Squeeze Me!

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"Alright, little listeners, remember that the test on Wednesday is about your vocabulary! I also would appreciate for homework to be handed in on your way out and then I want an essay on any particular theme in a classic book that you've read. Romance, revenge, disgusting gore, whatever it is that strikes your fancy! That means no plagiarism and there isn't a chance you'll get out of it! I have a list for it so choose what you'd like off of that list! I want the essay in English! After school help is listed on the school website and of course, feel free to stay after to work out a time or email me! And-"

The bell was shrill as it cut him off, Hizashi's eyes flicking to the speaker next to the door then waved his hands as bags were lifted, zippers jingling as binders, books and folders were slid into place already. "Go! Scatter, enjoy your afternoons, little listeners!"

It was like letting puppies out of a fenced area; the way chairs screeched backwards, feet rushing around desks as bag were zipped up and slung over shoulders were hilarious to him as students rushed for the door sliding it open as he held his hand out for papers to be placed into them albeit clumsily but he didn't mind. The din of voices in the hallway bounced off of the walls as the students rushed out the door.

It was like a sigh of relief echoed in his head when the last piece of paper being slid onto the pile in his hand and he sighed tapping the bottoms of them on his podium; he couldn't blame them. If he could he'd be running out of the room, hunting his husband down, and dragging them both home. He placed the papers on top of his computer which was humming quietly with the half-written email glowing on the screen.

The cursor was blinking at him, right in the middle of a sentence that he'd stopped at when students had shuffled into his room after lunch. He'd have to wrap that up when he had the time for it. He walked up to his chalkboard, snagging an eraser up and got to work on erasing the chalk from it; humming quietly under his breath as he fell into the mundaneness of cleaning off a chalkboard.

The heat from outside was radiating off of the asphalt, off of the metal tops of cars, and he pinched his lips together any time he saw those oozing waves radiating upwards from the ground. While he loved summer, he knew his husband had to be roasting. While he too loved a good black-on-black ensemble he knew better than to wear it on scorching days like these. His poor husband, on the other hand, seemed to wear black no matter the weather.

Hell, their trip to that lake just this past Sunday had left Shouta a sunburn along his shoulders, arms, and legs. Even his face was a touch flushed with a faint little sunburn along his cheeks, forehead and nose but it wasn't quite as noticeable as the rest of him. Despite the sun burns he already had, the man stubbornly chose to wear his black costume and his black-on-black ensembles that made up his wardrobe.

He couldn't fault Shouta for that. It was half of his wardrobe, like he had stated before but the man had to be doubly hot wearing black like that. And, if he had to admit it to himself, his husband looked ridiculously attractive in all that black. He finished swiping at the board when his phone vibrated on his desk prompting him to look over curiously as he placed the eraser down, a hum leaving him.

Sighing out, he walked over to the desk and he reached up scratching his cheek lightly as he walked around the desk sitting down as he scooped it up. He looked at the screen of his laptop to see the notification waiting for him there as well; a mere alert his package had been delivered. Well, he had something to look forward too when he got home! He clicked his piercing against the back of his teeth lightly as he stuffed his phone into his pocket.

He then reached down tugging open the top drawer for his wallet and housekeys to which he slid into his pocket as well then reached up shutting his laptop screen after making sure his email was saved as a draft. He snagged his computer bag from off the floor, slid the device in, tucked in the charger and then slid his stack of papers in on top of them before zipping it up with a hum. He jumped happily to his feet, swinging the strap over his shoulder.

Fifty Shades of EraserMic  (Shades of EraserMic #1)Where stories live. Discover now