The Break Up Pact

By miadaley17

271K 17.5K 11.5K

What could be worse than having your enemy shoved forcefully back into your life? Unfortunately for Phoebe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 19

4.1K 275 97
By miadaley17

Sebastian Diaz was pissed. In fact, pissed might be too light a description for how irritated Sebastian was at having to bring the pervy little monstrosity that was Austin back to his house.

We'd arrived at Sebastian's house about five minutes ago, and, at that time, Austin had decided to settle himself in front of the living room TV like he owned the place.

Seeming to have given up on caring, Sebastian just rolled his eyes. "Whatever let's just hang in my room," he sighed as he started to ascend the stairs.

Blaire and Leon likely quite used to coming to his house, followed him easily enough but I hung back, feeling kind of awkward. I mean how could I not feel kind of awkward when they were all friends. I was just the weird outsider who was only there because Sebastian wanted to play nurse.

"Erm...maybe I'll just hang out in the kitchen," I called out, coming to a stop at the end of the stairs.

Sebastian stopped halfway up his ascent up the stairs and turned back to face me and frowned. "What? No, get lost. Get up here, and rest your ribs. And besides, do you want to stay downstairs and hang out with Mr ten-year-old creep down there?" he scoffed.

I paused upon his words, realizing he had a fair point with the second half of his statement. So, without saying a word, I rolled my eyes and started climbing the stairs in submission.

Once we'd reached the top of the stairs, Sebastian led everyone down the hall and kicked open the door to his room.

As I was the last one to enter, I closed the door softly behind me before turning around to inspect the place. It had been five years since I'd last set foot in it and things had certainly changed. In the small space of his bedroom, he'd managed to keep everything immaculate, with storage shelves and bookcases lining the back wall. They were filled beautifully and creatively with an array of interestingly arranged photos, knickknacks, and old swimming medals.

To the other side of the room, was a small but comfortable-looking single bed, stacked up with a few novelty cushions. And in the other corner, was a small but functional desk with a laptop poised on the surface. Overall, I couldn't help but feel oddly impressed as I surveyed what I hated to admit was a beautiful room.

"God, how is your room never fucking messy?" Blaire said as she flopped herself down on a bean chair.

"Perhaps, because he knows what a hoover is," Leon retorted sassily as he joined his sister on the


Still lost in a daze staring around the room, I barely processed Sebastian watching me till I met his eyes through the reflection in the mirror.

"You can lie down on my bed if you want," he offered, nodding his head behind him. I searched for the hint of a joke, but there was none to be found. He was genuinely offering.

"Erm...-" I started, struggling for words.

"Don't worry, Phoebe, he's cleaned the sheets since he last jerked off in them," Blaire called out with a cackle.

Sebastian tore his eyes off me and grabbed a pillow off the bed to chuck at a still giggling Blaire. "Ignore her," he mumbled quickly as he turned back to face me. "But I can you know...change the sheets if you want to. I mean I've only slept in them twice since I last washed them, but-"

"No, it's fine," I said, the words flying surprisingly quickly out of my mouth. Making my way slowly over to the bed, I was about to lower myself down onto it when I paused.

"Wait," I said, turning back his way. "You haven't brought anyone home since you've washed these in the past two days....right...," I asked, eyeing him warily. I had to hold back my gag reflex as the disturbing image of Sebastian hooking up with some girl flashed through my mind.

He rolled his eyes. "No, I haven't fucked any girls in this bed in the last two days, Phoebe, relax," he answered flatly. "Unless you're putting up an offer, of course," he suggested, his eyes sparkling devilishly.

"Eww," I said, my nose wrinkling upward. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Leon shift uncomfortably, clearly embarrassed by his friend.

Blaire on the other hand blinked back at Sebastian blankly. "You'd seriously fuck her with all of us here?" she called out from her bean chair.

Sebastian lifted a brow at Blaire. "Why? You wanna watch or something, pervert?" he mused.

"Watch you fail to please a woman? Nah, I'm good," Blaire quipped back.

Leon immediately let out a loud snort and his shoulders started to shake with silent laughter. I laughed along with him; mad I hadn't come up with it myself.

Sebastian clearly not as amused as anyone of us, threw the lot of us a dirty look.

"Whatever just hurry up and get into bed," Sebastian snapped.

Still chuckling away, I chucked my schoolbag at the end of the bed. Then peeling back the covers, I crawled my way in. He'd never really said I could get under the covers, but I felt quite chilly and didn't really care what he thought. Besides, he was the one who offered his bed in the first place.

Once, I had got myself all comfortably tucked in, I leaned my back against the headboard with a sigh. While Blaire and Leon chatted about something from their place on the floor, I briefly caught Sebastian's eye and saw he was watching me with a hint of amusement behind his eyes.

"Get comfy under my sheets, why don't you."

I just shrugged. "Well, I am injured, aren't I? I don't want to overexert myself," I joked.

His smile dropped a little, and he glanced down at my stomach. "You need any ice?" he asked, his voice surprisingly soft.

A little dazed by his kind response, I slowly shook my head. "So," I said, clearing my throat to snap myself out of it. I was just about to suggest we start discussing our next plan for our sibling breakup plan before Sebastian dropped closer, causing me to completely lose my train of thought.

Confused, I watched as he confidently peeled back the covers to his bed and the next thing I knew he was sliding into the bed beside me.

The fuck?

Since Sebastian's bed was only a small single, in one shuffle closer, I was already pushed right up against his side causing that woodsy masculine smell of his to wash over me like a wave.

My eyes widened, realizing there was nowhere really on the bed to move over to. The side of the bed I was on, pushed flush up against the wall, meaning Sebastian had essentially trapped me in.

Then with a lightly relaxed sigh, Sebastian let the muscles of his body relax as he leaned back against the headboard behind him. To top it all off, he had the cheek ( from his ridiculously close position might I add), to turn and look at me all calmly.

"You were saying?" he probed.

I blinked twice, still struggling to process things. "Why the hell, are you in bed with me?" I finally stammered out.

Sebastian furrowed his brows. "This is my bed, Phoebe. What the fuck do you expect me to sit on, the floor?" he scoffed.

"No, there's a perfectly functioning desk chair, right over there, or you could share a bean chair with Leon or something," I snapped as I waved my hand towards the floor where Leon and Blaire were still chatting.

Sebastian eyed the chair, and the bean chair before looking back at me with a smile. "No," he said, simply.

I was about to say something else, but I stopped myself, realizing it was hopeless. Sebastian simply wasn't moving.

I noticed Blaire stop her conversation, and look up our way with a highly arched eyebrow. She didn't say anything, but from the way her eyes seemed to teasingly smile at Sebastian, it was clear she was trying to make fun of the fact he'd climbed into bed with me.

Her stare down at Sebastian was interrupted as a loud bang sounded out from downstairs. " Austin still alive?" I asked slowly, realizing the sound likely belonged to him.

"Hopefully not," Sebastian muttered slyly under his breath.

Leon let out a heavy sigh and rolled up to his feet. "I'll go check he's still alive," he said, as he made his way out of the door.

As the door closed behind Leon, Sebastian leaned his head back against the headboard and groaned. "I swear, to god, if he's broken something, I'm going to kill him," Sebastian spat out with a bitter laugh.

Blaire who was listening from the floor stretched her arms back behind her and looked up at him with a smile. "Are you sure that's not the only reason you want to kill him? You seemed pretty mad when he was flirting with your supposed enemy over there," she probed.

I scoffed. "That's because Sebastian gets upset when someone finds a way to be even pervier than himself," I said flatly.

Sebastian's lips twisted down into a hard line. "No, I just have a problem with his insufferable cockiness, that's all. When I was his age, I wouldn't have dared look a senior girl in the eye, never mind flirted with her. Who the fuck does he think he is?" he ranted off.

I stared at him with a raised brow through his entire little speech, finding it odd that in a strange way he was somehow complimenting me.

"Oh, and now the jealous boy is getting intimidated by a ten-year-old, nice," Blaire laughed.

Sebastian grabbed a pillow from behind himself and threw it again at her face.

As the two of them started bickering amongst themselves, I decided to make use of my time and reached over for my bag at the end of the bed.

I was going to reach for some homework, but then I hesitated as I spotted my book and found myself grabbing that instead. I can't be blamed really – I'd left it on a really good part. I was so sure that Lord Jefferson was going to confess any page now.

The moment I leaned back against the headboard and found the page I was on, the book was suddenly whipped out of my hand.

"Hey," I shouted.

Looking to my left, I saw Sebastian with my book in his hands as he started to fumble through the pages.

"Another romance book? What page is the sexy time on this time, huh?" he teased, continuing to flip through the pages.

"Give it back," I hissed as I lunged over to his side. Sebastian too quick for me swiftly rolled over and blocked me with his back.

Blaire shook her head. "Oh, for goodness sake, Seb, leave the poor girl alone and let her read her smut in peace."

"It's not smut," I protested as I once again, tried to lean over Sebastian to grab it back. Defending it easily, Sebastian pushed my hands away with no trouble and rolled onto his stomach.

Sebastian let out another snort as he flipped to a new page. "What's up with you, and these 19th-century smut novels," he snickered.

Feeling my entire being burn red, I lunged for him, and half threw myself on top of him to try and reclaim the book.

"Go away, Phoebe, I'm not in the mood to try and re-enact the sexy scenes with you today," he joked, his smile practically audible through his tone.

Even more embarrassed, I tried to wrestle him onto his back, but Sebastian, unfortunately, a lot more skilled than me, fought me back. We were a brief tangle of arms and legs as I stupidly attempted to fight a seventeen-year-old boy who was double my size.

 "Go, Phoebe, kill him," I heard Blaire call out encouragingly from the floor. 

The next minute I knew, I was being rolled and tackled onto my belly, followed swiftly by Sebastian throwing his body over my butt and legs to pin me down. Sebastian let out a long sigh. 

"Now, after that little interruption, where was I," he teased, as he flipped the book back out. 

As I lay defeated out underneath him, I nearly let out a bitter laugh as I remembered he'd initially invited me over to help me rest my injured ribs – not for him to wrestle me in his bed. So much for rest and relaxation.

Wait a minute... I wonder if –

Before even taking the time to think, I pretended to curl a little inward and wince as though I was in pain. "Sebastian, get off that hurts," I groaned, making my voice sound quieter for added effect.

At once he was off me. "Shit," he muttered.

As I rolled onto my stomach, I found him kneeling out on the bed above me, watching me carefully,

"I swear I completely forgot, Phoebe. You, okay?" he asked quickly, swallowing hard. He looked so serious and upset that I couldn't stop my lips from escaping into a smirk.

"Well, I am now, after figuring out how easy it is to trick you," I teased as I slid up to a seat. Then grabbing my abandoned book from the bed, I held it up in triumph. "Thanks for the book back, by the way."

Blaire's snickers soon broke out from the bean chair. "Sebastian, you know she's got you totally pussywhipped, right?"

The comment seemed to hit Sebastian like a slap in the face, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Sebastian slowly came to the realization he'd been tricked and glared at me, then Blaire.

"Shut up, I'm not pussywhipped just for feeling bad about her stupid ribs."

"Pussy-whipped," Blaire muttered out in cough.

The door to his bedroom suddenly swung open before Sebastian got a chance to defend himself. Leon walked in slowly, his eyes darting nervously around the room to Sebastian's direction in particular.

"Erm...Sebastian, can you come downstairs for a second?" Leon said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Sebastian furrowed his brows. "Why?

Leon anxiously pushed his glasses deeper onto his nose. "I'm not sure how, but Austin kind of found a way to annoy your neighbour, and now he and the old lady are arguing on the front porch. And she's threatening to call the cops if you don't come down, so..."

"That little fucker...," Sebastian hissed as he angrily swung himself onto his feet. And as Sebastian, Blaire, and Leon all marched down the stairs to rectify the situation, I slumped back against the bed and listened as the shouting match ensued.

Something told me this evening with Sebastian was going to be a long one...


Next Update: Thursday 

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