My Perfect Addiction

By classysassyandhood

5.3K 147 194

Ryder was the new girl in school when she met Joey back in kindergarten. A friendship began that day. Over th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty -Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty- Six

Chapter Fifty-Two

64 2 3
By classysassyandhood

(3 months later)

I fell to the couch next to Joe and he grabbed my feel rubbing them.

"It's about time you sit down you been going nonstop all day."

"Well, I had clinicals today, then had to get Stryker from daycare and take your dad to his doctor's appointment."

"You just seem so much busier now that you dropped out from school and started studying at Empire."

"I know but I love it...."

"I know you do, and you always loved doing hair and makeup. Thats why I was always surprised you went to Boston University and did marketing."

"To be honest with you I always wanted to just do hair and makeup, but I knew with marketing I wouldn't have to worry about money cosmetology there is no guarantees. 

"There are no guarantees in life, but I can tell you that doing what you love you never work a day in your life."

"so, I've been told."

"So, baby girl, I was thinking about something....."


I was responding to a text when he said it,

"I think we should set a date."

"Date for what?"

"A wedding date Ryder."

I froze, my phone slipped from my hand.

"What did you just say?'

"I said I think we should set a wedding date."

I looked up and seen him staring at me intently, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I opened my mouth, but the words didn't come out.


"I heard you."

"I think it should be a date that means something to both of us.

I looked at him and he eyes sparkled as he said it but part of me can't wrap my head around him even wanting to make that step after all that had happened.  I know I have to do this; he needs it. After all the crap I have put him through.


"oh, sorry was just thinking."

"you, ok?"

"yeah....yeah was just thinking about it."


I honestly stopped and thought about it, there is so many different dates that we have had between us could be a date but honestly the date that stands out is the date of this show. 

"Joey what do you think of March second?

"March second?"

"Yes, March second the date of your show, it was technically the start of it all."

I just looked at her for a minute not really believing that the exact date that just came to me is the exact date she just said. I couldn't think of a more perfect date.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Why would I be kidding you?"

"Because I just thought of that too, you changed my life that night."

She didn't say a word just pulled her feet off me and sat up. She just looked at me for a moment before she leaned in, and her lips pressed lightly against mine. She smiled against my lips and whispered,

"it's perfect."

I can't even begin to say what it actually means that she actually agreed, and we picked a date. Even being back together and the last couple of months together has been perfect. Part of me always worries that something is going to trigger her, and she leaves. 

"It's late what you say we head on up to bed; Stryker will be up early, and I have to go do a radio show with the guys."

"Radio show? Why are you just telling me now?"

"Because it's not even a big deal, its only like a 15-minute segment about the upcoming album release."

She had this look on her face, and I couldn't put my finger on it. All I know is she didn't look happy or ok with the fact that I didn't let her know. I grabbed her hand and walked upstairs and flipped on the light she didn't say a word. I walked over pulling back the bad and looked over at her changing. I stripped and slide into the bed. She came out of the bathroom a minute later and slid in next to me. I shifted and she laid on my chest like she does every night, I knew what I needed to do for her to make her feel better.

"Baby girl...."


"Come with me tomorrow to the radio station."

"Joey, I have clinicals tomorrow."

"I don't have to be to the radio station till three, you will be done. Come with me baby, I'll come down and pick you up from school and we can go to lunch before we head to the station."

"Do you really want me to go?"

She looked up at me and her eyes sparkled and looked hopeful.

"You know I do; you know I want you with me, every minute of every day."

I honestly needed to hear just that. It's a struggle sometimes on believing that Joe would be here with me when there is so many other beautiful women he can choose from. It's probably always going to be one of the demons I fight daily. After my suicide attempt and I see what it put him through, and how he never left my side I know I have to try and keep my insecurities in check. 

I don't know how long we just laid there in each other's arms before we fell asleep. The alarm ripped me from my sleep. Ugh 6:42 I squinted as I sat up in the bed, I reached over expected to feel Joey next to me... He wasn't there. I reached for my phone on the nightstand and seen a text from Joe.

Joe: Morning baby love, had a few appointments this morning. Took the baby over to mom, we gotta pick him up after the radio interview. Have a good day at school and clinicals. I know you're gonna rock whoever you get today. Call me when you get a break. I Love you.

I couldn't help the smile and I slid from the bed. I showered and dressed and headed downstairs. Amythest and Rocky letting them out to use the bathroom. This is honestly the first morning that I have been alone in this house since before I left Joey and I finally feel at peace. 


I just got back in from lunch break, for some reason I couldn't get Joe and now I'm irritated. I've had clinicals all morning and the two clients were some of the meanest over critical woman I ever encountered. Now my instructor pulls me aside before I even make it to my station to tell me the guy, I have in my chair is going to be a challenge that he is going to be picky. All I could think of was fucking great, after dealing with those two old bitches and not being able to get Job to talk me back down I have some dickhead in my chair that is going to be a picky's a free haircut at a cosmetology school what is he going to expect top tier.

I sighed and walked over let's just get this over with Joe is supposed to be here at 2:30 so we can go to his radio interview.

"Hi, I'm Ryder, what can I do for you today?"

The chair turned around and I gasped, I didn't expect it to be Joe. He stood up and I couldn't help it I jumped into his arms and smiled.

"What are you doing here, I've been calling you all break?"

"Well, you know I called your instructor the other day and wanted to have you do my hair, so she agreed to let me come in and have you do my hair for your clinical."

"Joey I couldn't have just cut your hair at home."

I know that you could, I did this because I know you were nervous about today's clinical this way with me you wouldn't stress it."

"Joey, you didn't have too. You know I am nowhere near as good as your normal stylists." 

"I don't believe that, come on baby maybe you should start on my hair your instructor is watching."

He leaned over kissing me quick before sitting back down in my chair. I turned the chair back around to face the mirror and draped the hair apron over him and took a deep breath.

"So, baby what do you want done?"

"Taper me up."

I went to work, and Joe sat talking to me and keeping me calm knowing if I relaxed and didn't think too much into it and just did it I would excel, and he was right. It only took me 20 minutes but when I finished and turned him around for Melissa my instructor to check she was pleased. 

"So, babe what you think?"

"You did great."

"Thank you...."

"What you think?"

"I think you look hot, but I always think you look hot."

He chuckled,

"How long do you have left of class?"

I looked up at the clock,

"a few minutes."

"Let's get out of here."

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