Fifty Shades of EraserMic (S...

By CrypticBeans

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This is just smut! Straight smut! Nothing complicated, just fifty chapters of straight smut. Enjoy! More

Let's Watch It!
Call Me Daddy
We're Just Strangers
Bang In The Backseat
Shut Me Up!
Cut My Air Off
Use Me Up
Tie Me Up
Under The Water
Caged Away
Lacey Confidence
A Sleeping Beauty's Consent
Seeing Double
Like A Pillow!
Hold It In
Keep Your Eyes On Me
How High Are We Going To Go?
Fiery Hits
Put A Ring On It
On The Rinse Cycle
Jerk It Together
Again and Again
To Be Bred
A Few Silent Moments
Keep Them On
Stock'em Up
The Lady and The Gentleman
Bites and Pulls
Plug It Up
Hot and Cold
Suck It!
Tie Me Down!
What's On The Table?
Two Different Needles
Squeeze Me!
Sweet Heat
Clamp It On!
Let's Get "Handy"!
Not Until I Say So
To The Bathroom!
Fuck The Man Reflected
Mean As A Viper
The Edge
In The Tip!
By The Balls
Give Me A Shock!
Melt Me, Baby

Lick It Up!

388 5 0
By CrypticBeans

Hizashi was scrutinizing the list. Twenty-two things crossed off and they had about twenty-eight more things to go through together. He wasn't normally so indecisive, normally he could think of what he wanted without needing to look at the paper but today? Today he needed too. He needed to revisit the things he and Shouta had both written down, needed to read what else they had planned that they could dive into and see just what he wanted to do next.

He personally would like a few of the wilder things but those required time, they required much research and perhaps even advice from experts on the matter which was a nonstarter given he wanted something to do tonight. He rubbed his palm against his lips, his brows coming together tightly as he started down at the list, his knee bouncing lightly as he scanned his eyes up and down the list again.

Then again. And again. What did he want that wasn't just kicking things off again and spook any balance they had going right now? His husband was in a good mood; a very good mood given Eri's playdate today had gone well, the girl had only whined twice while they were out shopping, and he didn't even seem to mind Denki hanging around the house nor about him sleeping over for the weekend.

He even hummed earlier; it was quiet, incredibly quiet but Hizashi had been close enough to hear it and it blew him away. When was the last time his husband hummed like that? He couldn't remember but God if it wasn't such a pretty sound. Shouta always did have a nice singing voice; nothing too high nor too low. While he couldn't quite hit deep or high notes perfectly, he could have a very nice middle range that Hizashi loved.

Especially when he got to hear when the man divulged in singing a song or two. It was even sweeter when he thought he was alone. It was nice to listen too. Relaxing. He huffed out a breath tearing himself out of the unhelpful way his thoughts were bouncing around aimlessly as he refocused on the list. He had confidently said earlier he wanted to do something tonight, Shouta readily agreeing with him, but the question was what did they do?

The whole reason his husband was taking a shower now was so they could do something tonight but what did he choose? A lot of the things they could do required buying items online and he knew sure as hell that neither of them wanted to wait that long when they both wanted something now. What could they feasibly do that would or could be done tonight right now?

He was scanning over the list again when he stopped. He blinked before grinning as he folded the paper up sticking back in the pillow case jumping to his feet. How did he not see that the countless times he looked over it? Food! He could do that! And, if he knew anything about that, they could start easily! They not only had sauces to use, not only had honey if he wanted to use it, but they had exactly two things of whipped cream he could use as well.

The options were endless. He didn't need some Wiki page nor a random article on the internet to know what he could do for a first-time use! He rushed across the floor, jittery with the sudden bolt of excitement that was wriggling through him to every finger and toe on his body as he rushed through the open bedroom doors with at least three out of their six cats skittering away from his path.

He ran down the short hallway into the kitchen, flying towards the fridge reaching out to grab the handle before throwing it open scanning the shelves in front of him quickly then turning his gaze to the shelves on the door before snagging the chocolate syrup and whip cream off of the shelves. He slammed the door shut with his hip as he rushed over to the cabinet throwing open the middle one reaching up easily to snag the honey off of the bottom shelf then snapping it shut.

There was no way this couldn't backfire. There was no way that Shouta wouldn't like it! He could easily replace the syrup, if need be, he could replace all of it if they ended up keeping the items in their room for some reason, and he found himself grinning widely to himself. It was an easy sort of situation that they could easily clean up and they were caught up on laundry if they had to change the sheets again.

He would personally change and wash the sheets if he had too. His feet brushed against the floor softly as he rushed across the room towards the little hallway again, a squad of cats following after him with bells jingling merrily with their pursuit as he sprinted lightly down the hallway with long, fast steps. He flew into the bedroom throwing the items down onto the bed.

Rushing over to the bedside table yanking the drawers open to grab their usual items; lube, condoms and wipes. He slapped them down on top of the bedside table making the lamp wobble lightly from the force making him reach out to steady it even if there was no danger of it toppling over, and he then looked down at himself. He had just stepped out of the shower himself after making sure he himself was clean before tonight, a good thing to do in his opinion.

He felt his heart skip as he played with the hem of his tank top. It really had heated up weather wise, surprisingly enough, and so he had chosen a rather simplistic pajama set tonight; one of his silk sets. They were a deep purple that Shouta had claimed made him paler; that it made him glow though he failed to see that.

Especially when he stood in front of the mirror after getting out of the shower to see if he could possibly, maybe, see what his husband did. And he didn't. He didn't glow but he did look comfortable in them. Which he was. He was twisting the fabric of his shirt around his fingers, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip as he debated between taking it off or leaving it on for the beginning part.

Then the bathroom door swung open with a rush of steam flooding into the room like a damn sauna. Shouta always did like his showers hot as he could get them depending on his mood; Hizashi himself preferred a cooler temperature, not cold but not hot. A warmish-cold according to Shouta. He never failed to pout at the words, especially when Shouta smirked at him.

Hizashi would always believe until his dying breath that there was clean and then there was scalding every little germ and skin cell off his body which is how Shouta liked it. When Shouta stepped out with his towel around his hips, he could have sighed. Could he possibly be more into his husband? Was it hypothetically, scientifically, mathematically possible for him to be any more attracted to his husband than he already was?

He honestly didn't think his poor heart would take much more of this torture. Between him and Nemuri he really didn't think his heart would last. While he wasn't sexually attracted to Nemuri, their relationship being strictly platonic, he had to admit the woman was just as beautiful as Shouta was. Ahhh, he really was a bisexual disaster like his husband claimed, wasn't he?

He snapped out of his thoughts when Shouta cleared his throat lightly making his own eyes flick away from their locked position; how long had they been down on the towel? He knew if he had more shame or embarrassment he would have blushed to be caught gawking but it was hard to really feel that way. Not when there was a quiet voice in the back of his mind whispering he knew what was beneath that towel.

Hard when there was another little voice in the back of his head begging, pleading and hoping that his towel would slip somehow. Not all the way off. Just down a little bit. Just to the start of his pubic hair, where his happy trail thickened down and a little flash of his hips was all he needed. A little peek is all he wanted. "Stare much? Are you going to start drooling next?"

Fuck, was he drooling? His hands flew up to his mouth as if to make sure, surprised to find his lips had parted and his mouth was hanging open just a bit which he snapped shut as he rubbed at his lips, patted his chin for any sign of wetness. He scowled when he found none and while his husband's snickers were a delightful sound, he couldn't appreciate it through the small stab of embarrassment that managed to land a hit.

Though did he really have anything to be embarrassed over? So, what if he gawked at Shouta? That was his husband and he had all free rights to gawk at that scar covered, pale, toned body that was always double cheeked up even through his towel. His hair swayed lightly, clumped together still as he tilted his head with an amused little grin on his lips that threatened to turn into what he lovingly called his manic, 'Totoro' grin.

It was always off putting but Hizashi had long since come to love the sight of it no matter how disturbing it could be seen as. "You going to answer me or what? You gonna gawk at me like some kind of pervert?"

"But does it make me a pervert if you like it when I ogle you? You've made no moves to cover yourself up, sweetheart."

Oh, he plucked a string. His husband twitched at the nickname when he let his grin curl widely over his lips, his own head tilting causing his hair to bob lightly against his neck in its loose bun that he would one hundred percent need to tighten if he was going to spend time bent over his husband. While he called his husband many things, 'baby' was always his go to.

Though sweetheart, love, darling boy, babes, were all in a list of categories of what he could resort too. Sweetheart was a term he hardly used on Shouta save for their texting when he really wanted to pluck his husbands' strings before he got home. He ignored a few chirping meows as he walked around the bed then, brushing his fingers lightly over the sheets as he lowered his lashes and raised his brows at his husband as he grinned at him.

"I think you might have a problem with showing off your body, sweetheart! Ever since you wore that lingerie, ever since you had me watch you, you've been a bold little thing with your nudity, haven't you? What is it exactly? You like showing off for me now? Have I opened a door I didn't know had been shut? You wanna flaunt yourself now for me?"

He expected many reactions from his husband; he expected him to go into his shell, he expected him to get shy, to fidget on his feet, to duck his head away and scowl at him from the corner of his eye as he tried his best to use his hair to hide his face away. But not tonight. He got that wide, Totoro-esque grin from his husband, his cheeks flushing a rather charming red as Shouta raised his brows at him.

The head tilt seemed to lean a bit more as he crosses his arms over his chest. A new move. A new sight. A new reaction. "I'm just wearing a towel, Zashi. It's not my fault if you read more into that than you're admitting out loud."

Hmmm? Oh, okay! I see you, Shouta, I know EXACTLY what you're doing. Fine, I'll play! I'll play with you and I'll make it GOOD. If you wanna tease I can tease right back! I'll follow until it's MY turn to lead!

He took his time walking around the bed right up to his husband, cocking a hip at him when he came to a stop inches in front of him as he smirked at the man who was staring right back bold as ever. Not so much as a flinch moved over his husband when he met his gaze. Oh he liked that. Liked it a whole lot.

"Oh? And what if I just pulled that towel off of you, hmmm? What are you gonna do about it?"

Goosebumps. He could see them raising on Shouta's skin as he lifted his left hand up pressing it against his husband's chest, hot beneath his fingers as he pinched then tugged lightly at the coarse chest hair. "I bet you'd like it a whole lot if I got down on my knees right now, wouldn't you? I'd bet my whole damn bank account, every little dollar and cent in it that you'd be hard by the time I got down there. Wouldn't you? You really wanna play that game when I have a much better one in mind for tonight?"

"Oh, you have another game? I doubt it could be better but I'll be willing to hear you out."

Oh, his husband was confident tonight. Absolutely dripping with it. He loved it. He wanted to rip it down, strip his husband bare until he was squirming on the sheets whimpering and begging him to do it, do it, do it. He wanted his husband confident, to be unashamed in his pleading, in his whimpers, in the way he would squirm and twisted desperately beneath him all with that cocky look in his eyes.

A challenge like he saw right now. He pressed his palm flat against Shouta's chest, his husband's heart betraying him like it always did as it flew and hammered against his palm despite the calm and cocky look on his face that was such a pretty, vivid red against his pale skin. "What could you possibly have planned tonight that's better?"

"Come here, I'll tell you all about it and you decide if you want to. It's a messy one but I don't think you'd mind that one bit, would you, sweetheart?"

He tried his hardest not to let a shiver roll over him when he saw the heat flash in his husband's dark eyes, the way his lashes quivered as he widened them a touch when his grin spread viciously across his lips. Fuck, he loved that disturbing little grin of his. He dropped his hand from his husband's chest to pull at his right forearm, sliding down the length of it to grab his hand then tugging him around the bed happily.

He was smirking with a burst of such wicked delight when he noticed Shouta gripping at his towel as if he needed to keep it up. Or perhaps worried Hizashi would whip around any moment and tug at it. Both things he truly did want but he liked watching a towel fall naturally from his husband's hips; there was nothing that he could enjoy more than seeing even a towel give up on covering Shouta.

"So, I'm going to give you the name which is the simplest thing in the world that I bet even you will understand. Do you know why a kink would be called food play?"

Shouta rolled his eyes, the sight making Hizashi chuckle softly as they turned along his side of the bed and he threw his free hand out gesturing to the syrup, whipped cream and even the honey. Although now that he thought about it, he really didn't think he'd be using all of it tonight on his husband.

Though the interest, that curiosity, flickered in his husband's dark eyes as he stared over the items before looking up at him cocking an eyebrow. Ahhh, he really loved when Shouta was sassily confident and he wanted to see more of it. Wanted more eyerolls, more of that sassy look and his Totoro-esque grin tonight. "I'm going to go out on a limb here."

"Go ahead! Walk that limb, baby!"

"It's called that because it involves food."

"Wow, you really are a smart cookie, aren't you?"

"I've been known to have my moments."

"Was there something in the title of it that gave it away?"

"Nope. Like I said, going out on a limb. Shot in the dark."

"My, my! You sure are a clever boy! So clever!"

"What the fuck am I? A raptor? A dog of some kind?"

He played up a clueless, perhaps even innocent tone that he played up with a look equally as innocent. He then widened his eyes at Shouta who stared at him for a solid two seconds before he broke down into snickers. His left hand came up to rub at his eyes, his wedding ring catching the light causing it to wink at Hizashi. He snickered with his husband as he then lifted their hands up to kiss the back of Shouta's hand, then his knuckles, before rubbing his thumb against them as he smirked widely at the black-haired man.

"Okay, okay, you're right! It involves food though I don't think we should just hop into eating food off of each other; besides, we'd have to order out or even make that food and we already had dinner so that's not happening tonight. But we can start with the easy stuff; we can do blindfolded feeding each other and then this! I basically just drizzle syrup on you and lick it off! Same with the whip cream and the honey! Very, very simple but it definitely isn't clean. What do you think of that?"

He watched his husband's eyes flick between the three items on the bed, humming quietly to himself and he lifted their hands up to kiss the back of Shouta's again softly prompting the man to turn towards him with his brows raised and his grin smaller than it'd been before. Like he couldn't keep up the energy or the willpower to keep up that grin of his.

"That's probably one of the simpler ones we've done so far. I mean, just licking syrups off each other doesn't sound hard at all and it's not like I have to worry about you being dirty given you just took a shower. Seems a little wasteful since we both took showers and we're only going to get messy again. Doesn't make a lot of sense."

"I guess in a way it really doesn't make sense. Why get clean if we're just going to get dirty again? It's a silly thing but I thought it'd be fun! I mean, you were the one that asked for sex tonight, not me!"

Those eyes narrowed on him making him smirk widely at his husband, reaching up to tap the tip of his nose making Shouta flinched away with a scowl on his then slid that hand over to brush his fingers against the hot blush in his husband's cheek, marveling at the heat that radiated off of it. He then lifted his husband's hand up one more time to place one last, soft kiss to his knuckles when he then rubbed his palm against that hot cheek.

"We don't really have to wash hair this time though! We don't even really need to get in the shower! We can just use a few wash clothes and wipe off any possible place there could still be stuff on us! So, given how silly it is to get dirty when we just got clean, would you want too?"

He rubbed his husband's knuckles happily, pulled his hand from his cheek and then began sliding his hand up then down the length of that forearm softly creating that quiet whisper on whisper skin sound that he really did enjoy hearing; it was like a personal little dash of ASMR he never knew he wanted. He could listen to that quiet sound for hours if it meant that Shouta could comfortably make a decision.

The last thing, the very last thing, he ever wanted was to push his husband in anyway. And it was this thought, this utter conviction, that had him staying still with his hand rubbing up and down his husband's forearm softly, slowly, and tracing the bumps of his knuckles softly with his thumb. He would wait. He swore he could hear his husband's heart -could hear his own heart- positively flying against his chest as he fought the urge to squirm excitedly on his feet.

The hope was honestly painful. It wasn't until those dark eyes raised to his, a glimmer of determination in them, did he feel his hope crest high in his chest with the excitement. "Alright. Alright, let's do it. It doesn't sound complicated at all."


Hizashi couldn't have controlled the volume nor the pitch of the shriek but despite the flinch he got from Shouta he saw no real anger in his face though his eyes narrowed for a brief moment, but it was forgotten when the man himself yelped as Hizashi grabbed at his towel. He gripped the makeshift waistline, rolled up a few times, and flung it open then whipping it from his husband's waist to the floor.

All with the flare of a magician showing off a brand-new magic trick he had come up with and he let his lips change from his playful smirk into a wide smile. He then smacked his husband's thigh with the tips of his fingers. "Up, up! Come on, I'll make sure there's no cats and the doors are shut! You just hop up on there!"

The huff he got from his husband kicked him into go-time as he flew around the room scooping up any and all cats he happened to see until he was rushing to the doors with Simba, Void and Twix in his arms tossing them into the hallway then turned to proceed chasing Sterling around the room. It took him a few minutes to not only find the kitten but to get the anxious little thing into his arms, soothing her with clicks and kisses until she was melting into his arms only to be lightly tossed into the hallway.

He shut the doors, flipped the little lock, and then took a few minutes to scan into the closet, use their little step stool to peer into the back of that top shelf of their closet. He hopped down then check under the bed with the flashlight on his phone repeatedly to make sure he didn't miss anything. He looked behind the dresser, behind the TV, in the bathroom under the counter, behind the toilet, behind the curtains and obviously behind the door.

When he deemed the room cat free, he turned the flashlight on his phone off, sent a text back to Nemuri, then turned the screen off as he happily gave a little skip to his steps when he entered the room again making black brows raise. "Jesus, you look excited."

"I am! It's been a while and I get to not only make love to you but I get to absolutely kiss, lick and suck you all over? It's like a dream come true!"

"I mean, you can do that without the syrups and cream."

"But wouldn't it make the experience sweeter if there was something to lick up?" H

e raised his hands up to pull his hair down only to scrape all of it back again as tight as he could manage it, pulling it into the tightest bun he could manage to get it into and prayed it wouldn't fall into the chocolate syrup or God forbid any honey. He'd cry if that happened. He crawled up onto the bed, moving over to Shouta before settling back on his heels as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders with his arms curling loosely against his husband's throat.

"So, do you know what you wanna start with? Is there anything that could possibly be catching that little eye of yours from our scarce selection options?"

He faintly felt his husband's throat moving as he swallowed, as if he needed to scrounge up some of his confidence he'd seen moments ago, and he kissed the top of Shouta's head softly. He felt the tense set of his husband's shoulders melt, a tenseness he hadn't known formed, and he kissed the top of his head softly again despite how wet it was still, fighting the urge to click his tongue in reproach at his husband.

He knew better than to go leaving the bathroom with wet hair. He wasn't one to believe in those old wives' tale of 'catching his death' by walking around with wet hair but he hated how frizzy his husband's hair got when he let it air dry. Resting his cheek against the wet locks, his glasses sliding to the right causing the frames to dig painfully into his temple and the side of his nose yet that was easily ignored as he happily drummed his fingers against his forearms when his husband spoke.

"What- Is there something specific you want to start with? I mean, you brought two syrups with you. Didn't you think to grab the strawberry one?"

"Yeah, I didn't think 'bout adding that one. I honestly can't stand the taste of strawberry syrup, at least not that brand. It's too sickeningly sweet, it runs everywhere, and it'd be hard to keep up with it when it's dripping onto the sheets faster than the chocolate syrup."

He then reached down grabbing his husband's elbow tilting his hand up to snag the hair tie around it then dropped his arm to rake his fingers carefully through the wet locks of hair to ease out any possible tangles making the man sigh softly as he tugged gently at little tangles. "Though all syrups have their additives, sickening sweetness, and corn syrup to them like the chocolate syrup here! But I asked you first! I want to hear what you want to use first! Because whatever you choose, I'll go with as well."

Again his husband went quiet for a few seconds as he began pulling his husband's hair, making sure to tug his bangs backward as well, and then tied the locks tightly into a ponytail, using a few locks to tighten it a bit so it was flush to his scalp and he was surprised when Shouta turned his head while leaning back to look at him. "Chocolate. Let's use the chocolate one first."

Of course, he'd chose that one first. He smiled kissing his forehead happily, making a little hum leave his husband, and relishing in the way his eyes fluttered shut for a moment before opening again. "Let's get this show on the road, Zashi."

"Yes, sir! Lay down!"

He held his hand out for the bottles passed to him, the whip cream positively frigid in his hand as he placed it along with the honey down then used the edges of his nails to get the syrup open then turned his attention to his husband only to fight down a happy little sigh. His husband would never not make him want to, would never fail to make him swoon internally.

His arms were muscular, his legs just as toned, and while he definitely sported an impressive six pack it looked like it was softening just a bit; nothing drastic but rather it held a squishy quality to it that was very faint but that he loved. If Shouta knew he'd go to the gym and work it off right away, which is what prompted him to hold his tongue. There was nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with being just a little squish or soft.

Shouta never cared for his physical appearance, not like Hizashi did, but he would work off that little softness he had gained until he was nothing but sleek, solid muscle if he knew. He blinked himself out of his thoughts when he realized he was circling his finger around the tip of the bottle, a quiet little idea in the back of his mind as he ogled over his husband's physique.

He smiled when those dark brows came together tightly, a frown now pinching at the corner of Shouta's lips. He knew how he wanted to start it off. His husband would either like it or hate it. He tipped the bottle, giving a harsh downward movement to get the thick liquid towards the top of it before squeezing a droplet of chocolate onto the pads of his fingers.

Then he moved forward on his knees until he was able to lean over his husband, smiling down at him when he then reached towards his lips. Like he would with ChapStick or lip gloss, lipstick even, he carefully made sure to not to get too much on his husband's skin as he rubbed the chocolate against his lips. He then tapped his sticky lips expectantly as his husband stared up at him with a brief little look of confusion before that realization came over him.

A realization that had his eyes widening a touch before they flickered with heat up at him as he opened his mouth. He knew he could get chocolate on his fingers if Shouta closed his mouth but he didn't really mind. He could clean them off himself if he wanted to. He couldn't fight the shiver nor the way his breath hitched with that excitement any more than he could stop his dick from twitching with that similar emotion when he slid the tips of his fingers into Shouta's mouth.

He absolutely loved the heat as the black-haired man then seemed quite happy in licking at the pads of his fingers. He even went so far as to close his mouth to suck at his fingers, as if there was more chocolate on them then there really was but he didn't mind. In fact, it sent chills over him each time his husband licked and slid his tongue against his fingers all while those dark eyes burned up at him.

He let the man happily lick and suck at his fingers until he pulled backwards prompting his mouth to open as he slid them out only to find a little line of chocolate on his fingers from his husband's lips. He lifted them up licking the lines away, making sure he flashed his piercing at his husband. He then took a moment to close the cap to the syrup in order to give it a few additional hard shakes, feeling the thick liquid slide down to the top.

Humming when he it felt become heavier on that half than the bottom making him hum softly. He knew the moment he got it open again it would without a doubt dribble given his grip on the bottle and so he tapped Shouta's chin lightly, coaxing his head backwards, and once his neck was fully exposed to him, he hovered the bottle above it then got the cap open again.

Like he knew it would, a thin line of chocolate dribbled out from his light grip and he watched that Adam's Apple bob in a little swallow making his heart skip. He had to be quick about mapping this out. Very quick. He took a breath that shook lightly then squeezed the bottle harder moving downwards making a rather thick line down the length of Shouta's throat right down to his collar bones, lifted upwards then dipping it again to squeeze a dollop onto each nipple.

Moving down towards his sternum where he proceeded to squeeze a trail down his skin watching goosebumps rise on the pale skin. He traced the shape of his husband's toned stomach with the chocolate right down to his hips then right above his pelvis. He took a mere second to marvel as his husband shivered. His breath was hitching quietly in such a way that it made his own heart skip against his chest and his stomach to squeeze excitedly.

His hands shook lightly as he capped the bottle for the time being, placing it on the bed. He could start from the top. Or he could start from the bottom. He swallowed when he reached up taking his glasses off, placing them on Shouta's pillow carefully, then bent down towards his husband's throat where the chocolate was staring to drip down the sides of his throat.

He licked at the left side following that little line towards the thick one it had dripped from, relishing in the little shiver he got from his husband as he then sucked at the skin lightly to remove even the faintest possible chance of chocolate remaining on the skin before he turned his attention to the original line he'd made. He then started towards that middle area where his throat led way to his chest and collar bones then went up.

He flattened his tongue against the skin, licking up the length of his throat and relishing in the quiet whine he got from his husband who twitched beneath him as he leaned over to catch the droplet that had been rolling down the right side happily. He closed his mouth to swallow, to keep from openly drooling and getting a mix of saliva and chocolate on his husband's skin when he then grinned at the sight of the smeared line on his husband's throat.

He bent down taking great pleasure in closing his mouth at the bottom then sucking at the skin; not hard but just enough to get the chocolate off, licking at the skin and performing this action up the length of his throat until not a trace of chocolate could be detected on his skin. He then moved down to his collar bones, licking at the chocolate then swallowing before sucking at the skin making sure to lick while he did so.

He needed to be a bit faster. Thorough but fast. He moved down, letting his gaze flick up to find Shouta watching him now that his throat was clean enough for him to lift his head and he shot him a little smile before leaning down covering his nipple with his mouth. The whine he got from his husband as he licked at the chocolate, swirling his tongue around his areola before flattening his tongue against his hardening nipple sent a shiver down his spine.

He paused to swallow a few times as he then began sucking at him while licking at him until he was satisfied there wasn't a trace of that chocolate only to find Shouta's hand flying up to hold him there with a whimper. He smiled as he pulled off in order to move over quickly to lick the little droplet that had begun rolling from the right nipple, covering it with his mouth to perform the same actions.

He was delighted to feel that nipple hardening against his tongue. Sucking at the skin and licking while he did so seemed to do absolute wonders for his husband. He was squirming beneath him, the hand on the back of his head pressing him down against his chest tightly and he had to admit he wanted to use the whip cream but he had a good idea for that.

A very good idea. Wicked. He popped off of the nipple, pushing against his husband's hand as the man whimpered softly once again and he moved himself over to straddle his husband's legs as he pressed soft little kisses to his chest not minding the curls of hair tickling his face as he did so until he got to the start of that trail on his sternum.

When he got an excited sound from his husband, the emotion flickering in his dark eyes, and he loved it. He could start from the bottom this time. He probably should start from the bottom up. It was this thought that got him inching down further, pausing just long enough to press a kiss against the half-hard erection knowing he had to work fast to get the chocolate off.

He started with his hips. He licked along the edge of the bone, going over it to suckle at the skin while making sure to lick, moving downwards until the skin was free of any syrup, not a trace lingering taste of the chocolate, and he moved over to the other hip delivering the same treatment until he felt the hips twitching up underneath his mouth. He moved quickly to that spot just above his pelvis, licking then suckling at the skin to remove the chocolate there before moving upwards towards his stomach.

Fuck, he loved how the action, the little movement, earned him a whimper from the man as a hand cupped the back of his head once again. He licked his way up his stomach, tracing the lines and swirling his tongue against his skin until muscles were trembling beneath his mouth when he suckled while licking at the chocolate, steadily making his way right up to his husband's body once again feeling the man squirming beneath him.

He could do this all night. Layer after layer, line after line, he'd lick it up no matter what it was. He was suckling at the skin when Shouta squirmed again with a breathless whine. He pushed himself back onto his knees, his own chest fluttering quickly much like Shouta's, as he looked over the pale flesh that glistened up at him with trails of saliva that would no doubt bother his husband later if he thought too much about it.

Shouta was far from a germaphobe but he wasn't the biggest fan of licking; not unless he was smart about it. He licked his lips, catching a faint taste of the chocolate syrup on them when he then reached down drifting his fingers over that erection, getting those hips to jump up eagerly. He could say something, anything really, to his husband but he didn't have the words.

Not right that second. He crawled forward then, hovering over his husband for just a second staring down at him taking in the sight of his red face and the lust that glazed those dark eyes of his. Lashes fluttering in fast little blinks, his lips parted with those soft, fast breaths that had his chest fluttering up and down. He still had chocolate on his lips.

How did he forget that? He felt a shiver of excitement himself as he leaned down and rather than cover his lips with his own like he wanted, he instead delighted in a different action. He knew Shouta had forgotten about the smear of chocolate, or maybe he remembered, but the gasp that flew out of his husband when he licked his bottom lip sent shivers down his spine.

He licked along the length of it before pulling the lip into his mouth to suckle at it gently pulling a low moan from Shouta as he squirmed beneath him, hands coming up to grip at the fabric of his silk tank top when he released his bottom lip after a few seconds to lick at his top lip. He followed the length, the shape of it before pulling it into his mouth, once again suckling at it happily to remove the chocolate from it.

Once it was removed, not a trace lingering, he pulled back just a bit when he felt those hands trembling lightly from how tightly they gripped at his shirt. He smiled at how they tugged insistently at the fabric lightly prompting him to swallow before leaning back down covering both his lips happily with his own. He kissed his husband deeply, passionately and with all the heat he mustered beneath his skin against his husband's lips which was returned happily.

They moved quickly, hungrily against one another as the hands released the fistfuls of silk, they'd hand to slide underneath his tank top instead. He shivered at the hands slipping up towards the center of his back before moving apart towards his sides sliding down them. He moaned against his husband's lips as he reached down pressing his hand against his chest feeling that heart thudding fiercely against his palm. He wanted to devour this man.

Every inch of skin, every little tip on his body, every single cell until there was no space separating the two of them. Until he was content. He felt those fast, panting breaths against his cheek making his own hitch and shake on their way out. He squirmed against his husband angling his hips down to press against something to ease the aches of longing spearing through him.

His brain insisted he needed to get undressed and that he had to take the fabric off now. It seemed that even silk tonight was too much for his hot skin. It was an annoyance, it was irritating, and it had him squirming against his husband when those hands continued traveling up then down his sides only for nails to drag against the skin making him whine out against those full lips.

There was nothing he wanted nothing more than to lay back, to receive the same treatment from his husband, but he just couldn't. He had sudden plans, ideas even, that he wanted to enact and he wanted to go through with them. After all, they had all night and he could easily request a turn later. He released a low moan that mimicked the one his husband had released moments ago when he felt lips parting allowing for the tip of Shouta's tongue tracing along his lip, back and forth.

He honestly never needed much prompting to part his open lips. The eager action earned him a moan from Shouta that sent shivers over him again. He felt the hands along his sides moving downwards towards his waist making his hips jump against him eagerly, excitedly for his fingers to dig into them to send those deep tingles through him that only fed into the aching, the longing, straight to his stomach and erection.

He wanted his clothes off yet that required taking his lips from Shouta's. It meant stopping their kissing, the shameless way Shouta was twisting and undulating his tongue against his own, flicking at the ball of his piercing before swirling the tip of his tongue against it happily. It meant pulling away from the delightful heat it sent rushing underneath his skin each time his piercing clicked against their teeth lightly.

Knew when he pulled away, he'd be grabbing the syrup again; he would continue on as if he never stopped. Though he had to admit there was something far more satisfying in the moment when it came to kissing his husband. He groaned quietly when Shouta slid his hand down his sides, sliding his hands into his shorts grabbing at his ass fiercely as he panted through his nose quickly, excitedly when nails bit into his skin lightly.

Shit, he really loved when Shouta took the initiative, whether it was grabbing his hand or wrapping his arm around him first, kissing him first, or even touching him first. The fact he did it, the fact he reached out first was what excited him. He fucking loved it. He loved when Shouta took this initiative to perform such a kiss as this, loved when his hands were gripping his ass tightly like there was something to hold onto, and he ate it up.

As much as he would love to sit on top of his husband all night long, twisting and playing with his tongue with those hands on his ass squeezing his flesh tighter with every passing second as they squirmed against one another he knew he had to kick this thing into high gear. He pulled backwards breaking the kiss, gasping for a breath that he heard echoed beneath him and Shouta was leaning up chasing after his lips to which he obliged with those fast, firm yet pecking kisses.

Over and over. Coming together again and again until his lips were pressing against Shouta's, moving eagerly with his husband's in an attempt appease him. There would be time, much more time, for kisses to be traded. He listened to the smack of their lips parting once again, a breathless yet wild whimper leaving his husband and he shivered at such a sound leaving his stoic husband.

He wanted to spend the night happily kissing the man silly, much like he had the other night, but realistically he knew tonight after they were done, they'd be kissing for hours until Shouta was eager for another round. Until he wanted another round. He leaned down kissing his husband's hot cheek softly, crawling down to his jaw earning him another one of those wild, high whimpers that had his stomach squeezing with excitement.

Swallowing, he couldn't himself as he moved back towards his husband's lips that were already so full looking swollen from the kissing already. He really just couldn't help himself, could he? Again, did he place those fast, brief kisses that his husband returned when he tried his best to speak. Tried to force his vocal cords, his mouth to form the words he needed to get out.


Another kiss.

"I ne-need to get mmmmy clothes off!"

Another, longer kiss.

"Baby, please!" He needed to focus yet those frantic, sizzling kisses were destroying his will-power. "C'mon, let me-!"

His words were cut off by a kiss that had his toes curling as he groaned against his husband's lips before pulling back and reaching down to grab his husband's forearms.

"Shouta, stop! Five seconds! I need five seconds!"

"No!" He felt his brow twitch yet chills ran down the center of his back at the whiney, reedy voice that was Shouta's, and he looked those dark eyes burning up at him when he pulled at his forearms forcing his hands out of his shorts making the man whine loudly in protest.

He then slid his arms up his forearms to his wrists, pressing his hands to his chest tightly making his husband squirm as if to break free from the tight grip as his fingers flexed towards him. He could easily break free if he wished. He had to admit he did want to let those hands back on him but he needed his pajamas off. He wanted them off more than he wanted his husband's hands on him at the moment.

He pushed down making his husband bounce lightly against the bed, keeping his hands tight against his chest with a little glare at the black-haired man who was scowling up at him. "Zashi! Let go!"

"Keep your hands to yourself, you little pervert! I need to get my clothes off and I'm not going to have you jump my bones while I have my back turned! No matter how much we both would like that." He tried, aimed, for a haughty tone like how Shouta often spoke to him during their work day or to the students; a tired, exasperated tone that he felt Shouta shiver beneath his touch, in response to his voice, when eh then released his grip on his wrists slowly.

He looked down at the black-haired man as if to gauge how fast the man would possibly move but when not a muscle was moved to jump at him, he crawled off of his husband when he looked down at his erection. He really needed to get things moving. After all, he really wanted nothing more than to give his husband what he'd asked for this morning; to have his brains fucked out tonight when everyone else was in bed.

He'd jumped out of his skin when Shouta whispered those words to him when he opened his eyes that morning. Expected given he'd just woken up at the time. He reached down instinctively, absent mindedly, and brushed his fingers along the stiff erection that twitched under his fingertips. "Besides, I can kiss you all night if you want! I promise I have things that will be much better than kissing, baby!"

"O-Oh yeah? D-Do you now?"

"Of course, I do! You, darling boy, are just impatient like always!"

He tapped his husband nose much like he had earlier though the man didn't seem to mind as much as he had earlier; obviously he flinched lightly back into the bed, instinctive for anyone who had a hand close to their face. It was painfully adorable how his nose scrunched up from the little tap making him smile. He loved making his husband's nose scrunch up like that. Grabbing the hem of his tank top he lifted it up over his head carefully to keep any hair from possibly sliding out of his bun or ruining it somehow.

Then he laid it on Shouta's pillow before reaching down hooking his thumbs into the waistline of his shorts and boxers. He pushed them down, rolling backwards into a sitting position to get them off when he looked down at the fabric. Boxers, no go. Not going back on. He pulled them out of his shorts tossing them to the floor when he heard his husband's breath hitch. He looked over as he laid his shorts with his tank top to find those dark eyes locked down onto his own erection.

He smirked at the black-haired man who was shamelessly, lustfully, gawking at him like he always did. Those eyes flashed at him eagerly when they managed to pull away up to his gaze. "Roll over, baby."

He loved how quickly his husband complied with those three words, flying over bracing himself on his hands and knees, his ponytail swaying against his neck lightly with the movement as it settled against it with the stillness making him smirk as he hummed crawling over to the man then reaching over picking up the bottle again. It was going so much better than he thought this would, given it was a snap, last-minute decision.

It's not like anyone else could say they had Shouta Aizawa willing to do anything they wanted. That they had a control over the man that others would dream of having. He leaned down kissing the center of his back softly earning him a shiver, goosebumps breaking out over his pale skin again and he leaned back hovering the bottle over his husband's back just like he had with the front.

He used his nails to crack open the cover, and the chocolate dribbled a thin line out onto the pale skin. He gave it a little shake, squeezing the front and back earning him a thicker stream that he trailed down the length of his husband's back when he hesitated for a split second before deciding to do it. That his husband would go wild for it, he just knew it.

Trailing the bottle over his lower back he then moved the bottle back and forth over each ass cheek earning him an excited gasp from the man. By the time he came back down he knew it'd be trailing down his thighs which he wanted. He closed the bottle, setting it down next to them, and he bent down giving a light lick to the chocolate covering his husband's lower back.

He got a shudder that was quickly followed by a squirming movement as he then flattened his tongue against the chocolate trail before moving upwards. Unlike with the front he got a low, throaty groan that was somewhat muffled from the way Shouta hung his head forward but he shivered himself at the sound as he licked up the length of his back when he began to suck, licking at the chocolate on his way back down his back happily removing traces of the trail.

It was only when he came back down that he realized his stomach had some chocolate smeared against it from leaning forward to lick up the length of his husband's back and it gave him a very wicked idea for when he had Shouta flip over onto his back again. But that was after. He reached over then grabbing the whipped cream, licking the little smear of chocolate against his lips as he shook the can and he knew his husband was going to love it.

Just like the chocolate that was dripping slowly down the back of his thighs finally. He pulled the cover off, leaning down to lick up the trail slipping down his right thigh, taking the time to rub his piercing against the skin as he sucked at the skin until the taste of the syrup was gone and repeated that process on the left thigh though he moved up towards the cheek where he began licking at the drizzled line he'd created.

Whether Shouta was aware of it or not, he loved each little whimper and breathy sigh that left the man while he licked at the chocolate covering his skin. Loved the little moans he now got when he sucked and licked at the skin until there wasn't a trace of chocolate on his skin. He moved over to the right, once again licking at a droplet of chocolate that had started it's decent down his thigh again.

Delightedly, joyfully he followed it up to the cheek making Shouta lean backwards as he whined loudly with a squirm that had him smirking widely again. He loved feeling Shouta squirming as he sucked and licked at the skin happily removing the chocolate there. He then crawled forward awkwardly towards the bedside table, grabbing the condoms and lube though it took him a few tries as he leaned forward.

He crawled back behind his husband, listening to those breaths increasing right back to that panting rhythm that hitched with excitement. Especially when he put the whip cream down in favor of getting the lube open and squirting a dollop onto his index finger, middle and his ring finger this time. Shouta had asked to have his brains fucked out. Those words specifically so who was he to not deliver through with that request?

Oh, he was going to drive this man insane. Bring him to the edge until he was sobbing and begging for it. Once he got his fingers slicked up, he grabbed the can again shaking it quickly as he then awkwardly used his pinky and thumb to spread his ass cheeks just enough for him to have space to do what he needed to get done first before diving into it. When the can felt thick in his hand, properly shaken up, he knew it wouldn't nearly be as cold as it initially was.

However, when he pressed down on the nozzle, he loved the yelp that left Shouta. The sound was high, so adorably cute he wished he could record it just to hear it again and again. It wasn't often he caught his husband so off guard that he made such a noise out of surprise. He sprayed the whip cream against his hole, the black-haired man gasping with such excitement when he dropped the can away licking at his fingers to remove the little flecks of cream on them.

He initially wanted to squirt it inside Shouta but he wasn't sure what that would do having pressured air being shot into him. Would it hurt him? Would it cause tears? He didn't know, he truly didn't, and he would need to look it up before he ever did something like it because the last thing he wanted to do was hurt him. So, he settled for doing as he did with the syrup; lick and suck at the whip cream until he got to his goal.

It wasn't quite warm nor was it freezing cold as it was when he took it out of the fridge but just enough that he knew his tongue would be chilled by the time he got to his husband. Judging by the eager little whimpers, the hitching little breaths, he knew his husband was just as excited for him to get there. Then he had a wonderful idea, when he thought of pulling back to wipe his mouth and chin off.

What if he left it? Would Shouta himself lick it off? He shivered. He wanted that, he already had chocolate smeared against his stomach from licking up his husband's back and God knows he wanted just a taste of what it felt like to be licked and sucked clean now rather than wait his turn. To have his husband licking at him like he really was the chocolate he loved so much.

He groaned low in his throat as he made his way through the whipped cream right to that twitching hole that he licked at to clear it of the whip cream earning him a breathy whimper. He felt Shouta lean back eagerly but he didn't need to be coaxed into it; he didn't need that subtle suggestion, the quiet begging request from his husband. Not at all.

Happily, he licked the skin clean of any lingering whip cream until the taste lingered on his tongue mixing with that chocolate that had been taking its sweet time fading away as well and he placed a few kisses to his husband's hole, relishing in the twitch beneath his lips when the man whimpered again. Impatience. He heard that emotion in the single sound and it had his fingers twitching with the urge to smack Shouta's thigh.

Or maybe even his ass cheek and reprimand him on that impatience but he honestly would be a hypocrite to do such a thing. He was just as eager, just as impatient to dive in. Had been this whole time. It had been a week of his husband being embarrassed, being stubborn and refusing to let him back in. He wanted this all week since Nemuri caught them.

He leaned forward, glad he took his glasses off when he did; they'd merely be in the way at this point. He pressed his tongue against the ring of muscle, pushing at it listening to the fast breaths freeze for a moment until it all flew out when he managed to wriggle his tongue inside. That air came out as a cry, hips jerking backwards excitedly prompting him to use his dry hand to keep his hips still.

Unless his husband wanted to suffocate rather than eat him out. He took a few moments of holding his husband still, holding himself motionless, as he listened to those fast excited breaths from the both of them before he began moving his tongue. He reached around underneath his husband the minute. The light trembling had his stomach squeezing and dropping with excitement.

He then gripped his husband's erection getting a low moan from him as he undulated his tongue rubbing his piercing against his inner walls. He really did love eating his husband out, he could listen to him moan and groan in those low tones, loved that sometimes his hips would wriggle and thrust backwards eagerly or how, if he was really into it, he would reach back forcing his face tightly against him.

Much like he had done to Shouta the night of the gag, a night that felt like years ago. He moved his hand in slow, even strokes from the head down to the base making his husband whimper loudly. A stark contrast to the low moan he'd gotten moments ago. He focused quite happily on moving his tongue whether it was swirling, rubbing his piercing or licking at the strangely velvety smooth inner walls, he did it.

He knew if he ate his husband out as ferociously as he wanted then his tongue, even his jaw would be tired sooner than he would like and yet he loved the low throaty moans, the high whimpers mingling in with them, that spurred him to do it more. He sped up his hand, squeezing the erection slightly earning him a jerking movement of his husband's hips that shot forward into his hand only to jerk just as fast backwards when he sucked lightly.

Strangely enough, he was aware of his phone vibrating on the nightstand; little brief bursts that signaled texts no doubt and he knew he'd lie, he'd apologize to Nemuri, but the last thing he would say to her was he had better things to do tonight. That he'd rather eat out his husband until he was wailing than send memes or texts back and forth. That he'd rather spend the night fucking his husband into the bed until they were gasping for air that scraped throats raw.

Shouta would personally kill him if he ever said or alluded to something like that. And so, he ignored them. He ignored them in favor of rubbing his piercing against his husband's walls until the muscles were quivering around his tongue, rubbed his thumb against the head of his husband's erection smearing a bead of pre-come against the pad of it, and happily thrusted his tongue a few times pulling more of those shiver-worthy delicious throaty moans from his husband.

The corners of his mouth twitched, knowing the smirk that would curl over them the moment he pulled away was inevitable and even Shouta had to know that. He lifted his other hand up, pressing the tip of his index finger against him just below his tongue, and while he didn't particularly like the taste of an unflavored lube, he'd be damned if he stopped now.

Even if he was feeling the quiet aches of eating out his husband so urgently. He pushed his finger in earning him a whine from his husband, his hips pushing backwards eagerly and he knew without a doubt his back was curving forward pressing his chest to the bed tightly. How his arms curved over his head as he drooled shamelessly onto the blankets soaking them.

Smearing his drool across his red cheek that, had his hair been down, would have tendrils clinging to it. He moaned at the thought, the mere image that danced behind his eyelids and he thrusted his tongue in time with his finger before rubbing his piercing against his husband's inner walls again. This alone pulled another one of those throaty groans from his husband, the sound sending shivers down his spine.

As much as he loved that, as much as they gripped him with longing to his very core, he wanted him louder. He wanted Shouta to scream, to howl, to beg, to moan so loudly and groan so viciously he was hoarse tomorrow morning. He pressed his face tightly against Shouta, the man whimpering at the action when he did his best to push his tongue in as deeply as he could as he rubbed his tongue against his inner walls making the black-haired man squirm.

So many tasks. He had so many tasks. He was jerking his husband off, eating him out, and fingering him all at once. He could have never done something like this in his youth; he'd be too overwhelmed by the tight squeeze and the way those muscles quivered around his tongue each time he rubbed it against the inner walls. He'd be too distracted.

But he had long since mastered it; had long since focused on thrusting his finger, on rubbing where his tongue couldn't reach, and on stroking his husband's erection in time with those movements. He just wished he had a hand free for himself. He groaned in between rasping breaths, finding it hard to really take proper breaths when there was so much in the way.

Breathing, obviously, would be difficult since his face was literally buried between his husband's ass cheeks but he didn't mind. He honestly wanted nothing more than to hear his husband break down, to finally give in until he was writhing and squirming as he used his tongue and fingers to fuc- "Zashi! Zashi, please!"

Oh? He opened his eyes, lashes fluttering as his eyes threatened to roll back when he struggled to get a good breath before pulling back and gasping in his breaths the moment he was free to do so even if his husband was whimpering wildly. He remedied it the best he could by wriggling his middle finger forward against his hole that twitched around the lone digit.

Goddamn, he loved the following whimper he got when he pushed it in alongside his index finger. He held them still as he struggled to catch his breath enough to speak. His jaw was tired, hell even his tongue felt somewhat tired from all the licking paired with the French kisses he'd shared with Shouta and with how ferociously he'd been eating him out even if it wasn't that long. That was a lot of work for one tongue to do. Words, he needed to use his words.

"Pl-Please, what? What d-do you need, sweetheart?"

The whimper, the tremble he got from his husband by one little term of endearment, had him wanting to forsake it all. To get that condom on, lube himself up, and dive right in. But no. No, no, no, he wouldn't. Couldn't. He'd done that one time to Shouta, back when they were still young and Shouta had insisted he was ready when in reality he wasn't.

Pleaded with those wide dark eyes of his that he was sure. He'd bled far worse than Hizashi had thought initially from the tears, from the way he'd dove in. When the bleeding hadn't stopped two days later, they'd gone to a doctor which had been the absolute lowest point his husband had ever been at but they needed too. And it was after that situation that he wouldn't do that ever again.

Never. He couldn't risk hurting Shouta like that. And that is why he grits his teeth viciously, gnashing them as he began thrusting his fingers against that urge and pulling a moan from his husband. Jesus, when did he let that impatience get to him? Or had he been impatient before it? He couldn't tell. "Za-Zashi, hurry up! I- Mmmm! Lo-Love it! Love y-your tongue! Fi-Fingers too! I wa-want them d-deeeeper! Fi-Find it! Find it, please, Zashi!"

God, he always loved hearing Shouta stumble over his words when he was struggling to say what he wanted. What he needed. He squeezed the erection in his hand speeding up his strokes making a much louder, ecstatic moan leave his husband that bordered on a higher pitch as he thrusted those two fingers faster, pushing deeper as he rubbed at his inner walls.

He pulled back scissoring his fingers outwards pushing at the muscles, gawking for just a moment at the familiar sight of his fingers stretching his husband's hole open. Nothing new and yet it never failed to send heat positively ripping underneath his skin. Through his very veins. Sizzling. Burning. Scalding. His breath hitched in his throat on its way down.

It was instinctive, hard to even think of controlling as he squirmed pushing his fingers out a little more before bringing them together to thrust forward quicker than before. Faster. Looking like his husband wanted. "Zashi! I can't- I want it! I want yo-your cock in me! I wa- I n-need you to fuck me already! I want-! J-Just find it, find it, I ne-There! Right there, Zashi! There, there, there! Yes!"

He wished he could control himself better; all those years training, all those years he spent keeping such tight control on his quirk making sure he didn't slip up, were useless. His moan came out higher than he intended, their picture rattling on the wall and the lamp shades giving quiet little rattles of their own from the effects of his quirk. Maybe he should use dampeners? He should definitely look into that later.

But that was later. Later, later, later, he'd do that. He rubbed his fingers against the spot that had his husband wailing out, nearly shouting as his hips jerked backwards eagerly against his fingers and he groaned though the sound strangled itself in his throat as he struggled to keep the sound low. To keep it from rising and coming out the way his previous moan had.

He alternated between the two motions he knew his husband loved; an up and down movement and those tight circular ones. Shouta had, after all, said it himself he loved them the best rather than merely grinding the pads of his fingers against the spot. He shuddered at how the two actions got him what he'd wanted which was those loud, near wailing moans as his husband squirmed with whimpers sliding out in between those loud moans.

It was only when his phone vibrated, annoyingly pulling his gaze from the squirming, shaking body before him did he see the familiar number. Why, why, why? Fucking why was Yagi calling him now? At ten o'clock on a Saturday? Why did everyone and their fucking mother have to call him when he was trying to fuck his husband? Was it like some signal from the universe for everyone to text and call him when they were finally getting to it?

No. No! Not a damn chance! Absolutely not! He wouldn't. There wasn't a chance in hell he was answering it right now; not when he was so, so, so close to getting what he wanted. When he was so close to giving his husband what he wanted after their silence filled week. He'd call him back after; he'd go to the damn school if he had to in nothing but his tank top and shorts, but not now.

He looked away from the phone to his husband who moaned loudly when he pressed harder than intended against his prostate, the man jumping half out of his skin from the action, and he leaned down peppering kisses against his lower back making a whine leave Shouta. He moved his fingers away from the spot getting a wail of protest from the black-haired man.

Not a word when he began scissoring his fingers outwards again pushing at the muscles that were squeezing, clenching at them. As if Shouta could physically force his fingers back towards his prostate. He knew that Nemuri had, somehow, convinced the retired hero to go out drinking with her but surely it wasn't such a damn hassle for the retired number one hero to hang out with other teachers that weren't him and Shouta, was it?

He clenched his jaw when he thrusted his fingers into his husband a few times, making sure to rub against his prostate when he did so. He smirked when he got a jerk of those hips, accompanied by one of those high whines that sent shivers down his spine. He pulled back scissoring his fingers out when he looked down at the stretched hole happily when he then glanced at his ring finger.

It had been a long time since they used more than two; hell, Shouta didn't even really use more than two but was that because he was impatient? Or because he genuinely didn't think of adding more fingers to the fray? He had no clue but his breaths hitched with a wheeze as he pulled his hand back just a bit, a tiny little squelching noise from the action sending a shiver down his spine, and he heard Shouta's breath freeze in his throat when he pressed his ring finger against him.

His own breaths were rasping out of him quicky, unevenly and hitching so frequently he was unsure who was more excited; him or Shouta. His hand was even shaking lightly. He pressed his ring finger against him, lightly at first though that simply wasn't going to do and so he began pushing firmer. Harder. God, was his hand shaking or was all of him shaking from the excitement?

He didn't know yet when that finger slid in along side his other two the wail he got from Shouta covered his hitching, wheezing gasp as the excitement threatened to choke off all of his air. He slid all three together inwards making that wail choke and stutter as his husband shiv-No, shook. He was shaking just as fiercely as Hizashi. It was aweing, it was amazing.

It was fucking fantastic. He couldn't believe he had forgotten just how erotic it was to see his husband spread open on three fingers rather than two. He always did say three was better than two, two better than one. And then, as if sensing this sudden erotic change, his phone began vibrating once again making him look over with a glare at the device.

He reached over as far as he could, slapping the screen with the pads of his fingers before using his nails to hook onto the edge of his case tugging it towards him to find the icons for FaceTime flashing up at him and he grit his teeth fiercely again as he then pressed the power button. Off. He wanted it off. Right now. He was sure he'd snap, he'd scream and shriek if he got one more interruption.

He then tossed the device to the sheets, turning his head back to his husband only to find those dark eyes peering at him from over his shoulder. He took a deep breath then offered a shaky little smile. "Sorry. Sorry, I didn't think. I shoulda turned it off before we even started!"

He huffed out his words when the black-haired man shifted on his knees only to release a little moan when that little movement caused Hizashi's fingers to move in a shallow sliding motion, nothing big but noticeable making him shiver. "I-It was just Yagi and Nem. I can call them back after we're done."

He watched his husband's lips part; a shaky breath being taken to no doubt protest and so he slid his fingers backwards then thrusted them forward getting a whimper from his husband. "Mmm! 'K-Kay! I- Nnnghnn! Ignore it! Ju-Just remember to cal- Ah! Ah, fuck! Call'em back! It mig-!"

"I said I'll call them when we're done! Not a moment sooner nor a moment later! I am not letting Nem, Yagi, God, Satan, demons or angels or whatever you fucking believe in stop us! I don't give a flying fuck if the apocalypse starts right now! Because I am going to fuck your brains out, like you asked, and you're going to love every fuckin' minute of it, sweetheart. I promise. Don't you want to do that rather than have boring conversations? Didn't you say you wanted my cock in you? To fuck your brains out?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, I did! But what if they- Nnngh! Zashi!"

He grinned happily at the man when he settled into a slow yet even pace of thrusting his fingers, rubbing gently at his inner walls, the occasional squelch ringing out from the thrusting but he didn't mind it; in fact, he liked making Shouta's words fail. To cut off from what he was saying to cry out like that. Shouta, on the other hand, shot him a weak glare.

The look was so unbearably weak when he could see the lustful glaze to those dark eyes and he could feel the way his husband's hips were twitching in shallow backwards movements to meet his fingers each time he thrusted in. He could glare all he wanted but his eyes, his face, his body wouldn't lie. He could try all he wanted to appear like a stoic, responsible man all he wanted but his tells would always give him away.

"Wha- Mmmn! What if they needed s-something? What if- Oh! Oh, shit!- the students-!"

"Are fine, sweetheart! They were all gaming in the common room when we left! Come now, do you really want to stop? Or-" He paused when the next words came to him. Words he could absolutely use to his advantage.

God, he loved that he knew his husband was a little exhibitionist, liked the thrill of possibly being heard, seen, while doing sexual things with the premise they could be caught. Only on his terms but he loved it. He tilted his head when he slid backwards then spread all three fingers out making a stuttered wail leave his husband, his head falling forward as the pitch rose higher towards the end when it melted right into a whimper.

"Or do you want me to call them? Do you want me to fuck you with my fingers while I talk to them? Would you rather I call them back when you're filled up with my cock and you have to cover your mouth because you're such a fucking slut you'd still want me to fuck you? A loud, shameless thing that couldn't be quiet even if he tried is what you are!"

Fuck, he loved hitting it right on the head. He loved when he phrased it just right that his husband was unable to hide his little reactions. Couldn't muffle the high, trembling moan flying out of him or the way he squirmed, the twitch his erection gave at perhaps what could be an erotic little situation in his head. He would do it. If Shouta told him right here, right now, he wanted to try taking that risk he would do it in a heartbeat.

They already did it when Shouta had dressed up like a kitten for his first choice, but he hadn't known how hard his husband had gotten off on it then. It was only now that he realized how it had absolutely thrilled his husband. How exciting it had been to him. He had merely thought his husband was getting off on the pet play alone, that he'd found it far more erotic than he had initially never thought of.

But fuck, if he didn't delight in the fact that now he knew it was more than that. It was the pet play, yes, but it was the little 'kitten' nickname and it was the phone call with Yagi. It was all of it and more. Possibly much more than he probably knew, but he was tempted. Very, sorely, desperately tempted to turn his phone back on. He just needed to hear the words.

"I-I need- Nnnmmm! Ohhh, fuck! Fuck, Zashi, I want- Shit!"

He let his grin curl over his lips, looking to his phone laying on the bed waiting for him to turn on again; to jump right into a scenario, a situation his husband would absolutely enjoy and he knew it. Shouta fucking knew it. The fact his husband was a secret little exhibitionist, that he perhaps liked being kissed the way he did in the teachers' lounge on their lunch break.

Perhaps his husband merely caught with his hand trialing up his thigh during those moments because he wanted him to stop because it felt good? Fuck, he loved that he knew about this. He was so unbelievably happy Shouta told him. Or would show him be a more accurate way as to how it was explained to him? Or was it both? He did tell him and showed him, so maybe it was both.

Like a weird version of an adults sexual show and tell. He shrugged at his thoughts as he focused on the task at hand. The task being he was pressing all three of his fingers together again as he thrusted them into his husband who moaned eagerly jerking his hips backwards to meet his thrusts. He clicked his togue, clicked his piercing against his teeth as well, making his husband shiver.

"I don't -Mmm! Ah, haah, shit! - wanna d-do tha-aaaat yet! Not to-tonight! 'nother time! I just- Mmmmfff! Jus' want you to fuck me! Fuck me, please! It's enough! En-Enough, Zashi! 'm ready!"

"I dunno about that one! You're still so tight, sweetheart! My goodness, did you not play with yourself once while I wasn't in here? That's a bit odd for you, darling boy, given how horny you can get! Acting prim and proper all day long but I know what a horny little thing you are! Honestly, you really are the sluttiest person I've ever met other than myself! I don't think there's a single person who compares to you, sweetheart!"

He thrusted his fingers in rubbing his fingers against his husband's prostate, the resulting shout he got and the way his husband trembled at the pleasure it no doubt created, he squirmed himself as he realized he had stopped his other hand. He wasn't moving it, wasn't jerking off Shouta anymore, and he pulled his hand away making the man whimper wildly at him.

"You know, you're such a slut that I could bet everything and win so much back that you spend all day every day thinking of ways you can be fucked! To be honest, I'm no better, not by one bit! I'm just as horny, just as fucking desperate to absolutely pound you into oblivion no matter where we are! I guess that makes me a slut too, huh?"

"Yes! Yes, it does! You've- Ahhnn! Yes! There, there, there! - always been a slut! Always!"

He shuddered at the way his husband gasped out those words, his hips actively moving now and abandoning those hesitant little movements, and his breaths hitched in his throat as he watched greedily as Shouta fucked himself backwards onto his fingers helplessly. He spread his fingers out making the rocking of his backward and forward movements pause as the black-haired man trembled with a whimpering moan.

Shouta held him still through the spread and he really couldn't wait anymore. He didn't want to wait anymore. But he had too. Just a little more, a little more, a little more. He pressed his fingers together thrusting his fingers forward to target his prostate, rubbing fast yet tight little circles against the spot making his husband's hips wriggle at the action as a loud, high moan flew out of the man who took a heaving gasp.

"Mmm! You we-were always a slut! Al-Always tryin' to get in m-mmmmmy pants! A-All the time! Nnngh, fuck, yes! Yes, yes! Please, little more! I want- I need-! Haah, haah, Zashi! Zashi, please!"

"Almost ready, baby, almost ready!" He leaned down pressing a kiss to his husband's skin, already so slick from the heat burning beneath it no doubt and he had to admit he was no better; he wasn't actively sweating, didn't have those droplets rolling down but his skin was covered in a clammy sheen that made it itch.

Didn't mind that sensation one bit. How could he when he'd really be working up a sweat any minute now? He slid his fingers from the sensitive spot to thrust his fingers a few times, the slick sound from the movement sent shivers down his spine as he reached with his free hand awkwardly for the condoms. He clawed at the little box until he got it open, yanked out the chain and used his teeth to rip one right off at the end before flicking his fingers throwing the chain off to the side out of his way.

He was never good at getting a condom on one handed but he could fix it in a few minutes when he had both hands. The plastic of the wrapped crinkled lightly from his fingers pinching it in place for him to rip open and his husband lifted his head just enough to peer over his shoulder only to whimper with such eagerness it had his fingers spreading outwards changing that whimper into a moan as got the condom open.

How did he do this without dropping it on the bed? He bit the side of the wrapper, then used his fingers to dig into it to grab the slippery ring. It was a bit difficult but once he had it in his fingers, he spit the wrapper out as he pressed his fingers again to thrust into his husband a few times before he was spreading them again. And again. He tried his best to get the condom on him right before pushing downwards though the excited shaking to his fingers made it hard.

He was grateful, unbelievably grateful that his husband wasn't nearly as tight as he'd been seconds ago but he knew there was nothing he could really do to make him looser with his fingers; it's just what happened when he went without sex for a little while and he knew he'd just need to hold still those few moments. No matter how tempting he knew it would be to go absolutely wild the moment he pushed in.

When he pulled his fingers out with a slick sound, his husband lifting his head just enough to look at him and- He nearly lost it. He almost wailed himself at the expression on Shouta's face which prompted him to abandon getting the condom all the way on and rather he reached out grabbing his husband's waist flipping him. The man yelped as he was flipped over roughly, his legs flailing out and Hizashi had to duck to keep from being kicked in the head by his leg though he couldn't bitch about that.

He did flip the man unexpectedly. But he had Shouta on his back. He was on his back spread wide and he swore his head was spinning from the sight. He then reached out grabbing his wrists tugging him up, reaching for the back of his head as his chest heaved with his gasps when those dark eyes took in the smears of chocolate on his stomach, much less noticeable than they were before.

His face was without a doubt a mess from the chocolate along with the lingering whip cream that had honestly dried by that point but he didn't care. It was the look on his husband that was driving him absolutely feral with each passing second. Hunger. That emotion flared, burned in his husband's eyes as they flicked restless from his face to his stomach as if unsure of where to look. He then pulled at him leaning forward himself when he forced his wild, excited gasps into words.

"Li-Lick it!"

Honestly, he was happy Shouta didn't say anything. He didn't think he could focus on it, didn't think he could honestly think of saying anything back in that moment, and with his husband's hands brushing over his shoulders he found himself whining as he squirmed himself. He let his lashes lower, meeting that absolutely excited, hungry look of his husband's before shutting his eyes once he felt Shouta lean in.

He had licked things off of Shouta's face before; playfully licking at a stain of mustard or ketchup, a dab of frosting, a line of saliva or chocolate ice cream but more often than not he used his fingers to wipe it away then licked those clean. Shouta wasn't the type to lick at him, to playfully lean in and lick away some kind of smear on his face, wasn't the type to do more than point it out prompting him to either lick or rub it away.

But now he was genuinely, completely relishing in the arms curling around his shoulders as his husband licked up his chin, at the corners of his mouth pausing to suck at the skin until he was reaching out to grip at his waist with a little impatient moan. It was only when his husband turned his attention to his lips that he was so happy he did what he'd done earlier. His husband licked at his lips, taking the time to suck them clean was a sensation that sent chills down his spine.

He was going to absolutely kiss this man silly, fuck his brains out, and put on a movie marathon for him afterwards until he wanted a round two. Or three. Or how many times he wanted something from him. He wanted nothing more than to dissolve into one of those make out sessions that had him absolutely scalding with the heat. The kind of make out that had him lunging at Shouta like he really was some kind of feral, desperate animal but he refrained.

When he pushed at his husband making him whine as he reluctantly released his bottom lip after claiming it yet again and pushed him down towards his stomach, opening his eyes just in time to see Shouta leaning in eagerly. He shivered at the feel of his husband's tongue; he never really thought about what licking felt like until it was actually happening.

How fast saliva cooled on the skin, once he moved or just how hot his breath was along with his tongue as he lapped at him. He jumped when fingers lifted up pulling the condom down into place, black lashes flickering to reveal those dark gray eyes he adored. He shivered when the man sucked and licked at his skin until the smears were gone. His breath was hot against his stomach, fast and ragged like his own when he tugged lightly at his husband's ponytail.

This earned him a whine until he pulled him backwards until he was all but throwing himself backwards. He bent Shouta's legs, helping him brace his feet, and shuffled forward on his knees reaching down grabbing his husband's waist again lifting it just enough for him to angle his hips forward, pressing against his husband's twitching hole listening to those high little whimpering noises that crested with his excitement.

Noises he swore he was close to echoing himself. He squeezed his husband's waist tightly, his skin feverish beneath his palms and fingers, as he pushed forward letting out a fast breath. However, what he loved more than the initial push was his husband's reaction. The way his brows came together, how his jaw dropped with the cry that flew out of it, how the droplet of drool that had welled in the corner of his mouth.

And when he tugged him close how it finally slid down his cheek, he damn near shivered at the way Shouta's chest arched upwards eagerly as if to welcome a touch. Any touch. Much like his erection, twitching against his stomach as pre-come smeared against his happy trail, a tremble moving over him. Shouta's black lashes fluttering as if he had to force his eyes open again after blinking.

His red, red face and even how sweat was glistening in a sheen across his forehead, the tantalizing curve of his Adam's Apple. All of it, all of it was a beautiful image that had him whimpering. Shouta could claim not to be pretty, to not be handsome or beautiful, but Hizashi always had a sight like this to prove it wrong. He felt chills run down the center of his back, goosebumps breaking out over his skin, when Shouta moaned loudly.

He slid forward gradually until his pelvis pressed against him and the black-haired man snapped his mouth shut, teeth digging into his bottom lip as if he had to muffle the sound. As if he couldn't bear the sound of it. He slid his hands up Shouta's sides, across his stomach on either side of his twitching erection making his husband's hips jump up eagerly only to whine when he continued upwards to his arched chest to trail his fingers, his palms, over his nipples.

His hips, grinding weakly against Shouta, pulled backwards allowing him to snap forward and he moaned together with the black-haired man as he lightly flicked his thumbs against his husband's hardened nipples. He then looked over, remembering they had syrup and they had whip cream. Just because he licked it off once didn't mean he couldn't do it again.

Then he pulled his hands from Shouta's chest reaching over grabbing the whipped cream shaking the can as he continued happily thrusting when those dark eyes flicked over to his shaking hand, gawking curiously. However, when they flicked up at him the realization flared up at him as he received an excited, perhaps even eager sounding moan from his husband.

Shouta's chest arched upwards again with a whimper as he brought the can down knowing it would run due to it being warmer than earlier. There was nothing he could do about that if he wanted to use it now yet Shouta didn't seem to care. Or maybe he didn't realize fully just how runny it was going to actually be. If he did understand, if he did realize, he didn't seem to show it as he arched his back up a little higher with a whine leaving him.

The black-haired man's hips squirmed to meet his thrusts when he then pressed on the nozzle squirting a dollop onto his nipple, moving his hand to do the same for his left one, and like he expected it ran. It slid down his skin quickly, far faster than he though. Fast enough he scrambled to drop the can in order to lean down but his husband didn't seem to really give two fucks about it.

He couldn't tell, he wasn't in his head, but the man seemed very unbothered by the little lines running down the sides of his chest. He dove down licking at the side of his chest where the lines were beginning to thicken just a bit before following it to his nipple where the man moaned encouragingly at as he began doing as he had before; licking and sucking at the cream until he got right down to his goal.

He moaned when he got a tight squeeze, a quivering type that had his hips snapping forward eagerly in time with Shouta who was trying his best to encourage a stronger, faster thrusting rhythm. He lapped his tongue over the hardened nipple, looking up from under his lashes to take a peek at his husband's face as he rubbed his piercing against the nipple.

He loved when he was rewarded by Shouta jerking his hips excitedly, harshly against him making him moan out again when he returned that frenzied thrusting. He took a moment to suck at the hardened nub, swirling his tongue around it pulling a moan from his husband before popping off moving over quickly to lap at the dripping whip cream on the left side.

This had his husband squirming as his pants cracked and hitched eagerly. He loved the shiver he got when he again looked up from beneath his lashes as he licked at his husband's nipple. He knew some had to have ended up on the sheets though that was an easily fixable thing. He licked at the whipped cream though it was a bit hard when he felt the black-haired man squirming and his mind, a very large portion of his mind, was focusing on keeping his hips moving.

To one up his husband when the man believed he was going harder than Hizashi, moving faster, and he snapped his hips forward harder, pulling back faster making his husband moan. He let Shouta wrap his arms around his shoulders, nails digging into his shoulder blades since there was no available hair for his husband to tangle his fingers into.

He sucked at his husband's nipple, lapping and swirling his tongue against the hardened nub making his husband moan enthusiastically as his arms tightened around his shoulders. The sharp impact of their skin slapping, meeting again and again, the rustling sheets, the breathy sighs that crested into those excited, enthusiastic moans as nails dragged over his skin, and his own muffled groans against his husband's skin were beautiful.

He loved it, he loved listening to them, which is why he always made it his mission to have his hearing aids in when they did even if they often fell out by the end depending on the situation. He popped off of his husband's nipple, panting raggedly, nearly wheezing against his husband's feverish skin and relishing in the shivers he got when he then pushed against the arms clutching at him tightly.

Reaching for the whip cream again he felt Shouta's excited, glazed eyes on him. He slowed in his thrusts for just a second though that did little to stop Shouta's frantic, harsh movements as he used his legs for leverage. He moaned when the man tightened around him, squeezing him in bursts as if he were trying to milk every little drop of come out of him already.

The next moan that immediately slid out of him was far louder than he intended, the pitch cresting high making his husband flinch against the bed and yet he got not a word of reproach. He lifted the can up locking his eyes on his husband, the man watching him just as intently. It was that sharp, hawk gaze that confirmed it. He knew it like he knew Shouta would be excited at a scandalous moment of sex with the hint of someone catching them.

Just like he had the idea, the hope, that he himself would like this. That Shouta would like it a whole lot. He shook the can a few times before opening his mouth, pressing down on the nozzle. He loved how those dark eyes widened when he raised his brows after he finished spraying the whip cream into his mouth then dropping the can again, leaning forward over his husband.

And the man gasped his hands flying up to grab at him when he leaned down, his mouth having dropped open in astonishment was more than timed perfectly. He let Shouta yank at his shoulders, moving down quickly himself just in time for a little dribble of whipped cream to roll down his chin which his husband happily licked away which led way for one of those ever so famous French kisses he adored only it was better.

Sloppy, messy, and perhaps even disgusting given how runny the cream was but Shouta didn't seem to mind one little bit and neither did he. He never could have thought something like this would be so amazingly arousing. That it would be so painfully erotic. He felt those fast, ragged breaths that hitched excitedly against his cheek as he swallowed a few times though it was nothing compared to how frequently his husband was swallowing.

Even as he twisted his tongue with his own as if he wanted to chase every little possible trace of the chocolate even though it was long gone. He pulled back breaking the kiss in order to breathe, to take a deep gulping breath the best he could only for Shouta to pull him right back down into the kiss that he surrendered too without a second thought.

Even if he couldn't breathe right. Even if his lungs screamed for proper, good breaths as he began resuming those fast, pounding thrusts he'd had before he slowed down to get the whip cream into his mouth. He could feel his husband lightly bouncing against the sheets, the whispering of those little movements sending chills down his spine as he felt the muscles in his husband's thighs tense as he met each of his thrusts.

He knew his hips would be a touch sore tomorrow, he knew that when he turned his phone on, he'd have a barrage of texts from Nemuri or missed calls from Yagi but it didn't matter. It didn't matter one bit when Shouta was squeezing him so tightly, the muscles quivering as if the man was silently begging him to come already. The heat was melting him into the type of mess that wanted nothing more than for those hands to claw up his back .

To rip the skin open, claw and grip he was howling loud enough to shatter every glass item in that room. He twisted his tongue with Shouta's, allowing the man to content himself to flick at his piercing countless times before he licked happily at his own tongue or even traced the edges of his teeth. He didn't care. Even if he was struggling to breathe.

Even if was melting from that wonderful, delicious heat that he couldn't stop himself from slamming forward harder, harder, harder and faster, faster, faster into. Anything to bury himself in as quickly as he pulled back. He needed to breathe. His husband was in a similar state; his chest heaving against his own as his nails clawed at his shoulder blades and he moaned at the pain it sent burning across his skin in possibly the most delicious manner.

He may have teased his husband earlier but he really was in an equally similar situation. When he had been banished to the couch, when they'd been on radio silence for the week, he hadn't even thought of touching himself. Not when he was in the living room where anyone could hear, anyone could see, and especially when the kids were home. He was just asking to be caught.

Other than last night with their mutual masturbation he let himself go without. Let it build until he felt touch starved; desperate to be with Shouta any way he could and he was sure the feeling was shared. He pushed himself upwards back onto his knees as the nails dragged over his skin, over his shoulders, until they were flopping up above his husband's head again making him shiver at the sight. Shouta looked like a mess.

An absolute mess just like he expected. God, he wanted to have more dignity, he wanted to say he could hold out longer but he couldn't. He really, truly, desperately couldn't. It was as if that little admission had his stomach flexing, the creeping orgasm that happily made itself known had him gasping out as he squeezed Shouta's waist. It was this that prompted the impulse to yank and pull at his husband fiercely in time with his own thrusts.

Pulling at him until those legs were lifting to wrap around his own waist. Squeezing around him tightly. He loved the tight squeeze of the legs around his waist, yanking at his husband desperately as the man's moans flew higher until he was positively howling with each breath he took as his hands gripped the sheets tightly until they shook lightly, knuckles going white.

He was falling apart. He was diving off a cliff's edge with each moment seeming to come with his husband tightening up closer and closer. As if he himself was just as close. Harder. Harder, harder, harder. He could hear the silent command. To be harder. Faster, faster, faster. He needed to be faster. He needed to-!

"Shouta! Shouta, Shouta, Shouta! So good! Fu-Fffffuckin' tight! Ahh, haah, you're making me- Nnnghh! Shit! Yes! Fuck yes! It's- Fuck me, how are you always so goddamn good? Mmmnnn! Shit! Shit, shit, sh-ssshhiit! Ah! It's- I can't-! Shouta-!"

"Yes! Yesss! God, yesss! F-Ffffuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Cu-Cuuum, Zashi! Cum with me, baby, please!" He shuddered at the slurred wail that was his husband's voice, the squeezing coupling with the heat was leaving him absolutely breathless.

Electricity crackled down his spine at the sight of the sweat dripping down his husband's forehead to his hair, the glazed look to those dark eyes, the mess of drool and whip cream that had dribbled down his red cheeks. He could feel a droplet of sweat rolling down his cheek, a few dripped sides of his face making him ever so grateful he had his hair back. It would have only been in the way.

He angled his hips slamming forward making a shriek leave his husband, a sound that had him slamming his hips forward hard. He yanked faster, gasping as his husband's shriek cut off into a moan so thick, he swore it nearly gurgled in his throat. "Nnnghh, please! Please, Za-Zashi! Need it! Need- Want you-! Mmmm! Ah, ah, ah! Haah, haah, I'm- Zashi, I can't- I'm gonna-!"

He reached down grabbing his husband's dripping erection that was twitching violently, much like his own, and squeezed the shaft tightly before stroking quickly in time with his thrusts making his husband's words cut off on a wail as his hips jumped up eagerly. He curved his hand as he stroked his husband, curving it when he got the loudest moans from Shouta, coming up rubbing at the leaking head happily smearing the pre-come.

Hell, unable to fight the playful urge, he even went so far as to tap the pad of his thumb against his slit then lifting it up to show off a glistening thin little strand of pre-come each time until he had his husband whimpering. It was only when his husband tightened up, his inner walls squeezing him so tightly he had little choice in how he slammed himself forward pressing himself tightly against his husband. Panting, he ground against him once the orgasm that had been creeping suddenly snapped.

He knew he had to stop himself, he knew it, and yet he threw his head back as a howling wail tore out of his throat that he knew would be deafening had the sound not cut off. His hips jerked in tiny little thrusting motions, the heat ripping through him as his thighs and pelvic muscles tightened with the burning heat that had him gasping wildly once his silent wail cut off and he squeezed his husband's throbbing erection tighter than intended when the man whimpered with a jolt.

When he cracked his eyes open to stare down at his husband, those usually dark eyes glowing brilliantly up at him and he wished for just a moment that his hair was down; anything to see the locks slither upwards with the activation of his quirk. He didn't know who was shaking harder; him or Shouta. He released his hold on his husband's erection when he looked over at the shrill ringing that echoed from the bathroom causing the both of them to groan in annoyance.

"A-At least we managed to finish this time be-before they called." He raised his brows weakly as his panting husband, his voice so unbelievably slow, languid and cracking as he struggled to get them out between his heaving gasps when he let his gaze slide downwards.

He smirked then pulling out of his husband with such a vulgar, slick sound he knew that his husband would cringe at any other time but he honestly seemed out of it. He didn't believe it was that little state his husband could go to. Not quite subspace but he knew the man could quite literally be seeing stars right now. He moved down kissing his husband's heaving chest before moving downwards towards his stomach making the black-haired man lift his head weakly.

"Wha-What are you doing?"

"I m-mmissed some. G-Gotta clean you up, don't I?" He got out breathlessly as he watched those foggy eyes widen, black lashes fluttering in fast blinks canceling the effects of his quirk and he saw it through the fog; a flicker of excitement.

He was no stranger to swallowing come; in fact, that day with the shibari he had actually found that he liked it when he managed to swallow but more than that he really liked when Shouta came on his face. Did that possibly make him weird? Yes. But facials weren't an uncommon thing and he liked it so who was going to stop him? If he wanted to swallow rather than spit, then who would stop him? It's not like Shouta could physically force him to spit it out.

He leaned down licking at the splatters of come on his husband's stomach, the man whimpering quietly. His lashes fluttered with those fast blinks though they never moved off of him. Like he didn't want to miss a second of it. He felt the muscles quivering weakly underneath his tongue, those pants cracking and hitching as he then reached a hand up grabbing Shouta's flaccid dick smirking up at him. "Zashi, don't you dare-!"

He parted his lips, opening his mouth happily swooping down taking the length of his shaft easily, sucking and swirling his tongue against the flesh making his husband whine loudly before he pulled back up to the head lapping and suckling at it until he was satisfied, he got everything. Until any little trace of come gone was when he popped off looking up at his husband.

Shouta had sat up on his hand, his left one reaching out as if to shove him off when the phone began shrieking again from the bathroom. "M-Move! The-They'll never lave us alone until we answer! Yo-You need to get cleaned up anyways! You p-promised a movie marathon tonight!"

"Mmmm, ordering me a-around? Big words, sweetheart, very big words from some who just came so hard his f-fucking soul left his body. But fine, fine! We're watching the Nanny McPhee movies since you picked last time."

He loved the eye roll he got from the black-haired man and he then flipped over onto his back reaching down to peel the condom off when he then whistled to gain his husband's attention as the man stood on legs that trembled, looking for all the world like they'd give out. His hair was messy against his neck, the ponytail managing to stay in, but it was absolutely wrecked.

It stuck up wildly from not only rubbing against the sheets but due to it having been wet before they started and being trapped against the sheets didn't help. His bun was no better. He smiled at the man as he blew a kiss at him. "Love you, hot stuff!"

"Yo-You're a pain in the ass sometimes, you know that?"

He knew if Shouta's face wasn't already red it would be blazing with a blush, especially given how his voice cracked like a breathless whip at him making him smile at him widely. He really was an awful flirt to the man but he couldn't help getting in one little playful dig. After all, he knew that without a shadow of a doubt that Shouta loved him just as much even if he didn't always say it back.

"Yeah, I do know that! And that's why you love me so much! Even if you don't say it back, I know it, baby! It's always why you let me fuck your brains out!"

"Shut up, Hizashi, or you'll be on the couch again!"

"And again, I love you tooo, baby! Might as well get used to saying my name because you can scream it tonight as loud as you need too tonight! You'll only be capable of saying my name when I'm done with you!"

A shiver. He saw it roll down his husband's spine making him smirk widely. "Is that a threat?"

"Nope! It's a promise."

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