The Undercroft. Reader x Seba...

Par Dragongoddess171

574 66 4

Views 18 years and above this story not hundred percent accurate to the original story line of hogwarts legac... Plus

Chapter one, the journey
The Journey, part two
Chapter two secret feeling
Secret feeling, Part two
Chapter three the start of year feast
The Start of year Feast, Part two
Chapter four hiding in the undercroft
Hiding in the undercroft part two
Chapter five, mending emotional wounds
Mending emotional wounds, part two
Chapter six, The try outs
The try outs, part two
Charper Seven, The return of ancient magic 
The return of Ancient magic part two
The return of Ancient magic part three
Chapter Eight hidden beneath the surface
Hidden beneath the surface part two
Chapter Nine, The Room of Requirement
The room of requirement part two
Chapter Ten The death day party
The death day party part two
Chapter Eleven, Lessons of a memory
Lessons of a memory, part two
Chapter twelve, The purest magic
The purest magic, Part two
The Purest magic, Part three
Chapter thirteen, A new threat
A new threat, part two
Chapter fourteen, Lovers of the enemy 
Lovers of the enemy , part two
Chapter fifteen, Forbidden touch
Forbidden touch, Part two
Chapter sixteen, Behind her red eyes
Behind her red eyes, Part two
Charper Seventeen, bones of the father
Chapter eighteen, Horns and Daggers
Horns and daggers, Part two
Chapter Nineteen, Nightmare in the snow
Nightmare in the snow, Part Two
Nightmare in the snow, Part three
Nightmare in the snow, Part four
Chapter Twenty, Fears in flames
Fears in flames, Part Two
Fears in flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part four
Fears in Flames, Part five
Chapter Twenty-one, The unbroken bond
The Unbroken bond, Part two
The Unbroken Bond, Part three
The Unbroken bond, part four
Chapter Twenty-two, forgotten memories
Forgotten Memories, Part Two
Chapter twenty-three, Her lover's return
The end

Bones of the father, Part 2

3 1 0
Par Dragongoddess171

Sebastian's POV

Y/N looked into my direction, "Sebastian do you have the jar?" I looked at her surprised that she knew I still care the little jar that was no laying heavily in my robe pocket, I took it out and stood up placing the jar in front of Y/N and her father who leaned forward to get a better look, the small jar that was filled with water was now filled with the same black smoke from when Y/N had retrieved it out of the perfect bathroom, " fascinating" I walked backwards into my chair and watched Y/N pick up the jar and turn it in his hands "eh it was filled with water the last time I saw it what happened?" Y/N looked at the jar carefully "well it was but then it started glowing so I put it in my truck so I could sleep without it burning my eyes while I sleep" I looked at Y/N sheepishly and she smiled "but then I took it out and then I kinda forgot about until I went back into my trunk and I found it and um it looked like that" I stopped speaking I knew this information was useless to Y/N father who didn't seem to be paying attention to what I was saying so I sat in silence, "where did you find this?" He asked Y/N "In the castle it was underneath the tiles of a bathroom I couldn't retrieve it unless it was submerged in water" Y/N set the jar down on the dusty table and pulled out his wand then tapped it three times, nothing happened "hm I suspected as much, well eyes of the and ancient one what can you see" Y/N rolled her eyes and looked into the jar "I can see what you see exactly there's a small light inside the smoke, but listen dad Sebastian and I saw it change" "interesting was there anything in particular you were doing that might of coursed the effect, perhaps you uttered an incantation to make the effect's happen or something else entirely" Y/N's father was now eyeing me suspiciously and I did my best to stare right back without blinking "I'm not sure Sebastian took it to his dorm one night and said he woke up with the jar filled with water" Y/N looked at me now "we took it to the library remember the next day you said you could see anything in it but I saw there was a small glass ball or flame or something inside so I took it out" Y/N raised an eye brown "and you couldn't see this object in the jar?" He asked still staring at me "no sir but Y/N put it in my hand and I could feel something was there but I couldn't see anything" "welcome to my life" said Ominis who had his arms folded his head facing the ceiling "right so you took out the glass orb then what?" Y/N and I looked at each other, Y/N had touched my hand to observe the small ball closely and I had felt a hot sensation on the palm of my hand and had drop it back into the jar, Y/N had got excited that the small object had changed colour the very moment her skin made contact with mine, "well eh it changed colour" Y/N's father frowned and he picked up the jar again "well if Mr sallow was it? Can demonstrate for me then I can get a clearer explanation of what it could be" he handed me the jar and I swallowed not wanted to take it "Um well okay" I hesitated slightly then took the jar from him, nothing happened except that I felt slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed that the jar was doing nothing to impress Y/N's father and that Y/N herself looked disappointed "here" I gave it back to Y/N who took it, as soon as her finger tips closed over my own the jar felt very warm and the smoke cleared showing a very small bright white light that changed to a dark maroon colour then the jar was once again will with water, Y/N pulled the jar out of my hand and set it down on the table, stunned at what she had just seen, "please tell me I wasn't the only one who saw that" I nodded at her then looked over at her father who looked more interested then ever again staring at the jar, Ominis however sniffed the air impatiently by no one was paying attention " fascinating this is truly extraordinary, and you said there's something inside yes" Y/N nodded then opened the jar and plunged her hand into the water and took out something no one but her could see, her father opened up his hands and she placed whatever it was in his palm "hm yes I can understand what you mean now Mr Sallow, very interesting" Y/N placed her hand under her fathers hand looking at his Palm as if she were to read his Fortune, but the effect she was hoping for didn't happen and a small part of me knew why, she pick up the small object and dropped it into the jar, although it was unseen by myself and Y/N's father there was still a small ripple in water of the jar as it was put back into its contents.

"So what do you think?" Y/N said leaning back in her seat and looking at her father who was still admiring the jar "I'd say you both come across something very rare but I can't say much since I can't see it myself but from what you've described to me this ancient artefact seem to hold many mysteries indeed", as he closed the jar the door to the hogshead inn banged opened and three hooded man came in closer followed by a forth man who was wearing a silk two piece suit and gloves that he took off as he entered the bar, Ominis, Y/N and I stood up but before we could do so Y/N father held up a hand to stop us from pulling out our wands, for the men who had entered were very familiar, it was Alexander Rookwood and his henchmen all looking around the somewhat empty room before their faces turned towards the corner of the room where the four of us sat "well well well, if it is Mr Y/L/N aw and this must other your precious daughter" Rookwood bowed low to Y/N who looked slightly fearful, Rookwood smiled but his eyes looked dark and soulless, I tightened my grip on my wand that was still hidden underneath my robes as Rookwood drew closer to us "Care if we join you" he Swung a chair around and sat on it while three hooded men stood behind him blocking the only exit "there I mean to say we were just about to leave, plenty to be getting on with now" Y/N father took the jar and pocketed into his traveling cloak, as Y/N stood up Rookwood stood up suddenly making her flinch at this I could help but stand up myself, blocking her from hugs view "my apologies for the sudden intrusion, my man and I have been traveling for days and have come across this eh charming Establishment" he nodded to the barman who looked abashed at these words and flung a tea towel over his shoulder shaking his head as he continued to clean dirty glasses, Alexander walked around his chair and closer to me and Y/N I walked backwards behind Y/N until I could fell her heavy breathing at the back of my neck and my left head still gripping my wand inside my robes waiting, "hm she's definitely got her mothers looks I see yes and her father eyes but of course your wife was a very good looking witch wasn't she such a fascinating eh creature" Alexander leered at Y/N who then grabbed the back of my arm her hand gripping very tightly, Alexander the looked dead into my face his smile fading slightly as I stared into his cold eye "I can see why this young gentleman is easily taken by her beauty" I scowled at him "that's enough Mr Rookwood please, allow these boys and my daughter to leave, if it me you wish to speak with then I must insist you let them return to the castle" Y/N stared at her father who looked back at her and nodded "very well" Rookwood moved to the side and bowed once again as his men closed away from the door, i quickly grabbed Y/N hand and pulled her to the door but before we opened the door Rookwood's voice spoke from behind us "I'd keep a close on her if I were you boy, someone might want to hurt her pretty little neck" I felt my face redden I wants to turn around to face Rookwood to curse him but Ominis pushed me out of the door and into the snowy alleyway Y/N now dragging me behind, "slow down" I said as I nearly tripped on the uneven pavement, but instead She stopped dead  and Ominis bumped into me, "eh what now!" He said angrily, Y/N hand was still holding on mine and I felt some wet tickle down my wrist, we both looked down at our hands and she released me in fear, her hand was blacked and clawed for a moment until her skin was once again smooth but pale she held it in front of her as if she was going to be sick and looked at my blood wrist which I quickly cover "it's all right I know you didn't mean to" but before I could finish she had turned away and was running down the alleyway "she's run off again hasn't she?" Asked Ominis "DAME IT" I took off after her but she was too fast all I could see was her long dark hair swishing behind her back, I turned a corner a short cut to get in front of her but she had jumped over the small wall and down the road "oh for fuck sakes".

Ten minutes later I found her jogging down the path towards the castle "Y/N wait we can talk about this" but she didn't stop instead she turned a corner into the forest but I knew her intentions I slide down the bank and up the hill before she could cross the bridge and I blocked her path "please stop running" I said our breath "then stop following me" she said pushing me aside and walking into the tree "can we just talk please" "Go away Sebastian" "why? Why do you want me to go away" she didn't answer she kept walking and I was starting to become impatient "if you want talk then can you at least listen?" I asked still following her feeling into the forest "hey... HEY IM TALKING TO YOU" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back but she relinquished herself from my rasp and backed away holder her hands in front of her chest "stay away from" she said looking at me as if she had seen death himself "Not going to happen" I said moving closer to her, she pulled out her wand and pointed it at me and I stopped "I'm warning you, stay away from please, I don't want to hurt you" "hurt me? Want to you mean hurt me?" "Did you hear my father, I am just like my mother, a monster" "your not a monster, so you can burst into flames and your hands can turn into deadly claws who cares I don't, there are far more dangerous things out there then ah eh a witch who can rip your face off, giant spiders, werewolves, vampires, Ominis's mother" I walked closer to her as her wand started to shake and I took it from her "you are not a monster, not to me" she looked into my eyes then embraced me suddenly her arms wrapped around my waist, at first I was taken aback but appreciated the suddenness of her touch, then she looked up at me "I'm sorry I scratched you I was just-" frightened, eager to leave, I know besides doesn't hurt much nothing a spell or potion can't fix" she chuckled and placed her hand on my chest not letting go "please don't leave me" I didn't answer instead I planted a small kiss on her head and held her tighter.

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