Amahle's Diary 2

By sandisiwegxaba

16.4K 1.3K 4

Amahle and Sandiso had shared a connection that felt timeless during their high school days. Their first rela... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55 - Finale

Part 44

269 20 0
By sandisiwegxaba


My grandmother recovered very well and luckily it was not that serious. Yes she had an appendix but thats not what was making her sick, what made her sick was flu and summer flu is the worst but she was fine now. Doctors check for everything even those you would have not thought of, Gran never mentioned having pains in the abdomen but turns out she did but she just never told us. For a doctor she sure hated Hospitals offwhich i dont even know why. She and I were sitting in her room, she had recovered and her new helper Asekho was starting work tomorrow morning which was Monday.

Me: why do you hate hospitals so much gran?

Her: what makes you think that Hlehle?

Me: because Hlehle you never mentioned anything about having appendix pains

Her: I dont like looking all weak and vulnerable Hlehle

Me: Hlehle you old, you allowed to

Her: not me. I was once a Doctor, I know how to deal with all these things without going there

Me: seee what i mean? You hate hospitals

Her: and you picked all that up from?

Me: you called the hospital "There"

Her: oh, i didnt notice

Me: so why do you hate it?

Her: Having been a doctor for so many years, i've seen too many people die in that place and I dont want to be part of the list

Me: but granny you wont be

Her: Nosihle didnt think she would be part of the list but

Me: There was nothing you could have done to save her Gran. That woman did a number on her

Her: still i feel like i didnt try hard enough Hlehle

Me: Whats done is done Gran and grandma Nosi is at a better place

Her: yeah i guess

Me: lets go out

Her: excuse me?

Me: you heard me. Lets dress up and go to Ohbrigado

Her: your mom has me under house arrest

Me: yeah she said to look after you and I will be looking after you

Her: you're a bad influence

Me: hahaha i am your granddaughter after all

Her: wheres Nathi?

Me: I think she's in her room, let me go check

Her: you mom had better not catch us

Me: relax, I got dad taking care of her

Her: how?

Me: well Dad needs help with planning the funeral and who better than mom?

Her: and what about Daniel?

Me: He suggested that she goes and help my father out

Her: its sad that his parents left so terribly

Me: yeah it is

Her: how are your siblings taking it?

Me: Not good. Nathi has it really bad, shes barely eating or talking to anyone

Her: well she was closest to them than me. She needs this night out more than me. Go with her instead

Me: we not leaving you to be depressed in this house all alone, now dress up while i go check on my sister woman.

Her: hey you! I will hit you little girl

Me: love you too Hlehle




Losing both my grandparents at the same time was not cool at all. These people practically raised me when Bomi walked out on us, you see when she left with Mahle those years ago they moved to PE to help dad raise us to the people we are today so having my second parents gone was not going to be easy. Their death got to me real bad, I wasnt eating and i was barely social. My life was on a stand still, my phone was a phone but it was off. Mahle has tried to get me to eat but still nothing and Alu was in PE with Bomi, Dad and Daniel, Bomi suggested I stay here with Mahle and Gran til the new helper gets here tomorrow so as soon as she gets here i was going to be on my way to PE. I had a car of my own which Dad bought for me as a graduation present, it was a red mini cooper. I was alone in my room lost in thoughts when i heard a knock on the door. I kept quiet but the person let themselves in meaning it could only be Amahle Ngesi.

Her: Ana

Me: ....

Her: Lets go out, you, me and gran

Me: where to?

Her: Ohbrigado

Me: i dont know if i'm up for a club

Her: trust me you need it. You've been locked up in here since last week and you barely eat let alone get out of the room. I feel like i've lost my sister

Me: maybe you have

Her: dont talk like that please. I know its not easy losing the people you love but one thing i know is that they wouldnt want you doing this to yourself

Me: you barely even knew them

Her: i deserve that but come on Nathi please

Me: Mahle why did you leave? And dont tell me shiit about Dad cheating on Bomi

Her: but it is about that

Me: I'm not stupid, you think i dont know how much that house scared you when and if you visited? What happened in that house Mahle

Her: something i've moved on from

Me: Our Grandparents last saw you in Zanzibar for holidays and they wouldnt have seen you had they not been there. This thing that happened must have been big for you to also disown your Grandparents

Her: the woman they suggested to our parents to hire molested me ok. She made me do things no child was suppose to do or even witness at that age, she made me stick my tiny fingers in vagina and sometimes made me

Wait hold up. Pause. Rewind. Mahle was molested? How did I not see this? How come no one told me? I was now in tears and disbelief but she was not crying at all instead she was chilled as if she was over it

Me: No Mahle thats not true. She would ne.....

Her: she kept doing this for years Anathi. I was young and i didnt know anything

Me: No Amahle thats not true.

Her: and when mom walked out on Dad these very same grandparents blamed her for not being there enough for her husband and me so excuse me for not being in their life like you guys were

Me: they would never do that. They adored Bomi

Her: you think? Your grandparents didnt like my mother

Come to think of it only granddad liked her because grandma bad mouthed her every chance she got and she would remind me not to get too close to her because step mothers were all evil and stuff and come to think of it, she was the reason i didnt like Bomi much.

Me: ok i hear you and maybe you right they didnt like her bu...

Her: look i wasnt here for this ok. I was just here to ask if you interested in joining us or not

Me: bu...

Her: yes or no Anathi.... please

Me: no...... yes fine i will join you but...

Her: we are not talking about this Nathi, it happened years ago and i'm over it

Me: why didnt you tell me Mahle?

Her: it happened years ago ok

Me: but why didnt you atleast mention something to me?

Her: you loved her. I didnt want it to seem as though i was jealous of your friendship

Me: but sis....

Her: Ana its over ok. She apologised and i forgave her, now please let it go

Me: am i the only one who did not know this?

Her: pretty much

Me: why?

Her: because we all know how much you loved her and how crushed you were when she left

Me: oh

Its true, i loved that woman but now that i know that she did this to my little sister she needed to know how i feel about what she did. This woman was a witch. She was hell possessed to do such to a child who did not know anything

Her: get dressed then and you driving because mom left with the i8 keys

Me: Mahle wa....

She was already out of my room and i'm assuming she didnt want anymore questions from me about something she has clearly moved past from.




Fast forward to February.

So Sandiso told me about what happened at the wedding, Sisa finding out about me and shiit and honestly he was f*cked. Not to sound wrong or anything i just didnt feel the same about him anymore. You see when I went back to Joburg mid January before Sandiso came back yesterday, I met this drop dead yum-yum white guy named Charles Hopkins and it turns out he was a transfer student from Gulliard to do his final year here because his parents moved back to SA. Charles and I just clicked from the word go and we had a lot in common, he had those Charlie Puth voices so you can imagine how he and I were insync and how Sandiso was just out of the picture. I mean yeah sure maybe last year i wanted to be more than a sex buddy but this year i'm not about that life, meeting Charles gave me that thing i've always craved for and he accepted me with all my flaws. meaning he knew everything i've done, both good and bad. It was valentines Day and Sandiso came by the flat, I wasnt working today and Ash was with her Boyfriend and I was seeing mine Later on because he had some stuff to sort out.

Him: Hey beautiful flower

He said hugging me

Me: hi

He tried kissing me but i backed away

Him: ok and then?

Me: what?

Him: why you acting weird?

Me: We need to talk

Him: ok? after this

He said pulling me in for a kiss

Me: stop it! We seriously need to talk Sandiso

Him: ok fine

I led the way to our lounge and offered him to sit while i sat on a single couch next to his.

Him: so much distance between us

Me: it'll all make sense when we done here

Him: ok. I'm all ears

Me: Sandiso i am in love *He attempted to speak but i didnt allow him* I am in love with Charles, he's a guy I met when i was helping out at school with the walk-ins a...

Him: wait. What? I lost someone who loved me dearly because of you

Was he really blaming me for his infedility? Seriously now?

Me: NO No No bhuti i am not to blame here for you being unfaithful to yet another girl who loved you. I take full responsibilty for coming between you and Mahle but you and Sisanda? Nigga thats all on you, you came on to me this time around not the other way. I didnt seduce you or lead you on you did that to me, i told this would end badly but you being you you decided that it was something you wanted to do and you didnt care even if it meant hurting Sisanda in the process. Its time you learnt to take responsibilty for your actions and seeing that everything has consequences especially where breaking someone's heart is concerned

He looked at me for sometime, probably processing what i had just said to him

Him: you right. I'm sorry Mbali.

He got up and walked to the door

Him: I wish you happiness and everything your heart desires

Me: thank you Sandiso

As he was walking out he bumped into Charles.

Charles: Hi i'm Charles Hopkins

Him: Sandiso Langa. Bye Entle

And with that he was gone.

Boo: and what was that about?

Me: argh dont mind him

Him: so i got done earlier than expected

Me: I see. So what are you suggesting?

Him: that you and I go out for lunch and maybe watch movies and just be a couple and do what normal couples do on Valentines

Me: who said that they do that?

Him: I dont know... Movies I guess

Me: hahaha you watch them way too much for your own good

Him: i'm getting tips ok

Me: hahaha come help me pick out an outfit

We went to my room to pick out an outfit for the movies. We havent had sex and he hasnt hinted it too, I just want to do things right with this one.

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