Fifty Shades of EraserMic (S...

由 CrypticBeans

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This is just smut! Straight smut! Nothing complicated, just fifty chapters of straight smut. Enjoy! 更多

Let's Watch It!
Call Me Daddy
We're Just Strangers
Bang In The Backseat
Shut Me Up!
Cut My Air Off
Use Me Up
Tie Me Up
Under The Water
Caged Away
Lacey Confidence
A Sleeping Beauty's Consent
Seeing Double
Like A Pillow!
Hold It In
Keep Your Eyes On Me
How High Are We Going To Go?
Fiery Hits
Put A Ring On It
On The Rinse Cycle
Jerk It Together
Lick It Up!
Again and Again
To Be Bred
A Few Silent Moments
Keep Them On
Stock'em Up
The Lady and The Gentleman
Bites and Pulls
Plug It Up
Hot and Cold
Suck It!
Tie Me Down!
What's On The Table?
Two Different Needles
Squeeze Me!
Sweet Heat
Clamp It On!
Let's Get "Handy"!
Not Until I Say So
To The Bathroom!
Fuck The Man Reflected
Mean As A Viper
The Edge
By The Balls
Give Me A Shock!
Melt Me, Baby

In The Tip!

236 4 0
由 CrypticBeans

It was very hard to make Hizashi squeamish. Throughout his life, he had experienced many different things that would possibly count as a situation or thing that would make others disgusted or squeamishly nauseated, but he never thought twice of them. While bugs were very, very high on his list of squeamish things. It's not like it was a surprise or secret about him having the fear and disgusted reaction to bugs.

There were other things that were simply natural to him and didn't qualify as something that was nauseating or invoked that wriggling, horrible sensation. Vomit? He could clean up without thinking twice about it. He was used to it after he had to deal with many of his siblings often getting sick when out of the house. He didn't even flinch the one time Eri had puked on his bare feet in the living room accidentally.

Diarrhea was another thing that didn't disgust him. He often felt bad when his siblings got the runs and didn't make it. The same had happened to poor Shouta one time after having fast food for the second time in a row. He wasn't even allowed in the bathroom as the black-haired man scrubbed it top to bottom. As the man scrubbed at his skin until he was walking out of the bathroom in a plume of steam.

Carrying with it the scent bathroom cleaners and of his soap that wafted off of his brilliant red skin he had scrubbed raw. Again, something he certainly wasn't squeamish about. And Lord knows how he felt about his husband pissing himself twice now. Clearly that said a lot about him as a person. He wasn't scared nor cringed at the sight of horror movies. Hell, he hadn't felt that anxiety when he had his piercings done.

He hadn't felt a touch of that squeamish energy when he began gauging his ears in the mirror as a young adult. It was merely hard but not impossible to gross him out. To make him cringe and walk away from something. Which is why, when he was looking over their delightful little list, his eyes had fallen on one of his suggestions that had him hesitating for the first time. Urethral Sounding.

He hadn't known what he was thinking when he wrote it down. However, he knew now why he had. To try something new. To broaden their horizons. Test boundaries and bring a new variety of spice into their already steamy sex life. However, staring at those two little words that he read again and again, he was surprised by that squeamish feeling. That urge to say no. To throw his hands between his legs and refuse.

To hide it away from those two words like Shouta would bust down the doors the second he even said them out loud. It made him want to scrub it away and choose something else. Yet he knew he wrote it for a solid reason. Why? He couldn't remember as it was so long ago now that he couldn't recall the day nor the reason as to why he had done it. What the situation had been, but it was right there.

And so, he merely took a breath then contacted that poor sex therapist they'd been talking to a lot more here lately in regard to this all. When he scheduled an appointment, he was able to shoo both the kids and Shouta out of the house. With a single wiggle of his credit card and the words 'Go nuts if you want' they were out the door. Of course, he had told Shouta he was meeting with the therapist just not the topic.

The kink involved. And for an hour and a half, he spoke to the therapist. Awed at the in depth knowledge the woman held when it came to urethral sounding. Spoken all in the time limit given to him. He had far too many questions, he knew, but she seemed all too happy to answer each one. By the time his appointment was over, the therapist had already sent him an email holding two or three links for him to also look at.

Then they made another appointment for two hours to involve Shouta in. He then spent that afternoon opening those links in the email. Reading through and debating each piece of advice he had before opening new tabs in his browser. Taking that headfirst plunge down the rabbit hole that was urethral sounding. Reading everything he possibly could, making a notes list that he wrote down on a notepad document on his laptop.

Taking the time to gather as much as he could so he had an outline of what to talk about during that two-hour appointment. That way they could know just about everything. He stopped when the front door swung open with his little family strolling in. Hitoshi showed off a few pairs of jeans he had gotten and his husband was clutching a coffee. She had gotten herself an adorable kit to make charm bracelets.

She had also gotten him an adorable little bird plushie along with cat ones for Hitoshi and Shouta respectively. Then she was trotting off towards the stairs shouting, she'd be back with her own. From there they migrated to their little dining room where his husband sat down a bag from one of Hizashi's favorite restaurants. That was another little delight and he felt happier now that they were back.

The quiet never settled right on him. It was merely a shame that it had fallen on Sunday night, which meant the two of them would be apart for three nights starting Monday morning, but he knew better than to whine over something that wouldn't change. He had also grown accustomed too but the urge to whine, complain and kick his legs until Shouta was shoving a pillow over his face as they dissolved into laughter was tempting.

However, he had instead held his arms out and tugged Shouta close to his chest. Tangling his arms and legs with his husband's as he nuzzled his face into his throat, inhaling his soft musky soaps happily. That following morning, he had explained the appointment with the therapist. The kink they would be discussing and a curious look rolled over the black-haired man's face. But there wasn't time.

The conversation was cut off as they ran out the front door to get Eri and Hitoshi to school, with the white-haired girl happily babbling about her birthday coming up in December. Another thing he had to plan accordingly for. Not to mention he needed to plan accordingly for Hitoshi's birthday as well. And then those three nights dragged by. Viciously. He had never been more tempted to pin the black-haired man against the breakroom counter.

To drag him into a bathroom stall just to kiss him and relieve a little tension. And oh, the way those eyes had burned at him intermittently told him that Shouta felt the same. The way his lips parted with trembling little breaths that only curled into smug grins had him burning up. The man was driving him up the wall with those little teasing motions. Sometimes it was flicking his hair or tucking locks behind his ears.

Flashing off those pretty studs at him before covering them up again. Sometimes it was the smirks and grins. The spots of pink that bloomed on his cheeks after tugging him around that corner of the building before the parking lot. And sometimes it was the way his hair slithered upwards, floating around his head and his eyes glowed with his quirk. Sometimes it was merely him using his eyedrops afterwards.

Watching black lashes fluttering frantically as he blinked afterwards. All were such tempting or unintentionally things the man did that had him wishing he would come home. Away from the public eye where he could happily kiss that stubble covered face. Bury his hand in his hair and twist those soft locks around his fingers. Once their appointment rolled around with the therapist, he had his list not only at the ready.

Printing off much to his husband's surprise. It was a very informative, enlightening conversation that they had. Hizashi didn't hesitate to share his screen with the therapist as they looked at sounding toys. It was always adorable how fast his husband could clam up but the sight of his face turning so red in such little time? The wide-eyed mortification when eyes met his own silently and the way his husband pinched his lips together?

Looking at his lap only to look at the screen occasionally? So damn adorable! He even scrunched his shoulders up like he could bury himself in the capture weapon that sat in his bedroom drawer. It was adorable watching them inch higher and higher towards his ears. When they found a proper sounding toy, the call ended on a good note. The purchase confirmation happily sitting in his inbox.

Shouta merely grunted answers for the rest of the afternoon before returning to U.A dorms. He wished he could say it took a mere few days for it to show up, but it didn't. When he looked at the delivery date, he was somewhat relieved and disappointed at the delivery time. However, it was always remedied with Shouta coming home for a few hours away from the school to help Eri with her quirk training when she asked for it.

Then they would always sank into a rather nice make out session that would carry on for an hour or two. And then right as it got good, his husband was receiving a call from Yagi telling him he was needed at the dorms. It was two weeks of this. Of getting brief moments during those afternoons Shouta visited briefly. Waiting until he was coming home that third night to stay for the remaining week.

It was in those hours he was alone that he waited for the package. Bouncing, impatient, and compulsively checking that damn tracker whenever he could. It was a strange thing. Wanting it to show up but being strangely squeamish, nauseous even, at the thought of it arriving. He could admit, even if it was to himself, he was nervous. Anxious about this. It wasn't some cute, tongue and cheek kink nor was it their easier, dirtier kinks.

This was a little rod, no matter how small, going inside his urethra. A place no one should fuck with, but he found easily enough people absolutely did. And from what he read it was good. But he hadn't experienced it, he didn't know how it would feel. And even if he had millions of strangers on the internet saying how good it felt that didn't mean he wasn't anxious. A touch squeamish at the thought.

It was the following Friday in the third week of September, the package was delivered. He had been breathless when he and Shouta came home to the little package. Found it sitting right there on their welcome mat. Unsuspecting. Innocent. After a bit of discussion, they settled on those after dinner hours to try it. He threw the package on their top shelf of the closet as they stripped out of hero garb into their comfortable clothing.

He then threw himself into helping Eri in the backyard with her wilting flower garden which she lamented over. Helping her with her English workbook. Had happily stayed out of the way as Shouta fed the cats. Everyone seemed to be preoccupied with something; even Hitoshi and Denki sitting at the other end of the table working on their own assignments. Breaking to eat dinner, Shouta was chosen for the honor of putting Eri down to bed.

Requested by the girl herself after they finished up homework and settled in for a movie. Then the teens migrated upstairs. It was a bit afterwards that Shouta was climbing up the stairs with Eri clinging onto him. He, on the other hand, had flown to the bedroom. It's where he sat now on the bed taking a deep breath with the package in his shaking hands. Looking down at it as he flipped it over and over in his trembling fingers.

And he couldn't tell if he was excited or terrified. Squeamish or curious? From what he had read he needed lube. It was apparently much better to do it while he was flaccid if he understood anything about it. Strangely enough he wanted to wait for Shouta to come down. To have a support while he put this thing in, but he dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. Pressed the pads of his fingers to those sharp corners.

He was sure he could do this on his own. Confident. Yet that whining urge to wait for his husband nagged at him. A feeling similar to wanting his mother, Yuki, to use her quirk while his other mother, Kimiko, bandaged up his scraped palms and knees. He wanted the comfort of another person there telling him he would be fine. He just needed to breathe through it. That he'd see it wasn't a big deal.

Swallowing, he forced himself to crawl to the edge of the bed taking a deep breath as he pushed himself to his feet. Snatching up the lube, he marched around the corner of the bed towards the bathroom, making his strides long and fast as his bun bounce lightly against his neck. He flew into the bedroom and shut the door, locking it behind him. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. One more. Okay!

He placed the open package down, careful not to let the contents slide out as he then placed down the lube on the counter. He swallowed as he hesitated before letting his gaze flick to the cup and electric kettle on the closed toilet seat. Did he wash his hands first or get the water hot? He had bought the electric kettle for this reason. So, he wouldn't have to stand in the kitchen with a boiling pot of water doing this.

It truly would kill him before Shouta could if Hitoshi or Denki or God forbid Eri tried looking in the pot to see the little toy inside. He was a loud, bold and confident man but there were things even he couldn't bear to let happen. That was one of them. So, he had merely used their Amazon Prime account to get an electric kettle. Wincing a bit at the price but he shook it off when he waited around for that package as well.

He had spent so much money so far on their kinks so why now should he wince over a kettle? Why that and not everything else he'd bought? While they were perhaps the most financially stable they'd been in years, he couldn't help those little cringes at those pricier purchases. However, just because they weren't swimming in money like Yagi or Endeavor didn't mean they weren't comfortable enough to splurge.

Reaching out he grabbed the filled kettle setting it on the counter, using the cord to plug it in. He flicked it on then rubbed at his forehead as he listened to the sound of the hotplate of the pot begin warming up with a mild hiss. He had been both advised and read online to boil the rod then clean it with alcohol. Make it as sterile as possible before putting it in. To wash his hands as well to keep it sterile.

This then led to him taking a bath to calm himself. Taking the time to make sure he was as thorough as he possible could be when it came to cleaning himself. Being sure to clean good and efficiently without actually scrubbing the sponge over the head of his dick. Now it was just a matter of waiting for the water to boil. He drummed his fingers on the smooth porcelain of the sink, watching the kettle.

Admiring the rather pretty blue light of it. It was mesmerizing in his opinion. It would go right back into the kitchen when they were done, that much was for sure. Taking another deep breath, he reached out to pick up the package. He slid it out carefully with a small flat backed cardboard pack held between his fingers. He flipped it over to stare at the plastic covering that kept the place holder inside safe.

His eyes narrowed in the rod. It was -according to both the pack in his hand and on the website- six millimeters in diameter with it being eight and a half inches long. It was terrifying just to think of the size. It was made for beginners, yet his heart was positively slamming against his chest. He scratched his cheek as he let out a slow breath. Stared at the rod in his hand for a moment before looking to the kettle.

He had to just boil it. Then he had the rubbing alcohol. He just needed to make sure his fingers were clean before he used the tongs to get it out of the water. He could do this. If he wanted to make that damn appointment at the tattoo shop then he needed to do this. Needed to face something odd being down near his dick, didn't he? He dragged his teeth over his lip when he heard the bedroom doors grinding open.

Muffled, faint through the bathroom door but he heard it nonetheless as they shut. He was unplugging the kettle, pouring the boiling water into the cup he had. Then he ripped open the package to get the rod out when there was a sharp knock on the door. He ripped at the plastic making it shriek as he bent and twisted at the cardboard until he got that place holder in his hands, digging his fingers into the divot and getting the rod out.

It was cold beneath his fingers as he dropped it into the cup with trembling fingers as he tossed the packaging into the trashcan next to the trash. He then turned to the door right as those knuckles struck again and he flipped the lock, tugging the door open. Naturally, dark eyes flicked over him quickly from head to toe first. Then they were looking into the bathroom behind him making his breath hitch before he forced it out slowly.

Looking down when hands reached out grabbing his and squeezing softly as he looked up at his husband. "Are you alright, Zashi? You don't have to do this if it's making you squeamish or you're scared of it. It's fine if we have to walk away from it. After all, you forgave me for the choking, told me I had nothing to worry about with the cage that first time and the handcuffs, remember? If you can't do this, it's okay."

It was a bit laugh worthy having his husband, the stubborn man he was, giving him an out this time. It made him want to giggle at him with the idea they had strangely swapped roles. Shouta being the one to give him an out rather than him being the one to do it. It was heartwarming. It truly was as he squeezed Shouta's hands, fingers lacing with his and he smiled softly. The black-haired man lifted his left hand up.

Kissing his knuckles softly, he smiled at the light flutter of lips against his knuckles as his husband's burned into. As if he could press the words into him with a look alone. "It does make me a bit squeamish, but I can handle it. The least I can do is try, right? You've been doing nothing but try for me, so I want to do the same."

"This isn't some tongue and cheek cute thing, Zashi. This is a rod going into your urethra. A metal rod that isn't small at all. It's a rod that's eight inches, love. That's- Well, I don't know if I could do that." Hands squeezed his softly, black lashes fluttering as his eyes flicked over his face. "Are you really sure you can do this? That you want to do this? I won't mind one bit if you can't."

He let his lips pursed as he peeked over his shoulder at the steaming cup of boiling water, easily bringing to mind the image of that rod. The rubbing alcohol waiting for him to clean it. The lube. Turning his head back to look at Shouta, he brought both his hands up kissing the backs of them one at a time softly. Loving the sight of those pink splotches bloom across Shouta's cheeks delicately making him smile again.

"I can do it. I'll try, at least. Like the therapist said, like those articles said, if it hurts, I can take it out."

Shouta let out a sigh as his brows came together tightly, a frown tugging at his lips despite those pink cheeks of his and he smiled at the tight squeeze. So warm his hands were in his own, his palms and fingers dry but not as calloused as one would think. So nice as they fit between his own, those black matte nails glowing at him from pale fingertips. "If you're dead set on this, locked in all the way, we'll try it. I don't want you to hurt yourself, okay?"

"I won't!" He leaned in kissing the tip of Shouta's nose making it scrunch up in that adorably cute manner, his eyes scrunching shut briefly only for black brows to twitch together briefly in a little flinch when he slid his fingers from Shouta's. "I promise, if I feel a bit of pain I won't continue! From what I read it's about getting it in then letting gravity do the rest of the work! If that doesn't truly work or something goes wrong, then I'll forget all about trying tonight!"

"Just be careful with it, alright? That's your urethra you're fucking with, Zashi, and the last thing you need to do is hurt yourself somehow." Shouta sighed as he chuckled when he reached into the drawer beneath the counter, pulling out the unopened tongues as he ripped it open.

"I'll be careful! Articles and our therapist said to take it slow! Let gravity do it's work and let it just slide in naturally! I did read though that going to the bathroom for a bit after is gonna burn but I can deal with that!"

The black-haired man leaned against the doorframe with another sigh, his eyes watching him like a hawk as he held the tongs in his hand tightly as he opened the mirror, reaching to the rubbing alcohol sitting on the shelf. "You always tend to push things sometimes, Zashi."

"I can one hundred percent guarantee that I won't be pushing this at all! Besides, I read that some people have some discomfort in the head but not so much inside I think it said! You wanna wait for me to get this ready or do you wanna watch me do it?" He tilted his head as Shouta raised a brow at him, his head rolling to the side to thump lightly on the doorframe as those dark eyes remained on him.

One foot crossing over the other, his toe pressing to the floor as his knee bent with the position and he couldn't help but chuckle softly. Shouta kept that brow raised, his arms folding across his chest. "You really want to be left alone?"

Well, now that he was mentioning it he did want him there, after all. "Alright! Feel free to watch, baby, if you want! It might not be too pleasant to watch, though, I mean it doesn't exactly sound comfortable now does it?"

He heard Shouta hum softly and he unscrewed the cap of the rubbing alcohol, setting it down on the counter for him to grab. He placed the tongs down carefully on the wrapper they'd been in as he turned the water on carefully. Navigating around the items cluttering the sink as he washed his hands. He scrubbed and clawed at the back of his hands, his palms and between his fingers. Cleaned underneath his nails.

It was strangely comforting, knowing Shouta was standing right there watching him with that sharp gaze. That he was keeping a watchful, concerned eye on him that told him if something did go wrong that the man would be stepping in to help him with it. He turned the water off then flicked his fingers a few times. Turning around to snatch the towel off the wall to rub his hands dry.

He then hung it back up, twisting on his feet to face the sink once more. Reaching down hooking his thumbs pushing his pants and boxers down a bit. He worked the clothing down to his upper thighs, above his pelvis keeping himself covered. Though it would make it easier to get himself out when he was ready for it. Then he reached out to pick up the tongs once more. The package fluttered to the floor.

Clicking his tongue lightly as he picked up the hot cup, he found it was nowhere near as boiling as it had to have been moments ago. It was still very hot, however, as steam lazily wafted up at him from the water. Then he dipped the tongs into the water. He swirled them around, tapping the sides of the cup, and he took a little deep breath. Then he got the light tap of the rod against the ends of the tong.

His heart jumped in his chest when he stared down at the water. It had been three, maybe five minutes, but did he take it out now? Was it clean? Or give it more time? But would it hurt if it was warm? Or would it be worse if it was cold? Ahhh, questions! All these questions when he was in the moment! Things he didn't think to ask before! And he didn't want to call up their sex therapist like this was his first time with a kink.

He didn't want too but he had so many questions crowding his brain it felt impossible to focus on the rod sitting there in the water. He forced his fingers to move the tongs to grab it. Lifted it up out of the water where it dripped as he moved his hands over the sink in order to place that hot cup down. He held the dripping rod over the sink as he reached for the rubbing alcohol lifting the bottle up.

He lowered the rod, his hands trembling lightly, as he doused the metal thing with the rubbing alcohol. He placed the bottle down, opened the cabinet up again and grabbed the pack of gauze. Fumbling with it, he managed to pull out a little square then with some finessing with but he got it! Only for said hand to be doused in the rubbing alcohol as he got the gauze wet. All of this was done with those dark eyes leveled on him.

When he peeked out of the corner of his eye, he saw his husband's gaze locked on his hands. He then turned his gaze back to them as well. Pinching the rod with the wet gauze, he put down the tongues. Humming quietly as he grabbed the smooth ball on the top of the rod to begin rubbing the gauze over it. From top to bottom. Again and again until he was satisfied it was as clean as it could possibly be.

Sterilizing it and cleaning as thoroughly as he could without giving in to the itching whisper. A little voice that told him he needed to drop it back in the hot water again. Go through each step one more time to make sure it was really clean. But he had to work in three hours. He had an hour to touch and kiss, to hold and love on his husband before he had to leave. Another hour to get to work and get everything in order.

And if he had to be in early, he didn't want to waste time. He wanted this. Taking a deep breath he swallowed, squeezing the square gauze around the rod making the liquid drip down off the end of it. He then turned to the lube sitting on the counter with his heart jumping right up to his throat. Clearing it lightly, he reached down working his clothing down with his damp hand. Reaching in pulling himself out of his boxers awkwardly.

It once again took a bit of finessing but once he got himself out, he dropped the gauze with a flick of his fingers awkwardly to keep from dropping the rod as he then crossed his arms over one another as he grabbed the lube with his free hand. How intensely aware he was of his husband's gaze on him. The feel of the cool floor beneath his feet and the steam gathering on the bottom right-side mirror along the bottom.

No doubt from the kettle and the cup he sat close to it. The lube in his hand that he clawed at with his nails pop open as he tucked the rod to his palm to squeeze out a dollop ono his fingers. The way his heart was throbbing from those wild beats, his throat tight as he swallowed feeling his fingers trembling as he reaches down using an awkward three finger hold with the hand holding the rod to his palm to hold himself up.

His fingers trembled lightly as he rubbed the dollop of lube against the head of his erection. He took another peek out of the corner of his eye to find Shouta had straightened up. His arms tight over his chest. A rather squeamish, morbidly curious look on his face now. His eyes were locked on him, brows twitching together lightly as his mouth opened ever so slightly. As if he were the one focusing on getting the rod in.

And if he wasn't mistaken, he swore those cheeks were a little redder than the pink he'd seen moments ago. Swallowing, he then let go of himself to wiggle the rod to the tips of his fingers again where he then grabbed the lube and squeezed it into his fingers. A generous amount. It dripped down his fingers to the counter quickly as he rubbed it over the rod. Hesitating before he squeeze a tiny dollop.

Then another. And another. He swore his hands had never been so slick before. Lube dripped off of his hands and slithered eagerly down his wrists when he lifted them up an inch. To check if it was good. It looked to be. Now or never. He reached down with his slick hand, the lube dripping from his fingers onto his pants making his face scrunch up. He slid his hand up his shaft to angle the head up facing.

Then he brought his other hand down to press the tip of the rob against his slit. His heart was going wild in his chest, that squeamish feeling gathering in his chest as his hands shook lightly. All of this being seen by those dark eyes. Deep breath in, hold it, hold it. He let it out quickly. He heard a breath being taken next to him in time with his own like Shouta was about to speak. Yet nothing came.

He held that breath tight in his lungs as he began pushing the end of the rod against himself. Swallowed anxiously, before letting out quickly as he pushed with more pressure. And it- Oh, that is odd. He squeaked before he could swallow the noise down, pushing slowly like he had been advised too. Letting it sink in inch by inch with gravity doing its work. And it was damn odd. It was a-a pressure perhaps? It was hard to describe it accurately in the moment.

Couldn't figure it out when his brain was screaming that he was putting something in a place he should not be putting it in. And yet he kept going, taking his time very slowly with the lube aiding as his squeak turned into a wheezing breath. Trembling as he gawked wide eyed as it sank, sank, sank. In that moment he wondered if it would ever stop. If that little ball and loop on the end would ever stop in place.

And then it was. Such a slow slide, needing to stop to take another breath but once it was down in place he was in awe of the hook and ball pressed against the head that had a bit of discomfort. But he did it. It was in! And it- Wow, some said it would feel like he needed to piss and some said it was good. Especially the way it pressed against their prostate or bladder, but standing here now? It felt odd.

Like it was somehow jabbing into his bladder making him fidget at the thought. It was strange to feel like he needed to piss when he knew he didn't. After all, he had gone before his bath to make sure there wasn't an accident afterwards, but he had been advised there might be. A good chance given he was widening his urinary tract and his urethra. Even if it was the smallest size he could find for a beginner.

He just hoped to God it didn't happen as Shouta might actually kill him if he took this thing out after they were done, and he pissed on the blankets before running off to work. That'd be awful of him to do to his poor husband. Disgustingly rude of him to do something like that. He could never -would never- do that to the man. Letting go of himself, fingers trembling lightly. He instinctively curled and flexed them only to cringe.

Fuck, he sprayed a few droplets of lube onto the cabinet beneath the counter. He then took a deep breath, listening to it shudder when he looked over to his husband. God help him! He had to clench his jaw and pinch his lips together. Do it just keep the wild laughter down in his throat. His husband, his beautiful and stoic, serious, strict, no nonsense, adorable little man. Shouta Aizawa was squatting in the doorframe.

Arms dangling over his knees, his face flushed that soft red he always adored. His eyes wide with a gleam to them that had his heart jumping into his throat. Curiosity. Intrigue. Excitement. His mouth hung open fully giving him such a look of awe as his lashes fluttered in fast little blinks. Those wide eyes were locked onto his dick. At the gleaming little ball and the hoop that flashed slickly from its place against his urethra.

Swallowing he looked down at himself again then back to the black-haired man squatting in the doorway. At the look of fascination and awe on his face, when he pressed his lips tighter together when Shouta's dark eyes flicked up to his face. Caught his gaze only to watch those hands reach up rubbing at his face fiercely. He fidgeted then, his hands pausing down near his pelvis twitching and fluttering with little aborted motions.

He was unsure in the moment on if he could or should move his flaccid dick with the rod in. All he really remembered at the moment was that he was assured both by their sex therapist and a few articles that he would still get hard. So, did that mean he could tuck himself away? No matter how bold and confident a man he was, it was a touch awkward to stand there with his dick hanging out without the excuse of using the bathroom.

Even if it was only Shouta, it felt a tiny bit awkward. He swallowed again, clearing his throat lightly when those hands slid down, fingers tugging at the skin beneath his eyes before rubbing fiercely at flushed cheeks. Like it would get rid of that color when he forced himself to speak. "S-Sho, are you okay?"

He aimed for playful, but the stutter ruined it. The little quiver to his voice as it bounced off the walls making him blink a few times. Was that really his voice? Betraying the emotions running rampant in his body at the moment? He awkwardly turned to face his husband before pausing when he looked back down. Again, his hands fluttered nervously near his pelvis. Still unsure on touching.

If he could tuck himself away. He didn't want to hide himself like some kind of five-year-old because why should he? This was his husband. He didn't get embarrassed easily and liked having Shouta look at him. So what was different? Nothing should feel the tiniest bit different. And yet with those wide dark eyes on him, he could only barely bite the urge back. Curling his hands into lightly trembling fists.

"Am I okay?" The black-haired man parroted his question on a breathless, awed tone as he straightened out of his squat so fast his hair trembled against his shoulders and flew around his face wildly as those wide eyes flicked over his face in disbelief.

"Y-Yeah, I mean that wasn't really, uh, something you'd want to see? I mean, it's not gross in the conventional sense but it's uncomfortable at the most. Do you feel okay, baby?"

"Are you really asking me that? Seriously? I'm not the one who just shoved a-a fucking rod in his urethra! Are you okay, Zashi? Does it hurt? D-Do you need help taking it out if that's the case? Or-Or what? Is it-?"

"I feel fine! I mean, this thing is, uh, it's doing something I guess?" He looked down at himself again then up just in time to find those dark eyes flicking up to meet his again. "I-I think it's fine? I mean the head feels a little funny? Like a weird burn I think is best to describe it, but it feels pretty okay!"

"I don't- How does it not hurt, Zashi? Are you just saying that t-to not make a fuss? It wouldn't be the first time you did something like that."

"I'm not just saying that! There's no pain! Nothing that's telling me to take it out, you know? It's making that weird feeling spring up, you know? Like that one you get when you gotta take a piss bad? It's like that but not so bad I gotta take it out, you know?"

"That's-! Okay, that's a lot to just-"

He swallowed a hysterical giggle at the way Shouta flapped his hands before bringing them close to one another, pressing the pads of his fingers together then against his lips. As if he needed to compose himself. It was quite the sight when his husband got that flustered. It didn't happen often but it was adorable none the less. When he didn't know exactly to say and didn't want to say it in that dry tone and possibly hurt his feelings.

Shouta took a deep breath before taking his fingers away from his lips to speak. "So, it really doesn't hurt? At all?"

"Not one bit! I mean, like I said it's just the head that feels a little funky but it's not like we weren't warned about that!" He couldn't stop that manic little laugh from breaking out of him; adrenaline, exhilaration, ran rampant hand in hand through his system now that he had gotten over that squeamish, impossible hurdle. The one he truly thought he would end up backing down from.

"Well, there's being warned and advised then actually experiencing it. You promise it doesn't hurt, Zashi?"

"I feel fine, baby, completely fine! Shouta, baby, you're worrying! I'm perfectly fine! Though I guess its sort says what I'm willing to do in regard to my cock for us, huh?"

"It says what you're willing to do as a person." His husband then stepped over that threshold, looking to his hands with a grimace. "You're getting lube everywhere, love. If I slip on my way to take a piss at three in the morning while you're at the radio station, I will personally go to the closest store and change all the locks on the doors."

"Fair, fair! I mean, I'd be a bit upset too if I slipped on lube when I gotta go!"

He then reached to the sink to twist the faucet on, using his wrists to get a few pumps of soap into his hand before moving them under the hot water and scrubbing at his hands again. He twitched when hands rested lightly on his waist before arms curved around his waist. Let his gaze flick to the mirror to find those dark eyes peering at him from over his shoulder. Though his lips were hidden away but he knew.

Knew without a shadow of a doubt the man was pouting. Just like Shouta knew he had melted, his heart fluttering by that one little use of that term of endearment. God, there was nothing sweeter, nothing more heart achingly tender about hearing that deep voice calling him 'love' like that. He really needed to coax Shouta into using pet names more often. But first, he needed to deal with the pouting man.

"I'll be fine, baby, I promise."


Ah, there they were! Pouting lips pressed against his shoulder as he watched those dark brows come together, giving him a concerned look that chased that awe away though he could still see it sparkling in his dark eyes. He is truly adorable, isn't he? So sexy, so unbearably hot one second then adorably grumpy the next. Like a little kitten! Then those lips were lifting briefly to kiss the back of his shoulder softly.

Lashes fluttering as those dark eyes lifted again. "And you think you're good for sex then?"

"Yeah! I don't see why not! The therapist said we'd be fine to do sex stuff once it's in! To be honest, I'm kinda curious to see what happens when I cum! Some articles online said it'll dribble out but in quite a few articles some guys said when they came with it in it shot out a bit? Like the rod! That it popped up with the force of it? It's weird, I dunno what to think about it but I think it'd be cool to see! Don't you think so?"

"That doesn't sound possible." He smirked at the dry tone of his husband when his head lifted for his chin to rest on his shoulder, the arms tightening around his waist. Watching as Shouta's eyes met his. Curious. "I guess we're depending on you to prove it then, love."

"I don't mind that one bit, baby!" He shivered when the black-haired man turned his head enough to nip at his earlobe softly, lips fluttering upwards allowing his hearing aids to catch the quiet noise as teeth then nipped carefully at the shell of his ear. Avoiding anything that would nudge his hearing aid out of place. The click of his teeth lightly hitting off the hoops of his helix sent another shiver over him.

"Then show me."

Arms shifted along his waist, Shouta's eyes locked on him with such intensity that it made his heart skip wildly in his chest. Sprinting eagerly when hands then tugged the fabric of his shirt out of the way. Fanning out on his stomach making the muscles quiver. A ticklish sensation that made him want to giggle. Those hands slid over the quivering muscles to follow the curve of his waist like he had done countless times.

God, there really was something interesting about watching these little things in the mirror. Even if he couldn't see those hands brushing over his skin. Couldn't see the way they slid up his sides making him squirm with another fast, puff of breath flying out of him. A soft little noise ringing out in his throat. He watched his mouth dropping open and his lashes trembling with his blinks. The flush that was beginning to spread across his cheeks.

The sight of dark eyes locked on his face as lips fluttered down the side of his neck. Taking their time following the slope of it as nails dragged up his side making him inhale sharply with a squirm. His lashes fluttering again before closing and cutting off the image in front of him. He loved it. Loved when Shouta took that initiative. He needed to convince him to do it so much more often. Nothing he loved more than when Shouta took charge.

When the confidence brimmed and glowed in those dark eyes. Knowing it was a matter of time until the man was laid out on his back or clutched close in his lap shouting out those vulgar, encouraging words. Things that the black-haired man knew to say in ways that always got him riled up. Humming softly, his fingers slid against the porcelain of the counter when those lips crawled back up the side of his neck.

Brushing his lips softly the back of his ear softly with the warmth of his breath sending a shiver down his back. He wanted to touch too. Wanted to tease and coax his husband until his face was that pretty, pretty red. He knew his hands were wet, that Shouta would pout and grumble at him for touching with wet hands. But if those clothes were coming off then did it matter? He shuddered as nails dragged down his sides again.

A low, strangled whimper leave him when they came together over his stomach sliding up to his chest. He could feel breaths shaking lightly against his neck that echoed his own breaths that hitched and shuddered quietly. The excitement raced in tingles beneath his skin only to come up to strangle his throat. It was easy to truly know what went on through the black-haired man's head on a good day.

Utterly impossible on a bad day. But right now? With those wondering hands on him and lips fluttering over his neck? He could be completely wrong but there was a stranger voice in his head that insisted a little theory. Held the distinct idea that Shouta liked it. Perhaps not the act itself but watching him do it? Could that be it? He took a slow breath, uneven on its way down when he slid his hands from the sink.

Pushing on the edge of the counter he turned a bit awkwardly in those arms with as fingers had drifted over his nipples in a teasing touch that had his stomach squirming excitedly. Sent tingles racing under his skin eagerly as he turned to face the black-haired man. And he moved his wet hands out to grab Shouta's waist. The fabric of his shirt eagerly soaking up the wetness on his hands and his husband didn't breathe a word of complaint.

He watched those full lips part, black lashes fluttering in a fast blink. A rather coy look to the black-haired man that was aimed at him. It was only as those lashes began shutting that he leaned in capturing those full lips with his own. He sighed softly when those hands underneath his shirt slid up. Brushing up until they were fanning out against his shoulder blades. His breath shuddered out of him through his nose.

Gripped onto Shouta's shirt tightly. Then he tugged the fabric up instinctively then in favor of sliding his hands beneath it to press his palms against his waist. Loving the warmth beneath his hands as Shouta twisted closer to him, nails dragging lightly over his shoulder blades, and he had so many questions. So many bounced and stabbed at one another. About the rod. About Shouta. If his husband really liked it.

Or if his husband had liked watching him do it? Or if it was the mere fact he was awed by it? Was it because they'd been waiting what felt like years to have sex when last week was a bust? Was Shouta already there emotionally? He wanted to say each of them out loud, to get the answers he knew were only available by Shouta. But that meant breaking the kiss. And he'd be damned if he did that.

They were so soft today. Smoother than their rather dry and chapped state they had been in for a few days. They were warm against his as melted and shaped to his own. They slid softly, slowly against his own with that soft whispering being made. He wished he could abandon their jobs, take their kids, and merely go somewhere they could live off of their bank accounts long enough before coming back to society and their norms.

Go somewhere he could lay all day with Shouta in his arms, lips on his own, and those soft black locks around his fingers as the man twisted closer to him. If only! He felt a soft sigh on his cheek as he began moving his own hands to the warm expanse of that lower back, dragging his nails over then only to squirm as nails dragged down his side again. It was a bit of an odd sensation when his dick twitched.

Perhaps it was because he knew there was a rod? Or that strange sensation that he needed to go to the bathroom? It wasn't quite clear, but he squirmed when Shouta began tugging at him. The man stepping backwards as he kept his lips on his own. Clumsy steps and clumsy lips moved together as he chased after the black-haired man that was coaxing him towards the bedroom. It took a few clumsy steps before he was confident in his path.

He walked forward with his husband rushing backwards tugging at him. It was amazingly reminiscent of the night in their first apartment. When they had nothing but this bedframe and mattress, a few mismatched sheets on the bed from their own bedrooms they brought with them. And oh, it had been one to remember. How they had their little home warming party with his family there, crowding the small space.

How his mothers ordered a few pizzas rather than cook yet as it was 'Hizashi's turn to christen something' and he had laughed over it. Laughed until he and Shouta were alone, the door clicking shut and the black-haired man had pounced on him. A mess of clothes being abandoned like they were aflame. Hands grabbing and pulling as lips moved together while they made their way to the bedroom onto this very mattress.

Relishing their newfound independence. How similar it was tonight as he walked forward with those arms tight around him. Nails dragged idly at his shoulder blades on their way down to his lower back. The kiss broke as his husband slid his arms from underneath his shirt in favor of stepping out of his hold. To instead climb up onto the bed and hold his hands out to him. Smiling, he reached down shoving his boxers and pants to his knees.

Down where they fell easily to his ankles which he happily kicked at. Then he reached for his shirt grabbing the hem and flipping it up over his head. He got it over his head just in time to see Shouta shucking his own shirt off to the side and the movement was distracting. Deliciously distracting. To watch those muscles flex and move beneath the pale skin was mouthwatering. Watching those strong legs as Shouta kicked at his clothing.

Ever little bit of it had him marveling over the man. So sleek, so damn strong that it could make anyone drool over him. It wasn't until those boxers and pants were kicked off the side of the bed did his husband's eyes flick to him. Then he again held his hands out to him. He happily rushed over to the bed, throwing himself up onto the mattress. Pouncing forward to knock Shouta backwards.

Feet flicked out awkwardly, a grunt left the black-haired man, yet he didn't get a shouted reprimand. It was too late for he crushed his lips down to those full ones once again. Relishing in the heat that radiated off of his husband. The feel of those hands brushing up his sides making him squirm before they curved towards his back. He could hear the light rustle of those feet sliding over the blanket as Shouta hummed softly at him.

His breaths trembling lightly on his cheek, and he leaned onto his right hand as he reached down with his left to caress the length of his thigh. Loving how the muscles quivered, jumping underneath his hand. He sighed softly when he felt those hands slide down to his lower back. Dragging his nails across it sending shivers down his back as he felt his dick twitch again. Shivering, he felt a hand slid up the center of his back.

Sliding up until it reached up to the nape of his neck. Before he could lift his lips to tell him not to bother, his hair was tumbling down after a few awkward yanks from the black-haired man. He got another soft hum as that hand slid up to twist into his hair. Locks twisted around fingers only to tug at them. Amazing how a tiny action such as that could send a flicker of heat underneath his skin.

Had those tingles racing down his spine making him arch down, pressing his chest tightly to Shouta's. Whining softly, his husband's left hand slid along his back towards his side where nails dug in just enough to have him squirming as he let out a shudder puff of air as he moved his lips faster against Shouta's who seemed all too happy to return it. The pressure, the speed, and God he loved the soft smacks.

Loving the increasing occurrence of it with that ecstatic manner in which his husband returned that kiss. Fed into the fire flickering under his skin. Slithering through his veins taking its sweet time cresting into that boil. He slid his hand up and down Shouta's thigh earning him an identical sharp exhale against his cheek when he moved his hand towards the top of his thigh; caressing the skin softly.

Curling his hand towards that soft, velvety inner thigh of his earning him a whimper. Oh, it made that heat burn right through his veins. Slowly and methodically taking him apart. It was odd to think of his twitching dick. Of the ache that was settling itself there. He couldn't focus on it without thinking of the rod. Pulling from the kiss, his husband whined at him as those lips chased after him eagerly.

How could deny a few more? He leaned in meeting Shouta's lips with three, light and fast kisses that had the man wriggling against him. Loving how they smacked louder than those slow, lazy ones before he lifted his head looking down at the black-haired man. Marveling at that flushed face, the black lashes that fluttered, and the HEAT in his dark eyes. The way his brows were twitching together.

As if they were unsure on whether to squeeze together or not. Full lips parted with those trembling little breaths. The hand in his hair scratched lightly at his scalp, pulling at him lightly with a squirm when he moved his hand from his thigh. He felt his husband shiver as he took his time sliding his hand upwards to his goal of that tattooed hip. Softly stroking the edge of that bone. "Mmm, you're so pretty, you know that?"

He got a quiet whine as he brushed his fingertips along his hip before sliding them upwards over his side lightly earning him a squirm. Watching lips part a little more with a shuddering breath being taken as Shouta shivered. He could spend hours picking and breaking this man apart until he was a whimpering, begging mess. Sliding his fingers up to the side of his chest, he walked his fingers up to his collar bone softly.

Catching those dark eyes watching his fingers before flicking up to him, he smiled at the black-haired man. "It's been a while, yeah? We've been so busy and Eri's been needing both of us so much lately. And with you at the dorms three days out of the week it just feels longer, doesn't it? I was worried I'd forget what you looked naked, that pretty red face of yours. I missed you, baby, you know that?"

"I-It's only natural for her too but- Mmm! You've always been so c-close! I miss you so much too when I'm away! Even if it's on a shitty twin mattress, I-I want you with me at the dorms sometimes! I miss h-havin' you over me like this, Zashi! Miss you touching me like this!"

Oh, he loved that breathless voice of his. Nothing was better than listening to that gruff, deep voice of his become breathy, airy as he spoke on wisps of air. Like he couldn't focus. Couldn't make them solid. It was his favorite tone of voice and never failed to make his skin burn. He let his smile widen at the black-haired man, tapping the tips of his fingers on his collar bone lightly. He truly did have it all, didn't he?

"I miss you when you're away too, baby, but I couldn't possibly stay there with you, you know? Just because you don't care if it's a shitty twin mattress doesn't mean others won't care if we fool around, baby! I don't think you can handle having Nezu chew you out about something like that again, can you?"

"I-I don't care what that overgrown rat has to say! I-I just want you with me sometimes!"

He hummed softly as traced his fingers down his collar bone softly listening to those breathless, whimpered words. He leaned down kissing his jaw softly, loving the scratch of his stubble when he did so. "But I have you here now, yeah? Isn't that just as good?"

"You know, if you just d-didn't get so fucking loud and could keep your hands to yourself for three days they wouldn't have anything to complain about! I want you with me, love!"

He smiled softly as he crawled his way down Shouta's throat happily, giving a nip to his Adam's Apple when it bobbed in a swallow, and he moved down to his collar bone. Loving the hitch in his husband's breath as he nipped at the edge of that bone softly. Moving down to his chest as he placed a few fluttering kisses around his areola lightly. He knew it should be annoying to feel the scratch of those black curls on his face.

Knew it but it wasn't. He had always, always loved those black curls. Wild, chaotic like those shaggy and messy black locks on his head. He always loved that while Shouta's voice was the first to crack and deepen, it had taken a bit longer for hair to begin growing past that peach fuzz face. A while for hair to spring up the way it had. It was adorable watching his husband scowl in the mirror every day.

As if he could will the hair to grow. It was adorable to think about. And yet, at the moment, he had much better things to focus on, didn't he? Smiling, he place a few more fluttering kisses to the area around Shouta's areola. Close enough he could kiss the rim of it but keeping far enough away he wouldn't be tempted. Not yet, not yet. "But you like it when I don't keep my hands to myself!"

"N-Not when it means we can't be in the vicinity of other people! Y-You're like a horny teenager! Always have to t-touch me and you know that's why you won't go to the dorms! 'Cause you can't keep your hands off for three days!"

He then lifted himself up smirking down at his husband, moving his braced arm enough to brush those locks of hair away from his forehead. Using light flicks and brushes as he then tilted his head. A quiet whimper left his husband as he squirmed, and he tilted his head. Amazing how eager he looked, how a touch of desperation crept to his features despite his airy, snapping tone. It had his smile widening.

"Oh, I can keep my hands to myself! Because you know what? I think you like it better when I talk, don't you? You like hearing me say those dirty things to you whether you wanna admit it or not. Tell me, who got all handsy after I put the rod in, hmm? Tell me, Shouta, who can't keep their hands off of you? Did you really like watching me put it in so much?"

He shivered at the sight of teeth dragging over that full, bottom lip before biting down with a muffled sound. Leaning down, he kissed his husband's nipple softly. Absolutely loving the way Shouta's back arched up in response. Loving the soft shuddering breath that was taken as he placed a few more kisses to the hardening bud. He opened his mouth huffing a breath out onto the skin.

Then he lapped his tongue against his nipple and listening to whine leave the black-haired man. God, there was nothing he really loved more than the feeling of his nipple hardening against his tongue. To nip, bite, pinch and lick at his husband's chest until he was a squirming mess. It was always fascinating, amazing, the way his husband could fall apart so fast when he played with his nipples.

Even as a teenager, his husband had been amazingly receptive to it. Of course, he had been too but there was something far better about watching his husband squirm, twitch and fidget as he played with his nipples. To twist, nip and suck until they were hardening between his fingers and beneath his tongue. Even now, he would be more than happy to lose an afternoon with this man on his lap.

Losing the hours as he played and explored his chest all over again. Like he had never seen it before. Using the tip of his tongue, he traced the rim of his areola before flicking it against that hardened nipple. The hand cupping the back of his head pushed him down as he happily, playfully drifted fingers over his husband's left nipple. God, it was that hard already? Was he head on with his assumption?

Did watching really get him a little bothered? They never really discussed what they viewed as hot or kinky in a causal conversation, lately they had been. They had agreed that most of the things on the list they had merely written down what they already knew or had an interest in. Some of the others were things they only heard of. Which meant it was natural to suddenly find a new thing they found hot or liked to see.

But he had the strong suspicion this absolutely was one of those situations. He'd have to get an answer out of Shouta about it. As he flicked his tongue against his nipple, he delighted in the whimper he got from Shouta. He whined softly himself as he lapped his tongue over it as he used his hand to flick his thumb over his left nipple. It was these little things that made him wonder if Shouta would answer.

He wondered if it would truly be too hard. Nipping at the hardened bud he then lapped his tongue over it once more before rubbing his piercing against it. The action had his husband squirming as the hand on his head shoved him down against his chest. Shoved at him as nails dragged at his upper back. It sent shivers down his spine at the strength of those nails raking over his skin.

Closing his mouth around the nipple, he gave a suck to the hardened little thing. Swirling his tongue against it while making sure to pinch the other lightly. A whine was his answer as his husband squirmed again when he began twisting lightly at that left nipple. He pinched tightly at the hardened thing making the man writhe with another reedy noise breaking free from him. He twisted again at his nipple feeling Shouta shudder.

Delighting in the reaction, he nibbled at the one in his mouth before giving another rough suck at it making his husband's next breath shudder. It could have been a gasp, yet he could hear Shouta choking it down; trying to stop it from becoming that. That certainly wouldn't do. He wished he had a hand free, anything to reach down between them, but that had never stopped him before, now, has it?

He chuckled at his own line of thought as his dick twitched. His body seemed all too happy to send lazy surge of blood rushing down; as if that scalding, burning blood decided it was a better place to be than anywhere else. And it felt odd. Or maybe he thought that because he was too aware there was something IN there right that second? He hummed softly as he bit down softly on the nipple.

A soft moan left his husband when he pinched at the left tighter and twisting harder than he had moments ago. It had his blood burning in his veins. All those soft, airy noises his husband let out never failed to get him burning hot. They were always low, in the back of his throat until they ripped to that high, audible pitch that had him breathless. It was addicting. He loved those soft and high noises his husband released.

Wanted to keep stimulating his husband if it meant getting those little noises out of him. Tiny, airy little things that rang with a wild range of emotions that it never failed to touch him. Infect him ever so slightly. He lifted his mouth from his nipple, the hand pushing insistently at his head with a wild whimper ripping out of Shouta. He fought to keep the grin off of his lips as he kissed the wet nipple softly.

He then moved over to the left one earning him a sharp breath and a squirm as hips arched up instinctively against him. Bingo. That's exactly what he wanted. He traced the rim of his left areola softly with the tip of his tongue enjoying those little squirms and whimpers. Especially when he flicked it over the hard nipple teasingly as that hand in his hair pushed at him. The hand on his back clawed at the back of his shoulder as if he could twist him closer.

He swore close enough wasn't close for Shouta. For him. Shivers when his husband whimpered loudly as he lapped at the hardened nipple. He rubbed his piercing over it before closing his mouth over it to give a rough suck as he swirled his tongue around it. And ohhh, if it didn't have his husband squirming as hands clawed at him. Nails dragging at him fiercely but that wasn't even the best part.

The best part was when he pressed his hips down. When he thrusted against him, effectively rubbing his erection against Shouta's. This got him an enthusiastically loud moan from the black-haired man and he groaned when those hips bucked up eagerly. Settling into a shallow sliding motion, an easy back and forth, he felt Shouta's jumping to copy those motions. It had his toes curling as he bit at the nipple in his mouth.

Shifted his weight onto his left arm in favor of using his right to flick his thumb over the damp nipple. Nibbling, biting, as he pinched and twisted that wet nipple. It his husband moaning at him with such encouragement he wanted to keep going, going, going. Taunting. Playing. God, he hated how long it had been. And it truly wasn't anyone's fault. Their daughter had been coming to their room more often lately.

Upset mostly or restless in her bed is when Eri would come knocking on their doors hesitantly. In that recovery week following the edging, he had been unbelievably eager for Shouta to come home much like their daughter. He was quite happy when after dinner was done on that Thursday -and Eri tucked into bed- that he was yanked to the bed. It was amazing, stunning and absolutely unheard of to happen two times in two weeks.

Shouta hardly wanted to fool around on the nights he came home as he was tired or wasn't in the mood for sex but that night? That night was also another exception it seemed. It was right as they were getting right into it, just like this, that Eri had come knocking on their door timidly. It had been the worst timing in the universe. It was an awkward few nights with Eri constantly coming to their room.

The black-haired man was the one to welcome her in after his confirmation. He loved that girl but dammit, it was by far the worst situation of awkwardness he'd felt. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Shouta whimpered at him then making him suck fiercely at the nipple in his mouth. Made him aware that he had gotten off track a bit as he thrusted down against Shouta. Shuddering at the pleasure it created.

It felt damn good. He breaths came shakily through his nose as he pinched that damp nipple between his fingers. He released the suction he had on Shouta's nipple in favor of lapping his tongue over it a few times. To rub his piercing over it pulling a moan out of the black-haired man. Placing a few kisses to the wet nipple, he moved upwards to find those full lips parting. Hands clawed at his scalp as he pulled him down.

He happily moved his lips against Shouta's, wishing for a moment he didn't need his left arm as a brace or for stability. Wished he had more hands. Moving his lips with Shouta's, he could feel the urgency and that quiet hunger of his. And he was more than delighted to return it. Pressing his lips firmly against Shouta's, moving them faster, gave him a reward. A hand slid from his hair to drag nails down his back.

Right along his spine making him jerk from the pleasure that it sent pooling into his stomach. Fuck if it didn't feed right into the lust that was sizzling underneath his skin as he slid his hips quickly. Whimpering as he felt Shouta's moving to copy his own. The uneven breaths, the smacking of lips moving together, and the soft rustle of the blanket when they squirmed were loud. So loud.

He whimpered again, a keening little noise, when he felt that light playful lick to his bottom lip. Opened his mouth without a second thought. Listening to the click of his piercing hitting off of his own teeth, the impact of it. Sighing as he twisted his tongue with Shouta's after those first playful little flicks of his tongue against his piercing. Hands clawed at him as those tiny, puffs of noise in the back of his throat rang out.

Tiny little things that mixed in with Shouta's, idle little noises he hardly focused on. He squirmed against the black-haired man as he moved his hips and whined when Shouta's bucked. He was hot, hot, hot. Burning up. He hoped to some God, any God, that he hadn't forgotten to silence his and Shouta's phone. That Eri, the sweet and beloved girl she was, didn't come knocking on their door.

Not now. His breaths were shaking, uneven and far too fast through his nose as he felt identical breaths on his hot cheek. The black-haired man squirmed against him with those hips copying his thrusting motions. His heart slammed frantically in his chest as the hand on his back slid lower. He knew exactly where it was going. It wasn't hard to imagine. It reached down brushing over his right cheek lightly before grabbing him tightly.

Fingers dug in with the light bite of those blunt nails into the skin when his husband very directly and unmistakably pulled at him jerking his hips forward. He moaned loudly, the pitch making his own hearing aids whine at the feedback it created along with Shouta's flinch. He could hardly think as that hand was pulling at him, yanking and squeezing his ass so tightly it was swallowing up all of his focus.

The hand that told him to move his hips faster against Shouta's. He loved it. Ohhh, it was better than dry humping. It was an amazing, smooth glide as his erection rubbed against Shouta's with every single thrust of their hips. The strong hand grabbing at his ass along with the nails clawing at his scalp had him shuddering. His lashes fluttered on his cheeks as his next moan flew out of him mixed with his husband's.

The noises harmonizing together was an aweing thing. Twisting his tongue with the black-haired man's was eating him up. He swirled and undulated his tongue with the Shouta's as he rubbed the bottom of his piercing against the top of his tongue. And fuck, if that didn't earn him a rather throaty moan from the man. Breaking the kiss with a whimper, fingers tugged at his hair as he was pulled back down.

And he didn't think twice about fighting it. He let his lips come down against Shouta's in those rapid fluttering kisses. Ohh, how quickly they melted into another mess of a kiss that was frantic, scalding in the hungry lust poured into it. Hard to move away when the hand on the back of his head kept him from moving. It was so hard to stop kissing his husband when the man lured him in with those soft kisses.

Kisses that always coaxed him down only to burn him with those heat filled, lustful kisses. He moaned at the black-haired man as he moved his lips with his with that frantic speed. Far easier with the damp slide from the playful licks. They were so soft rather than their chapped appearance a few days ago. Every single moment of teasing. Of being so close. So much pent up that it simply wouldn't allow him to stop so easily.

Even the thrusting, rubbing motions of their hips held a frantic note. He felt just how slick it was becoming didn't deter him from stopping. It was an amazing, addicting situation that was all thanks to one little rod. He didn't think that it was for him, personally, but if it was Shouta's thing? Well, now that he had gotten over that hump? He was damn sure he could do it again just for the man's viewing pleasure.

It was amazing how the room felt so big, so loud with those moans being traded back and forth. Filled with the low groans and high whimpers breaking free. How they mixed with the frantic, uneven breaths being taken through nose. That quiet, nearly indistinguishable slick sound of their rubbing erection hidden beneath the smacking of the frenzied, scalding kissing. He let out a low, cracking groan.

He could feel his lips begin to ache lightly. So much kissing and doing it so hard, so fast, was bound to take a bit of a toll on them. In what felt like a true, heroic effort he broke the kiss with his husband whining at him as those hips jerked up against him making him bounce lightly as he took a few breaths through his mouth and God if it all didn't feel GOOD. That thrust, that first breath, it was making his head dizzy.

He felt frenzied when he thrusted his own hips back and pressed down hard as his erection slid against Shouta's, that slick little noise from the dripping pre-come had the man squirming beneath him. "F-Fuck, baby! D-Do you really like the sounding that much? Or d-did you just miss me?"

He got a whimper from his husband, lips trembling lightly. Fuck him, if they didn't already look a touch swollen from those fierce kisses traded back and forth. It was an amazing, aweing image. How pretty his husband looks with his hair fanned out on the bed messily, brushing against his flushed face. Lips swelling up as his foggy, glazed eyes stared up at him. It was a work of art. The image of desire that lived in his mind.

An image anyone would break their arms to see. Bend over backwards, kiss the back of their knees for. He felt drunk off of that mere notion that he was seeing something, doing something others would kill for. It truthfully made him giddy as he heaved in a breath to soothe his spinning head. His aching lungs. He couldn't take his eyes off of this man even if he was threatened at gunpoint to do so.

"I-I bet I could make you cum just like this, couldn't I?"

"M-Mmm! It's- I dunno! I-! M-Maybe both? Nnn! Ah, i-it looks like it hurts but I wa-wanna see what- Nnf! What it looks like! Wanna see wh-what it looks like when you c-cum!"

Fuck. Him. That whimpering, breathless tone had him shuddering as he thrusted forward in a frenzy as he panted quickly, shallowly as a whimper broke out of him when his husband's hips thrusted up meeting his own. So, did it do something for him? Even a bit? That was great, amazing information he'd store for later. Such good information to tease him with. But later. He'd address all of it later.

"Let's get there then, yeah? And then I-I'll fuck you good when I-I get home from work, I promise! I'll f-fuck you the way I wanted last week! I-Is that what you'd want, baby? Me to g-give it to you so good when I get home? You'd have to s-stay up pretty late to do that though!"

"D-Don't care! Don't care, I'll stay up! Drink a sh-shit ton of coffee if I have too! Mmm! I want it! Want you to fuck me so goood! I w-want your cock in me! Fill me up with it! I-I wanna ride you, wanna- Nnn!"

The moan from his husband had him squirming against him as his words choked off. The hips moving quickly as hands squeezed and clawed at him respectively making heat sizzle beneath his skin. How did he not set it ablaze? How did he not scald the feverish man beneath him? It was amazingly disorienting. "Ah! Ah, y-you wanna ride me too, you pretty thing? You wanna fuck me so go-good? Ride my cock l-like you love it?"

"Yes! Yes, yesss I do! I do! I-I'll ride it so goood! L-Love you cock! It's perfect! P-Perfect just for me! M-Mine! It's mine to have! I-I'll fuck you so good when you come home! Promise, Zashi, promise! Mmm!"

"Fuck, baby! S-Such a filthy little mouth you have, huh? Ah! Ohhh, shit!" Those hips beneath him were thrusting up faster with that eagerness he groaned at. An eagerness he couldn't help but give in to. Fuck, Shouta may like hearing him talk but there's nothingbetter than listening to that deep voice of his slur out those vulgar, dirty things to him. It made him burn up as he panted with a whimper flying out of him

Shouta moaned encouragingly as those hips thrusted up, the slide of his husband's erection against his own had him writhing. He moved his hips fast, fast, fast against Shouta's tearing another wild, throaty moan out of him. And he could hear the strain in the noise. It was so damn loud, so lengthy and trembled that he couldn't imagine it was easy to make such a noise. Yet it sent heat blistering under his skin.

It felt painful how damn hot he was. It should be scientifically possible. He could feel that clammy sweat covering his body, the sheen that held a droplet of sweat that dripped down his hot cheek. He shivered at the slick noise created between them as those glazed, foggy eyes stared up at him. Gasping a breath as the hand in his hair finally slid out along his sweaty back down, down, down.

He whimpered loudly at the black-haired man. Pleading, pleading, pleading him for him to do it. Begging him. And he swore he'd burn up when that hand slid down grabbing at that neglected cheek and yanking him forward. As if it could make him go any faster. He loved that tight, strong grip of those hands squeezing at him and kneading delightedly making him shake. The hand he'd left on his chest curled into a fist as he whined.

His left clawing, yanking fistfuls of blankets to his fist when he moaned with such delight even he could pin point the emotion in his voice. It was so damn GOOD. He loved the slick, wet noise with each thrust of his hips. Love the slide as his erection slid against Shouta's, hands squeezing at him so tightly he felt them tremble. Felt those blunt nails digging into his skin. Would the rod do as some said?

Would it pop out a bit from the force? Or would it dribble out? Even if this didn't turn out to be his thing, he knew it could quite possibly be Shouta's. And he had to admit that even he was just as excited to see what it would do. It was a curious thing truly. And he was trying so hard not to think of the time straining down on them. He groaned when those hands squeezed him tight, tight, tight.

He wanted to say he had more stamina this week. That waiting so long after those nights Eri slept snuggled between them followed by the days his husband was away that he had had the time to grow it. That he had the time alone to push his boundaries, to get off like he had the week of their edging and be satisfied. Oh, he was wrong. Funny how he was so nervous about this. About doing something so odd.

So nervous it would hurt, it wouldn't go in, or some awful thing. That neither of them would like it leading to an awkward song and dance where he pulled it out carefully then stashed it in the back of their drawer never to be revisited. Perhaps even tossed in the trash without a second glance. And that was his first wrong assumption. He had so many questions to ask his husband later. Later, later, later.

For now, words didn't have their place. It was far too addicting pulling out those arousing, beautiful noises out of his husband. To keep moving his hips, sliding and rubbing his erection against Shouta's as the spread legs began to squeeze around him and fingers dug into his ass fiercely. As if he had to hold on. Fuck, it was such a hard squeeze that had heat sizzling through him. Shouta had to know what it did to him.

And God, what a sight his husband was! It should so unfair to look like that, to make him burn like this. This man had not a clue the power he held over him. To have someone like Shouta Aizawa beneath him? Letting him do these things with him as he moaned shamelessly and squirmed against him? Ohhh, it was a damn gift. How many times over the years had he heard gossip around his husband?

How many shameless students gossiped about getting with this man? How many other Pro-Hero's had he heard trading ideas about him in the bedroom? Heard people trading little theories about what he was like in bed. If he was a top or bottom, submissive or dominant. If he was rough or gentle. And God they were always so far off the game he couldn't help but feel smug when their offers were rejected with such a stone-cold rejection.

Smug and arrogant in that he knew all of those answers perfectly well. And staring down at the black-haired man with his red face, his glazed, unfocused eyes on him? With black brows tugging together and his mouth hanging open with those high, shameless moans flying out? Oh, he knew he was damn lucky. So lucky. He was fortunate to have ever managed to not only get with this man but keep him for sixteen years straight.

Could anyone else brag about that?

The moan tore itself out of him before he could think twice about frequency, pitch or keeping it down which he regretted. It tore its way out of his throat as he squirmed when those nails dug into his ass fiercely only to drag up briefly. The moan had his husband jumping only to whine at him. Had the lamp shades rattling lightly on either side of the bed furiously. Had his hearing aids shriek at him making him cringe with his husband.

He shut his mouth quickly, listening to the click of his teeth and leaned down with a whimper. Pressed his lips to that hot, sweaty face only to feel lips moving against his face in return in frantic little kisses. Hands released their tight, strong grip on his ass to slid up his back as hips moved frantically. He couldn't help but feel somewhat awed again at how how in sync they were. Only it was their hips this time.

Maybe it was the slick slide of their twitching erections but it was damn good. So, so good! He whimpered at the black-haired man who whined back at him only for it to deep into one of those throaty moans. Hands slide up his back to hair, twisting into them fiercely. He didn't need to ask what Shouta wanted at that moment. Knew what he wanted already. He leaned down covering those swollen, trembling lips with his own.

Moved them eagerly, urgently to which he felt them slide against his own with those same sensations being thrown right back at him. Moaning out, he could feel that whisper of an orgasm; twisting through him. Growing, growing, growing. It would be a good one. It had the muscles in his stomach flexing. Had the muscles in his thighs jumping and tensing much like the ones pressing tightly against him.

Tensing up so much they trembled as nails clawed at his scalp sending those tingling waves down his back making him squirm. He moved his lips frantically, pressing fiercely against Shouta's before he broke the kiss. His husband whined trying to yank him back down, yet he fought against those pulling hands. He then used the arm he was braced on to push off to hop up onto that hand.

A leaning position over his husband. He watched those black lashes flutter open to reveal dark eyes that stared at him with a trace of confusion as their fast, uneven pants mingled together and he looked down. Fuck, it was a mess. An absolutely slick mess of pre-come that had dripped and smeared against stomachs. Smeared between twitching erections. It was by far the hottest thing he'd ever seen in his damn life.

To see a few thin, translucent strands of pre-come breaking apart when he pulled back a bit. It was fucking drool worthy as he watched Shouta's erection twitch against his stomach. Hands slid out of his hair as he then smirked at his husband. He slid his hand from his chest down to grab their erections tightly making the man squirm with a low, guttural groan. Hips twitched up eagerly, excitedly even, into his hand.

Even with there being a bit of a time crunch, he was loving every damn second. This was fucking worth it. It was so, so worth it and he would happily walk in late with an apology if it meant he got to experience this. While he wouldn't say that sex with Shouta was more important than anything there was some exceptions. Moments where he was so painfully close that nothing mattered but the man squirming and whimpering beneath him.

Moaning and groaning with such enthusiastic and encouraging tones that he was helpless to keep going. To give them both what they wanted. He shivered when he squeezed again with the pressure that had his toes curling. Had his husband bucking up eagerly once again with a moan flying out of him as he began stroking quickly. "Y-You said you wanted to see? Then w-watch, baby! You gotta watch!"

He shivered when those glazed, dark eyes flicked down watching him with such intensity it had him biting on his lip to smother down a noise clawing in his throat. The mere idea that his husband's whole attention, every bit of it, was on him and his actions had his heart racing painfully. Stroking the both of them quickly, he smirked at that thrust of those hips up into his hand. Curving his hand in that twisting motion.

It had the black-haired man squirm beneath him as a moan ripped in that snapping manner he loved to hear from Shouta. It was an addictingly thick, lustful sound that had him panting faster with hitching and stuttered breaths. He slid his hand up to rub at the dripping heads smearing the droplets of pre-come earning a moan from Shouta. His teeth dug into his lip as his brows twitched together.

Gathering then gripping a fistful of the blanket in his left hand tightly and he groaned low in his throat when hips bucked up against him. And he happily followed after Shouta's unspoken demand with a buck of his own. Giving in to the urge to begin that sliding, thrusting action again as the black-haired man moaned. This time the pitch was higher, far more eager than that last one. Then his legs squeezed tightly against his waist.

The hands his husband had dropped from his hair clawed then griped at the blanket. Fistfuls being squeezed until knuckles were white. Until they were trembling like the rest of him. He could feel the tremble to his legs, yet it paled to the sight of those dark eyes locked onto his hand. A look of such hungry, lustful greed he'd seen so many times had him burning like no other. Had him whimpering at the sight alone.

It was hard to remember the little things like the time that was surely working against them. The fact he was stilling his hand in favor of thrusting against Shouta only to move it again with a groan once he forced himself to focus. That slick noise, the action of thrusting and the resulting rub of his erection against Shouta's was amazing. He squeezed them both in his hand was amazing. Deliriously, giddily pleasurable.

His teeth dragged over his lip as his mouth fell open with those fast, uneven pants leaving him as his thighs tensed and trembled once again as the muscles flexed in his stomach. Didn't need all those little signs from his husband to know how close he was.

Lashes fluttered in fast blinks as those dark eyes stared down eagerly with little whimpers flying out of him as he squirmed, and he whined back with a squirm of his own. He flinched at how high that whine was, looking to his husband yet he didn't see a single reaction. No glare, no warning smack, nothing. He swore if it were realistically possible, this man would have those cliché little hearts in his eyes.

Those spirals with the damn excitement and heat in that gaze. It was a little giggle worthy thinking about, yet it was forgotten, lost when he squeezed his fingers tightly at the twitching, throbbing erections in his hand. Thrusting his hips forward in time with Shouta's excitedly. Gasping in a breath that trembled down, held tight in his lungs only to fly out on a cry that was echoed by a shout beneath him.

He swore that had he not playfully told Shouta to watch that those eyes would have rolled up. Would have squeezed so tightly shut lashes would tremble on his red cheeks. His head would have thrown itself back to press against the mattress the way it always did in the wake of an orgasm. Instead, he watched the black-haired man's face scrunch slightly, his eyes squinting yet staying open.

Locked downwards on his hand. And he had to admit it was WORTH it. The sight of the come spurting onto his husband's stomach, the erection throbbing as the man moaned at him but even, he had to admit his eyes were riveted down. While for him, the force of it wasn't enough to make it "pop up" as some men said it did, but rather as his orgasm snapped over him, he watched the come dribble around the little silver ball.

He squirmed as he moaned throwing his head back as Shouta gasped in his beaths, whimpering as he writhed against him; so stiff as that orgasm washed and ripped. It lasted a second, yet it felt like minutes. Hours. It was so fucking good he almost didn't want it to end. Wanted to stay there, shaking with his husband as the heat raced through him as tingles rushed along with it beneath his skin.

Wanted to cling to that absolutely satisfying, amazing sensation a touch longer. And yet it simply wasn't like that. The second it crashed over him; it had taken mere seconds for it to ebb out of him leaving him limp and shaking over the black-haired man who finally tore his eyes from down between them up to his face. Trembling with him as his hands shook from their tight grips on the blankets.

They lifted rather quickly to twist into his hair once again yanking his face down, groaning as he ecstatically crushed his lips to Shouta's. Moving in a fast, breathless kiss that had him wanting to go again. Wanting just one more orgasm before he went to work but he knew if he did that then he wouldn't be able to focus. He wouldn't filter himself as well as he could after one. Goddamn if the slide and press of those swollen lips didn't feel good.

Didn't feel so fucking amazing against his own and tempted him to give in just this once. Shuddering, fast breaths fanned against his hot cheek as he listened to the smacking of their lips moving together and the soft, tiny noises leaving the back of his husband's throat as those fingers dragged over his scalp sending shivers down his spine. Even if he got home at four or five in the morning Saturday morning.

He would happily strip off every stitch of clothing again and jump right in this bed with the black-haired man. He'd happily give them both what they wanted before Eri even thought of waking and the cats thought of shrieking at their door for their breakfast. He'd do it gratefully, happily, euphorically. He wanted to right now but that wouldn't be the smartest thing on the planet. Even if he made some reckless, stupid choices.

This, however, was one he couldn't afford to make. Already he pushed it by doing something pretty damn hot and kinky before work. Something that he'd be replaying on loop in his head until he got home. It had him pulling away from his husband, a whimper flying out of the man as he tried to drag him down like he had earlier. "I fuckin' love you, you know that? If I-I could just stay here and fuck you all n-night I would, baby, but I have to go do my show tonight."

His husband gasped in a breath only to fly out on a hissing curse. "Fuck me!"

"I wish I could, baby, I-I really do!

A low, annoyed groan slid out of Shouta as those lips trailed down his hot cheek, not seeming to mind the sheen of sweat covering it. He sighed softly when those lips targeted the bridge of his nose then his cheeks softly. That smattering of freckles his husband said with such pride, such confidence, that he loved. "C-C'mon, baby, you wanna help me get ready?"

"Fine!" The growl that left his husband had him giggling when he pulled back to find a pout forming on those lips. Just like earlier. However, it was so much easier to see the temptation a look like that offered as his lower lip jutted out at him and those dark brows twitched from the tight clench.

Was it because he was far more flushed than earlier? There was the euphoric, foggy look of that orgasmic afterglow in those dark eyes? The hunger that clawed under it? Or the swollen appearance of those full lips of his? Or was it merely that post-orgasmic euphoric bliss that was making Shouta look positively irresistible? Absolutely tempting even with that glare and pout? He sighed out with irritation.

He wished he didn't have to leave either. He knew Shouta felt similarly about him leaving for the radio station on Friday nights as he felt about the man leaving on Sunday nights and being gone for three nights. Both having their duties to their jobs. It was a pain in the ass when he wished he could stay home just one night. One night to be his to do as he pleased with Shouta. He'd just have to make it up tomorrow.

Then he felt Shouta fidget against him making him blink out of his thoughts. He looked down to find that pout still in place but there was a hopeful little look that was trying to claw through as the black-haired man shuffled before speaking. "Y-You promise when you get home, we-?"

"I promise you, baby, that I will and c-can plow your ass right into this b-bed when I get home after work if you're up! Won't matter how t-tired I am or how frustrated I am, I will fuck you so g-goddamn hard just like you want!" He then pulled back, pushing off with his free hand to sit up on his knees then backwards towards the edge of the bed while doing his best not to press his sticky hand to the bed.

God knows his husband would rip it off of him if he did. "I'll be up."

"Well, baby, you r-really shouldn't guzzle coffee a-"

"I'll. Be. UP."

"Alright, alright! Stay up all night and be loopy if you want!" He sighed out with a wave of his hand as the black-haired man pouted at him fiercely. With a wicked little thought, he tilted his head at his husband with a smile "S-So, did you really like this that much? What is it about it that you like? Is it just watching me? Or do you wanna try it personally?"

The pout dropped off his husband's lips, pressing together instead as he sat up then shuffled to the edge of the bed after him and he could SEE those trembles running up his legs. See the tremble in his arms. Then his eyes were flicking up to him with not a drop of shyness nor of that adorable bashful look. "I-I don't really know. I mean, maybe? It's honestly aweing you even did that much less cum with it on."

"You know, I really did think it'd pop up like some say it did! Though I guess it was pretty hot either way, right?"

"Yeah, it was. And as a whole I think it's pretty hot, but I don't know if I'd do it to myself. I'd need you to help me with that."




He smirked down at his husband as those lips began twitching into a grin, hands reaching up to grab at his waist and he moved his clean hand up to push the locks of hair away from Shouta's sweaty face. "I think I could help you, baby! You just let me know if you wanna try and I'll be right there! Maybe it'll be you that cums so hard it pops up! Guess there's only one way to find out, right?"

Oh, the tempted heat that flashed at him from those dark eyes had his heart flying up to his throat. Fluttering wildly choking him of his air as he stared down at the excited look in his husband's gaze. "There sure is one way to find out."

"I'm glad we're in agreement then! We'll do that another time! You, good sir, need to think of which kinky thing you want out of the remaining three to do!"

"Don't remind me of that. It feels like we just started and it's already ending." He giggled at the groaned words as he stepped back allowing Shouta to stand up. "Let's just focus on getting you ready for work."

"Absolutely! And Shouta?" He watched eyes flick back to him, brows raising at him, and he changed his smirk to a smile. Wiggling his toes on the carpet he wrapped his arm around the man's waist as he forced his shaking legs to move. "Just because it's almost over doesn't mean we can't do another one."

Such simple words yet it was worth it, so very, very worth it just to see his husband perk up with a hopeful little gleam in his dark eyes. He'd do anything, absolutely anything to make this man happy and if another challenge was something he began working on then dammit he would. "True. Now, let's go. My legs feel like they're going to give out."

"Sir, yes, sir! Come on, let me pamper you until I head out?" And the wide, warm smile that curved on his husband's kiss swollen full lips had his heart jumping wildly in his chest. Shouta truly was worth it.


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