Don't Leave Me Behind || Namj...

By HavinAFullOnGayPanic

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Seokjin's sudden death from a road accident was something nobody could get over. "He is dead. He isn't coming... More

Prologue. Supposed To
Intro. Warnings+ Aesthetics
Chapter One. White Lies
Chapter Two. Don't Leave Me
Chapter Three. Part One. Film Out
Chapter Three. Part Two. Falling Apart
Chapter Four. Smooth Like Butter
Chapter Five. Unpredictable Fate
Chapter Six. Your Everything
Chapter Seven. Sacrificing Love
Chapter Eight. Serendipity
Chapter Nine. Safe With You
Chapter Ten. Life Goes On
Chapter Eleven. Stuck With You
Chapter Twelve. The Baby Clothes
Chapter Thirteen. Spring Day
Chapter Fifteen. A Shoulder To Lean On
Chapter Sixteen. RM
Chapter Seventeen. Euphoria
Chapter Eighteen. Fear Of Rejection
Chapter Nineteen. I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty. Unchanged Words
Chapter Twenty-One. Warmth
Chapter Twenty-Two. Your Beautiful Heart
Chapter Twenty-Three. You Never Walk Alone
Chapter Twenty- Four. My Angel
Chapter Twenty- Five. Lost In You
Chapter Twenty- Six. My Stalker
Chapter Twenty- Seven. When I'm With You
Chapter Twenty- Eight. Can't Be Angry With You
Chapter Twenty-Nine. Namjoon Or RM
Chapter Thirty. I'd Rather Suffer With You
Chapter Thirty- One. Loving Your Flaws
Chapter Thirty- Two. Irresistible Temptation
Chapter Thirty- Three. While These Moments Last
Chapter Thirty- Four. You And Me
Chapter Thirty- Five. The Love Triangle
Chapter Thirty- Six. Can't Hold Back Any Longer
Chapter Thirty- Seven. Your Lips On Mine
Chapter Thirty- Eight. Your Embrace
Chapter Thirty- Nine. Heartbreak
Chapter Forty. One-Sided Love
Chapter Forty- One. Feeling Your Pain
Chapter Forty- Two. Just Between Us
Chapter Forty- Three. I'll Still Hold You Tight
Chapter Forty- Four. Every Moment Together
Chapter Forty- Five. I'm Water To Your Fire
Chapter Forty- Six. Your Existence Is My Best Gift
Chapter Forty- Seven. I Trust You
Chapter Forty- Eight. Sinful Innocence
Chapter Forty- Nine. I'll Hold On
Chapter Fifty. Blood, Sweat And Tears
Chapter Fifty- One. Stay Alive
Chapter Fifty- Two. Hope
Chapter Fifty- Three. I'll Be Waiting For You
Chapter Fifty- Four. I Can't Lose You Again
Chapter Fifty- Five. Their Hyung
Chapter Fifty- Six. When The World Fell Apart
Chapter Fifty- Seven. You're My Everything
Chapter Fifty- Eight. Beautiful
Chapter Fifty- Nine. Moving On From The Past
Chapter Sixty. Craving Your Touch
Chapter Sixty- One. I've Lost You Forever
Chapter Sixty- Two. My Home
Chapter Sixty- Three. You're The One Who Left Me
Chapter Sixty- Four. Pain And Love
Chapter Sixty- Five. I'm Nothing Without You [M]
Chapter Sixty- Six. Just For You, I Can
Chapter Sixty- Seven. Don't You Love Me Anymore?
Chapter Sixty- Eight. Lonely
Chapter Sixty- Nine. Still So Vivid
Chapter Seventy. I Can Never Really Forget You
Chapter Seventy- One. Another Night Without You
Chapter Seventy- Two. Winter's Nearing End
Chapter Seventy- Three. Three Hearts Entwined
Chapter Seventy- Four. When We Fell Apart Again
Chapter Seventy- Five. The Truth Untold
Chapter Seventy- Six. Lights
Chapter Seventy- Seven. My Only Cure
Chapter Seventy- Eight. Just Your Imagination
Chapter Seventy- Nine. The Last Time I'll Go Away
Chapter Eighty. Gray Clouds And Indigo Skies
Chapter Eighty- One. I'll Never Leave You Behind
Epilogue. Part One. Growing Old Together
Epilogue. Part Two. Our Undefeated Love
Special Chapter. The Moon Pendant

Chapter Fourteen. Things I Do For You

191 18 58
By HavinAFullOnGayPanic

Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, mental and physical abuse, fainting, etc.

"If his condition improves like this, he can return home within a few more months. He'll still have to take these new pills regularly, though. They have been working perfectly. The patient isn't facing hallucinations for a while now."

"That's a great news, ma'am," Namjoon heard his younger brother reply to what his therapist informed him. "Thank you."

"It's no problem, Mr Kim. We're glad we're managing to help your brother get over his trauma. It's a pity such a handsome and amazing young man had to go through so much."

"It was unexpected for everyone," he heard Jungkook say. "But we're doing our best to get over it. That's what our hyung would've wanted us to do."

Feeling sick, Namjoon stopped eavesdropping the youngest two converse with the therapist through the doorknob and walked back to his bed, sitting down with his shoulders slumped. At the same time, he was angry with everyone.

What did they mean he was making improvement? What did they mean saying he was having hallucinations and is now getting better? Why the hell did they imply that Jin wasn't real?

He was real. He was there. Why were they trying to separate them? Why couldn't they let him be happy for once? He wondered how they could think that he was better when he wasn't!

He felt worse, stuck up in here in this empty dark room without his light and life, Jin. He looked around the place, his heart falling at it's quietness and emptiness without Jin's presense.

"Where are you, Jin?" He whispered brokenly to himself, taking a bottle of the new pills he'd been prescribed with and walking into the bathroom, feeling empty and lifeless.

He emptied the bottle in the lavatory pan, flushing the pills down the toilet before returning to his room, setting the blank bottle on the nightstand before lying down on the cold bed, curling up and pulling his knees to his chest.

"I miss you, my moon," he whispered, staring blankly into empty space. "Come back to me, please," he added, his voice pleading.

He reached out to take Jin's diary that was lying nearby in his shaky hands, turning over the pages and stopping where he'd last read.

He knew Jin would come back to him. He just had to be patient and wait. He knew that he'd never leave him behind.

The entry was on "8th August, 2011".

Dear Princess,

I embarrassed myself. Again! I don't know why I'm doing this. Now I wish I could kill myself and bury the body seven feet under the ground. If only I wasn't so handsome.

So... Tae's bullies caught me at last. I was coming back from the school's bathroom two days ago after class when they got me...

I obviously know how to protect myself but how would that be possible when you've got six huge ass guys after you all alone?

I thought I was done for but then Namjoon appeared out of nowhere before I could pass out from all the beatings... it wasn't a really flattering situation but I was okay in the end.

Still, why does Namjoon either have to see me in a broken or crying state? Do you think he thinks of me as a damsel in distress all the time? I don't know even though he said he didn't. I hope he doesn't. I'm not weak!

Anyways, Tae's bullies immediately ran off when they saw Namjoon... his uncle actually has important connections with Bangtan's government or something and if they mess up with him, they knew they were screwed. Personally, I think Namjoon's a really scary persona when pissed.

He must really care about me if he was angry to see me get beaten up. But he was so caring when he took care of me afterwards. It's almost cute...

Do you know what we saw today? One of the bullies being supported in a wheelchair by his dad. He looked terrible. As from what I heard, the others were worse. And all of them are shifting out of the area. And Namjoon's wrath was behind all this! It seems almost impossible, right? It does.

Anyways, I was just in such a good mood I ended up doing something I deeply regret. If Namjoon doesn't have something called ego, it's probably boosted to the highest point by now after what I did.

Why did I do that??!! Even in front of everyone?!?! Do you think Namjoon's secretly a wizard manipulating my actions with his spell?

Love, Seokjin

°°°♡ °°°

Ten years ago...

Hyunggg where r u???
We're all waiting outsideeee

Jin strolled out of the bathroom, texting Jimin back with a smile.

Just went 2 the bathroom
I'm comin back rn <3

Minnie 🐣
Okayyy we'll be waitin

Jin hummed to himself, walking to his locker and stuffing the books that were inside into his backpack, and finally putting his phone inside before zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder.

Singing cheerfully under his breath, Jin skipped towards the exit of the school building. They were going to have a sleepover at Namjoon's, Taehyung's and Yoongi's tonight. He was excited about it.

But all the excitement vanished when someone grabbed him back by his backpack.

"What the f-" Jin stopped from cursing, pulling himself free and turning around with a glare.

Before he could see who it was, his arms were pinned behind his back. He tried to stomp on the feet of whoever was holding him. The person yelled in pain and let go of him. But before Jin could do anything else, he was punched so hard across the face that he fell back a few feet sprawling on the ground.

Jin couldn't feel his jaw, which was throbbing, and his ears rang, everything around him seeming to spin. He tried to get up with a lot of effort, only to have his back kicked, leaving him lying on his face.

Jin staggered up on his knees, hair falling over his face as he squeezed his eyes shut, hissing from how his face and back hurt. During the whole time, he heard malicious laughter around him.

"Thought you had the chance to run away again, kitten?" He froze at hearing the familiar voice of one of the bullies. "Looks like you're in bad luck today. We made sure you can't escape."

Jin tried to move, but before he could, his head was violently forced back by a fistful of hair. He gritted on his firmly clenched teeth, not wanting to give the bullies the satisfaction of knowing that their victim was in pain.

He opened his eyes to come face-to-face with Taehyung's bullies, but this time, they'd brought their friends too. They were all laughing at him and sneering, gawking at him like a promising prey. This made a part of him boil with rage, while the rest was fearing the worst.

Just as he made the slightest attempt to move, his arms and legs were pinned to the ground by rough hands. He struggled to get free, but he was only one against six fully grown bulls.

The ones who weren't holding him down surrounded and towered over him so that Jin could see nothing but dark figures above him. He still continued to struggle, not screaming or yelling because he knew it was useless. And it'd amuse the bullies even more.

"Ooh, we've got a tough one," one of them snickered.

"It'll be fun to see how much he needs to be beaten up before he cracks," another said with a smirk.

"Wonder what it'd be like to hear a pretty boy beg for mercy?" A third one roared with laughter.

Jin still didn't speak a word though he was extremely scared of what might happen to him. He couldn't protect himself from so many people. He wasn't a superhuman. He needed help from someone. Anyone.

He grunted as he received the first kick in the gut, but as he was showered with more painful kicks and punches, he bit hard on his bottom lip to hold back his screams, blood tasting metallic in his mouth as his lip started bleeding.

Jin's whole body seemed to throb with raw pain as he was continued to be mercilessly beaten up, tears trickling down from his eyes as the bullies laughed and yelled disrespectful names at him. His back, chest, stomach and side hurt so bad from every violent force that hit them, and he also recieved a punch or two in the face. He could feel blood flowing from his nose.

He couldn't take it anymore... it hurt so much... He couldn't take it any longer. It was too much. He was begging himself to pass out than feel anymore uncontrollable amount of pain...

He didn't know for how long they continued to hit him... but at one point, he heard a shout from a familiar voice in the distance. And all the punches and kicks stopped.

Jin let out a gasp as he stopped biting his lip, pain shooting through his whole body like fire. His arms and legs were set free, leaving him sprawled out on the ground.

The pain was so overwhelming that he didn't realize that the bullies had scampered off because of the person who now rushed over to his side and kneeled down before him, carefully hooking their arms around him and pulling him to their chest.

Jin slowly opened his eyes to find his vision blurry, but he could make out that a person was looking down at him as they held him up, saying something Jin found vaguely audible. Everything hurt so bad.

"N-Namjoon?" He slurred, finding his voice broken.

"I'm right here, sweetheart," he heard him say, his voice so deep and warm that he felt a bit soothed despite all the pain. "You'll be okay. I'll take you to the hospital. Don't worry, okay? I'm so sorry for not coming earlier."

"No!" Jin cried out with the remaining energy he had, clutching onto Namjoon's shirt frantically, a hint of pleading in his voice. "Please- n-not hospital. T-take me home. P-please, Joonie."

Namjoon's heart broke when he saw tears spilling from Jin's closed eyes, and the way his fingers grabbed onto him like his life depended on it. He was furious at himself for not arriving earlier, and mostly, he was livid at finding out that there were people heartless enough to beat an angel like this.

"H-home, J-Joon." Namjoon was too worried about Jin's state to realize that he'd unconsciously given him a nickname.

"I'll take you home, prince," he said soothingly to him, standing up while carrying him bodily in his arms. "You'll be okay."

Jin made a humming sound, his grip on him loosening and his arms finally falling off of him to hang in midair as he passed out from exhaustion and unbearable pain.

Jin looked beautiful even with purple and yellow bruises on his once smooth face and bloody nose. He had a bump on his forehead and Namjoon knew there were more bruises left to be found if he took off his clothes.

There was nothing he'd regretted so much in his life as he did not being able to protect Jin when he needed help.

Namjoon ran out of the school as fast as he could while carrying Jin. He met the others outside the gates, all of whom looked speechless with shock once they saw Jin unconscious and limp in his arms.

"Let's cancel the sleepover, it can't happen right now," Namjoon said, running past them and towards Yoongi's van, leaving them to follow him.

Everyone quickly got in with Namjoon, helping him support Jin in his arms. Yoongi got in behind the wheel, starting to drive already.

"Hospital or-"

"Home," Namjoon said decidedly, cutting off the older, who nodded noiselessly. "Jin said to take him there," he added, his voice slightly cracking.

"Who the fuck did this?" Jungkook demanded, as Jimin started wiping the blood off Jin's face.

"We'll talk once we're home," Namjoon said shortly, the tender look in his eyes as he was hugging Jin to his chest and stroking his hair becoming alight with anger and thirst for revenge as he met the others' gazes.

"And I'm gonna make sure they regret being born."

°°°♡ °°°

Jin couldn't feel anything at first when he woke up. When he slowly regained consciousness, he felt the soft material he was lying under. Reaching out his arms, he found himself engulfed in a warm and really soft, fluffy and comfortable material.

There was none of the coldness in the atmosphere or the pain all over his body as he last remembered.

His eyes fluttered open and he found himself in a dimly lit room. He panicked at first since he knew it wasn't his bedroom, but relaxed once he realized that it belonged to Namjoon.

Jin turned his head side by side to find himself tucked in Namjoon's bed with a blanket and surrounded by a lot of big pillows and cushions. A smile unconsciously curled up to his plump lips as his doe eyes sparkled at this. Namjoon really treated him like a baby.

He wasn't complaining though. He liked the attention. Or more accurately, he loved it.

The dark-haired boy pushed the blanket off of himself, sitting up and wincing as sharp pain shot down his side. He leaned back against the pillows, shuddering as he recalled the pain. How was he going to move around like this?

Jin hugged himself with his bottom lip jutting out, enjoying the warmth of the clothes he wore. He realized that the white oversized shirt and blue sweatpants belonged to Namjoon, and the thought was comforting. He brought his nose close to the fabric and sniffed, liking the scent of cologne belonging to the purple-head.

"Ugh, what does this guy eat?" He asked himself, holding his arms up so that the shirt sleeves hung in midair, fully covering his hands. "He's huge."

Jin was interrupted from his train of thoughts as the door opened with a low screech, revealing the devil himself standing there. The purple-haired looked over at the boy sitting on his bed, almost melting at the sight of him in his clothes.

"Hi," Jin spoke shyly, breaking Namjoon out of his trance.

"Hey," Namjoon said softly, walking in and closing the door behind him. "Sorry, I didn't know you were awake. How do you feel?"

Jin watched the other sit down beside him at the edge of the bed, causing the mattress to dip a little. He randomly thought how good Namjoon looked with his wet hair brushed back, before looking away, face heating up.

"I-I'm okay," he stammered, looking down at his lap, his hands caressing his own shoulders. "My side just hurts when I move."

"Oh." Namjoon didn't say anything else, watching the other carefully, making sure he wasn't lying.

"W-who changed my clothes?" Jin asked, beginning to panic. He didn't want the other to see the scars of past abuse.

Namjoon noticed the look and quickly took Jin's treated hand in his and squeezed it to reassure him.

"Don't worry, Taehyung did it. Not me."

"T-Tae?" Jin looked down in shame.

He didn't want any of his dongsaengs to see him in a broken state. He didn't want them to think their hyung was weak.

"Yeah, I figured you'd be more comfortable with my brother than me," Namjoon answered, shrugging. "He treated the bruises and cuts before changing you into my clothes."

"Does that mean Hobi, Kook, Minie and Yoongi saw m-me too?" Jin said in horror.

"Yeah, all of them care a lot about you," Namjoon said, noticing the ashamed look on the older's face. "They'll never judge you for getting abused like that. They were six to eight against you alone. That's fucking unfair, and cowards do that. You've been so brave, my prince."

With that, Namjoon gave Jin's hand another comforting squeeze. Jin said nothing, tears gathering at the corners of his fawn-like eyes as he bit onto his already chapped bottom lip.

"Jin? Hyung?" Namjoon said, a little worried at the unusual quietness of the dark-haired.

Jin looked up at last, his dark eyes glistening and his lips trembling. "Why do you always have to see me like this?" He burst out before breaking down, frantically rubbing away his tears with a fist.

"Oh, angel," Namjoon tried to say soothingly, feeling like crying as well at seeing his crush so upset. It physically hurt him.

"I-I h-hate being so weak," Jin said between sobs, covering his eyes with his hands, tears trickling down from between his fingers.

"You are not weak, Kim Seokjin," Namjoon said firmly, carefully reaching out so as not to hurt Jin and putting an arm around him, using the other to rub his back to comfort him.

"Y-you always h-have to see me c-crying or b-beaten up," Jin hiccuped, still hiding his face. "D-don't you think I'm p-pathetic? Don't y-you find me disgusting?"

"I won't ever think you're weak or pathetic or disgusting," Namjoon said sternly, letting Jin rest his wet face on his shoulder, his body trembling. "Those are what the bastards who hurt you are. You're the nicest and strongest person I've met, hyung. And I'm not just saying these things to comfort you. This is what I really think about you. You stood up for my brother and didn't care what might happen to yourself if you did. You're really brave, Jin."

Jin looked up at Namjoon with his teary red eyes that were becoming puffy from crying so much. He hiccuped, struggling to catch his breath.

"Y-you knew that I helped T-Tae?" He said, lip trembling as he tried to stop crying anymore.

"He told me about it the very day we first spoke," Namjoon answered, taking a tissue from the box on his nightstand and using it to wipe the tear tracks on Jin's cheeks. "But I never knew they'd pay you back like this. I swear I'd have stayed by your side all the time if I knew."

"Why? D-do you think I can't protect myself?" Jin retorted, his eyes threatening to shed more tears.

"It's not that, prince," Namjoon chuckled, sighing. "It's just... I really care about you."

Jin hiccuped again, a deep blush creeping up to his slightly bruised cheeks. "O-okay," he stuttered, looking down as he tried to ignore the fluttering in his stomach.

Namjoon couldn't help smiling at this sudden shyness. Moreover, he was glad Jin wasn't crying anymore. He hated seeing him hurt or in pain.

Moments later, both of them were sitting while facing each other, not saying a word. The silence was comforting. Jin couldn't find the courage to look up at Namjoon, who was watching him with those intense dragon eyes, so he fixed his eyes on his lap, playing with the hem of the shirt he wore.

"Hey, uh, hyung," Namjoon said after a while, breaking the silence. "Are you hungry?"

Jin looked up at him with wide eyes, nodding so that his hair bounced a little. A second later, his stomach growled loudly, as if to emphasize his hunger. This made him blush furiously, and Namjoon chuckled, climbing out of bed.

"So, that's a yes," he said softly. "We weren't sure what you'd have liked. We've got pizza delivered like we were planning for the sleepover, but Yoongi hyung made some soup in case you didn't want pizza. What do you want?"

"Can I, umm, have some soup?" Jin asked timidly.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be back in a bit."

Namjoon smiled warmly, which made Jin's chest do strange things, and walked back towards the door.

"Namjoon?" Jin called out hesitantly just as Namjoon stepped outside and was closing the door.

"Yeah?" Namjoon inquired, holding the doorknob and looking over at him with his eyes soft as usual.

"I-is everyone here?"

"No, they left a while ago after making sure you were treated and tucked in bed," Namjoon answered, smiling slightly at the relief in the other's face.

He understood that Jin didn't like worrying the others about himself.

"Okay, then." Namjoon closed the door gently as Jin made no further inquiries, heading towards the kitchen.

Once the younger was gone, Jin looked down at his stomach and scowled, poking it slightly.

"Yah, why the hell did you embarrass me like that?" He said, pouting cutely. "Traitor."

°°°♡ °°°

"How's he, Joon-ah?" Yoongi asked softly when Namjoon entered the kitchen, sitting at the table with an iced Americano and his phone in his hands.

Taehyung was sitting at the table too, doing his homework, but he looked up eagerly when his brother came back from checking up on Jin.

"He just woke up," Namjoon announced, walking towards the pot of chicken soup on the counter. "He's hungry, so I'm gonna get him some soup."

"You can't do that," Yoongi hissed,and at that very moment, Namjoon dropped the lid of the pot on the floor, making a noisy clattering sound.

Cursing under his breath before letting out a snicker, Yoongi watched Namjoon try to pick the lid up with his bare hand, hissing in pain because of it's hotness before dropping it again.

"Taehyung, go and take the soup to Jin hyung," Yoongi suggested, and the mentioned boy immediately sprang up to do as he was told, glad to get an excuse to not continue his homework. Besides, he liked Jin a lot.

Once Taehyung was gone carrying a bowl of soup for Jin, Namjoon sat down across Yoongi with a sigh.

"Do you know who did this to him?" Yoongi asked him, keeping a poker face.


"What're you doing next?" Yoongi said, seeing the fire burning in the other's eyes and knowing what was in the other's mind.

"You know very well what I'm gonna do, hyung," Namjoon answered, taking out his phone and texting someone.

A dark smirk crept across Yoongi's face as he swirled the glass of beverage in his hand. "Mind if I join?"

"Nope." The smile Namjoon returned was just as scary. "The more the better."

"Perfect." Yoongi chuckled maliciously, sipping on his drink.

°°°♡ °°°

It'd been two days since Jin got beaten up and taken care of by Namjoon and the others.

That night, Jin slept at Namjoon's place in his room. Namjoon was going to sleep in the guests' room, but Jin asked him to sleep next to him on a whim. He'd spent the nights sleeping alone since he was a kid, but for that night, he didn't want to be on his own.

He slept well there, the soft surface lulling him into a deeper slumber. He didn't even have the slightest consciousness to Namjoon leaving his side at one point of the night and coming back hours later covered in blood and sweat.

Namjoon had acted as if nothing had happened, laying down beside his sprawled out figure after washing up and changing clothes, the peaceful look in Jin's handsome face warming his heart, but at the same time igniting anger in him though he'd made sure that the people who made him suffer and cry regretted it.

Namjoon couldn't sleep all night even after that. How could he, when his crush of two years was just lying next to him, snoring softly? The butterflies in his stomach made it impossible for him to even get a wink of sleep.

The next morning, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok came to see him and even though they wanted Jin to rest for the day, he was too stubborn to skip classes. He was the second in class- the first was always Namjoon- and he needed to keep up to achieve the first place.

The seven stuck together for the whole day, nobody wanting to keep Jin out of their sight for even a second. They learned the names of the guys who hurt Jin, and they were keeping an eye out for them.

Though Jin said the boys were being paranoid, they said defensively that they were just waiting for the bullies to come out so they could get them to taste their own medicine. Only Yoongi and Namjoon looked calm and distinctly smug the whole time.

Jin didn't understand the reason behind their expressions till the next day.

Jin was walking towards the gates with the other six after school to go home. There were many other students around as well, everyone talking or laughing about stuff with their friends or alone as they were heading out as well.

But at one point, Jin noticed that the people near them had become quiet. Frowning, he turned around to see what'd happened with the rest. He saw their school's Principal, Mrs Kang, who was escorting a huge and buff middle-aged man pushing someone in a wheelchair before him.

Jin gasped at the sight of the injured person. They seemed to be in a really bad shape. One of their arms was slinged, and a leg was in a cast. There was a huge bruise or two across their face and they had a broken nose.

"Isn't that one of the bastards?" Jungkook growled out, already going forward but was pulled back by Hoseok.

"Is he leaving?" Jimin said in wonder. "Mrs Kang only ever escorts the student and parent when they shift out of the area and get the student transferred somewhere else."

"This means he is indeed leaving," Taehyung said with a sinister smirk on his usually sweet face.

"That also means that guy's older brother is leaving too," Hoseok said with a frown. "But where's he?"

"Probably in the hospital," Yoongi spoke, a hint of amusement in his voice. "He must be in a state where he can't even walk."

Namjoon snickered as if he found the statement amusing and Jin looked at him. He saw the look he was giving the injured bully, and how fear sprang in the guy's face when he saw Namjoon. Things began to click into place.

Jin walked past the other boys standing together and approached Namjoon, getting everyone's attention on him as he stood only an inch or two away from the purple-head's face.

Namjoon felt uncharacteristically flustered at this sudden closeness with his crush, and the look in those dazzling eyes made his stomach squirm uncomfortably. He gulped and stared back, noticing how close Jin's lips were to his own.

The others watched in anticipation, mouths open as they gawked at the two.

"H-hyung, what-"

"You did it, didn't you?" Jin cut Namjoon off, his face still serious.

"W-what?" Namjoon was shocked at the other's unmistakable guess.

"You beat them all up, didn't you?"

Namjoon swallowed hard, knowing he can't lie now. "I had help," he muttered, looking over at Yoongi, who shrugged when he met the other's scared look.

"Yah, Namjoon!"

The seven looked around to see Jackson Wang, a fellow senior, walking in their direction with his boyfriend Mark and their friends, a smirk on his face as he looked at Namjoon.

"Seen the bastard over there?" Jackson glanced sideways at the bully, who was just being wheeled out of the gates by his scary-looking father. "He's probably in the best condition among all those runts."

"I-I noticed," Namjoon stammered, feeling Jin's stunning eyes burn holes into his soul as he looked at his friend.

Jackson laughed. "The rest are probably in the hospital. I'm pretty sure two of them are in life support." With that, he patted Namjoon's shoulder. "See ya later, then. Don't forget to call me and the others if you need help with 'business' again. C'mon, guys."

Jackson left with his group, leaving everyone staring at Namjoon, who shifted uncomfortably in his place. Well, maybe he got a little too carried away... and he'd no idea how Jin would react if he heard about it.

For a while he tried to ignore eveyone as they all started firing questions at him, minus Yoongi, who just watched everything in amusement as if it was a K-drama.

"Wait, you beat those guys up?!"

"Damn, that's scary."

"Namjoon hyung, are you secretly a mafia leader?!"

"Exactly! Are you and Jackson allies?!"

Namjoon started to get wary when he noticed that Jin wasn't making any reaction at all, so he risked a glance at him, immediately starting to stare in surprise at what he saw.

Jin was looking at him with the most beautiful eye-crinkling smile, showing his pearly white teeth beneath his full red lips. His eyes were sparkling like black gems, his cheeks rich with color.

Namjoon swore his heart stopped beating when Jin took another step forward, placing a soft hand over his cheek as he continued to smile that breathtaking smile.

"Oh, Joon, I didn't know you cared so much about me," Jin's voice was smooth and sweet like a tune played with the flute, and Namjoon's heart jumped out of his ribcage when Jin did what he did next.

The dark-haired boy stood up on his tip-toes, placing his soft plump lips against Namjoon's other cheek, smooching it sweetly before pulling back and walking away without a word or backward glance.

Namjoon stared after his departing back, his mouth falling open and close like a fish as his hands travelled over the spots Jin touched and kissed, patting them unconsciously.

Moments later, he let out a choked noise, hands falling over his mouth and chest as he tried not to scream.

His crush just kissed him, holy fucking shi-

Namjoon let out a highly-embarrassing squeal, making the passersby glance over at him in disapproval or concern. Then he took off at full speed, his hands clutching his face.

The remaining five were simply taken aback by these turns of events within a few moments. First, they got the idea that Namjoon was some underground mafia leader. Second, the Jin whom they all knew couldn't stand Namjoon had just kissed him. Lastly, the smooth and straightforward Namjoon's unexpected reaction to the kiss.

"I just wanted to go home and have some banana milk," Jungkook huffed, pouting.

"Y'all go ahead," Jimin said, massaging his forehead. "My head needs rest from all this shit."

Hoseok snorted, too speechless to speak. Yoongi did nothing at all but stretch and take a deep breath.

As for Taehyung...

"Yah, hyung, where are you going?! You need to take me and Yoongi hyung home!"

He went out of sight, chasing after his older brother and yelling at the top of his voice.

Meanwhile, somewhere down the end of the school street, Jin stopped in his tracks and moaned into his hands.

"What the fuck was I thinking kissing him?!?!"

°°°♡ °°°

Words: 5150

Thank you so muchhh for readinggg!

I hope u liked the chapter and I'll hopefully see you in the next! Have a great day or night and remember that you're precious and loveddd❤❤❤


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