By nijirobaee

496K 14.8K 2.4K

π‡πŽπ”π’π„ πŽπ… 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πƒπ‘π€π†πŽπ "𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 π’ˆπ’“π’†π’‚π’•π’π’†π’”π’” 𝒂𝒓𝒆 π’•π’˜π’ π’”π’Šπ’…π’†π’” 𝒐𝒇 οΏ½... More

Introduction I
Introduction II
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Authors Note!
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Important Authors Note
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapty Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Authors Note Again Sorry
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six

Chapter Sixty-Three

1.8K 64 2
By nijirobaee

There was something so captivating about the castle of Sunspear, it's architecture was something to behold and it's aura was a strong one, with a calming essence to it. No other castle in the world could compete with the beauty of Sunspear, not even Dragonstone.

Elia followed silently behind Ser Myles as he led them into the palace. Aemond kept his hand rested on Elia's lower back, making it known that he was hers, and one else should dare look at her.

"Queen Elia." A voice echoed as soon as Elia and Aemond stepped inside the palace.

Elia felt Aemond's fingers wrap around her waist tightly. The Queen continued on without Myles, toward the throne where Prince Qoren Martell was sitting, looking upon them.

"It's been quite some time Prince Qoren." Elia spoke, ceasing her steps as she came to stand before the stairs leading to throne.

The Prince nodded, "Indeed it has. I believe the last time I saw you was years ago. You were one and seven." He said.

"I was, sometimes I wish I could go back to those days. I always did enjoy living on Dorne." She replied with a courteous smile.

Qoren chuckled before waving his fingers, gesturing for them to come up the stairs to meet him. The Queen and King Consort did so. Aemond kept his fingers wrapped around Elia's waist in what could only be assumed as protectiveness.

"So why have you come?" Qoren asked with a frown.

Elia straightened her posture, resting her hands crossed in front of her now as she looked the prince in his eyes. "I would hope to speak to you about your allegiance, in this time of war." She answered.

"Your families war?" He questioned expectantly.

"One that I wish hadn't started." Elia replied.

Qoren scoffed, "Well you did take your mothers throne. This was to be expected was it not?"

Elia rolled her eyes, "My mother isn't fit to rule, I know I'm a better Queen than she, and I have the means to prove it if I'm given the chance." She shot back passive aggressively.

Qoren tipped his head toward Elia, clearly impressed at the fire and authority she was presenting, even in a situation where it was more beneficial for her to beg. "And what would Dorne benefit from aligning itself with you? As far as I'm aware you and your husband went rogue, and you only have each other." He said.

"We may not have support from any great houses, but like you said, we have each other and our dragons." She stated, narrowing her violet eyes at the Prince upon his regal throne.

"I'm aware, five dragons my men counted. More than Aegon the conqueror had when he came to Westeros. You two could win this war on your own if you so wish. But that wouldn't get the throne would it? Without the support of a great house, the realm will never accept you." Qoren said as he rose from his throne and moved toward Elia. "So I'll ask again, what's in it for Dorne?"

Elia titled her chin up and cleared her throat. "When I am Queen, you'll be granted a position of high honour at court. Mallor will also be given high honours, which can be discussed further with him if he's fond of the idea." She explained, a slight smirk tugging at the edges of her lips.

Qoren raised his brows and chuckled breathily. "That is certainly quite the convincing offer." He admitted, "But I must insist something further."

Elia titled her head with a frown. "Please." She said, glancing at Aemond a moment to see how he was reacting. His expression was sour on Qoren.

Qoren grinned before shifting back to sit in his throne. He took a heavy breath before speaking. "My children—" he began, looking between Elia and Aemond. "You two are married, and I would expect you would create some heirs later down the track. Presumably once this war is over. My eldest daughter is my successor as you know, but I want for my youngest son or daughter to be betrothed to your first child, so that they might one day become consort." He explained, crossing his left leg over his right and leaned back in the throne.

Elia and Aemond looked at each other simultaneously, surprised at what the Dornish Prince had said. The two had never once considered the prospect of children. Could Elia really be a capable mother once the war was won? She was unsure that she would even make a good mother in the first place.

Aemond leaned down to Elia's ear and whispered in a low voice. "Do whatever needs to be done. I'll support it." He said, not seeming to decline the possibility of children.

With his confirmation Elia felt somewhat relieved. The Sapphire Queen nodded toward Qoren. "Very well, should I bring a son into the world, we will betroth him to Princess Coryanne. The same will apply for young Prince Qyle, should I have a daughter." She agreed.

Prince Qoren then raised a finger, "Excellent, and one more thing." He said.

Aemond glared at the Prince, becoming pissed off that Qoren was continuing to make more demands. Elia could feel the anger inside Aemond, by the way his chest moved up and down more aggressively. The Sapphire Queen put a hand on Aemond's chest reassuringly.

"It's alright." She said in a whisper before directing her attention back to the Dornish Prince. "You were saying?" She questioned.

Prince Qoren nodded. "When our children have their own offspring, assuming it is my son and your daughter, I'd wish for their children to take their fathers name, Martell." He said.

Aemond went to step toward the Prince in an angry haste, but Elia held her arm out in front of him, stopping him from going anywhere. "Enough Aemond." She scowled.

With an annoyed grumble, Aemond stepped back from Elia's outstretched arm, indicating he would stay at her side and calm himself.

Elia then looked back toward Qoren. "Very well, upon their birth, our children's offspring will take their fathers name, Martell, in keeping with our traditions." She agreed, taking a pause as she watched Qoren nod in gratitude. "However—" she began, "At such time when the offspring's first born ascends the Iron Throne, he or she will do so bearing the name Targaryen. Dragons will rule the seven kingdoms for the next hundred years. Just as they did the last." She explained clearly, making her terms well and known, unmistakeable.

Qoren nodded, though with a frown. "These are terms I can agree too. Though I must inquire, why would you prefer your children hold the name Targaryen? You are, after all, a Velaryon born." He said.

Elia chuckled, "My last name from birth may be Velaryon, but I am not of the ocean. I'm born of fire just like my mother. Targaryens alongside their dragons were what united the seven kingdoms as one, I would wish to see that continue through our children's line." She explained as she slipped her hand into Aemond's, intertwining their fingers.

Qoren smiled, "Then you have the full support of Dorne, and the castle of Sunspear as your host." He said.

Elia looked surprised, "Host?" She questioned.

Qoren laughed, "You don't possibly expect me to allow you two to run off and live amongst the wild as you have been doing for weeks on end. Absolutely not. I want you both to acquaint yourselves to a free chamber of your choosing, and then have a fresh bath." He said.

Elia tilted her head with a frown. "I'm not a beggar Queen, I will not accept charity." She stated.

"Do not be so proud Queen Elia, it is not charity, and you are most certainly not a beggar. Our houses are to be connected through blood for the first time in history. And in a time of war you need a place to reside, somewhere you can stay comfortably and plan your strategies. Now please, my brother will show you to any chamber of your choosing." Qoren said, raising his arm to point toward the entrance.

Not even a moment later, the doors opened and from them, stepped a familiar dark haired man.

"I must say, I didn't expect to see you here." Mallor's familiar voice spoke.

Elia turned around, her eyes wide as the memories of happiness and excitement came flooding back to her. "Prince Mallor." She said with a grin before moving toward him in a haste.

At the same time he quickened his pace toward her until they ended up in each others arms, embraced in a hug more warmer than Elia had experienced in a long time.

"Your beasts outside tried to eat me." Mallor mused as he pulled away from Elia.

The Queen looked down to her feet and chuckled before lifting again to meet Mallors eyes. "You didn't learn not to approach dragons the first time round?" She asked in amusement.

"Tide Breaker is a lot friendlier than that black beast that snapped his jaws at me this time round." He replied.

"That's Cannibal, I'd advise avoiding him especially, he's rather sensitive." Elia grinned.

"Ha! Sensitive? Is that what we're calling it now?" Mallor chuckled, a wide amused smile on his lips.

Aemond then stepped closely behind Elia and wrapped his arm around her waist. "My wife has had a long travel, perhaps it be best if you showed us to our chambers." He spoke lowly toward Mallor.

The Dornish Prince took no offence to Aemond's poisonous tone and instead gladly spun on his heels to lead them off down the long hall.

Aemond did not remove his arm around Elia's waist the entire time Mallor led them down the long golden hallway toward their chambers.

"I took the liberty of selecting our most spacious chambers, fit with a large bed for husband and wife, as well as a large bath." Mallor said, gesturing toward the birch double doors that would lead into Elia's and Aemond's chambers.

Elia gave Mallor a nod, "Thank you Prince Mallor." She said with a smile.

He returned Elia's smile with a kiss on her hand. "I should hope you have some spare time to spar with me later on? Id like to see that your training has not gone to waste." He said with a grin.

Elia scoffed, "This time round I'm sure I could knock you on your ass." She said.

"As could I, if I was provoked enough." Aemond intervened sourly, glaring at Mallor.

The dark haired Prince only found amusement in Aemond's possessiveness. "Well, I shall see you two later, please, do enjoy the bath, it's one of our finest." He said before turning and strolling back off the way he came.

Elia smiled softly before grabbing the door handles and pulling them open, stepping into the large chambers, with Aemond right behind her.

Aemond shut the doors swiftly behind him before taking a seat on the bed, rather exhausted from the long flight they had to endure.

Elia wandered over to bath side and almost instantly peeled off her clothes. The blue dress she was wearing fell gently from her shoulders and onto the floor.

Aemond's eye widened as he watched his wife undress. She was left standing only in her chemise, which she couldn't get off. "Could you give me a hand?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder at Aemond.

It took a second for Aemond to realise what Elia had said, but when he did, he quickly got up from the bed and made his way over to her. Gently, he trailed his fingers along her shoulders before reaching for the button at the back of her neck that was holding the chemise secure.

As the button popped open, Aemond allowed his hands to release the chemise, causing it to fall to the floor.

Elia now stood completely naked in front of Aemond, causing him to become flustered and red. Elia chuckled and pouted at him, "Come on Aemond, this is not the first time you've seen me undressed." She mused.

A moment later, the Sapphire Queen shifted from her place and stepped into the bath, where she lowered herself into the water. The tub was huge, and could easily fit two people in it, which gave Elia an idea.

"Join me." She said.

Aemond looked to her, his eye widened slightly as if he was unsure if he had heard her correctly. "What?" He questioned.

She scoffed, "You heard me Aemond, come in with me."

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