Amahle's Diary 2

By sandisiwegxaba

16.4K 1.3K 4

Amahle and Sandiso had shared a connection that felt timeless during their high school days. Their first rela... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55 - Finale

Part 49

258 23 0
By sandisiwegxaba


I told her about my business with Jade and she let it go after i apologised countless times and i must say this thing with her and Sandiso didnt sit well with me but i had no choice. They were cousins at the end of the day and hearing that she and him spent the night in the same bed the night before she came backdidnt sit well with me, it caused a huge fight between us that we didnt speak for a whole week til i finally begged myself to talk to her because i missed her so much. she tried calling but i needed some time away from her to figure everything out thats happened lately. Jade and her boyfriend broke up after i showed him the tape and he and I were actually friends now and Jade ended up with nothing and no-one in her life.

It was August on my birthday and the plan was to spend the day with my girlfriend but then again theres my mother who always makes plans for you like it or not and for me to share a birthday with my little niece made it even harde for me to skip the whole family lunch thingy and lucky me my birthday was conviniently on a Sunday. We had both just woken up and were laying together in bed talking

Me: i'm not doing this whole lunch thing without you

Her: you dont have a choice

Me: actually I do

Her: you do?

Me: yeah. you coming with me to Lunch

Her: woah tiger. not so fast

Me: well i'm not going then

Her: Damon you have to go

she said sitting up to face me

Me: we spent your birthday together

Her: yeah only because i dont share it with my niece and my family and i dont have a tradition of celebrating each other's birthday

Me: i dont care. if you care about my niece you'll go

Her: thats so not fair. you cant use her to get me to come with you Damon. thats not how it works

Me: yeah well i can and I just did

Her: I dont have anything to wear

Me: you have tons of dresses you could wear

Her: none to impress Mrs Bess

Me: really? Thats what this is about? impressing my mom

Her: what do you think?

Me: you women. It doesnt matter what you wear she'll love you anyway

Her and if she doesnt? What if she thinks i'm too young for you? What if she thinks i'm not good enough for her son?

Me: why do you care? you with me not her

Her: yeah well she gave birth to you so i have to impress her

just then my phone rang

Me: speak of the devil

Her: answer it

I took her call, it was still around 7am

//Her: Happy Birthday my baby

Me: not a baby anymore Mrs B

Her: to me you always will be. how old are you again?

Me: 23

Her: still a baby. So are you coming today?

Me: do I have a choice?

Her: just making sure. and you bringing your girlfriend right?

Me: thats up to her

Her: we dying to meet her Damon

Me: yeah well i'm not ready for you to meet her

Her: just bring her. We dont bite

Me: yeah but you ask a lot

Her: i promise to be on my best behaviour and so will your father

Me: if i bring her over and father starts with his shinanigans we will leave and i dont care whether we have to eat or what

Her: i promise

Me: fine i'll see

Her: please

Me: i said i'll see mom. bye now

Her: 1 O'Clock Damon and not a minute late

Me: yes Mrs B now bye//

Her: she cares about you

Me: i know

Her: then be a good son an...

Me: and get you to come with me

Her: not that

Me: it would really make her happy

Her: again with the blackmail

Me: if it works. Why not?

We kept talking til it was time for us to shower and apparently she had a surprise for me. Ofcause we had shower sex, i mean hello! its my birthday and she blew me so damn good i thought that was the surprise but it wasnt. When we got out of the shower we did the necessary then she picked out outfits for us. She chose a short yellow summer dress and red heels with a red clutch and for me she opted for a navy blue jean jogger, red t-shirt and white sneakers.




When we were done getting dressed I took the car keys and put everything i would need in my purse then we headed out while he locked behind me.

Him: so where to?

Me: wouldnt you like to know

Him: i do. What if you wanna kill me and hide my body in a place no one will ever dare to find?

Me: you are so dramatic. I wouldnt kill you on your birthday although it would make a great headline

Him: imagine "Man dies on his birthday, killed by a girl he met a year ago"

Me: you being dramatic. Your family would hunt me down and murder me

Him: ofcause they would. Killing their precious

Me: argh you the middle child, meaning you less important to them

Him: I will swerve you off the road Amahle. They wouldnt last a week without me

Me: see what I mean. A week. Being the last born i know they wouldnt last a day without me

Him: get over yourself. I hate you

Me: and I love you birthday boy

On my birthday Damon took me out for breakfast and he got me black red bottom heels and to top it off he had a surprise party planned for me with all my friends and his there including Sandiso who bought me a LV handbag, the party was held at his flat and it was just Amazing. So i needed to sort of top that in a way but we were working with time and time was against us. It was past 8am and our booking was for 9am, i was literally on Fast and The Furious with hopes Metro Police was sleeping.

Him: yeah whatever i know you do stupid

Me: you suppose to say you love me too dummy

Him: nah, i dont wanna give you the satisfaction

Me: you'll never stop being an ass

Him: i try not too

Finally we got to this air ballon thingy reserve and i'm sure you wondering why a person who gets air sick would choose such a place for their surprise, well not to worry i took my meds before we left. The plan was to have an air picnic, see Damon has always wanted to go air balloning but time never allowed him and he didnt know they had the reserve here in KZN.

Him: no way!

Me: yes way Nuni

Him: how'd you know?

Me: yeah well you kinda mentioned it once or twice

Him: babe this is too

I put my finger on his lips to shut him up.

Me: a.ah dont. Let me do this for you ok

Him: uhhm ok... I dont know what to say

Me: you could tell me i'm the world's best girlfriend and that you love me

Him: well you the worlds best girlfriend and I love you more than all the words in all dictionaries combined together and all the sands in the oceans all around the world.

Me: lets go, we already late

We got on and we we flew over the beautiful KZN, it was magical. I booked us for 9-11 because 12 we need to go back to durban and change for the lunch at 1. We stayed in the air for those hours and it was just perfect

Him: Thank you

Me: no need to thank me

Him: this is beautiful. and was probably expensive

Me: yeah well anything for the world's best boyfriend

He blushed at that

Him: oh stop

Me: look at you blushing and looking all so cute and adorable

Him: oh stop it already

He was pink and just yum. I kissed him and he responded. I broke the kiss and decided to give him his gift.

Him: whats this?

Me: open it and see

Him: is this an engagement ring Miss Ngesi?

Me: dont you wish

He finally stripped off the wrapping paper and there was a box

Him: this is a ring. Is it a promise ring?

Me: hahaha shut up and just open the box

He did just that and his jaw literally dropped to the floor.

Him: i cant accept this?

Me: and why's that?

Him: its expensive

Me: well you loved it in New York so i figured why not

Him: a rolex is too much Mahle

Me: come let me help you put it on

Damon wore Tomato branded watches so this was his first rolex of many to come, when we saw the rolex he said it would be his thing the day he got promoted to a higher position but i couldnt help myself. He got me something i loved and i wanted to do the same for him.

Him: thank you

Me: finally

We spoke about a lot til it was time to head back to reality in Durban and this time he was driving. We got to his flat and we changed into our outfits for lunch with the Besses. It was a black and white tie thingy and so I opted for a black dress with small straps, it hugged my boob area to all the way to my figure then opens from the stomach down with my black red bottoms and gold accessories while he wore a black tux with his red bottom Christian Loubottin's which he bought in New York, they were suade. I straightened my hair and tied it into a neat bun with gold ends. We looked good and we took lots of pictures to prove it then we headed off to the Bess residence, he was driving.




Mom never lets us celebrate our birthdays without the rest of the family, its more or less like thanks giving on all our birthdays including my husband's. I had just finished dressing up my little princess in her vanilla ice white princessy dress with her matching tiny shoes and a head band. she was the most cutest thing in this world, well in my eyes and my husband's. When all of us were done we buckled her in her car seat then went to the royal house-its what Damon and I call it- We got there at 12:50 and so did Damon and his girlfriend whom i met on her birthday Friday, she was a beautiful, smart young girl and was just great for my brother.

Him: my one and only sissy

He said hugging me

Me: hey brother, Happy Birthday by the way

Him: yeah now give me my niece. You remember Amahle right?

Me: i met her friday, ofcause i do

She and I hugged and I introduced her to my husband and then we headed for the door with them playing with my daughter. Seemingly Amahle liked kids judging by how well and relaxed my daughter was in her arms. We got inside and were greeted by mom who looked Classy and Beautiful as always

Her: where's my grandbaby?

Me: with Damon

Damon asked me not to tell mom Mahle was here.

Her: did he bring a girl?

Me: no

Her: argh that boy never listens

And just then Damon walked in followed by a Mahle who was talking with my little one and answering every ridiculous question Liz came up with. Mom went to welcome them and this i had to hear.

Mom: My baby

She hugged Damon and then looked behind him.

Her: and whose this beautiful young lady with you

Him: this is Amahle Ngesi, Amahle meet my mom

Damon attempted taking Lizzy who was super attached to Amahle and didnt want to let go. Mom also tried but to no luck so she hugged them both instead

Her: nice to meet you Amahle

Ama: the pleasure is mine Mrs Bess

Her: please come this way

We all followed behind them, I was walking with Damon and mom had her arm hooked to Amahle's

Dae: i dont think i like this

Me: hahaha dont be jealous, she likes her

Dae: thats exactly why i dont like this, such relationships never end well

Me: what are you planning on ending it?

Him: no. I'm planning on taking it further than this

Me: did you just say you want to marry her?

Him: maybe I did

Me: who are you and what have you done to my brother?

Him: i'm a man in love thats all

Me: i'm glad to hear that. You growing

Him: i just hope i dont screw it up thats all

Me: you wont if you dont want to

We kept chatting til Damien came to join us all hippy and happy. He greeted us then joined in on our conversation

Him: great choice with that one Dae

Me: thats exactly what i was telling him

Dae: ohkay

Him: dude even Dad likes her

Me: what do you mean?

Him: follow me

We went into the lounge and Mom, Dad, Lizzy and Stu were all laughing and talking. The parents were showing her the photo album with her sitting between them and my daughter was busy running around the house doing baby things, she came to me excitedly when she saw me but sadly she wasnt coming to me, she was going to Damon and he picked her up and they started chatting up a storm. This was guaranteed to be a great day and judging by how the parents got along with Mahle, I could tell we werent going to have a Dad and Damon episode.

The day went on pretty nicely, Dad and Damon were actually laughing together and no they didnt have an episode today instead they were the besties of friends and I wont lie i was happy and so was everyone. The day went on well for everyone, thanks to an Amahle who was flexible and spoke to everyone and anyone.

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