Hold It In

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He got a hum from the closet where Hizashi was pulling his costume on, the coat flying around his shoulders as he slid his arms into the sleeves then reached up to grab his directional speaker only to look over his shoulder at Shouta curiously. He had the list in his hand which he folded in half only to tap the paper lightly against his lips nervously; it shouldn't be weird to bring it up, it was on the list which meant it was open for them to attempt.

But after his research into this particular kink he had to wonder if Hizashi really knew anything about it. It wasn't exactly...common. He didn't know anyone who did it though he wondered if Hizashi knew others that were interested in it but strangely enough he was shifting on his feet, side to side as he lightly tapped that paper to his lips before digging the corner of the sheet into his upper lip when he spoke.

"I have a kink. Something we can try."

He watched those green eyes sparkle with sudden light, a gasp flying from the man as he bounced on his toes with that directional speaker lifted halfway up towards his throat like always only to stop when Shouta spoke. His stupid hairdo seemed to bob lightly at the very tip with his movements as he smiled brightly at the black-haired man with such delight that he felt a blush crawl into his cheeks. "Oh? Tell me! We can do it when we get home tonight! What did you choose?"

Well, shit. He took a deep breath pulling the paper away from his lips, letting it flutter to the bed only to frown when Cappella slammed her dainty paws onto the paper creasing it against the blanket and he watched her tail flick wildly as her eyes locked onto that paper. Fuck. That was going to be a whole ordeal to get the paper back. "So, um, we can actually start now. When we get to U.A, if you want."

Brows raised, that head tilted ever so slightly, and he felt that little blush flame in his cheeks when he looked down at his shuffling feet. This was weird. It was maybe one of the weirder kinks on the list, he knew that much, yet Hizashi had written it. It was his handwriting after all. "It's fucking weird but it's one of the simpler ones. The, um, omorashi one."

"Oh!" Hizashi's eyes widened at him with surprise though he could see it; see it very faintly under that strangely calculated surprised look but there was a look of intrigue. Of interest. Like he had been waiting for Shouta to choose it on his own, to be the one to put his choice towards something stranger, and he saw the little pink blush spread across Hizashi's cheeks as he blinked at him. "Okay! We can do that! Did you look into it by chance? I mean, do you know exactly what omorashi is and what it involves?"

"Of course I do. I looked it up, Zashi."

"So then you know it's not exactly for the prideful or the weak of heart, Sho, and it's definitely not for the easily embarrassed type of person so are you sure? Do you understand what something like that would entail for you to actually do? It's not like the shit we've been doing, and I want to make sure you know exactly what you'd be getting into if we did something like that."

"I know. I know, Zashi, I, um, I looked into it. Watched some videos about it, read some articles, went on Urban Dictionary and Wikipedia then wherever else I could hunt down shit to read up on it before I thought about even considering. Thought hard before I decided on bringing it up to you about doing it."

He was babbling. For once his words were flying out so fast, they were stumbling, crashing, and linking together so fast he wondered how Hizashi could even understand him let alone know what he was going to be talking about following that babbled string of a sentence. "It's a kink, not exactly common, but it turns people on to see others with a full bladder or wetting themselves and sometimes it's those experiences that turn people n when they do it to themselves."

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