Your Boyfriend Peter X Female...

By Lizzessa

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Y/N was not living life. She survived everyday with constant harmful thoughts. How long until her landlord... More

Meeting you
Inspecting you
Preparing for you
Competing for you
Watching you
Another intruder
Apologizing to you
Notice me
Being your boyfriend
Envy you
Dates and Differences
The rose VS the lily
The Rose VS the Lily 2
A careful warning
Love Triangle or something more?
(Un-)Pleasant Interaction Part 1
(Un-) Pleasant Interaction Part 2
Nightly activities
Another day of hard labouring
Where are you?
Reassurance and Trust Issues
Cursed Shape and hurtful thoughts
Staying and sleeping
Second thoughts and a confusing discovery
A tipsy encounter
Sadness, Errands and Trepidation
Talk to me
A chance of being together
Moving in and the first step
The talk
Be careful around him
The visit
The real you
Blockade between everyone
The tiny crack in the blockade
A (hopefully) peaceful day
Free from the burden
Talks and Breakdowns
The next move
The dark side
Advise from a "friend"
Catching up on old times
The speak
Blue VS Green
Blue VS Green Part 2
Blue VS Green Part 3
The aftermath and another problem
Dรฉjร  Vu
Breakdown and Betrayal
Aftermath and Runaway
The call
No, means NO!
Another call and a clueless decision
Surprise! Surprise!
Trouble at the diner
Strange event, followed by stranger conversations
Author's note
Returning to the trauma
Did you thought wrong?
Bump into another trouble
First calm, then storm
Could this day get any better?
Strengthening Syllabes
Unwanted visit and a new face
The 'Right' One for you
The 'Right' One Part 2
Visit to the Asylum
False Move
Unexpected act
Weird talk and your favourite being
A possible solution?
The forgotten worshipped place
The hidden chamber
Peter's second self
Author's note
What are you?
Trying to get closer to you
Talking with it
Help, but not really?
Creator, Ai and some help

Speaking with him

231 8 5
By Lizzessa

Peters sickly obsession, the starved- hungry look in his eyes, combined witt the crazy adoration for you. It could sent the bravest man straight out of this room. You could feel the burning desire, the uncomfortable feeling of unease griping you by the heart. You must stay focused. You must. 

"Hello Peter..." You weren't eager to see him and the tone in your voice made it very clear.  The being before flinched. 

"I thought- I thought you'd be happy to see me darling? Or has someone sent you here? Are you a double of my beloved, trying to seduce me to bring answer, the answer what you want to hear? He laughed, eyes darting everywhere. Understandable, since he was forced looking at the empty, white wall for a long time. 

"You know damn well that it is me Peter, don't play games with me, I'm not in the mood." You put on your neutral face, not letting any emotion arise. 

Peter took the hint and laughed it off, even though you could see a slighty twitch of nervousness on his lips. 

"Why have you come here Y/N?" Changing from peciluar to utterly seriosness, Peter gazed at you with more than confused eyes. 

"Aren't you happy to see me?" You waved your hands in the air, posing dramaticly before him. 

He sighed heavily, the unease returning to his face. "Don't get me wrong love, I'm more than thrilled to see my angel of salvation, but why now? Why are here, after I suffered a whole year without you?!"

He fought against his boundaries, trying to escape this prison of straps around him. 

"Do you know...? Do you know, what it's like to wait for a simple thing, such as a phone call from you?" Peter looked at you, wanting to make you feell guilty of course.

"I waited... I yearned.... I prayed.... I cried.... Every day for you. Every time you called it was like a glimpse of time to escape this endless loop of suffering. Even... .... Even if it was just the simple breathing of your air. It calmed everything in me, it was a simple thing and yet I treated it as something, as if my life depended on it!"

Now, now you knew why the doctors restrained this thouroughly. Emotional unbalanced, utterly inscrutable and the most impulsive being you'd ever seen. Peter, a dangerous hybrid of these emotions, yet so pitiful to watch upon. 

"You know why you are here Peter." Folding your arms around yourself, you tried to sound reasonable.  He laughed, letting his tongue fall out, while trying to maintain an erotic seductive gaze.

"I'm here because of YOU. I'm not that delusional, but I would forgive anything you do to me.
I promised to better myself for you. And see where I am now."
He pressed his eyes together triumphantly.

Clenching your teeth you spat back.
"And yet here you are, spellbound like a witch to the stake, ready to get burned for  the sins you obviously committed," you sneered back without second thought.

The caged animal before you whimpered, obviously being hurt by your choice of words.
"You're hurting me darling....-"
You wanted to rephrase your sentence, but stopped at the following words.
".... Hehe~. And I don't know if I should get turned on or angry about that".

There IT was.
The insatiable pervert side of him.

Embarrassed, you avoided his gaze.
He knew how to push your buttons.
"Flustered now, are we?" Cooing confidently in your direction, he smirkef happily after
"Am not!" You crossed your arms like a child, who's candy was taken away from them.
"Oh darling, don't play coy with me. You know I know everything about you. "
You grimaced at this thought.
"The way you always looking around, yet also focus on the person you're talking too.
The way you smile at the most ridiculous things, then trying to hide it when people are looking.
You precious kind treatment towards animals, except frogs I know despise these little rascals.
Your fist smashed beside him.
"I get it Peter, stop this nonsense NOW."

He gulped, before giving you the most satisfying smirk.
"Feisty as ever."

"Peter please, I want to help you, but not if you're playing games with me."
The act stopped, as you turned to him. with pleading eyes.

"Free me darling, let me return to you, to my beauty, get me out of here."
You didn't know if it was manipulation, the desperate attempt to get out of here, or the feelings he had for you.
But he had you.
Your fingers traveled to the bindings around his hands.
Slowly you removed them, also the ones binding his face to the table.
The man let out a much needed sigh, as he stretched his numb muscles.
"Thank you darling, it's been a long time since I had the pleasure of moving."

You grimaced at the thought of not moving an inch for months.
Even the idea, forced to stay still, while your body yearns for the comfort of just letting out a breath of air.
Unintentionally you grabbed his hands, those big strong hands who saved but also hurted you so many times.
Peter stayed still, not wanting to break the skin contact.

"Were you..."
You started, looking up at him, while squeezing his palms gently.
"Were you really that lonely?"
You finished, awaiting an honest response.
The bald man cupped your face with a featherly touch, too scared any more pressure would make you run away.
"Without you? Every single second is the worst without my darling at my side.

You stayed in that position for awhile.
Neither of you wanting to break that fuzzy feeling in both of you.
Suddenly, he pushed you closer, his lips only moments away from yours.
The room felt suddeny colder, warmer and hot at the same time with the samw loop.
"Have you finally forgiven me, have you finally forgiven your most loyal servant, that you came here, to take him back?"

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