Athena x Nike

Athena_9909 tarafından

42.5K 1.5K 272

Ever wondered what it would be like if the ancient Greek wisdom goddess would fall in love with the ancient G... Daha Fazla

#1 * Bright And Early
#2 * The Loyal Guard
#3 * Through Hell And Back
#4 * The Escort
#5 * Dark Dreams
#6 * On Time Is Late
#7 * That One Bloody Party
#7 * That One Bloody Party (part 2)
#8 * Love Like A Battlefield
#9 * Lazy Mornings
#10 * Belated Victory
#11 * You Always Have A Choice
#12 * Still Waters Run Deep
#13 * "I Am Never Shy"
#14 * How It All Began
#15 * Out And Proud
#16 * Checkmate
#17 * Until I Found You
#18 * Falling Slowly
#19 * Dinner Date
#20 * That Kind Of Special
#21 * The Skatergirl
#22 * Fate Is Cruel
#23 * Jared
#24 * The Skatergirl (Part 2)
#25 * Under The Light Of The Moon
#26 * The Floor Is Lava
Just A Thought
#27 * End Game
#28 * Rain
#29 * The Guitarist
#30 - First Comes Love Than Comes Marriage (1K Special)
#31 * Gatedrop
#32 * The Sting Of War
#33 * Golden Appels Are A Curse
#34 * Winter Bets
Just Another Thought
#35 * Tough Love
#36 * Like Old Times
#37 * Losing Game
#38 * Duty Calls
#39 * Challenge Accepted
#40 * CHB (part 1)
#40 * CHB (part 2)
#41 * Story Time
#42 * Night Out?
#43 * Celebrations
#44 * Matching Onesies
#45 * Because Of You...
#46 * Fallen Angel
#47 * Whose Side Are You On?
#48 * Sunny Dreams
#49 * Matching Tattoos
#50 * Visit The Past
#51 * Crimson Vow
#52 * That Day By The Lake
#53 * 'I Promise'
#54 * Lost Without You
#55 * That One Night..
#56 * Down By The River
Not A Chapter * Life Update?
#57 * Subtle Magic
#58 * No Surrender
#59 * Beyond Her Eyes
#60 * Watching From Afar
#61 * In The Dead Of Night
#62 * The Virus
#63 * Pets
#64 * Victory
#65 * Pets (part 2)
#66 * Mental Prison
#66 * Mental Prison (Part 2)
#67 * Siblings
#68 * Heda
#69 * Lilac Sheets Of Satin
#70 * Like Mother Like Daughter
#71 * Siblings (part 2)
72 * Brighter Than Gold
#73 * Soldier On
#74 * Young Gods
#75 * Bribe The Pet
#76 * Owlsitter
77 * Meet the mother
#78 * Rough Day
#79 * Not Prepared
#80 * Savior
#81 * Not prepared (Part 2)
#82 * Poetry
#83 * Calculated victory
#84 * Shattered mind
#85 * Young Winner
#86 * Rightful heir
#87 * Don't think just run
#88 * Don't Tell the kids (part 1)
#89 * Don't tell the kids (part 2)
#90 * Little sister
#92 * Better late than never
#93 * I bet
#94 * Man down
#95 * Drunken night
#96 * Victory in the palm of my hand

#91 * Little sister (part 2)

299 12 1
Athena_9909 tarafından

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"I thought I might find you here." Athena said, entering the clearing where Artemis was shooting her bow.

She had set up her own set of targets and was perfecting her skill. The young goddess turned at the sound of her sister's voice and scanned her up and down before getting back to what she was doing.

"What do you want?" Artemis grumbled.

She drew the string of her bow back, an arrow automatically forming, before letting go. The arrow shot straight forward, planting itself in the middle of the target. Athena was slightly impressed, she had seen Artemis and her brother train before, but she was getting better very quickly. By now the young goddess of the hunt barely needed any time to aim and hit the target in the center.

"I just want to talk with you." The wisdom goddess said.

She moved to stand next to her little sister, in front of a second target and summoned a rack of javelins.

"What if I don't want to?" Artemis questioned.

"Then we train in silence."

Athena took a javelin in her hand and positioned herself to throw it. Soon enough the object was soaring through the air, before planting itself in the middle of the target. Her little sister merely raised a brow, before shooting another volley of arrows at her own target. For a while they trained in absolute silence, the only sound the arrows and javelins swishing through the air.

"I hate Nike." Artemis stated after a while.

This made Athena stop mid-motion. She leaned on the shaft of the javelin, looking at her sister who was still shooting her bow.

"Care to elaborate?"

"All she ever does is take you away from me." The young huntress mumbled.

"Why do you think that's her goal?"

"Because that's all she does."

"You mentioned that yes, but why do you think she would do that?"

Artemis stayed silent. She had no idea. It just wasn't fair, Athena was the only person that understood her, but she was never around, always doing something with Nike. They used to spend almost every day together. Training, talking, running through the woods. The wisdom goddess would help her with ideas for traps and Artemis taught her sister how to sneak and cover up any tracks she might leave behind. But two years ago that all changed when Nike came into the picture. Now Athena would always be off to war, planning the next strategy for another and she seemed to be immersed deeper into Olympian politics, which was the last place Artemis wanted to be.

"Have you ever thought that maybe Nike is not trying to hurt you, but merely trying to do her job?" Athena asked her little sister.

"Her job is to decide who is victorious." Artemis stated.

"True, but as a victory goddess it goes much further than just that."

The younger goddess shook her head.

"Like what? Give you a fancy laurel wreath?"

"I should snap the string of your bow for mocking her like that." The wisdom goddess commented.

"But no, she weighs strategies and armies against each other. Both in number and in cunning, light against dark. She must maintain a certain type of balance. She can not favor anyone, she must always remain objective and pick out the best."

Artemis let her sister finish. Coming in between Athena and her words was never a good idea, especially not when she had already threatened with the bowstring. Take it from the young huntress that her sister wasn't afraid to live up to her words.

"She doesn't only work on battlefields either. Small competitions like those between you and your brother are also within her jurisdiction. Political debates too. Everything that you can win at is hers. So forgive her if she doesn't have the time to deal with snobby little sisters." Athena finished.

With that the eldest daughter of Zeus repositioned herself to throw the javelin and poured all her frustration in the throw. With force the javelin hit the target, making it pierce through to the other side and toppled over. She was angry at Artemis for judging her girlfriend like that without putting any effort into getting to know her, but she would never take that anger out on her little sister. Nothing more than a few jabs with words at least.

"Excuse me?" Artemis exclaimed.

"Did you just call me a snob?"

"I believe that is what I said yes."

"How dare you!"

The young goddess came closer to her sister and stared up at her, anger flaring in her eyes, but when their eyes locked she was met with the same angry fire. For the first time the huntress realized how angry her sister must've been.

"I dare because you didn't even care to get to know the person I care about the most. I dare because you didn't even bother to listen to what she had to say before you judged her and got angry at her. I dare because you made a proud goddess crumble into my arms."

Artemis took a step back, averting her eyes, realization settling in.

"But she tried to take you away from me." She muttered in disbelief.

"By Styx, Artemis! Do you honestly believe that? Has it ever occurred to you that she only wanted to warn you of my departure? Don't you think that if she wanted me away from you she would just do that without telling you?"

Artemis remained silent. She had been so wrapped up in her own sadness that she hadn't realized how Athena or Nike might've felt. Her sister was clearly angry with her and her girlfriend had apparently cried. The young huntress had never seen the angel cry before.

"I'm sorry." Artemis whispered after a moment of heavy silence.

"I'm not the one who you should apologize to." Her older sister replied.

"I know you little sister and I understand why you are upset, but Nike doesn't know you like I do."

Athena's steel gaze visibly softened as she came closer to the youngest daughter of Zeus and wrapped her in a hug.

Artemis held her tight.

"I just miss the way things used to be." She finally admitted just above a whisper.

"I know, little one. So do I."

This caused the huntress to look up at her sister.

"Then why do you let it happen?"

"Because we cannot always be together. We have our own work cut out for us. As much as I love spending time with you, there are many other things that need my attention as well."

Artemis could feel tears well up in her eyes and placed her head against her sister's stomach again. Did Athena just tell her she was not a priority? That so many other things were much more important than her? She bit the tears back, not wanting her sister to see her that vulnerable. The young goddess felt fingers gently settle underneath her chin, demanding her to look up once more.

"I was not done." Athena said.

"Though many things require my attention, I will make sure to also make an effort to take time off where I can and spend more time with you as well."

"Really?" Artemis asked.

Her sister nodded, a small smile lingering across her lips.

"I have one condition though."

The young huntress raised a brow.

"Which is?"

"I would like you to apologize to Nike. If I'm to make an effort in finding more time to spend on you, I'd like you to make an effort to get to know her."

"What if I don't like her?" Artemis wondered.

"I highly doubt that would be the case, but should that be the case then it is what it is, as long as you try before you judge." Athena answered.

Not a lot later the two sisters walked up to the angel who was waiting in the patio of the temple, just as Athena had requested. Nike saw both girls engrossed in their conversation, a smile appeared at seeing them close to each other again. In that moment it struck the victory goddess how alike, yet so different they were. General opposites time would show as one was never a child and the other chose to never really grow up, preferring the age of maidens over any other. Though in their difference lies the strength of their bond. Artemis kept Athena playful and inspired with her youthfulness, while Athena kept Artemis steady and grounded with her own wisdom and sense for realism.

Now standing in front of the victory goddess Artemis spoke up "I would like to apologize for my earlier reaction. It was misplaced and really seemed to have hurt you."

For a brief moment the two made eye contact and Nike smiled at her.

"It's alright, I know how much Athena means to you. I never meant to come in between the two of you. I'm just-"

"Trying to do your job?" Artemis asked, a slight grin on her face.

"Exactly." Nike chimed in.


Hi Sunset!

How wonderful to be allowed to write a short for you again! I hope you like what I have cooked up for you and that you can relax for a moment with this little short. Happy reading and be sure to let me know what you think! 

- Athena

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