
By WWEFan_2020

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Book reached #1 in Zelina Vega books on 3-9-22 Name: Travis Crawford Age: 32 Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee L... More

Coming Home
Death Match
Family Drama
A New Family Addition
The Truth Comes Out
Flashback #2
20 years in the making
Finally Together
Untitled Part 10
Let The Trouble Begin
Meeting My Sister's Boyfriend
A Huge Step
Making an Impact
The Call That Changed Everything
Change of Heart
We Are NXT
NXT Debut
A New Home
If You Love Me, Let Me Go
Turning Over A New Leaf
The Next Chapter
Main Roster Debut
Onto The Next Chapter
Chapter 30
Number One Contenders
Hell In A Cell
The Last Laugh
Trick or Treat
The Kiss
Chapter 36
New Challengers
Time to Rumble
Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
After the Bell
Happy Birthday
The Road to WrestleMania
Elimination Chamber
You F***ed Up
Wrestle Mania Debut
Back for Revenge
Chapter 51
Let's Get Extreme
I Do
The Announcement That Shook Everyone
A Sad Day
Memorial Show
The End

One More Time

158 2 0
By WWEFan_2020

Raw kicks off tonight with Alex making his way out to the ring.

Alex: So last night Tyler wanted to stick his nose into the match with Travis and I. You cost me my shot last night and I want another opportunity.

Tyler made his way out.

Tyler: Why are you such a cry baby? You're not even worth my time Alex, let's be honest. Even Travis isn't worth my time. I should be facing main event level talent not the catering crew.

Alex: How about you get in the ring with me and I'll show you that I'm worth your time.

Tyler: What you're saying is you want a fight, right here right now?

Alex: You're damn right I do.

Tyler starts walking towards the ring.

Tyler: Listen kid, I have a lot of things I need to do tonight so let's just make this quick.

Tyler gets into the ring and Alex tries to take him down but Tyler ducked and when Alex turned around Tyler hit him with a spinebuster. He gets Alex locked in the Tazmission, Alex is tapping but Tyler won't break the hold. The crowd let's out a cheer when I come running down the ramp to make the save. Tyler lets Alex go and he motions for me to go after him and we both start throwing fists at each other. Alex gets back into it and now we're both going after Tyler. He quickly retreats and he grabs the Universal Championship and holds it tight. Now Alex and I are in the ring and we're having a stare down. I extended my hand out and he hesitated before accepting it. My music hit and then we walked to the back.

*Later in the night*

The camera shows Tyler and Liv going to leave the arena when they hear Adam Pearce.

Adam: Tyler don't leave.

Tyler: Why? My work here is done tonight.

Adam: Actually, your night isn't over yet.

Tyler: What the hell are you talking about Adam?

Adam: I scheduled you in a match tonight. Since you wanted to fight so bad earlier you have a tag team match against Alex and Travis.

Tyler: Who's my partner?

Adam: That part isn't my problem, you need to go find one. Good luck tonight Tyler, I'm sure you'll need it.

*Later in the night*

Alex and I are standing in the ring and Thea is in our corner. Tyler's music hits and he's walking down the ring with Liv. Once he gets to ringside he goes over and grabs a mic.

Tyler: Adam Pearce is making me come out here tonight and compete against these two rejects that aren't worth my time. To make things worse I need to go find a partner. This is unfair treatment to the Universal Champion but luckily, I found someone to be my partner. Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce you to a man that is a former World Champion, former Intercontinental and United States Champion. The man that will help me get rid of these two idiots for good. My tag team partner for tonight, Kevin Owens.

Kevin's music hit and the crowd started to boo. Kevin and Tyler made their way to the ring and the match began.

*Mid Match*

Tyler and I are going at it and he's wearing me down. I managed to kick him and get him off of me momentarily so I could crawl over to the corner and tag Alex in. Thea and Alex are both trying to get me motivated to make the tag, right as I got to the corner Kevin pulled Alex down. Tyler is back on offense and I'm getting my ass kicked. Kevin is now back in their corner and he tags himself in and Tyler is pissed. Once Kevin is in the ring Tyler gets in his face and then he pushes Kevin, Kevin pushed Tyler back and then left the ring. During the altercation between the two of them I had the chance to tag Alex into the match. Once we get Tyler's attention I come into the ring and hit him with a Spinning Brain Buster and then Alex connects with a Frog Splash for the win. Our celebration got cut short when Adam Pearce made his way out.

Adam: I hate to be the one to bring down the mood right now but I'm making some changes to the match between Tyler Baker and Travis Crawford for the Universal Championship will now be a Triple Threat Match and include Alex Johnson.

The crowd let out cheer for Alex being added into the match.

Adam: That's not all, now the old saying is card subject to change. The match between you 3 gentlemen will now be an Extreme Rules match. We all know the Pay Per View was scheduled to be Fastlane but we made some changes and the show will now be the return of One Night Stand. We also have a new venue for the show......

Heyman: Wait just one moment Mr. Pearce. With all due respect I don't think you're the right person to make this announcement. Now if you don't mind I'd like to tell these fine people here where the event will be taking place.

Adam: The floor is yours.

Heyman: Gentlemen I advise you to bring you're A game to One Night Stand because the show will be taking place at the land of extreme. In two weeks you three will be competing for the Universal Championship at the Hammerstien Ballroom.

The ECW theme song played and the whole arena was chanting EC Dub

Thea and I looked at each other very confused about what just happened. I looked over at Alex and he had a huge smile on his face. Tyler is at the top of the ramp yelling at Adam Pearce trying to get him to change his mind. Alex pats me on the back before he leaves the ring.

Alex: Good luck buddy.

As soon as he walked past me I grabbed his arm and turn him around and hit him with a super kick. Once he was down I got on top of him and started punching him. Thea pulled me off of him but I was still pissed I started yelling at Thea then I went back to attacking Alex before she pulled me off again and calmed me down. Before we left I crouched down and yelled at Alex

Travis: This is my moment. You hear me? My moment you're not taking this from me. 

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