Moon Goddess (2) Werewolf Rom...

By Jinx-01

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This is a sequel to Moonspell, be aware! After Erik and Kiril defeated Lucius and killed the Moon Goddess in... More

00. Moon Goddess - Erik + Kiril
01. When in Rome - Erik
02. White roses - Dasha
03. Alpha - Angel
04. Mateless - Kiril
05. Sun of the Sahara - Samira
06. In joy and sorrow - Michael
07. Dreams - Kiril
08. How to mend a broken heart - Samira
09. Kings of the arena - Erik
11. A friend with weed is better - Dasha
12. Born from clay - Angel
13. When you don't know - Michael
14. Slaves - Kiril+Erik
15. It - Dasha
16. Anyone - Samira
17. Go fetch - Angel
18. These unexpected feelings - Kiril
19. Days of future-past - Michael
20. A different breed - Samira
21. Survivor - Dasha
22. What used to be - Kiril
23. A merry bunch - Angel
24. Master - Kiril
25. The allure of ice - Samira
26. Someone has to - Michael
27. Baby Alpha - Angel
28. Other girls - Samira
29. Godspeed - Milena
30. Buttons - Angel
31. Cold hands - Samira
32. Waters of Lethe - Michael
33. Parasite - Kiril
34. Abomination - Milena
36. The greater good - Angel
37. If it were my choice - Kiril
38. After effects - Samira
39. Tender is the night - Milena
40. Ra-Ra-Rasputin - Angel
41. Shards - Kiril
42. You are the one I need - Samira
43. Viole(n)t moon - Milena
44. Moon rainbow - Milena
45. Only once - Angel
46. La vie en rose - Kiril
47. I need a doctor - Dasha
48. Not today - Milena
49. So happy - Milena
50. Show me - Angel
51. This mate thing - Dasha
52. It will always be you - Kiril
53. God killer- Kiril
54. The soul of a different world- Kiril

35. Goodbye, my lover - Angel

80 9 35
By Jinx-01

Angel woke up with a pounding headache. In the first few seconds, he didn't recall where he was or what had happened. Everything around him was fire, dust, and debris.

Michael. He came there to confront Michael but the issues escalated and they had an actual fistfight where they tried to... murder each other.

How did it come to that? Michael was the love of his life, they have had more than thirty, mostly wonderful, years together, and now they tried to kill each other?

Angel knew very well why he tried that and ironically it was for that greater good that Michael so often mentioned, just that the greater good they envisioned was a very different one.

Michael had sold Mila off to some people that wanted to murder her. She and Erik's child would die and Michael thought it was the right thing to do. He agreed for that brotherhood to use Samira and was actively trying to kill Kiril and take his power. According to Kiril, he had joined those creatures that were actively hating and hunting their kind.

It was right, that Kiril didn't have a good reputation and he was known to be very good at deceiving, but somehow he seemed more sincere and trustworthy than the man he had loved for over twenty years.

If the villain of the story inspired you more trust than the actual love of your life something very sad must have happened.

Michael had indeed left him there bleeding on the ground surrounded by the rubble of their destroyed house. When he looked over the remains of the place they used to call home and cradle their happiness in, it felt like a prophecy.

A half-burned photo of the two of them, from before the time Mila appeared in their lives, flew across the rubble. Angel felt tears in his eyes.

He remembered the day they met. He had been so miserable that day, after yet another fight with his brother-in-law Amaru, when his sister refused to take his part to not anger her mate.

It was the early nineties and being openly gay slowly started to normalize, but it were mostly the effeminate gays that got the attention and appeared in the media. Only twenty-something human years old, and growing up in a rather misogynistic and homophobic environment, he was half ashamed and half unsure about what he was in that regard.

He was sure he had no interest in females, unfortunately, and also no interest in following his father as an alpha. His father had won his place and leadership in a fight, not coming from an actual alpha lineage, but he wanted desperately the one he had created to continue. Alejandra, being sixty years older than Angel, had been for a long time his only child and he had chosen Amaru to be his successor before he knew he would also have a son.

He wasn't alpha anymore when almost three hundred years old, Alvaro Velez, became a father for the second time. He and his mate were only normal pack members that lived secluded in a cabin away from the alpha's house, as per costume. That secluded house had been attacked by rogues when Angel was ten human years old. They killed his parents but he miraculously escaped unharmed. His sister and her mate, the Alpha of the South American Pack, took him in and raised him, for the better and the worse.

Amaru always felt he could be a potential challenge for his position. But Angel grew up without any interest in fighting or challenging him or anybody, and to make sure it stayed like that, Amaru took care to crush his self-esteem and courage bit by bit, day by day.

It was Angel's damn luck that Amaru was the one that caught him kissing one of the human servant boys when he had been fourteen. As a result, Amaru gathered the pack and outed him forcefully before all of them and then beat him to teach him a lesson to not go against the will of the goddess that had created males, females, and the mate bond to tie them.

Almost everyone approved of his behavior at that point and Angel would never forget the applause he got from the pack when he was lying naked and bleeding on the floor in front of them after having been humiliated and beaten for only a kiss. Tears were glittering in Alejandra's eyes but she did nothing because her awful mate made her feel powerless too using the same method, day after day.

The day he met Michael had been the happiest of his life. Amaru had a meeting in Europe with Erik's pack. Erik was known as the alpha that had done a fair share of morally questionable things. He had fought in the war of the humans, he had killed his father in battle for the leadership of the pack and he was planning to let females be wardens and generals.

Erik's Beta was also terribly handsome. His eyes were such a beautiful color. He had always liked blue eyes, mostly on manly beautiful guys. And there was also something else about that man that Angel couldn't exactly pinpoint at first, but he just couldn't take his eyes off him. To that extent that Amaru must have noticed and that day at the formal dinner with Erik, Michael, and a few wardens of his pack, he just whispered in his ear that after the discussion would be done, he would teach him to behave because he had just brought shame upon his family once again.

Maybe it was the proximity of someone he was attracted to, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Michael when he would hear his screams at night, maybe it was just that he saw a chance in the new environment he was in, far away from home, but Angel stood up shortly before the dinner was over and ran into the woods.

He ran for hours not leaving his beast form, far far away from Amaru so he wouldn't hear him, so he wouldn't hear the alpha command that he would use to hurt and humiliate him in front of everyone again, in front of this other pack and its very controversial but surprisingly liberal alpha and in front of that handsome Beta of his.

When night fell over the Scottish Highlands, Angel decided that he was not going to go back regardless of the consequences. In his mind, he already decided to turn rogue and if Amaru would find and kill him, he was going to accept his fate but never go back.

It happened also, that he passed by a place where that very modern cabin was standing, in the middle of those solitary woods.

A huge golden-brown wolf transited the clearing before his eyes and turned to his human form in front of the door. As his damn luck worked that day, it wasn't any wolf but the very Michael.

The boy knew that it would be sane and advisable to run away but he couldn't, like that day at dinner, he just couldn't take his eyes off him.

Michael sniffed a bit and then turned away from the door and started walking towards him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Like what you see, boy?" he asked smirking. "Turn so I can hear your answer."

Liking was an understatement, Michael was gorgeous and naked and Angel was very, very intimidated. He wasn't tall and broad as Michael, he wasn't courageous or important, he was just a frightened, physically and emotionally scarred, scared boy.

"Do you understand English? Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish. Come on, I will not bite. Unless you want me to, of course," he said in his sharp but clear German accent.

Angel knew there was no going back so he pushed himself to turn and look at Michael without showing how frightened he was. He was unsure what that strange man could do to him but he was certain whatever it was, it couldn't be worse than what Amaru had planned.

"So, do you understand me?"


"There you go. You are Amaru's little brother-in-law," concluded Michael smiling a bit and raising an eyebrow at him. "You didn't answer my other question," continues Michael and his tone was almost teasing.

The boy felt the blood raising in his cheeks. Was it possible that he was actually flirting with him or was he just making fun of him?

"Don't be frightened. I will not hurt you, you are our diplomatic guest but..." Angel noticed that his eyes were hovering over his scared body. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to get away and yes, I like what I see and I know it's bad."

An almost unnoticeable light shone in the man's eyes and he desisted of walking back to the house but came instead closer. With gentle movements, he touched Angel's hands, with which he was awkwardly covering himself, and moved them away.

"That is good because I find you beautiful," said Michael and his voice was now different, deeper and smokey, just before he lowered his face and kissed him for the first time.

Angel didn't hesitate and kissed him back deeper and braver than Michael would have expected. If Amaru was going to kill him, he wanted to at least have a bit of happiness before that, to be his unapologetic self for once.

"I want to be yours," ha gathered his courage to say.

"Are you sure?" asked Michael.

"Yes, I am. Unless you are afraid of Amaru or the anger of goddess, or you find me repulsive."

Michael seemed slightly confused.

"I am not afraid of Amaru. I think he is a coward but we have to try to keep relationships cordial between the packs, that's why we treat with him. I genuinely think the Moon Goddess has bigger things to think of than who I choose the bed and I most certainly don't find you repulsive, just young, slightly confused, and probably in a bad situation. We can only talk, you know. You can talk openly to me because I understand how you feel, I was like you once but I had a more supportive family."

"Does your alpha know?"

"Erik? Of course. He is like my brother. He knows and doesn't think there is anything wrong with that, because it isn't. So? Wanna come inside, drink maybe a beer, and talk?"

Angel hesitated.

"I want to come inside, but I want you to fuck me."

Michael only smiled at that, took his hand, and led him inside to the enormous bed inside the steel and glass house in the woods.

Angel let himself fall on the mattress uncertain of what to do and suddenly again shy. They were both already naked and Michael laid down by his side, head leaning on one elbow, and started caressing him gently with the other hand. First his face, then his chest, then down his abdomen until he reached his penis. The boy gasped when he touched him there. Nobody had done that before and it was terribly arousing to be touched by such a handsome man.

"Do you like it?" asked Michel, searching his eyes.

"Yes, I do," huffed Angel in delight. "Can I... Uh... touch you too?"

"Well yes, Angel, that is generally how it works," answered Michael laughing a bit.

"Don't make fun of me," replied Angel irritated but on the inside, he was taken aback by the fact that Michael did know his name and by the way he was pronouncing it.

"I didn't mean to. Of course you can, but I would like to do it first. If there is something you don't like, you tell me. Ok?"

Angel just nodded, but in the next minutes when Michael's tongue went over his member he couldn't imagine what there wasn't to like about that, because it felt like all his blood, his energy and the power of the whole damn universe had gathered there, in the very spot where Michael's mouth touched his skin.

Needless to say that he was done in less than a few minutes and felt like dying when he just finished in Michael's mouth without a proper warning. To his amazement, Michael wasn't mad, he just smirked, licked him clean, and asked if he liked it.

"Yes. It was the best thing that happened to me in a long time. Should I... uh?"

"You can do whatever you want, Angel. Whatever you feel like doing."

"I ... Uh..." Angel felt again painfully shy but Michael didn't seem to mind anything.

"We can stop here and do more things the next time we will meet."

That would have been a good idea, but Angel was at that point really sure that there wouldn't be a next time, likely not even a tomorrow for him.

"No, I don't want to stop. I want really good sex, right now. You look like you know how to do that, so show me the best you can do."

Michael couldn't help smiling again slightly mischievous and then went ahead and fulfilled his wish.

"You know it will hurt at least a bit, regardless of how hard I try for it not to."

"I know. It is okay, I am acquainted with pain. It would be nice to meet another type."

Angel still remembered their first time in deep detail, his then rather little frame on the mattress and Michael's in comparison enormous one hovering over him, the way it felt to finally trade kisses and caresses with another male without any restrictions, how Michael tried to be gentle when finally started to move inside him and how his anatomy really wasn't helping.

"You feel amazing," panted Michael. "Does it hurt?"

Angel wanted to lie that it didn't, but a very obvious pain gasp escaped him.

"It does, right? I will try to go slower, just relax, it will feel good soon."

"It's okay..." Only to spite Amaru as made it worth it.

The whole situation did give everything the allure of pleasure despite the pain. He was there, having sex with a gorgeous guy that was a fighter and just as gay as he was. Amaru could suck it, he was wrong about everything. This guy's alpha didn't seem to feel the slightest need to punish him for his behavior.

Then suddenly it did start to feel good, surprising firework good, still painful but good, and the way Michael whispered in his ear "amazing, just amazing." While his claws made the frame of the bed splinter, was the cherry on top. That very hot guy was calling him amazing and after he was done he didn't just send him off, he stayed and caressed him and smiled at him.

Michael's fingers moved over one of his many scars.

"You didn't get these from fighting, did you?"

Angel wondered if it was that obvious. It likely was, he was young and not at all muscular. He didn't want to answer though, but feeling the pressure of a long silence he finally said, "I will not go back with them."

"And what will you do?"

"Turn rogue," answered Angel.

"Aha. Or you... Could also stay here with me, you know."

The boy's eyes lit up involuntarily. Stay with this guy. This strong guy that could protect him from Amaru, this very handsome guy that maybe wanted to be his boyfriend.

"Would you like that?"

"I don't think that's possible. Amaru would not let me."

"Well, I never planned to ask him."

That boldness just made Angel smile broadly.

"He will be fuming because he is an ass, you will likely not see your sister for a while and people would call you many things but you would be safe with me and Erik. Do you want that?"

"Yes!" answered Angel hastily.

Michael just nodded and went to make a phone call. He talked for a few minutes in a language he didn't understand.

An hour after, while they were still in bed, just an hour before dawn, the door of the house slammed open and Erik entered screaming at Michael in that same language.

"Du Idiot! Bist do von allen guten Geistern verlassen? Sag mit du hast nicht mit ihm geschlafen. Er ist noch ein Kid, Mìchael!/ You idiot! Are you out of your fucking mind?! Tell me you didn't fuck him, please. He is only a boy, Michael."

"Erik, ich verlange nie viel von dir und ich war immer ein guter Beta und Soldat. Ich have diese eine Bitte. Ich möchte ihn bei uns behalten. Schau dir die Narben an. Wie du sagtest, er ist noch fast ein Kind, und Amaru tut das regelmäsig. Bitte. Ausgerechnet du solltest das verstehen./ Erik I never ask for a lot of things from you and I was always a good Beta and soldier, so I ask you this one. I want to keep him with us. Look at the scars. As you said, he is almost a kid and this is what Amaru is doing. Please. You of all people should understand."

Then Erik looked at him and his gaze that was piercing at first then turned almost tearful. Michael was right, he did understand and could most likely relate.

"Angel, is that true? And do you want to stay with us? You must be aware that it will not be easy but we will help."

"Yes..." muttered Angel, feeling that his courage was leaving him bit by bit again.

"Good. Then kneel, forfeit Amaru and swear me obedience as your alpha and master. You will always be part of the pack you were born in but you will be also part of mine and that will give me the right to protect you like one of my own."

Angel kneeled and said the words, he wanted to, but he was also angry at Amaru because he had to give up part of his identity just to not be hurt anymore.

After that, unexpectedly, Erik kneeled too, took his arm, bit in his index finger, and moved that one clawed and bleeding finger over one of the scars on his arm. Astonished Angel noticed how the scar disappeared.

"This is... How?..."

"You are one of us now, and we look out for our own," answered Erik smiling and giving him a hug. "I can make them all go away."

The timing was just right because Amaru's screams pierced the silence of the dawn.

"Sal de ahí, mariquita. ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo ahí?/ Get out of there, you sissy, what the hell are you doing in there?"

Angel didn't know what to do, he knew he had to do something but Michael and Erik were already up and heading to the door.

"I am going to kill him," hissed Michael.

"No, unfortunately, he is still an Alpha, even if you might be able to best him in a fight it might also leave you badly injured. Let me handle that," said Erik.

The dignity and calm with which Erik behaved stayed in Angel's mind for a long time. He was so gracious and calm and so surprisingly kind.

"Angel is now part of my pack, he decided that by his own will, and he does not answer to you anymore."

"The fuck he did! I am his Alpha and he belongs to me! Sal de ahí y vámonos. Te enseñaré a obedecer cuando lleguemos a casa. ¿Qué hiciste para esto, eh? Debes haberle chupado bien la polla si dice esto./ Get out of there and let's go. I will teach you obedience after we get home. What did you do for this, eh? You must have sucked his dick well if he says this."

Amaru tried to push himself past Erik. In the background, Angel started to shiver and Michael to growl.

"Or both their dicks. I forgot about Michael's very open preferences." Amaru summoned his fangs and claws.

Then something rather unexpected happened. A roar, some drops of blood, and an excruciating scream. Erik had clawed Amaru's face open to the bone.

"You are being disrespectful to my pack and to my Beta on my territory. If you insist we can fight but I will not hold back, I suggest though to not go that route because you know very well that if it comes to an open conflict, Dahiru is mated to my cousin, I and Cohen are good friends and you managed to make Nodin hate you with the dispute about your border. That leaves you with only Kiril and you know he doesn't really care about petty feuds like this."

Angel noticed amazed how Amaru's pupils dilated. He was indeed afraid.

"This will not stay like this," he said, but it very much did till the day of his very painful death by Angel's hands.

After that Erik had one condition, that he and Michael should wait a little title they would become a couple. "Let him sweat a little bit and earn you," he said smiling.

Angel remembered everything so clearly, all the years all the good moments but mostly that one. He loved Michael but that day Erik stood up for him without actually knowing him and now Michael wanted to kill Erik's child.

That just wasn't right, and he owed him a big one.


This chapter turned out differently than I imagined but I sort of like it. Stay tuned we are approaching drama time.

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