Melt Me, Baby

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Hizashi always believed in backing up his words. On coming through on promises, no matter how impossible or improbable they were. His mothers had even told him countless times that actions would forever speak louder than words. That if he made a deal? He went through with it safely. If he made a promise? Then he tried his best to meet the goal of said promise safely. And he all of it throughout his life.

And in the beginning, he always did well to make good on his promises or deals with this friend group. He always did his best to be there whether it was to rant or vent. To be there if they wanted to cackle at three in the morning or to merely sit by silently. After all, back then his three friends did the same. Nemuri never failing to shut down others. Especially when he was excited and forgot his training.

It always ended up in him being too loud or losing control of his quirk. When Oboro styled his hair for the first time in a reminiscent, baby style of his current one for his hero costume. When Shouta had assured him time and time again the gap in his front teeth wasn't off putting. Nor was he a "metal mouth" when he got his braces. How could he not return that devotion? He would be there if they needed help.

During those ugly years following Oboro's death, he did try. Perhaps not for himself but he tried the best he could. But now he could admit it wasn't good enough. Once he was sober, he knew he wasn't the same. Knew it but tried to be as close to normal as he could for Nemuri and Shouta. What had started as amends and taking it day by day quickly led back to the back bending, over enthusiastic promises.

Stepping back into that familiarity of the role. Going above and beyond for Shouta, for Nemuri, and doing his best to make up for those years he drank away. To make it up no matter how short they might have been. He mended his relationship with Shouta, with Nemuri, and then with his family. He did everything above and beyond. That was truly natural. From then, it was easy to sink back into a routine of familiarity with Shouta.

Fixing and mending the relationship he had nearly broken. Going to therapy sessions upon therapy sessions. Something that he still attended weekly every Sunday afternoon. He had to admit that he needed help. That he needed something to rely on consistently other than making promises. It only made sense his first big sober promise had been for their wedding. Something that got him many wary looks.

However, he had been determined to do so. It was only then after a few talks with his mothers, some budgeting from his siters, that he talked to Shouta. From there, they decided on an elopement where their families and friends could attend. They then went down to the clerk's office where they signed a marriage certificate with his mothers as witnesses. He could still remember the little store bought wedding cake.

That awful, overly sweet taste that imprinted itself on his brain. And then he saved up to get their wedding bands. He did everything he could and more until they had the money for a proper wedding ceremony. This ended up being when they were twenty-eight years old. It didn't matter that they had been married at twenty-six. He wanted to give Shouta something nice to look back on than a city clerks office.

And from then on it was easier to make little promises. To always make Shouta happy. To help provide and support them both. To continue his sobriety and his therapy sessions. To continue putting his best foot forward the only way he could. That he would rely on the black-haired man when he had a problem he couldn't solve on his own. Little things here and there that he was happy to commit too.

Then came other easier things. Taking his pills, staying sober, loving and providing for them both? Open communication? How could he not find it easy? That's why when he created this challenge, he wanted his husband to understand every facet of it. Wanted him to know that he had an out. That he had an option and choice in the matter. From there on it was so unbelievably easy to take care of it all.

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