Tie Me Down!

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A chair.

Shouta's capture weapon.

Those two things sounded perfect when spoken on their own, didn't they? But together? Having those things come together is what Hizashi wanted the most. While he had admitted many times to his husband to wanting certain kinks for a while, there were some that he never breathed a word of until the chance presented itself. Some he had been hesitant to tell his husband. This one was no different.

While he wished he could claim that he had no clue where the fantasy came from, where the wet dreams gained their origin, he knew that would be a lie. A horrible, filthy lie. When Shouta had first received his capture weapon, they had both been curious about it. Hell, the black-haired male refusing to let him see a single moment of training with it until he was good and ready for him to see.

While he didn't breathe a word of it when Shouta looked at him with that scalding look, he always told Oboro how he was dying to see just how good he was with nothing more than to see how it worked more than anything. With no one to teach Shouta, with not a single person helping him, how would he manage? He had been training but how good was he with it?

And while it seemed at first that they had been amicable and quite polite presences in one another's life with Oboro often being their buffer, it was the time of their Sports Festival that he had begun considering Shouta a very good friend. Only to be knocked off his feet when he faced the black-haired male. And quite literally. He had done his best, used his quirk to its best capabilities for his age.

However nothing had prepared him for when that capture weapon shot out and wrapped him tightly.

How fast it had bound his arms to his sides, squeezing him like a python, and rendering him absolutely useless. Unable to even squirm or wriggle to find a way out, squeezed tighter if he dared to try and wriggle his way out of the cloth. And when those glowing eyes landed on him? Black locks lifting upwards with the activation of that quirk? Oh, if he hadn't suspected himself of holding a bit of attraction to Shouta before it then it was clear then.

Blasted him right out of the damn water with how intense of a reaction it held on him. All of it had struck him more breathless than being knocked off his feet and squeezed with the cloth. He'd been in awe. It was the first aweing moment he'd felt in years over someone else's quirk. He found himself intrigued by other quirks, could appreciate their uniqueness to each person but awe? It had been a long time for a quirk to leave him wide eyed and slack jawed.

And that night was the first wet dream he'd had over his "friend". That was an awkward situation when he had to face Shouta that next morning, but his awe had still remained even if the black-haired male was bitter when the blonde had gotten a brief upper hand. However, he had still lost to Shouta. And Hizashi accepted his loss graciously but Shouta? He'd been unsatisfied. He knew what the black-haired male wouldn't say.

That he felt that he'd let him win. He knew that was exactly why Shouta had been tightlipped and short with his answers at the time whenever he spoke to him. Knew it when the Shouta would glare at him, snap and hiss his words if he asked even the slightest of silly questions. Would walk far ahead of him when they left school which was awkward given they walked in the same direction every day.

It was an awkward bit of time. How he had been unable to look at Shouta to meet the pointed, scathing glares Shouta had aimed at him, unable to settle Oboro's worry and far too bothered by Nemuri's sudden hawk like interest. After that dream he had just found it impossible to provide any answers. Couldn't even meet those eyes that would flicker at him and how quite a few times they flared with that yellow hue.

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