Slime Tales Of Rimuru Tempest

Da samxdemon

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A series of one-shots , crossovers , ideas of Rimuru x different worlds Altro

Idea's Page .
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 1
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 2
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 3
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 4
Fate . . . Slime Order part 5
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 6
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 7
Slime , Valkyries , and Herrchers . . .
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Cecillia's path , Part 1
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Cecillia's path , Part 2
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Cecillia's Path , Part 3
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's path
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's Path Part 2
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's path part 3
Rimuru x Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's Path Part 4
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's Path . . . Part 5
Rimuru X Highschool dxd: . . . The Tempest Faction Part 1
Rimuru X dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 2
Rimuru x Dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 3
Rimuru x Dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 4
Rimuru X Dxd . . .Tempest Faction part 5
Rimuru x Dxd . . . Tempest Faction part 6
Honkai Reaction: Tensura Valkries/Herrchers Part 1
Honkai Reaction: Tensura Valkyries/Herrchers Part 2
Honkai Reaction: Tensura Valkyries/Herrchers Part 3
Slime Of Zero: . . . Zero No Tsukaima X Tensura
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 2
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 3
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 4
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 5
Rimuru x Kingdom Hearts . . . Part 1
Rimuru x Kingdom Hearts Part 3
Dragons Meeting (One-shot)
Rimuru X Fairy Tail
Rimuru x Fairy Tail . . . Part 2
Rimuru X Fairy Tail . . . Part 3
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's Path part 1
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's Path part 2
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's Path Part 3
Rimuru x Honkai . . . Mei's Path part 4
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's path Part 5
Rimuru x Danmachi
Rimuru x Danmachi Part 2
Rimuru X Danmachi Part 3
Rimuru X Fate Stories: Beasts
Rimuru x Red Alert . . . Tempest Attacks
Rimuru x Rwby . . . Slime is a Huntsman
Rimuru x Rwby Part 2
Rimuru X Dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 7

Rimuru X Kingdom Heart . . . Part 2

658 25 57
Da samxdemon

After that weird . . .dream? he asked great sage, but she didn't have the answer, in fact, it seems that he was . . .separated from her for a short while, as both he, and she couldn't sense each other, still . . . .

What was that place? and that weapon, it was similar to what Aqua uses, was that the source of her power? does her magic works in that way? ah so many questions, and so little answers .

For now the slime decided to return, and ask the keyblade master later, after he calm his head, but as he got out, he got a call from Ranga, making sprint towards where he is, meanwhile Aqua also felt something wrong and went as well .

Rimuru arrived, and saw, Gobta, Rigur, and Ranga fighting people with short horns, he noticed some goblins were knocked out .

Gobta's chest was cut by an old man, Rigur was fighting a female with *ahem* massive "guns", and Ranga was facing two of them, one is slim and the other was a big and fat, he told them to back off, he learned that they're ogre, but he also noticed that they have . . . a sort of sinister aura .

When they saw the slime, they start talk about how he, and some pigs were responsible, for the destruction of their clan, Rimuru noticed the sinister aura increased, moments later, Aqua arrived .

Rimuru: Aqua? 

Aqua: Rimuru . . are you alright? I sensed something from here and came *looks at the ogre* and it seem that aura is coming from them .

Rimuru: yeah, I noticed something weird with them, and the somehow the aura got more intense when they got angry .

Aqua: ( could it be . . .)

Before she could have time to think about it, the ogre start attacking, they were no match for the two of them, but . . . 

{Great Sage: warning unknown energy consuming the ogres } .

Both slime and keyblade master saw the ogres getting again, but a dark sphere surrounded them, they had yellow eyes, and on their chest were a mark of a . . .red heart with a cross .

Aqua: ( I know it )

Ranga: something . . .strange about them .

Gobta: what's with the strange mark and the big dark aura .

Rigur: I feel uneasy . 

  Rimuru: ( so much dark energy . . .and I sense something, it . . . isn't magicules but it's similar *looks at Aqua* and it seems that Aqua knows something judging from the look at her face )

Aqua: be careful, they . . . became heartless .

Rimuru: heartless? 

She explain what are them, the monsters burn from darkness going after people's heart, seeking nothing but chaos destruction, they can take and shape and form, and they can posses people who had negative thoughts and emotions .

Hearing this, the slime was surprised and worried, to think this .  . .other worldly monsters of darkness would appear, and from what Aqua said , normal mean will only defeat them temporarily, but only a keyblade can end them for good .

A . . . .Keyblade . . .. 

Rimuru: *holds his head* gah .

Ranga: master !

Aqua: Rimuru !

The slime holds his head . . .he once again saw the strange place . . . but instead of Aqua's picture, it was . . . him and on the seven circles were pictures of: Shizue, Aqua, Sora, Kairi, Riku, a tall man with short spiky hair, and a woman in white robs that looks like, but more faminine and has crimson eyes .

He heard . . . .something . . .

a voice . . . .

calling for him . . .

Before he know it, he was back . . .then he noticed something in his right hand .

Rimuru: huh? 

Aqua: a keyblade? 

Rimuru: my . . .keyblade?

 - - - - -- - 

???: ahahahaah what a surprise, to think that slime could wield a keyblade, watching him was a good idea after .

Said a figure as in black coat as he watched the slime from the distance, and he wasn't alone .

???: you seam to be having fun huh . 

the other one was a tall man in long crimson hair . . .yes this was Guy Crimson .

???: oh~ coming to see little old me?

Guy: of course . . .and it's seem that those . . heartless has begin . . .and that slime has . . what was it called again? oh yes a keyblade.  .. 

???: hahahah oh Guy, it's only the beginning .

See . . .those two had some sort of agreement . . .and a little game, and being the person who always looks for something new and interesting, Guy of course agreed to have this . . . .little "game" with the black coated figure, and for some reason, the two sort of became . .. "friends" well don't look to much into it .

 - - - -- -

Back to our heroes . . .

The slime and and the keyblade master fought the not heartless ogress, Rimuru, though not as skilled as Aqua, he still did pretty well thanks to the lessons he got from her .

As they fight, the slime tried to use his magic, but for some reason, he can't, he was confused on why he can't? . . .is it because of the keyblade? 

{Great Sage: notice perhaps master could use spells individual Aqua uses, considering he also has a keyblade as well }

Rimuru: worth a try .

He remember watching her preforming her magic, and even told him some the spells, he point his keyblade and chant .

Rimuru: thundara !

He used the second tier of thunder magic, but unlike the one Aqua uses, his thunder was.  .. .not only more powerful, but it was black in color . . . according to great sage, his magic skills ,and keyblade magic somehow merged together . . . well in a way that was . .. interesting , perhaps he could get new spells or new combination of magical attacks .

Anyway now back to the fight, both keyblade users pushed back the heartless ogres, as they knocked them down, the heartless came out, and Aqua quickly took care of it, freeing the ogress .

Now being free for the heartless's control, they fall unconscious, both warriors sigh in relief, the slime decided to take the ogres back with him, as he wanted to know their story, on their way back he heard Aqua calling him .

Aqua: Rimuru .

Rimuru: yes? 

Aqua: we need to talk .

The slime nodes knowing exactly what the topic is about .

from far in the distance . . . 

???: hahahaha interesting looks like the "game"   has finally began .

beside him was a female who was also in black coat .

???2: fufufu~ how interesting you are my dear Rimuru Tempest .

???: I know right? . . .I can't wait to see what our dear slime has more in store for us hahahah.

???2: oh I can't wait to see more of him~

???: ( my oh my looks like our dear keyblade master will have a rival in the future hahahaah wonder who will steal his heart hehehehehe )

- - - -- - 

And yes before you ask Aqua will have a love rival,  just for the sake of drama and shenanigan, and interesting to see Aqua . . . .jealous .

- - - - --

And here's a little bonus . . .

They keybalde master was walking around Tempest until she saw Ultima .

Aqua: hello Ultima .

Ultima: oh Aqua-sama, hi .

Aqua: have you seen Sora and Riku?

Ulitma: last time I saw them they were with Veldora in the labyrinth, something about teaching them secret techniques or something .

Aqua: oh I see . . .

3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Aqua: WAIT ! 

She went . . .{ FAST AS F***** BOI }  towards the labyrinth, the demoness was confused before she shrugged and went her way .

Meanwhile Rimuru was in his office, before he heard a scream . . .he shrugged it off and continue his work . . . . yup nothing weird to worry about .

- - - - -- 

Hope you enjoyed PEACE !


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