The Break Up Pact

By miadaley17

273K 17.5K 11.5K

What could be worse than having your enemy shoved forcefully back into your life? Unfortunately for Phoebe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 18

4.1K 266 157
By miadaley17

Frozen up, I stared at Sebastian like a certified crazy person as you would, anyone who just confidently declared you're going home with them.

", I'm not," I laughed.

Sebastian's lips pulled out into a frown. "Yes, you are. Your parents are away and your brothers working late, so they'll be nobody to sit in on you while you rest. Who's going to make you dinner? And who's going to drive you home safely?"

"I am?" I said with a light laugh. "I'm injured Sebastian, not on my deathbed. I'm going home,"

Instead of replying, Sebastian just looked me dead in the eyes before starting to look me slowly up and down. His lips then slightly upturned as though mildly amused before he took a step forward, and then another, till he was unnervingly close.

My heart started racing and I swallowed, trying my best to make it seem as though he wasn't affecting me.

"That's funny," Sebastian mumbled, still staring at me with playful yet intense eyes. Before I could ask him, what was funny, I felt something brush my hip then suddenly a hand was shoved deep into my back pocket.

"Hey," I gasped in shock. In a second, Sebastian swiftly and nimbly plucked my car keys clear from my pocket. I stared at him in disbelief, as he quickly stepped back, and held up my keys with a smile.

"It sure is difficult to drive home without any keys, right?" he mused, finishing off his words with a patronizing little wink.

In reflex, I reached out to snatch it but, Sebastian, the slippery little cunt he was, moved too fast for me, and held the keys up higher than I could reach.

"Oop too slow," he taunted.

Giving up, I stepped back and crossed my arms. "You're not funny," I said flatly.

"Good, because I'm not joking," he said, with a merry little smile.

"Now, come on, let's get going," Sebastian said as he turned around. Realizing I didn't really have much of a choice but to follow, I reluctantly followed behind him as he made his way through the school doors and into the parking lot. The bastard didn't seem all too concerned about my ribs now, did he?

"You can't just steal someone's keys, and force them to come home with you, you know," I called bitterly out to him as we walked.

Sebastian turned around and started walking backward through the parking lot with a loose smile on his lips. "You sure? Because that's exactly what I'm doing, and it's working."

My eyes narrowed in on him, in annoyance.

As Sebastian turned back around, he led me over to the back of the parking lot where he must have parked his car. "Since when do you have a car anyway?" I called out.

"I don't, my sister just let me borrow hers for the day. Apparently, your brother's driving her home," he explained flippantly.

Just as we rounded the corner of the parking lot, I furrowed my brows in confusion as I found Sebastian's friends, Leon and Blaire talking against what I assume to be Sebastian's car.

As we neared closer, they stopped talking and looked our way. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Sebastian called out with a frown as he came to a stop.

Blaire crossed her arms. "Well, that's no way to talk to your friend, is it?" she snapped.

Leon stepped forward awkwardly, and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Look, I'm sorry, Seb, but we kind of need a favor," he mumbled sheepishly, blinking hard under the surface of his glasses.

That's when Blaire locked eyes with me, and she started to smile suggestively as she looked back and forth between a still mildly pissed Sebastian and myself. "Oh, I see, what's going on here," Blaire laughed. "Sebastian's mad because we interrupted his little date with Miss Phoebe weeby," she sang, with a patronizing pout.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Oh, shut up that's not what's happening," Sebastian snapped, his eyes zeroing in on Blaire in annoyance. "Phoebe got hurt in cheer, so she asked if she could come back to mine and I was kind enough to say yes," he justified smoothly.

"What the hell? I didn't ask you to do shit," I said, stepping forward. "Sebastian demanded I come with him and when I said no, he took my car keys," I cried.

Leon let out a heavy sigh and turned to Sebastian, and gave him a long silent stare, that if I were to guess meant, 'what the hell have you done.'

"What?" Sebastian snapped defensively.

Blaire just snickered. "You're so tricking her into a date," she teased

Sebastian gave her a dirty look. "Look, why the hell are you two even hear? It's been over an hour since school finished. What's this deal about a favor?" he asked, turning to Leon in particular.

Leon looked awkwardly to the floor before speaking. "Well, erm...our dad's staying late at work, meaning we have to pick up Austin for him. And well since you have a car today....we were wondering..."

"No, no way. Austin is the devil!" Sebastian stated adamantly as he violently shook his head.

Leon rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, Seb, I'll try my best to make him behave this time."

"Who's Austin?" I asked, confused.

"Our little brother," Blaire piped up. "He rubs Sebastian up the wrong way, it's quite funny really."

I let out a light snort. "I can't wait to see that, now I'm actually glad I'm coming home with you."

Sebastian gave me a dry look before turning back to face Blaire and Leon who were still leaning up against his car.

"Fine, I'll give the little brat a ride home from school, but if he says one smart comment too many, I'm kicking him out of my car," Sebastian grumbled.

"That seems fair," Leon nodded, not seeming too upset by the idea.

"Excellent," Blaire smiled as she sashayed over to the front car door. "I bagsie the front seat," she called out.

"Whatever," Sebastian said, letting out a heavy sigh. Then he turned to me, and looked me up and down. "You good to sit in the back with your ribs? I can try and rummage around the boot and see if I could find something that could be a makeshift pillow."

"Nah, I'm fine," I said dismissively.

"You sure?" he said, still maintaining sharp eye contact.

"Calm down, Seb, your wannabe girlfriend isn't going to miraculously die without a cushion," Blaire called out impatiently.

Sebastian muttered something rude about Blaire under his breath before pushing himself off in the direction of the driver's car door.

We all soon piled into his mother's car and once everyone was comfortable, Sebastian took off.

As Blaire rattled on the directions to Austin's school, I stared absentmindedly out the window, and in no time at all, we were pulling into the parking lot of the elementary school across town.

Sebastian had to steer to avoid the laughing kids that were crossing in between his car before sliding into a parking space right at the front.

Sebastian sighed. "One of you go get your annoying brother then," he said, slumping back against the seat.

"Erm...I think I've found him already...," Leon trailed off, as he stared off uncomfortably into the distance.

Everyone followed Leon's gaze, a couple feet across the playground to a small group of kids. It was a group of three girls, and one boy in the middle with dark brown skin and curly goldish-brown hair, very similar to that of Leon and Blaire's.

As I looked closer, I realized that the boy, who I assumed to be Austin was lightly laughing with a cocky smirk on his little ten-year-old face. I then watched with widened eyes as he held his arm out in a flex, and indicated for the girls to feel it.

"What the fuck is he doing? Flirting?" Sebastian snapped, his eyes narrowed, and focused in on the boy who I assumed to be Austin.

"Yup," Blaire snorted. "Apparently, he's got three girlfriends this year, so I'm guessing that's them."

"Give me fucking strength...," Sebastian muttered, seeming fed up with life.

As one of the girls reached for the end of his shirt and tried to start to lift it, Leon rapidly sat up. "And that's my cue to break this up," he said, quickly unbuckling himself to rush out of the car.

Everyone watched through the windows, as Leon swiftly made his way over to his brother. The boy, Austin looked up as he saw his brother coming and swiftly threw his head back and rolled his eyes.

Leon and his brother's lips moved as they exchanged a few words. Then, Austin started to frown and gestured over to his 'girlfriend' before crossing his arms. An argument seemed to break out between the two, and one thing led to another, and suddenly, Leon lunged forward and grabbed his little brother by the ear.

Then with a bitter expression on his face, Leon started to drag him to the car while Austin's little mouth moved repeatedly to say what I presumed to be 'ow.' It was rather shocking really, to see such a quiet and kind boy like Leon lose his shit. It was clear that his little brother seriously knew how to wind people up.

Abruptly, the back car door swung open. "Get in the middle seat," Leon snapped at his brother, clearly struggling to hold back his irritation.

Once Austin's ear was released he miserably crawled his way into the car and plonked himself down onto the middle seat which just so happened to be the seat beside me.

As Leon settled himself in beside his brother, Sebastian turned to face him with a cocked-up brow. "Do I even want to know what happened?"

Leon let out a bitter laugh. "No, you don't."

Austin rolled his eyes. "I just called him a cunt. How the hell was I supposed to know he was going to get all upset," he grumbled.

My head swung towards Austin fast, so shocked at the language that was coming out of this tiny ten-year-old boy's mouth.

Just at that moment, Austin turned to me curiously, seeming to have only just noticed me up till now. As the engine rumbled to a start, I sat uncomfortably as Austin looked me up and down without a word.

As Sebastian pulled the car out into the road, Austin's lips pulled up into a smile as he stared at me. "Damn, you're fucking hot, aren't you? Who are you?" the little boy randomly announced to me. My saliva lodged itself down the wrong side of my throat and I choked.

Everyone in the car snapped their head to face little Austin, including Sebastian who hurdled the car to an abrupt stop. While Leon looked at his brother in horror, Blaire just bit her lips, clearly holding back the urge to laugh.

Sebastian, on the other hand, was staring at Austin through the rear-view mirror, with an utter look of hatred.

"Phoebe's nobody that concerns you, so stop looking at her," Sebastian snapped.

Austin's smile faded as he connected eyes with Sebastian and the two engaged in a little staring match.

Blaire let out another snort. "Come on, Sebastian, please tell me you're not seriously threatened that my little ten-year-old brother is going to steal your girl," she laughed, her eyebrow cocking up in amusement.

I shifted uncomfortably, deeply disturbed that the conversation had moved from me being flirted with someone nearly half my age, to me now being referred to as 'Sebastian's girl.' Joke or not, that was just plain disgusting.

Sebastian flinched back at the accusation. "What! I'm not jealous, get lost. Who the fuck said I liked Phoebe?" Sebastian said, his eyes narrowed in on Blaire's.

"Sebastian, language, my brother's in the car," Leon chided.

Austin smirked. "Yeah, Sebastian, control your fucking language around me," he taunted.

Sebastian glared over at Austin warningly, looking ready to throw him out of the car altogether. Then taking me completely off guard, Austin decided to quickly shuffle closer to me and turned to me with a smile.

My eyes widened.

"So, are you looking to date around or..."

"Okay, that's it," Sebastian spat. "Leon, swap places with Austin. I can't listen to him disturbingly perv over Phoebe, anymore."

Though I one hundred percent agreed with Sebastian, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the fact that he had the cheek to call someone else's perviness disturbing when he was the biggest creep around.

"I think that's probably for the best," Leon sighed as he unbuckled his seat belt.

Austin frowned, and stayed lodged in his place. "Hey, no, I don't want to move. I'm not moving. Why can't-"

Austin lost his words as Leon slapped a hand over his mouth. Then with his other hand, Leon fought to unbuckle his struggling little brother's seatbelt before pulling his kicking and flailing body over him and to his other side.

Sebastian, visibly relaxed from the front seat. "Thanks, man."

Leon nimbly shifted into the middle seat beside me before finally releasing his little brother's body.

Austin not happy with his new seat, shot everyone in the car a vicious look before angrily turning to look out the window with crossed arms.

Sebastian did a final quick scan of the backseat before turning back to the front with a sigh. "Alright, let's get you guys home, shall we," he said, as he started back up the engine.

Leon shifted uncomfortably. "Erm...there's another tiny thing that I forgot to tell you Seb...," Leon called out slowly from the back seat.

"Oh, what?" Sebastian asked as he briefly glanced at Leon threw the rear-view mirror.

Leon averted his eyes. "Well, you see, Blaire and I, kind of forgot our house key, so we kind of need to stay at yours. And you know that kind of means Austin as well..."

The tyres screeched to a stop.


Next Update: Thursday

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