Amahle's Diary 2

Galing kay sandisiwegxaba

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Amahle and Sandiso had shared a connection that felt timeless during their high school days. Their first rela... Higit pa

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55 - Finale

Part 15

288 22 0
Galing kay sandisiwegxaba


I spotted Damon and went to him.

Me: I didn't think you would come

Him: I said I was coming didn't I

Me: let me go fetch my bag

He went with me and he took my suitcase for me.

Him: what do you have in here? Rocks

Me: hahaha very funny. Its shoes and clothes

Him: I didn't think you would be back this early

He unlocked the car and put my bag in the boot. We got in.

Me: yeah well situation forced me to

Him: have you been crying?

Me: no. Why?

Him: puffy eyes

Me: it's from sleeping

Him: I've seen you after you've just woken up and you mos def. don't get get puffy eyes from sleeping

Me: you so observant. please just take me to the flat

Him: whatever the lady wants

He started the car and drove off. The road was quiet which is odd because he is not a quiet one.

Him: you ok?

Me: yeah

Him: hungry?

Me: no

Him: oh well let's get you something to eat anyway

He stopped at B.P garage and went to buy something. After sometime he came back with a plastic full of comfort food, I'm talking chips (Doritos and Simba), chocolate and sweets and my fave. Fries.

Him: here you go

Me: what's this for?

Him: you

Me: why?

Him: I'm just being nice

Me: how am I supposed to finish all this?

Him: we'll eat it together then

Me: ok then

He drove to the flat and parked in front of the door. I looked for my key in my bag and found it then I got off with this bag of goodies. He took my suitcase out, locked the car then we headed inside. The flat looked empty, the lights were off so I figured they went out or something. We went to my room and he sat on the double the couch. I went to my bedroom and closed the doors and changed into my pjay shorts and vest then went to join him.

Me: thanks for the ride

Him: no problem

I went to fetch bread in the kitchen and poured us juice then went to join him in the lounge.

Him: thanks

Me: you welcome

We ate in silence, he kept stealing glances at me

Me: what is it Damon?

Him: what happened in Joburg Boobie?

I was hoping he wouldn't ask that.

Me: nothing

Him: did he hurt you?

Me: what? stop being ridiculous

Him: then? why are you back early?

Me: I told you

My phone rang and it was Sandiso. I rejected his call. I could feel Damon's look pierce through my skin.

Me: don't give me that look

Him: what look?

Me: this look you giving me now

My phone rang again and Damon jumped for it. SHIT!




I called Mahle again. I just wanted to know if she had arrived safely then I let her sulk or be mad or pissed or whatever. it rang and this time she answered

//Me: hey ba...

Person: I don't know what you did to her but I swear to God if I ever see you I will hurt you so bad you will wish you were never born. Don't try me!

In the background I could hear Mahle talk, sounded like she was screaming that this person give her her phone back.

Him: You have a good girl here and now you've hurt her which only pisses me off. You lucky she loves you and cares about you otherwise I would be flying to Joburg right now to find you and probably kill you

Me: gi.... //

The call was cut. Ok and who was that? Could it have been this Damon guy? I tried calling her again but this time around it went straight to voicemail. I called Aya and she answered after sometime

//Me: hi Aya

Her: what do you want?

Me: I guess I deserve that I....

Her: you deserve more than that. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't have even taken this call you're a Dick! Fuck! its people like you that give men the term "dog". Sa....

Me: I get that you mad b....

Her: Mad? oh you underestimate me. Sandiso you a f*cking bitch who can't keep his dick in his pants. You disgust me. I hope everything was worth it bruh

Me: Aya please. I know I f*cked up and no it was not worth it. I called to ask is did Mahle get home safely?

Her: I'm not home at the moment I'm at Siya's

Me: oh ok. //

Wow. So Damon is in love with her huh?! Was this it between her and I? Couldn't I do anything to win her back? I needed her in my life and I was not about to give up on her. I figured let me just sleep because thinking about her and Damon was only going to stress me out and that would lead to me drinking and stuff.




Mahle was mad at me for answering her boyfriend but I didn't care. It needed to be done.

Her: who the f*ck gave you the right to take my calls?

Me: no one I just f....

Her: exactly. No one. Leave

Me: I'm not going anywhere

Her: excuse me?

Me: I said I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you like this

Her: Damon get the f*ck out of my place

She was standing by the door with teary eyes. I stood up and went up to her

Her: don't touch me

I pulled her in for a hug. She tried fighting me but she finally gave in and she cried her eyes out. We slid down the door and I held her to my chest. I won't lie it hurt seeing her cry like that, over a low life f*ckboy who thinks he's all that and hurt the one girl who loved him so much. I know I don't know her well enough but I know she loved him and would do anything for him. She wasted her money for Christ sake and flew to joburg to surprise his stupid ass but he goes and f*cks up. We were just sitting there on the floor by her door

Her: I found him in bed with the same Entle who was apparently just a friend to him. She was riding him. Damon what did I do to deserve this? It's bad enough that I was molested as a child by the woman whom my dad was cheating with on my mom and now this? Why do bad things happen to me?

Wait what? she was molested as a child? How did I not know that piece of information? I always thought she's those kids who had the best childhood and were princesses.

Me: shhhh. its ok

Her: no its not ok. it won't ever be ok Damon. I gave him my virginity and he goes on and does this to me. What did I ever do that's so wrong for God to turn his back on me like this?

Me: he's an asshole. you didn't do anything wrong Mahle. God loves you and he was probably saving you for someone better

She was quiet.

Me: come let's get you to bed.

She nodded. We got up and I went to tuck her in. I stood up

Her: please don't leave

Me: I'm not going anywhere. let me clean up the lounge

Her: ok

I gave her her teddy bear and she cuddled it while I went to clean up the lounge. When I was done I went to check up on her and she was sleeping so peacefully. I won't lie I was pissed, like really pissed at this Sandiso boy. I went to sit in the lounge and I took my phone and dialled my mom's number to tell her I wasn't going to be sleeping over tonight, while on the phone I heard the girls come in.

//Me: mom I promise I'll come over tomorrow

Her: is it Jade that's keeping you from coming home?

Me: mom I wish we could chat but I have to go

I heard a knock on the door

Her: da....

Me: bye mom//

I went to get the door and it was Aya and Sage

Sage: hi

Me: hey

Aya: what are you doing here and where's Mahle?

Me: she's sleeping at the moment so can you guys please

Sage: uhhm okay then.

Me: Aya may I please talk to you

Sage: goodnight guys.

Us: night

Aya: let's talk in my room

Me: cool

She led the way. I was curious as to what happened to Mahle when she was a child. What did she mean really? and when has she and this boy been seeing each other.




I was still stuck in lord knows where. It was the following day late I don't know when because I didn't have anything on me. They washed me but tied me up and put me back into the room I was in. They had cleaned it and there was a bed and a blanket. I was sleeping on the bed with my hands tied to the bed. Frey walked in with food and a glass of water. He out the food on the bedside pallet.

Him: you must be hungry. Eat

I just looked at him and looked back down

Him: you little bitch eat up because you will need your strength for tonight

Me: what are you going to do with me?

Him: wouldn't you like to know

Me: please just let me go. My family is not even rich. They don't have any money

Him: you think this is a kidnap? *He chuckled* Oh babygirl we don't do that. The money we trying to make out of you is to pay up a debt to our boss. We owe him 50 G

Me: so where do I fit in?

Him: we have clients lining up to sleep with you til we rich 50G and more

I just cried because by the looks of things I wasn't go home anytime soon.

Him: now eat up, your first client will be here at 8 and you need to have eaten by then because this one can go all night. Someone will come and fix you up beautiful

Me: no!

Him: What did you say?

Me: I said no. Let me go

Him: it's such a pity I can't hit you. They need you bruise free but when we raise enough money I swear I will f*ck that little face up

He untied one hand.

Him: you dare try anything I will never let you go and that's a promise

I started eating and I finished the food, he gave me the glass and I drank it.

Him: good girl. Now someone is coming to fix you up ok.

He tied my arm and injected me with something.

Him: these are contraceptives. Godwin insisted on them -_-

I just sat quiet and let him be. A woman walked in looking beautiful with fake lashes and all.

Her: is this her?

Him: yep

Her: she's so young than the usual

Him: just do what you get paid for Alicia

Her: ok.

He left me with her.

Her: what's your name?

Me: Sisanda

Her: how old are you?

Me: turning 18 this year

Her: perfect age then

Me: what are you going to do to me?

Her: glam you up

Me: why do you are you guys doing this?

Her: You my brothers owe this Nigerian Drug lord a lot of money and this is the only way to get quick cash. They left off with 50G. In total they owed him R200 000 plus interest, the rest has been paid off already

Me: how did they come about to owe him so much money?

Her: They lost his drug so now they need to pay up by the end of next week Friday or else this guy kills our parents

I just kept quiet. I'm normally a talkative person but this situation has humbled me.

Her: look, we not doing this because we want to but they have our parents and he threatened to sell our 13-year-old sister to a Russian Mafia. We doing this mainly for her. I'm sorry

Me: sorry doesn't fix anything

Her: I know but you need to understand why we doing this

Me: and you couldn't just work hard like normal people rather than doing this?

Her: I'm a foreigner in south Africa. What are the chances of me getting a well-paying job?

She was done putting make up on me then she injected me with something that made me sleep.

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