Inviolable Bindings | Aemond...

Von dragonnwriter

39.4K 1.2K 122

As the granddaughter of an exiled Targaryen, Viserra has always craved connection to those who also share the... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 15

939 27 0
Von dragonnwriter

The next morning Viserra broke her fast in her own room but still her chambermaids out to fetch another brew of tansy tea. The fact that she had to send for it herself did not surprise her. It would only seem fitting that the king would not have had a second thought about the consequences of their actions the day before.

The fruit and cake brought on the tray were quick to fill her belly. Without delay, she had dressed in another pair of training leathers and looked over her blade from its use the day before. These clothes were much more worn than the other pair but it did not bother her in the least. If anything she found it amusing that today she looked more like a common born girl than one that belonged in the royal tower of the castle.

While braiding and securing her hair at the nape of her neck, she felt a bit of excitement for this morning's training. The last time she had met with Aemond in the yard, his ego had prevented them from truly learning from each other. Today would hopefully turn out to be different.

Stepping out into the open hallway, the chilled morning air brought goosebumps all over her body. Viserra quickly made her way to the yard without much interruption and found that Aemond was already training with Ser Criston Cole. Approaching quietly as to not disturb them, she took a seat on a nearby bale of hay.

Viserra soon realized she enjoyed watching the way Aemond fought, he was truly skilled and he easily avoided the Lord Commander's heavy sword. While his movements didn't seem as quick as hers, she noticed he was quite light on his feet. It appeared to take little effort for him to dodge the offensive swings coming his direction.

Aemond had Cole yielding in a few moments time. After giving his sparring partner a nod, he quickly sheathed his sword and brought his eye up to her for the first time.

"You are late," he greeted, the slightest hint of a smile tugging at his mouth.

Viserra did not return his smile but replied quickly, "You had said morning, it is still morning. I see you have started without me." She glanced over at the knight, who looked at them both with an uncomfortable level of intensity.

Aemond walked to her, hands behind his back and his lips coming to form a smirk. He offered his hand to her, a gesture that Viserra chose to outright ignore. His smirk turned into a firm stare and she chose to ignore that too.

"Is the Lord Commander going to be present throughout our training this morning?" She asked Aemond, avoiding the gaze of the knight.

"I do not wish to cross swords with a woman." Cole replied to the Prince, but Viserra shot him a dirty look as if she were surprised at his audacity.

"I have no intentions to cross swords with you either. Though I thought we might both spar with the prince so we can practice dueling with more than one skilled fighter at time." She was irritated by his sudden attitude, knowing that she had not ever given him a valid reason to dislike her.

Cole shifted his weight and spoke again, this time to Viserra, "Do you doubt my abilities in training the prince, My Lady?"

"I did not say anything of the sort," Viserra replied, "But it is not you who is unfamiliar with his sword skill. I thought it best to familiarize myself with his technique before aiding him on the battlefield."

Both held each other's stare and the silence in the air was not broken until Aemond spoke up.

"You may go," Aemond said, looking to the knight who seemed to be surprised by the dismissal.

Seeming to struggle with following the command, he met Viserra's eyes once more with a slightly apprehensive expression. Then, with a quick bow, finally took his leave.

Viserra looked back to Aemond and unsheathed her sword, "I do not enjoy my mood being soured so early upon waking."

Aemond turned the corners of his lips up at her comment and withdrew his blade as well, "You have a certain fire within you this morning, My Lady." He smirked, giving her a once over with his eye.

"I do not have the patience for such insolence.".

Aemond walked towards her, giving her a once over with his eye and twirling the sword in his hand. A smirk played on his face as he enjoyed the moment between them.

The sound of their blades clanging together echoed throughout the yard. Some looked on to watch their performance but everyone made an effort to stay out of their way. The Keep was still not used to having a woman wielding a weapon and it drew many observers, both approving and disapproving alike.

Their training lasted the better part of the morning, continuing on until they both found themselves hot and tired from the sun that was now directly overhead. Not surprisingly, Viserra had found that Aemond was quick to learn the way she moved. His focus and determination was unmatched, maybe only with the exception of herself.

Once both had sheathed their swords for the day, they took off into the castle without a destination in either of their minds. She thanked him for the books that he had given to her days before, discussing some of the things she had learned. It had especially pleased her to read more about her grandmother and the spirited aunt that was her namesake. The libraries of her home did not have such details of the more recent Targaryen history and her grandmother had always avoided discussing the matters when she had brought them up.

After a long while of walking, they had almost reached the Serpentine Steps when Aemond noticed his brother leaning on a column at the bottom of the stairs. He was watching them both with an amused and crooked smile. Aemond suddenly stopped speaking and his posture stiffened, trying to hide his irritation at the interruption and the expression worn on his brother's face.

"Do you need something, Brother?" Aemond questioned, his neutral expression unwavering.

"Is a king not allowed to roam the halls of his castle?" Aegon asked the pair, coming off of the column and joining them, "I was informed that you both were training and came to watch myself, but when I arrived neither of you were there." Aegon looked to Viserra next and spoke to her,."I did not have the opportunity to see him sparring with you again, do you think he will suffice on the battlefield?"

The statement was clearly a jest, but they both knew Aemond wouldn't take it as such. Viserra looked back to Aemond and watched his jaw tighten, but as usual, he did not let himself lash out at the comment.

"You need not worry about either of us on the battlefield," she responded in hopes of diffusing the tension, "We will manage quite well."

The answer seemed to satisfy both parties and Aegon then diverted his attention solely to Viserra.

"Tomorrow we shall celebrate and feast in my brother's honor. I sent the dressmaker to find you this morning, have you seen her?" Aegon asked in all seriousness.

Briefly thinking about the armor that she had requested, there was a certain excitement that started to bubble within her. "No, I did not see her but will make a point to find her."

"I might have mentioned to her that you could use a few more gowns," Aegon responded with a wide and proud smile on his face. "We cannot have you in pants and leathers during a grand feast."

Viserra took just the slightest offense at the comment, furrowing her brows again before speaking, "What makes you think I would wear my leathers to a feast?"

He only chucked at her response.

"I am not a heathen, I know how to dress myself for a party."

Aegon clasped his hands together, "Excellent! I look forward to it," he finished, smiling again and walking in the opposite direction the other two were headed.

Aemond's jaw remained tense until his brother was completely out of sight. Unfortunately, Aegon seemed to be very skilled at ruffling the feathers of those around him.

"I do not think you could be any more different from each other," Viserra commented, giving Aemond a smile in an attempt to lighten the mood, "You do understand that he will need you when death and war is upon us. At some point the seriousness of your family's actions will look him directly in the face."

Aemond did not reply, but his face softened. Giving her a small nod, it seemed that he understood the words. The dynamic between the brothers was complex and had been built on their birth rights and responsibilities. One was given everything for simply being the first born son and the other had to work hard for only a fraction of it all.

Climbing the steps, they both naturally moved towards the Queen's chambers. Viserra contemplated her lack of time spent with Helaena in the past few days, and Aemond seemed to be pondering similar thoughts. Though they did not speak until they reached the guards stationed in front of her doors.

"Ziry gīmigon hen īlva." She knows of us. Viserra admitted in a whisper, looking back to Aemond at the same time they were let inside the room.

The previously calm and neutral expression on Aemond's face turned into one of surprise and confusion, "What?"

Viserra did not reply.

Helaena was sitting on the settee, embroidery in hand. When she looked up to see both of their familiar faces, her own lit up with a big smile. Viserra almost immediately went to take a seat next to her while Aemond slowly made his way over.

"I was hoping that you would come by today," Helaena beamed while alternating her gaze between the two, "The children have been with the nursemaids most of the morning and I have been rather alone."

Viserra smiled at her, "Aemond and I were training today. I believe we both feel rather anxious about the lack of action being taken by the council right now."

With her words, Helaena's once chipper face had softened into one of concern, "Indeed."

They all held a moment of silence before quickly turning the topic of conversation. Viserra asked Helaena about her most recent needlework and the queen was more than eager to show her. Content being quiet in their presence, Aemond sat in one of the armchairs and entertained himself with a book he had found sitting on the table.

The rest of the day went without any unwelcome surprises, but there was a shared uneasiness between them. When nightfall came and they retired to their own chambers, the stillness that occupied the castle was unsettling. Both Elia and Cassella seemed a bit more on edge and she tried to ignore the gnawing pit in her stomach. Every fiber of her being felt like it should be doing something other than sitting around and waiting for an unnecessary feast to be held.

When she woke in the morning, Viserra was surprised that all seemed to be in order with nothing amiss. The usual small tray of food had been brought to her chambers and she was more than happy to eat by herself.

As planned, another round of training with Aemond took place smoothly and without distraction. She did not let the morning drag on with the anticipation of needing to be ready for the day's feast.

No sooner had she walked back into her own chambers, she realized the dressmaker was talking with her chambermaids and had hung up two new dresses for all to see. One was deep red in color, simple yet elegant, something that reminded her of dresses she wore in Volantis. The other black, much more Westerosi style, with a collar and silver embellishments on the shoulders.

Much to Viserra's surprise, she was rather pleased with the gowns that had been presented. Initially she had been irritated at the gesture that Aegon had sent for more of them. It wasn't until she saw the beauty of them that she felt just the slightest bit flattered. Thanks were given to the dressmaker before she sat down to wait for her bath to be readied. Relaxing into the settee, she was content reading and munching on a few bites of food to hold her over for the afternoon.

Viserra took her time in the bath, soaking in her favorite oils and enjoying the heat around her body. She continued at that pace while letting Elia and Cassella help her get ready.

Both gowns were stunning. She felt compelled to try on each one, carefully examining herself in the mirror before settling on a final choice. In the end, she opted for the crimson dress. Its revealing fabric skillfully highlighted her curves, draping flawlessly over her figure. It occurred to her that Aegon might have been playfully challenging her, seeing if she would indeed pick the gown that would set her apart from the other Westerosi women at court. It would undoubtedly spark some judgment.

Nevertheless, others were always talking. The gazes and hushed whispers that followed her wherever she went had not gone unnoticed. This was not a surprise though, as her demeanor, dress, and choice of activities were all easy topics to gossip about. In truth, it did not bother her, each look seemed to fuel her ever simmering fire.

Until it was time to dress for the feast, Viserra lounged comfortably in her robe. She let the girls help her back into the red gown, slipping it carefully over her head and securing the little buttons on the side that held it to her body. From a large assortment of accessories, she chose a set of beautiful black shoulder pauldrons. Their design and placement reminded her of her own dragon's scales and in turn she felt it would represent her well.

Elia had expressed a desire to fashion her hair into an elaborate braid, proposing a style that twirled intricately around the crown of her head. Viserra, however, gently declined the suggestion, opting instead for something much more simple. She asked for just two small strands at the front to be braided, neatly secured together in the back with a pin. Though Elia appeared slightly disappointed, only a hint of it surfaced as Viserra made her choice.

Casella, on the other hand, was insistent on helping her cover the faded purple marks on her neck. Although she was not initially concerned about them, the constant nagging had made her think twice about their appearance. Finally, she gave in and let the girl fix her up as she desired.

Once put together, Viserra sought out a small metal container from a shelf on her wardrobe. In Volantis, many of the women lined their eyes lightly with pressed powder made from coal. The plain faces of the noble ladies here in court did not go unnoticed by her. Though sometimes they wore rouge on their cheeks or lips, she thought it rather boring

Viserra carefully lined her eyes and rouged her lips, content that she had not forsaken her roots when dressing that night. While Targaryen by blood, Viserra would not forget the culture which she grew up in. Volantene customs would always be something she preferred, finding Westerosi standards to be too uptight and not make much sense.

Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but smile at how well she had readied herself. If Aegon had concerns about her not showing up dressed to standards, he would be shocked by her presentation now. She intended to show the court how the Volentene women showed up to grand parties.

Motioning to the belt and sword laying against the wardrobe, Cassella was the one to fetch it for her. She helped her situate it to fit nicely against the fabric of her gown, something that Viserra didn't realize would take the work of two people.

"What do you think?" She asked, brushing out her dress and feeling satisfied how the weapon sat on her hip.

"Oh! You look absolutely stunning, m'lady!" Elia chimed back and Cassella nodded in agreement.

Smiling back at them Viserra returned the nod, "Do you happen to know what time the feast will begin?" She realized that she had not been given any instruction on when to join them in the Great Hall.

"We were informed that someone will come to fetch you when it is time but you are not to leave sooner." Cassella replied, wincing slightly as she was unsure of how that answer would fare with her.

Fortunately for her, the comment made Viserra let out a little laugh, "Of course." She was not surprised that the timing of her entrance would most likely be intentional. Everything in this castle was meticulously planned when it came to the appearance of the public eye.

Viserra took to the settee, intending on sitting down and possibly opening a book while waiting to be summoned. She was only a few paces away when a knock came to the chambers doors. Had her timing been so perfect?

"Yes?" She asked, loud enough to hear from the other side. One of the doors opened in response, swinging wide and revealing the visitor who let himself into the room.

The one-eyed prince had cleaned up from the morning just as Viserra had. She had noticed that most of the time he seemed to choose almost identical outfits no matter the occasion. However, this afternoon he was dressed in a studded leather tunic that bore a gold Targaryen sigil on the chest. His hair was bound half up in its usual fashion, not a single flyaway or hair out of place. The dark brown eyepatch neatly laid across his face, covering the sapphire stone that hid just beneath.

Looking down at her own gown and bringing her eyes back up to the Prince, Viserra let the corners of her mouth turn upwards into a smirk.

"You look handsome," she said lightly, taking a few steps in his direction.

Viserra watched as his posture stiffened at the comment. As she approached him, his eye seemed to be struggling to look elsewhere except her figure. When he finally brought his gaze up to hers, his expression somehow remained neutral and hid what the tension in his jaw could not.

"Are you the one who is to be fetching me for the party or am I waiting for someone else?" Viserra teased, knowing well enough he did not enjoy being the subject of a jest.

Aemond straightened up even more, keeping his eye locked with hers. "My mother requested that we join the feast together tonight. She believes that the display of us dragon riders coming in side by side will instill the confidence of the lords and ladies of the court. It was announced to them this morning that you are here to be an instrumental piece in fighting this war. As you know, many have their concerns about a woman being so heavily involved in battle." His words came out precise and almost rehearsed, "Though I must say, I half expected you to be dressed in a pair of leathers for the feast." He took another step towards her to close the distance between them, leaning in to whisper in her ear, "Though I am surprised at your choice in dress, you won't hear any complaints coming from me."

Feeling Aemond's breath near her neck sent shivers down her spine and her small smirk widened, "Is your betrothed going to be in attendance tonight?" Viserra quipped, giving herself some distance between them and looking back with her eyebrows raised.

"Hm." The sound came from Aemond's closed mouth as he once again straightened his posture. He continued on without answering her, offering her his arm. "Let us leave before the hall is so full that we become a true spectacle."

There didn't need to be any further confirmation from him of his betrothed's presence at the feast. Though what intrigued Viserra most was the way Aemond seemed to sour at the mention of her. For a devoted and duteous man of the realm, it surprised her that the subject made him almost recoil.

Looking back at her chambermaids, Viserra gave them an authentic smile and a nod for dismissal. Reaching up, she took Aemond's arm with her own, ignoring the usual dislike that she felt with such gestures.

"Do you think entering into the feast with me clinging onto your arm represents equal strength and power? Perhaps they will see me as less for letting a man take the lead in something as simple as a formal entrance." She proposed her opinion without any hesitation in her steps alongside him.

Aemond did not slow his pace either, leading them out and down the steps. His voice came with sharp irritation that caught her by surprise, "Will it absolutely kill you to give up control for just one moment?"

"It is not about control, Aemond. There is much more to it than you would understand." Viserra deflected, feeling herself start tense at the direction this conversation was headed.

"To be escorted by a prince is an honor. You are a high born woman, you must find a way to act as such."

"A high born woman, yes, but a proper lady by Westerosi standards, I am not, my Prince." Viserra scoffed, trying a quick tug at getting her arm back only for him to hold it there. The next words that came from her mouth were sharp and hushed in their mother tongue, "Īlē daor proper se tolie bantis. Gaomagon ao gīmigon se angogon ao geptot va nyke isse qogror va se tegot?" You were not so concerned about being proper the other night. Have you forgotten the marks you left on my body while fucking me on the floor?

Aemond abruptly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. In the blink of an eye he had briefly lost control of himself in a flash of anger. Viserra anticipated the fiery intensity that would meet her eyes when she looked at him and suppressed the urge to smirk in response. She held her gaze fiercely, letting him know that they would be evenly matched on this playing field.

"This is not the Free Cities, Viserra." Aemond pressed, regaining control over himself as his voice still held strong and demanding, "There are traditions and customs here that are best to be followed."

Viserra continued to hold her ground, pulling her wrist from his grasp and taking a small step back from him.

"I am a foreign born woman of Targaryen blood. I have been asked to stand by your side as a warrior and dragonrider, risking my own life to keep your brother on a throne in a kingdom that is not my own. Do you think I will earn the respect of the very men I lead in battle by being a proper lady? By upholding the Westerosi standards of what a woman should be? My own existence and purpose here goes against those very standards." The words fell from Viserra's lips, who seemed almost surprised that she had to be so blunt with them.

Aemond looked away briefly, the fire in his eye dying down as he processed the last few minutes of their interaction.

"I am a woman, Aemond. I have to earn the respect that you are freely given as a man. This remains true even if I wield the sword and ride a dragon the same as you." Viserra sighed as her own voice softened. "Even Visenya was not immune to the discrimination bestowed upon her because she was not born with a cock."

The wheels seemed to be turning in Aemond's head as a brief silence fell between them. Once he overcame his internal battle and found the words, he offered his arm to her once more.

"If you would allow it, I would like to take you to the Great Hall on my arm," Aemond started, "Once we reach the doors, if you desire, I will not escort you in but we will walk at each other's side to the table where you will sit next to me."

Viserra closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, holding it for a moment before letting it out. Once she realized the meaning behind his words, she looked back to him and gave him a small smile. He was quick and intelligent, portraying it without ever having to say more than was needed. She glanced at the offered arm for a moment, hesitating, but again ultimately deciding to take it. This time the gesture was given with his respect and she realized the offer was not for duty, but because he desired it..

As they approached the large doors, Aemond held to his words and gently let her arm free from his. While the hallway they were in only had a few servants scurrying about, the loud noises of music and people coming from the Great Hall were impossible to ignore.

The guards bowed their heads and turned to grant them entrance. Viserra had thought the noise had been loud outside of the doors, but it was nothing compared to when the wooden sound barrier was pulled back. It was then that she realized just how large of a party had been planned, and it was there that she stood at the entryway prepared to walk in with the guest of honor.

Author's Notes:

Thank you for staying with me. Things will start to fall in place with the Dance of Dragons here shortly. I hope y'all like drama. :)

As always, here are my inspo for Viserra's new gown. I have been waiting to use this one!

Scalemail pauldrons that I am obsessed with because they have a choker.

(From the Etsy shop: BuiltToScale)

And the dress!


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