Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemptio...

By JustJammyu

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Jesiah DeSantis. Boy is a thief and he ain't a good kid, but no one always start that way. He even thinks tha... More

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An Hour
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Our Best Selves

A Fork In The Road

151 7 41
By JustJammyu

Jessica arrived back home with a heavy feeling in her chest. She feels scared for Arthur and even everybody else. Arthur the most, with all this going on and he seemed like he started to catch something. As she dismounted her horse, she even started to think of Jesse, how's he gonna feel? What if that cough isn't just a normal one? Is there even a normal cough? She felt for the man, but she shook her head and convinced her to mind her business, help them when they ask to and not insist.

It seemed like the weather was matching up to her feelings. It was a foggy morning in Saint Denis. She walks on the muddy pathway to the door, greeting everyone around, forcing a smile. She enters the big house to see Miriam and Abraham having a chat at the front desk. They turn and gave a loving smile to the woman who entered.

"Well, how are you darlin'?" Abraham asked.

Jessica wrapped her arms around her and exhaled through her nose. "Well, I feel fine, but I've had better days."

Miriam frowned and approached her, "How was the gang?"

Jessica then leans on the desk with Miriam and Abraham to listen to. "The men got home, everyone's fine... For now... They got into another gunfight last night and I had to help."

The couple suddenly had worried looks but Jessica assured them.

"Don't worry, all's good, I ain't even hurt, thanks to God. But... I just feel so much pity for all of them. You should've seen how hopeless they all looked this past few weeks... I don't know how else to help..." she expressed.

Miriam then hold her hands, "Child, you've done more than enough, and surely they all see that."

Jessica smiled to that, then Abraham spoke.

"Also, reading the letters you've been sending us as updates, any more leads on Jesse?"

Jessica sighed, "Nope, all we know is that both him and John are still in Sisika... But, there's talk of hanging them..." she tried to compose herself at the thought of her lover being at the end of a rope...

"I'm sure it won't come to that." the older man assures.

The younger woman laughs bitterly, "Yeah well, the leader don't seem to care that much... So I guess we're gonna have to get them out of there ourselves."

"Well, if you need any help... We're always here." Miriam said.

Jessica smiled but shook her head. "I know Jesse enough that he wouldn't want ya'll to get involved in this... And I'd agree."

"He saved our children... Maybe it'd be time for us to save him." The older woman said.

Jessica smiled and enjoyed the silence for a moment. Then, Miriam spoke again.

"By the way... your parents sent a letter after you told them about your engagement." She said as she walked behind the desk to retrieve the letter then hands it to Jessica.

"Really?" the younger woman said and opened the letter.

"To our dear sweet Jessica,

We are so thrilled about your engagement with this Jesse boy you've been talking about for months. He seems like a good man, perfect for you, we suppose. Your mother and I decided that we'll be arriving at Lemoyne in the next three days if thunderstorms aren't going to be a problem. We are oh so excited to see you again, and finally meet the man you're about to marry. Mahal na mahal ka namin, aming prinsesa. (We love you so much, our princess.)


Tasio Ilang"

Jessica smiled when she read the last sentence, remembering those words coming from her father. She looks to the Golds and thanks them.

"Well then, maybe I should go get some things from the market." Jessica says.

"Okay, and Abra and I'll be heading in Scarlett Meadows near Rhoades, there's this area full of great game. We'll head to a trapper on the way back, your father requested for a brand-new hat." Miriam laughs, as well as Jessica.

"That sounds like him alright." The younger woman says then she moves to side hug both of them before they part ways, "Alright, I should be back here by late afternoon, see yah then."

"Of course, take care, darlin'." Miriam says.

They part ways and mounted their own horses.

Back in prison, the inmates were at the courtyard doing different activities. Some are playing sports and some are just lying about. John and Jesse are the ones who're just lying about, trying to pass the time near the gate. Then, John had to go to the bathroom... Just because.

There was obviously a guard up there, but Jesse noticed Milliken being made fun of by the other guards, it was said that his superior officer had to put him on probation... All because he wasn't focused enough to keep an eye on the prisoners who almost got out of the main gates a few nights before.

Jesse turns to the guard next to him, "What's the deal with him?" he said as he nods to Milliken's direction.

The guard looks and chuckles, "Who? Him? What do you mean?"

"I mean, he don't look like he belongs here."

"Heh, tell me about it." the guard said.

"So... Why's he here?" Jesse finally asks.

Then the guard turns to him with an amused, but accusing look. "Are you up to something? I'll have you know that I ain't as dumb aa Milliken there, you can't be friendly with me and expect me to get you out of here."

Jesse raises a brow and smirks. "Heh, first of all, I'm always up to something, and second... I know you ain't stupid, I just wanna know because 'Milliken' really sounds familiar."

The guard raise both his brows and just nods, "Alright then." he then stands next to Jesse.

Jesse leans in a bit.

"You see, more than twenty years ago, Milliken's father was found dead in a hotel room back in Illinois."

With that, Jesse's eyes widened and flashback washed over him... That's why the name was so familiar.

"He was found with a bashed face and a bloody lamp next to the bed. His things were taken, money, everything... And they never found the one who did it... Now, Milliken wants to find who killed his father, but was too yellow to go further than a prison guard... "

The guard explained... Jesse was so stunned at what he just heard. What a small world indeed. The outlaw was about to speak, when the guard spoke first.

"I'd say the bastard deserved it... He did things to my brother, he did and Milliken wouldn't believe me... And I swear, the last time I saw the asshole, he was lookin' at me... We were twelve..." he added.

"You were friends with-" Jesse gets cut.

"No, hell no... I don't even care to know his first name... We were just, neighbors... But when my brother, who was ten by the way, came home crying, he couldn't speak... All we heard was James Milliken... His teacher... Touched him..." then the guard shifts, "And I love my brother, and I know him more than myself... I know he ain't lying... Word got out and he was sent somewhere else to teach... Next thing I know, he was dead..." he then smiled... "I've never been happier. But with my brother? He was never the same again... I hope that bastard burns in hell... And God bless the man who killed him..."

Jesse looks to him with his eyes still wide... So, he wasn't the first victim? The bastard... He then spoke which made the guard teary...

"You're welcome... My hands were coverd in his blood that night..." he said.

"You did-?"

"Yes... But he did things to me too, before I had the courage to do all that... I too was only twelve... Just turned twelve..."

The guard laughs and pats Jesse's shoulder.

"Well, ain't you a blessing in disguise?" he said.

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far." Jesse laughs.

"No, really... You saved boys in that time..."

"Well... I'm glad... But look how I turned out."

"Well, you had your reasons and I won't judge you for those..." he then extends his hand to Jesse, "Andrew... Andrew West."

Jesse shakes it and says, "You know who I am." then they both laugh. "Andrew... Can you do me a favor?"

"Other than getting you out, sure."

"No, no... Just... Will you get my cross from Milliken... I don't trust the man."

"And you trust me?" Andrew says.

"Well, I don't distrust you..."

Andrew smirks then nods. Next thing he does is walk towards Milliken to retrieve the cross necklace... He didn't answer the other guard's question... And just took it.

Jesse hands out his hand to him but Andrew keeps the necklace.

"I'm gonna keep this for now... Think of it as keeping it safe... Because it is..."

Jesse rolls his eyes, "Fine..."

A few hours back, when Jessica left camp. Arthur made his way back to the house to get some rest. Like was said, that was a few hours ago, it's late in the afternoon now when Arthur gets woken up with another series of coughs. He sits up and observes everything around him... Everything was dark, sad... he couldn't explain, all he knows is that everything has changed.

The man sat up and decided he'd go to Sadie and Jes at Doyle's Tavern in Saint Denis. He didn't bother greeting anyone, at all. He just mounted his horse and ride back to the city of sin.

Nothing much happened in the ride, he just passed by a few riders as well and a blind man named Cassidy, he gave a dollar and the blind man gave him prophecies. Something about a leader and a man with no nose, Arthur wasn't in the mood so he just hummed and moved on.

Arthur entered the city through Rue De La Diligent Street. When he reached Milyonne Avenue, he makes a left to the Tavern. But... that's when it happened.

He was casually riding through the city when he gets attacked with another set of dangerously continuous coughs. This time, he couldn't take it, he had to dismount so he wouldn't fall from his high state, but the moment his feet touches the ground, his whole body collapsed as he continues to cough.

Luckily, the market wasn't far right now and Jessica has already finished shopping. She secured her materials on her horse then mounted. She made her way back to Rue De La Diligent when she noticed someone on the ground, nobody bothered to help him... nobody even bats an eye, but she was quick to dismount, almost getting her leg caught in her stirrups.

"Arthur? Oh my gosh, what's happened?" She tried to ask as she made him face her, he was trying to speak but he couldn't get the words out. Then, Jessica, with all her strength, pulled Arthur up to stand. She couldn't do it on her own, so the man helped her and himself, "The doctor's not far, come on."

"I-I'll be fi-"

"That bullshit may work on anybody but it ain't gonna work on me, I ain't stupid. Now, stop being stubborn and let me take you to the doctor." She said firmly, causing Arthur to silence himself.

Jessica grabs his arm and gently guides him to the doctor. They arrived at his doorstep, the doctor sees them and lets them inside, then, Arthur stops.

"What?" Jessica asks.

"I don't have any money..." he says.

She continues to pull him inside, "I'll take care of it, just go inside." He enters the room while Jessica stays at the receptionist, "I'll be here when you need me." She calls. She then turns to the woman at the desk and pays for the walk-in appointment... She then sits down in front of the doctor's office.

Inside, the doctor checks his vitals and asks if he's been coughing a lot, and if it has blood. Arthur agrees to both. He then checks Arthur's throat, when he sees it, he immediately stands to wash his hands...

Arthur turns, "What is it?"

The doctor sighs, "It's not good news."

"Well, I guessed that." The outlaw says impatiently.

The doctor wiped his hands... and he finally says it... "You got tuberculosis..."

The look on Arthur's face says it all... Feelings were mixed, but he was mostly shocked... or fearful... obviously... it really seemed like he saw his life flash before his very. If anyone could hear it... anyone could hear his heart break.

The doctor walks back, "I'm really sorry for you, son, It's a hell of a thing..."

Arthur still couldn't believe it, the doctor had to explain further that, he was really sick... the outlaw couldn't help but tear up.

On the other side of a door is a concerned woman. She had a feeling, but for the first time in a while, another vision crippled through her mind... A buck, a beautiful one, in a meadow where the sun sets... and also, for the first time... she knew exactly what it was as she stared at the door of the doctor's office.

She laughs bitterly, "Well, you came a little too late." She says, pertaining to the vision... it was beautiful though...

The door finally opens and she stands up quickly. She calls to Arthur but to him, it all just echoes. Jessica was confused so she just followed him close by, he might need some space.

Arthur walked outside to the empty city streets. It was dark now, but he can see golden hues of light around him... and a few words to remind him of who he is.

We can't change what's done, we can only move on...

From the time when he tells that to John, he couldn't remember why or when he said it, but he did.

You have it in you, I can tell...

Brother Dorkins tells him, and he proved him right, just a few minutes after, saving the slaves at the fence, and later on, helping Sister Calderon.

He then sees a buck, on the street... he stares at it for a moment and he stares back... confused, he followed t but he lost it in the city. As he ran, Jessica quickly whistles to her horse to follow Arthur further. But as Arthur got far, everything fades to night time and people suddenly start to appear. He was confused, when he hears someone behind him.

"Arthur, ae you alright?" Jessica asks.

"D-Did you see that buck?"

Jessica smiles, she didn't see what he saw in the street, but she knew what he was talking about, "Yes... Yes, I did." She said a little white lie.

"So, I ain't going crazy?"


They paused while Arthur's horse came into view.

"Mount up, and get some rest, I know a place."

He did and he followed her to the big house, where she lives. The enter it and everybody was busy making dinner, so she called up Miriam.

The older woman comes rushing at the front desk, "Yes?"

"Aunt Miriam, I believe you've met Arthur?"

Miriam smiles to him and he weakly smiles back.

"Do we have an extra room? He ain't feeling well."

Miriam happily nods, "Yes, yes we do, it happens to be the room next to yours, we just got it fixed."

Jessica smiles and thanks her. She then leads Arthur upstairs and he reluctantly followed. The younger woman opened the door to the room and let Arthur in, it looked like hers but less of the feminine flair. She made him sit on the bed and relax.

"Alright, now you make yourself comfortable." She moves to various places in the room, "You have your own bathroom here, towels are over here, extra pillows are in the closet."

Arthur forces a smile at her, "Thank you, Jes... "

"Of course..." she then approaches him and sits next to him... "May I ask what it is?"

Pride overtaking him, the outlaw laughs, "I appreciate your kindness but I don't think it's any of your business..."

Jessica frowned, "You're right... It may not be... but it'll be Jesse's business. His business, my business." She puts her hand on his shoulder, "His family, my family."

She didn't pry any further though, she stands and starts to exit the room, "If you need me, I'll be next door." She smiles, but before she closes the door, Arthur spoke.

"Tuberculosis... I got Tuberculosis..."

She frowns and enters the room again, "Oh, Arthur." And embraces him... "All will be alright in time..."

He nods and she lets go, "I'm glad you're the one Jesse's gonna marry..." he says suddenly.

Jessica laughs, "Me too. Anyway, I'll be next door, I'll bring you dinner later."

She leaves the room and Arthur's been left there since. Dinner comes around and Jessica decides that she should just take his food up to his room. But, for some reason, Miriam offered to do so. She prepares the food and made her way upstairs.

She knocks first.

"Unlocked." Arthur said, followed by a cough.

Miriam enters with a tray of food. Arthur was surprised that someone else entered but he couldn't do much.

"Well, I hope you're hungry." She says as she sets it down on his bedside, "We've got roast beef with some mashed potatoes on the side, hope you ain't too picky." She laughs.

"I- thank you..."

"Of course, now, you eat that and I'll be back to get the tray."

Moments after that, the older woman has been steeping garlic in hot water, she read that it helps with his current illness... It won't get rid of it, but it'll stop or slow it down from progressing. She walks upstairs and knocks again...

She peeks through the door and sees him drawing on the bed, "Hi, may I come in?"

Arthur looks up, "Oh, of course." Then sits up properly.

She then hands him the cup of medicine, "Here, it'll help with your... sickness... it won't cure it but it helps with the pain."

The man nods, he feels like a child at this point but it'd be rude to just leave. Miriam gathers the tray and moves to leave the room.

"Why are you being so kind to me?" he finally asks.

She turns and smiles, "We're always kind to everybody Mr. Morgan, especially ones who helped to save our own..." she said, for the last time... and leaves.

Arthur had a feeling of relief and somewhat pride in himself. Proud that after all the bad things he's done, he's still given kindness.

"I guess, helping others pays off after all..." he says to himself.

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