Football Imagines (Requests C...

By atletibarca678

54.1K 496 313

Read the first chapter love. Just for right now, requests are closed in this book, because as you all know, I... More

Request Information
Frenkie de Jong
Jude Bellingham
Phil Foden
Julián Álvarez
Pablo Gavi
Hakim Ziyech
Paulo Dybala
Julián Álvarez
Aleix Garrido
Pablo Gavi
Aleix Garrido (Pt.2)
Marc Casadó
Aleix Garrido (Pt.3)
Marc Casadó (Pt.2)
Hakim Zieych
Pedri González
João Félix
Unai Hernández
Pedri González
Ethan Mbappé
Mason Mount
Julián Araujo
Pedri González
Robert Lewandowski
Joshua Kimmich
Lamine Yamal
Karim Adeyemi
Jamal Musiala
Antoine Griezmann
Neymar Jr.
Victor Lindelöf
Anatoliy Trubin
Kai Havertz
Nayef Aguerd
Pablo Gavi
Fermin López
Ferran Torres
Micky van de Ven
Marc André ter Stegen

Pablo Gavi

1.8K 18 8
By atletibarca678

Word Count: 3077

Requested by bi_softballgirl

Pablo Gavi

💙 FC Barcelona ❤️

𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞

One last time, you walked down the Barcelona street that you had walked down so much for those past two and a half weeks. This time, unlike all the others, you were alone. Everyone else who had been with you were back at the rented hotel room, packing things up. It was not that you weren't being helpful. If you could've helped, you would've, but you were just getting in the way, and with your broken leg that had left you on crutches at the time, there wasn't much help you could be anyway.

So you walked (or more like hopped along on one foot with the help of your crutches) down this street that you had grown to love. You definitely had loved Barcelona, and you wanted to move here when you became an adult. It really seemed like home to you. Just something about that city. You were determined that someday you would move back there.

You stared up at the buildings, which had fairy lights lining them for the season. It was beautiful.

Suddenly, though, you bumped into someone. You fell back, letting go of your crutches, shouting in surprise. But suddenly, there was one hand holding yours in the air and another on your back, holding you up. You opened your eyes to see a teenage, brown-haired boy, probably around your age, looking down at you in surprise and concern. "Are you okay?" he asked immediately, sounding somewhat alarmed.

You gasped, nodding. "Th- Thanks. So... much..."

He nodded back, pulling you up to stand. You leaned your weight on your good foot. The boy said to you, "Here, put your arm around my shoulder. I'll help you to that bench, and then grab your crutches. I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking."

"It's okay," you breathed softly, putting your weight on him as he helped you to the bench. He was wearing a unique, refreshing cologne, and you found yourself inhaling the pleasing smell, but then you stopped, realising he'd probably think it was weird if he realised you were literally smelling him. "I should've been looking too. Actually, more than you should've been. I'm the one with the broken leg."

"No, no, no. It's my fault- I was staring down at my phone. My mama always tells me that will happen. She also tells me I'll get terrible neck strain, too. I don't get the neck strain, though."

"Hmmm," you said, lowering yourself onto the bench. You sat down saying, "You might, though. You shouldn't look down at your phone all the time- I agree with your mama." When he looked up for a moment in exasperation at this comment, you gave the boy a teasing wink. He then went to grab your crutches, and handed them to you. "Thank you very much," you said with a sweet smile, before continuing with an amused look the good-looking boy, "Well, stranger, it's funny the way our paths just crossed like that, huh? Are you headed off to anywhere specific or just going for a walk?"

He shrugged. "Just going for a walk. You?"

"Same," you smiled. "So maybe there was a reason we ran into each other, huh? Literally, ran into each other. What's your name?"

He shrugged again. "Yeah, maybe, I guess." He sat down on the bench next to you, making sure not to sit too close, so he was not touching you. "People call me Gavi."

"Well," you started. "It's super nice to meet you, Gavi. I'm Y/n. How... May I ask how old you are?"

"Fifteen. You?"

You grinned. "I'm also fifteen, actually. Interesting how that works out, huh?"

He shrugged for probably about the one hundredth time. "I don't really believe in that sort of fate stuff or whatever that you seem to be getting at, but I get what you mean. It's kind of cool we're the same age and we just happened to run into each other."

You nodded. "Makes sense."

"I'm so sorry for... touching you..." He mumbled it, looking at the concrete ground, seeming super embarrassed and really ashamed about it.

"You're saying sorry about catching me?!"

"Yeah, that was super disrespectful. I'm so sorry. It's terrible for a guy to touch a girl he doesn't even know. I was just trying to help, I didn't think-"

"Hey, hey, hey, whoa, it's okay! It's fine! I don't mind! In fact, I'm super thankful! If you hadn't caught me, it would have been terrible! I'd probably be being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance right now. The panic I felt in that moment before I thought I was going to hit the ground was crushing. With the injury I have, if I had fallen again in a bad way, there'd be no hope for me."

The boy's big brown eyes widened as they look at you. "Seriously? No hope? How'd you get that injury? Is it really safe for you to be going for a walk then, in the city, all by yourself, if it's really that serious?"

You blushed softly, glancing away from him. "Ah, it doesn't matter... Just a fall... It was honestly a pretty stupid accident. And, yeah, I'm alright if I'm careful. I should've been more careful just now, but I'm careful enough. And I guess my parents told me I could go for a walk, so I didn't really think about it. Just went. You know? If your parents say it's okay, sometimes you don't even question it."

He nodded. "Yeah, I think I catch myself doing that a lot, too." He waited for a second, before saying, "Uhhh, so... I was wondering, if you're still up to keep walking, I wouldn't mind if we walked together. You know what I'm saying?"

You smiled broadly at this invitation, and the way it was presented to you. You nodded, and adjusted your crutches, before carefully standing up. "I would love to go for a walk with you, Gavi."

"Oh, alright!" he said quickly, standing up just as fast. "You lead the way."

You nodded and started walking. He walked alongside you, but you quickly started to feel embarrassed, saying, "I'm so sorry I'm moving so slow..."

"No, no, no, Y/n, it's fine. I don't mind. You're actually moving pretty quick on those things. Sure, a little slower than I usually walk, but my mama always tells me to slow down to just enjoy, whatever that means, so it's probably actually a good thing for me to walk a little slower, huh?"

You smiled at this and nod, your face still a little pink. "Sure... Okay. Man, it sure seems like your mama has lots of good stuff to say. Uh, anyway, so tell me about yourself, Gavi!"

The boy shrugged. "There isn't much to me. I'm just kind of some guy I guess."

"Do you do any sports?"

Suddenly, your companion chuckled out loud to himself. "Do I do any sports? I do more than just 'any sport'."

"What's that mean?" you asked, meeting his brown eyes for a moment.

"I play football."

"Oh... cool. So what's special about that? I mean, is it just that you really like the sport...?"

A proud smile appeared on the guy's face as he said, holding his head a little higher than before, "I'm in La Masia."

"I'm sorry, you're in what?" you asked, feeling bad that you needed to. The way he spoke about it was as if it was something everyone should've known about. You supposed maybe it was something everyone knew about around here, but you just didn't because you're not from here. You were honestly surprised this guy Gavi had been understanding your thick accent so well- you were the farthest thing from a native speaker.

He looked at you for a few seconds in something like disappointed annoyance, before the look vanished from his face and he said simply and kind of slowly, "Please tell me you know what FC Barcelona is."

"Of course I know what FC Barcelona is," you responded, rolling your eyes. "I'm not that stupid. I don't know if it's possible to go to Barcelona and not figure out if you didn't know what it was before what FC Barcelona is pretty fast. It's like the only thing that defines your city. That and Antoni Gaudi's masterpieces."

He rolled his eyes. "You're obviously not from around here at all. La Masia is FC Barcelona's youth academy."

Your eyes widened. "So you're going to be pro?"

His smile returned to his lips. "Well, that's the hope. It's the dream end point, I guess. But if I did become a pro, really it would be just the beginning, wouldn't it?"

"That's crazy. Maybe I should become a FC Barcelona fan."

He chuckled again. "Heck yeah you should. You can go and become my greatest fan. Once I become a pro, that is."

You grin. "Alright, then! I will, so when you start playing, I'll see you on television! Man, I'll be able to point to the screen and say, 'I met that guy!' That's kind of cool."

"Hah, right," he chuckled once more. "Well, anyway, tell me a bit about yourself, then..." 

And from then on, the conversation took off, and somehow, the two of you just clicked. There was understanding weaved into your conversation, and something in you longed to grow closer to this boy... this new, random, boy.

You felt yourself aching as you had to go. You were too nervous to ask him for his phone number or social media or anything, so you just ended up leaving. 

"I wish I could, like, hug you, but with these crutches..." you said with a laugh. "I've had a really nice walk with you."

He studied you for a moment, before flashing a grin and taking a step closer, leaning in for a very gentle hug. "Yeah, it was nice."

"Wait, what's the thing they do in Spain?" you suddenly asked with a giggle.

"Hm?" he asked. "What thing?"

You grinned back at him and leaned in, giving him a kiss on each of his cheeks. "Isn't that what you do?"

"Hah!" he leaned his head back when you were done, snorting. His cheeks were slightly pink, but he said, "Yeah, sometimes, maybe, but I think that's more of a thing in France. I've never really done that. And I don't know if they actually kiss. And I think it's more of a... greeting? But hey, it's okay," he laughed. "But just promise me something, okay?"

You looked at him seriously, expecting some meaningful goodbye words to come from his lips.

"When you go to the supermarket in France, or anywhere, for that matter,  please don't kiss the store clerks cheeks when you  walk out with your groceries, okay?"

You sighed with a smile, nodding. "Right, Gavi, right. Of course. Well... bye, then."

"Bye," he smiled with a wave, and turned around, walking off.

You stared for a few seconds, feeling like so many things were left unsaid and undone. As you turned around yourself to go back to your family, you felt empty, and disappointed. Like there were still so many loose ends.

And your heart ached that you lived across the world from this boy.


You walk down the street in Barcelona, wearing a long flowing sundress, a simple necklace, and a few rings on your fingers. And to be honest, you feel just simply beautiful on this warm, beautiful summer evening. You watch as the sun sets. The sky is painted with pinks, oranges, and yellows. You smile at the beauty of it.

You're so glad to once again walk down this street that you walked down years ago when you went on vacation to Barcelona for two and a half weeks. It feels better now to not be hobbling around on crutches. It makes it easier to enjoy it.

You've already got a stable job, and you look forward to being able to go to a few FC Barcelona games here and there.

Of course, you haven't forgotten that boy you met one day on the street, because these days, he's much more than that. He's a footballer, and he's famous, at that. It's crazy to you. And it makes you think, How many people do we pass by on the street that will someday be famous? How many do we pass that are famous, but we don't even realise it? It's a strange thing for you to ponder.

You don't mind that you connected one day on the street and that was it. You figure it just wasn't meant to be. And you're okay with that. Besides, Gavi isn't even really your favourite FC Barcelona player. You honestly enjoy watching Pedri more, and if someone were to ask you who your favourite is, it'd probably be him, or Frenkie de Jong or something. Not to say that you don't like Gavi. There's just something in you that isn't as mesmerized with him. And maybe because for a few hours of your life, you knew him. You don't know how he is now, but you know back then he was just a regular boy. He was athletic and awkward and just a normal fifteen year old boy going for a walk. And you honest hope, for a reason you're not aware of, that he hasn't changed much. That is just an ordinary boy, just this time aged eighteen instead of fifteen. And you couldn't say why even if you tried.

Suddenly, you're torn away from your thoughts when you bump right into someone. You stumble back in confusion, saying in Spanish of course before you even take a look at the person, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry-"

"Wait, I've see you before-" says a strangely familiar  voice. You look up and become speechless when you meet the brown eyes looking into yours.

Why is Pablo Gavira standing in front of you?

You hear yourself gasp, and your hand goes to your chest, staring at him.

"You're that girl!" he says. "That girl... Do you... Never mind, you're not. You don't remember me... Uh, sorry, want me to sign something for y-"

"No, I'm that girl!" you say, regaining your voice. "I'm- I'm her!"

Suddenly, he looks relieved, and grins, before softly saying simply your name. Gosh, he looks so much better in real life... And you feel a little something within you shift when his lips form your first name.

"You... remembered," you mutter with a nervous giggle.

"'Course I did. Every so often, for whatever reason, I'd think of you. I felt happy, and disappointed. I have a list of the best moments in my life. That day is on it. I felt disappointed because... I was too much of a coward then to tell you I wanted to keep in touch. I'd wish you were doing well. And I would tell myself it was stupid of me, because why would you come back to Barcelona? You obviously weren't from here. But I thought to myself, Regardless, she is someone that I can never forget."

You stare in awe at him at this comment, before muttering, "Me... too. I think, deep down inside."

"Do you... have time?" he asks.

"Yeah! I have... all the time in the world, Gavi."

He nods, saying with a soft little smirk, "Want to go for another walk, Y/n?"

"I'd love to," you grin.

"Do you mind if I lead the way this time? Last time I let you. And now I'm, like, you know... I've got fans. I've got to stay away from busy areas."

"Sure," you smile. "That's perfect."

So the two of you set off on a walk. Maybe it's just a nice evening walk. Or maybe it's the beginning of an adventure that neither of you were expecting.

As you walk, you talk, and it comes naturally, just like how it did three years ago. You catch up like old friends, despite only having met once before. You talk about your lives so far, and your careers so far. You explain your move to Barcelona because of your love for the city and the country. Gavi teases you about how your Spanish is a little better than last time and at least this time he didn't have to catch you because you aren't on crutches. You finally tell him how you got those crutches in the first place. He tells you about his family and teammates. You tell him about your family and friends.

And you click, just like you did years ago.

"Gavi, I remember when we were here, in this exact place, three years ago," you begin as the two of you sit down on the very bench that you stumbled onto after you tripped, "you said to me that you didn't believe in fate."

He nods. "I remember that too, actually."

You nod. "But I have a question."

"Ask away."

"If this isn't fate, then what is it?"

You watch as a soft smile forms on his face. He looks over to you and meets your eyes. You look into each other and see and know things that cannot be described with words. "That's a great question, Y/n," he chuckles. "And my only answer for you is maybe I should believe in greater things."


"Y/n, do you think fate cares about friends?"

You look up from your phone and into the eyes of your friend. "I don't get that question."

"Alright. Well, say a girl and a boy unexpectedly reunite. You say that's fate. Do you think they would unexpectedly meet and connect and then just be friends? What if the boy was falling in love with the girl? After all that, do you think he would just... be friends? I've heard of soulmates. That's a romantic term. But you never hear of friend-soulmates, do you?"

You stare at him with wide eyes, feeling heat flood to your face, before bluntly asking, "Gavi, is this your weird way of trying to ask me out?"

"Well," he smiles softly. "If you're going to take it that way, I wouldn't mind."

You continue to stare, before shifting, and saying, "I mean, sure. Yeah. I... so, you like me?"

"I mean, it's hard not to. You're beautiful. Much more charming than that awkward clumsy fifteen-year-old girl I met years ago."

This makes you giggle, and you, without another thought, lean your head on his shoulder.

"Tell me this doesn't feel like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together, and you'd be wrong."

"You're right. I would be wrong. That's why I won't be telling you that." You smile as you kiss him on the cheek. "This doesn't feel awkward at all."

He smiles down at you. You look up at him. "It's because we were made to be."

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