
9. hate him
10. Breath
11. Cheater!
12. FUCK!
13. My day
14. The bitch Call
15. Clothes stress
16. Revenge
17. Realisation
18. Hangover
20. tomato
21. Let the hell begin
22. Happy family
23. Not your fault
24. Where is he?
25. Break down
26. Stars
27. I'm here
28. We'll be fine
29. Shower?
30. Illegal
31. Gonna miss you
32. Not a goodbye
33. Worried
34. Told someone
35. Remember me
36. Pinky promise
37. Hide
38. The bigger the ego, the smaller the dick
39. Adrians house

19. Can we talk?

35 1 13
By pollewop01

Hello lovelies,
I actually wanted to do a double update yesterday but I also wanted to make this chapter long, but then it became very late and I needed to choose -_- (I'm really bad at choosing :(, just that you know)
either a long chapter or a double update... and I choose a long chapter!
So, here you go! I hope you guys like it!
Have fun reading!!

(I know, I know... that took me long, wayyy to long! but BE HAPPY OR SOMETHING!! I did it! Hehe, and you probably gonna like it)

"Emma!" I hear my moms voice
"W-what do you want?" I go straight to the point, I'm not gonna talk small talk with her as if nothing had happened.

"You're not even gonna ask how I am?" She asks in a sarcastic voice.

"No, you don't deserve that... so what do you want, mother?" I repeat my question.

"Uhg, okay, fine.." she sounds like a little child "I had thought about what you said... about what I wanted..."

"And?" I roll my eyes, not in the mood to have a whole conversation with her

"I-I.... It maybe seemed not fair... but I... we... we thought it was the best, cuz it wasn't the first time... was it?"

"Mom, if you're only calling me to make me angry and have a whole discussion about this I'm gonna hang." I tell her, I feel anger bult inside me.

"But was it the first time?" She repeats her question.

I stay silence.
okay it wasn't the first time that I went out with friends and it wasn't the first time that I drank... but still! I am a teenager! What does she expect? Some teenagers are way worse!
Stan had come home drunk several times... maybe my parents don't know about every single time, but they know about at least two! And still, he's at home! They never kicked him out!

"Emma?" My mom shakes me out of my thoughts
"Mom" I spot her
"Was it the first time?" She repeats her question again.

I stay silence for a few seconds, thinking about what to say, and what's the best to say.
"Okay, fine... it wasn't the first time... but I think that every teenager does this... or even worse! Look at Stan... when he was my age he did it ALL. THE. TIME, and NEVER! You guys NEVER kicked him out of the house!" I feel anger boil inside me.

"I-I know... but that... that was different." She tries to defend herself

"NO MOM! IT WASN'T!" I snap at her

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." She doesn't mean it, at all! "B-but I wanted to call you, to know if you're safe... so, are you safe? Are you at Sophia's place?" She asks

"No mom, and what do you even care?! Just that you know, I'm at a boys place... and he treats me better than you've ever done! A FUCKING STRANGER TREATS ME BETTER THAN MY OWN PARENTS!" I start yelling

I hear my mother sob.
"I-I" she stammers

"I gotta go, mom, bye." I say as I feel tears well up in my eyes and I hang up.

I sit on the bed and feel a tear roll down my face.

Harry stands in the doorway, still in shock what just happened, but when he sees me cry he rushes over to me and gives me a tight hug.

We stay in this position for several moments until someone opens the door.

Samantha stands there, "um... we wanted ti ask if you guys wanted to come grocery shopping... but maybe it's not the best idea... we can go without you guys." She answers her own question.

"Yeah... you guys can go, we'll stay here" Harry answers her

"Okay" she says and leaves.

We stay silence for several seconds, maybe minutes, maybe even hours... okay not hours, but you get what I mean. When I hear my phone buz and I look at it. Someone had texted me and when I give it a good look I see that it's Adrian.

Wtf does he want?

Can we talk?
>okay, talk
Not over text
What you mean 'neh'?
>not in the mood to talk in real life
Common Emma! Please, only talking, we can do it by you! Idc!
>I said I'm not in the mood, can you now stfu

"Who was it?" Harry asks as I put my phone away


"Adrian? For real? What does he want?" He says a bit angry.

"He wanted to talk, but I said that I'm not in the mood." I simply answer

"Wait? What? Emma, maybe it id good if you talk to him!"


"Maybe he wants to explain everything... tell the truth? It's not like you have to be with him again!" He explains.

"True, but.. I don't know"

"You can try... I can bring you to the place where he wants to meet you... if that's the thing that's botters you."

"Uhg, okay... I'll talk to him." I give him a small sarcastic smile "now happy?"

"Yes!" He sarcastically says back

>fine, we can talk
Really? Thank you!! Where do you wanna meet? And when?
>let's get it over with... today? In about half an hour or some? Idc where
Okay! Sure! My place? Or??
>your place is fine.
Okay! See you then
>yeah, bye

I lock my phone again, Harry looks curiously at me
"And?" He asks
"In half an hour at his place" I sigh
"Okay! It's gonna be okay, I'll be their, waiting for you, okay?" He insures me

We sit in the car, the only sound is coming from the radio, some random as number from 1500 is playing... (not from 1500 but... you get what I mean! Some really old boring song that nobody knows)

When we arrive at Adrian's place Harry stops the car and turns at me.
"Yes" I sound curious, bleh
"What are we" he points between us "exactly?"

His question makes me think, and before I really know it I put my lips at his.
He's shocked for a second, but immediately gives in.

Our kiss is full of passion and lust, and I let out a soft moan against his lips.
In this second he enters my mouth with his tongue and soon enough our tongues are intertwined.

I want more, I need more, are the only things that I can think of.
My hands go through his hair and I softly pull it which make him groan against my mouth.
He pulls me closer and one hand is on my back as the other is on my neck. DAMN!! IT'S GETTING HOT IN HERE!!!!

We pull away to gasp for some air, and I immediately miss his lips on mine.
I'm dripping as fuck, like some waterfall. And I can see the bulge in his pants.

He comes close to me again, his lips brushing mine, I hear him breath heavily.
He starts kissing me again, this time more lust full.
He groans against my lips.

Fuck this meeting with Adrian! I want Harry! I need Harry!

"I need you" I moan against his lips
For fuck sake! I need him closer to me!
He pulls away again, quickly straightening his shirt.
"W-what about Adrian?" He asks as he gives me a lust full look
"Fuck him! I-I never wanted to talk to him in the first place... he can wait." I quickly answer as I try to come closer to him again

"Emma..." he almost whispers as he comes closer to me as well, our fore heads touching.

"Please" I beg him

"Emma..." he says again

"Hmm" I try to come even closer to him

"Not here, not in this car, you need to talk to Adrian." He slowly says

"I don't want him! I hate him! I never wanted to talk to him! Harry..." I beg him

"Emma... you need to know his story... and you need to tell him yours... what did you told me yesterday evening?" He asks

"I-I... your right... I need to talk to him..." I open the passenger door.
"Hmm" I turn my head again
Harry comes close to me again and gives me a fast kiss "tell him the truth, okay, love?" He says when he pulls away
"Okay" I climb out of the car

We sit at the table, Adrian hasn't said a word since I walked in.
"So... why'd you wanna talk?" I begin

"I need to apologise... it wasn't right to storm into the hospital and slap... Harry? In the face... I jumped to fast to conclusions... I... I just had a rough time and took it out on you, it wasn't right" he apologises

"Uuh... okay, thanks I guess... was this why you wanted to talk to me?" I ask, still a bit in shock from his sudden apology

"Well, not only that, I need to tell you something else as well" he replied, hoping he'll say the truth, that he cheated, but was drunk or something, I stay silence. "I've met someone..." I see him debate in his head on what to say.

"So? Good for you" I jokingly say "do you need my vow or something?" I tried to keep myself in, but couldn't resist it... I want him to tell the truth...

"Uh, no... I don't need your vow... I just..." I see him hesitate for a second "I just wanted to let you know... and I hope we can still be friends"

"W-what?" Shock spread across my face... did he just... did he even considered to tell the truth? Was it because of what I said?
"Yeah... sure... we can still be friends" I slowly say "I think I should go..."

"O yeah sure! I'll let you out." He stands up and walks towards the door, I follow a few seconds later, still processing what he said

"Thanks for coming and letting me talk, I'm really happy we can still be friends." He says as I walk out
"Bye!" He closes the door and I walk towards Harry's car still in shock.

"And? How did it went?" Harry asks as I climb into the car
"He told me... that he met someone... and he still wanna be friends..." i retorted
"What?" Harry shouts, clearly in shock
"Yep... but can we please not talk about it anymore? I-I just wanna go home." I ask
Of course, love." He starts the car and drives away, away from Adrian's house, away from that dick head.

We arrive at his home and I climb out of the car and walk towards the door, when I'm there I turn around to face Harry when I realise that he's still in the car.
"Are you coming?" I say loud enough so he can hear and I make a hand gesture for him to come. When he doesn't respond I walk back to the car, he opens the car window.
"Are you coming?" I ask again
In responds he leans out of the window and gives me a kiss.

I pull away
"Comeee... I wanna go inside" I beg him and put on my best puppy eyes
"Hmm, one more kiss." He says as he leans more out of the window. I give him a quick kiss
"Come" I say again as I try to open his car door.

"That's not fair!" He complains "that wasn't even a kiss"

"Come... first I wanna go inside, than you can kiss me as long as you want." I try to persuade him.
"Fine." He climbs out of the car and we walk to the door.

The minute we're inside and the door closes he starts kissing me.
He pushes me against the nearest wall and starts kissing me intense.
His tongue touching my bottom lip to ask for entrance, which I obviously give.
He starts pushing me against the wall even more, are our bodies against each other.
I can feel his bulge against my clit, and he makes me wetter every second.

I let out a soft moan as I gab his hair with my hands and softly pull af it. He groans in responds. GOD DAMN IT! THIS IS FUCKING HOT!!
I start pulling at his shirt, I need him closer! I need his hot body in mine, I want him, I need him.

We pull away to gasp for some air and immediately connect again. "Jump" he says in his raspy voice as he lets out another groan.

I immediately jump. His hands grabbing my but as he keeps kissing me.
I can feel his hard dick under me, but try to ignore it.

He starts walking but continues kissing me "w-where are we.. going?" I moan in his mouth
"Upstairs" he lets out another groan as he walks upstairs with me in his arms. He keeps on kissing me, which kinda scare me, cuz I don't wanna fall, but I don't stop the kiss.

Before I know it, we're in his room and he slowly drops me on his bed.
He starts kissing my neck leaving wet kisses.
He starts sucking and leaves a hickey
"Harry! No hickeys" I command as I let out another moan.
"Hmm, I need to let everyone know that your mine." He comes back to my face and starts kissing my lips again. I try to hold in a loud moan.
"I wanna hear you, baby" he groans "let me hear your beautiful moans"
I let out a loud moan and I instantly feel his cock get even harder on my clit.

I start to pull at his shirt and he quickly remove it, showing his light tanned chest.
"My eyes are up here, love" he says as he softly pulls my chin so I look in his eyes, those beautiful emerald green eyes.

He starts to kiss me again as he also pull af my shirt. We break our kiss and I get up a little bit so he can pull my shirt off.
He stares at my bra"Jezus..." he murmurs to himself
"My eyes are up here." I imitate him
He smirks at me and starts kissing me again, one of his hand slowly wandering to my clit while the other is on my breast.
I grab his hands and lead them to the hook of my bra, he gives a lust full look for a second and than un hooks it.

He throws my bra away leaving my chest bare naked.
He looks at it for a second and then start kissing me again, slowly going down to my neck and then my breast, taking one nipple in his mouth and starts sucking it.

I respond with a loud moan, making him suck even harder while his hands wander to my but.
He lets out my nipple and starts kissing down further, to my happy trail.

I let out another moan as I grab his hair and pull at it, making him groan in respons.

when he gets to my pants he looks at me uncertainly.
"M-may I?" He ask
I nod in responds, feeling tears well up in my eyes, I need him, I need him now!
"Words, love, I need to hear you say it" he demands in a soft voice
"Y-yes, please! Take me" I cry out
He starts to unbutton my pants and I lift my hips so he can take my pants of reviewing my black panties.
"L-love?" He comes back to me, his fore head touching mine "I totally forgot... you're on your period."

I let out a soft whimper, FUCK
"Do you still want it?" He slowly asks, lust still in his eyes but I can also see some worry
"Y-yes..." I nod like crazy

"Okay... I'll get a cloth or something so it won't go all over the bed, and I'll go slow on you, okay?" He says as he kisses my head and quickly gets up to get a cloth.
A few seconds pass and he quickly comes back.
He starts kissing me again, a passionated and slow kiss.
His hands wondering to my panties and he slowly pulls them off showing my red swollen clit.
He slowly starts rubbing it

He goes down, sucking my nipple really short as he goes to my happy trail and, giving wet kisses on it and then goes to my clit. He starts to suck it and I let out a loud long moan.

I pull even more at his hair, and he lets out a low soft moan as well. THAT WAS SO FUCKING HOT!

He slowly puts his tongue in my entrance making me moan even more "your so fucking wet" he murmurs "so fucking wet"

He starts to put his tongue even deeper inside me, stretching me out and making us moan both.
He rubs my clit with his tump as he goes in deeper with his tongue and starts eating me out. I feel a orgasme bult inside me. I let out another loud moan. "F-fuck, Harry" I moan

I arche my back in pleasure, and my toes curl, as I feel by orgasme bult up.
Before I can even warn him I come in his mouth and all over his face. He slowly pulls out and I look down at his face seeing him licking some cum that was dripping out of his mouth. THAT. WAS. SO. FUCKING. HOT.
"Your sweet, lovie." He groans. "So fucking sweet"

He crawls back to me and gives me a loved kiss.
"I-I need... you" I say out of breath.
He kisses me deeper and he lets out a soft moan.

He stands back up "you want me, my princess?" He slowly asks in his husky low voice. Shivers run down my spine.
I pulls down his pants and boxers and his cock immediately pops out. Pre-cum already dripping out of his tip.
Jeez, that's large! How is that ever gonna fit?
I had done it once with Adrian, but his wasn't this large!

Harry sees the shock on my face and a smirk appears on his lips. "You like that, baby? You like what you see?"
I gulp in respons.

He walks back to me, slowly climbing back on the bed, he starts kissing me, his tongue intertwined with mine.
"D-do you have... a condom?" I nervously ask as he pulls away
He bends over to the nightstand next to the bed and opens the drawer, grabbing a packet and quickly opening it to grab a condom.
"You wanna do it?" He asks as he comes back to me and gives me a small kiss on my lips
I nod in responds and take the condom from him.

I open it and he sits up. I slowly grab his cock making him moan, seeing his reaction I start to move my hand over his cock, making him moan from pleasure even more.
"Stop teasing, Emma" he moans
I move one more time and then slowly put the condom on.

Just when I'm done he pushes me right back on the bed making me yelp for a second.
He grabs my hands and puts them above my head, I let out a shaky breath.
He starts kissing me again. I moan against his lips and he slips his tongue into my mouth.
He let go of my hands. One of his hands go to my breath and he makes circles around my nipple with his finger while he grabs his dick with the other to place it in the right position.

He slowly trust into me and we both let out a loud moan. His finger rubbing against my clit making me even more wet.
When he's inside me he lets it sit for a moment to stretch me out.
"Are you okay, love?" He asks as he lets out a soft moan.


"Words, Emma!" He demands

"Y-yes, yes... please, move" I cry out.

He slowly starts to pull out, when he's halfway out he starts to trust in again, making me moan loud and long.

He starts to trust into me "fully" I cry "I want all of you"

"Okay, love" he positions himself again so he can trust into me fully. With every trust his dick comes on my g-spot, making me arche my back and moan from pleasure.

He starts to trust into faster, making me moan even more, my breath got heavy and I put my nails in his back making him groan.
I feel a second orgasme bult inside me, with every trust it bults up even more. I can feel myself coming to the edge of my orgasme.
"I-I'm gonna come" I warn Harry
"Come for me, love" he tells me

I moan his name as I reach my climax and come, and a few seconds later I feel his dick twitch and he comes as well, also moaning my name. His cum inside of the condom. His dick gets soft and he slowly pulls out of me, getting the condom off, knotting it and throwing it in the trash bin next to his desk.

He then climbs onto the bed again, kissing me softly. "You wanna cuddle?" He asks in his husky voice
"Hmm" I nod
And he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him, I put my head against his chest and look up at him with a bright smile on my face.

He smile back at me, making my heart melt.
"T-that was..."
"Fucking amazing" he finished me.

OMG YAYYYY!! This took me way longer than I expected... but I kinda like it!
Anyway, I don't have time to edit, so I'm really sorry for the typos!!

This chapter is the longest I wrote! It's 3692 words long!! LIKE... WHAT!?!?!?!!

Have a lovely day/evening.
Lots of love,
Roos <3

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