My Perfect Addiction

By classysassyandhood

4.6K 147 194

Ryder was the new girl in school when she met Joey back in kindergarten. A friendship began that day. Over th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty -Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty- Six

Chapter Thirty-One

68 2 2
By classysassyandhood

Here we are five days of hell later and with Maggie's blessing Im on the way home with my Fiancee and son. Ryder is doing so much better just still extremely sore. Doctor says she shouldn't have any long term issues and we still be able to have more kids if we wanted. This was the only thing I wanted for my birthday and here we are the day after my birthday and we are on the way home. My mom and sisters have been at the the house getting everything set up for her and the baby. 

"So baby you ready to finally be coming home, you and the baby?"

"You have no idea. I just want to get home take a real shower and finally get to be with you and the baby and not in a hospital bed. I just sorry you spent you birthday in the hospital with me. Just don't know how Im going to make it up to you."

"Ry Ry, I woundn't have been anywhere else. And you don't have to make anything up to me."

"Joey it was your big 21st birthday and you missed it because of me."

"I couldn't have celebrated my birthday without you. If you really want to make it up to me, when you're better we can work on baby number two."

"You can't even be serious right now....."

"Relax Ryder I was trying to get you to laugh."

"God Joey don't do that."

He laughed as he pulled into the driveway. I instantly seen his mom and Carol and Tracy's car.

"What your mom and sisters doing here?"

"Just helping getting things ready for you and Stryker."

"Joey don't put that on them. I just got to get a shower and then I'll get to it."

"The hell you are! What is going to happen is you are going to go up and take a long, hot bubble bath and relax. I got the baby and the house."

He leaned over kissing me quickly.


"don't give me not shit woman, I almost lost you, you are going to relax till you are healed." 

God he is so aggravating. At the same point as aggravating as he is no one has loved me like he does. He throws the car in park and looks over at me with that cheesy Joey smile,

"Lets go...."

Before I even got to say anything he is out of the car and pulling Stryker's carseat from the back.I carefully slid from the car and I feel him grab my hand with his other hand walking me up the walkway. He let go and opened the door. I was met by his mom and sisters and lots of love and hugs. Before I even knew what hit me I was ushered to the couch handed a cup of tea and Tracy walked off with the baby. Both Joey and I sat there at a loss.

"Ummm Babe what the hell just happened?"

"Fuck if I know, Tracy stole our baby."

I tried to stand up to head in the kitchen with everyone only to be stopped by Tom who came out from the woodwork somewhere.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"In the kitchen with everyone else...."

"No you're not back on that couch "

"serious pop I'm fine"

"we almost lost you, so no you're not fine. Kay and I will be staying for the week to help well you recover and help Joesph with caring for you and the baby." 

I really didn't want to argue with him, so  I quietly sat back down. I know Pop came from a place of love but its just me, I can't stay down long its not in my nature. I spent the rest of that night on the couch, Kay even making sure I had dinner right there on the couch. The only time anyone let me up was to use the bathroom and Joey walked me there. Finally it was ten o'clock Tom and Kay headed to bed. I gave the baby a bottle and changed his and before I could do anything else Joey Grabbed him,

"Stryker give mommy a kiss.."

He bent down enough for me to give the baby a kiss.

"Okay you my love, let me put him down and I'll be back to take you to bed."

"I can take myself to bed...."

"I like taking you to bed"

I seen the devilish look in his eyes and I knew what he meant. I leaned up and when I knew he was in the nursery I headed up the room. I just wanted to do one damn thing for myself without someone jumping on me. I get it what happened was serious but I'm okay but everyone acts like Im broken. Yes it still hurts some, I had my stomach ripped open and sewn back together but it be the same if I had a C section. 

I pushed the bedroom door open and turned on the light. The room was a sight for sore eyes. The calm didn't last long no sooner did I grab a teeshirt from Joey's closet and took off the one I had on the bedroom door busts open.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Ummm changing for bed"

"I told you wait for me to come and get you!"

 The I heard his gasp and I looked over,

"Ryder Lynn you're bleeding thru your bandages"

I looked down and sighed he was right. Before I could even say anything or do anything he grabbed my hand and sat me on the bed.

"Don't move...I mean it. I gotta grab some gauze and medical tape from the bathroom and take care of that. "

I moved my hand and it was covered in the blood coming from the bandage. Maybe he is right. He walked back in a second later and dropped to his knees in front of me. He ever so carefully cleaned my incision, I winced in pain. He immediately noticed before he whispered "Im sorry" and pressed his lips so softly against mine before finishing bandaging my wound. He picked up the teeshirt of the bed sliding over my head carefully.

"Okay beautiful lay back and relax."

He tossed the remote next to me before walking over flipping the switch on the fireplace and turning out the light. He slowly stripped down and I had to bite my lip at the sight. The light from the fireplace cast a glow that just seemed to accentuate his ab muscles. I internally moaned at the sight. Before I even realized it the bed dipped as his climbed in next to me pulled the covers up. Instinctively I moved over laying my head on his chest and he picks up a piece of my hair twisting it between his fingers for a moment before he softly whispers.

"Im glad you're home"

"So am I..."

"You have no idea how scared you made me. Ry you have no idea if I lost you I couldn't make it, I don't even want to try. "

"Joey I'm sorry I scared you, but I'm ok...I'll be ok and you heard Maggie I'm not going to have any long term effects and we still can have babies if we wanted too."

"So does that mean you meant what you said, you want more babies?"

"Yes just obviously not now. All I want now is to start our life as a family and forget that this ever happened."

"I wish it was that easy for me to forget, but its not. I can't get the visions of you just passing out and them pushing me out in the hall. I sat there waiting and it felt like an eternity and then I watched them run passed me with Stryker not even stopping then rushing you to the operating room telling me to prepare for the worst. That was simultaneously the most beautiful and tragic day of my life. Your my world Ryder you know that and I watched that world slip away and there is nothing I could do to stop it."

"I wish it Never happened but I am here now and I promise I'm never going to leave you Joey." 

I noticed her yawn and curl up even closer to me. I leaned down and kissed her head. A few minutes later she was fast asleep. I just sat there for I don't even know how long watching her sleep and for the first time in a week I could breathe, I feel complete again. 

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