The Break Up Pact

By miadaley17

294K 18.4K 11.8K

What could be worse than having your enemy shoved forcefully back into your life? Unfortunately for Phoebe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 7

4.9K 320 247
By miadaley17

I was going to kill him. That's what I was going to do. I was going to wrap my fingers around his smug little neck, and ring and ring and ring.

Still cold, wet, and well naked, I pressed my jaw together so hard, I feared I'd break teeth.

Not sure whether I wanted to cry or scream, I stared helplessly over to the door before me which I knew lay a smirking Sebastian.

Fuck him. Fuck everything about him. What a freaky pervert.

Feeling as though I was on the brink of a meltdown, I let out staggered breaths before starting to pace along the tiles of the cold bathroom floor. For every step I took, my brain reminded me that a reality where I'd have to stride out naked in front of a waiting Sebastian was becoming all too real.

No, no, it's fine Phoebe, he's just messing with you. If you stick your head out through a small crack in the door, he'll just laugh and give you back your towel. There's no way he'll actually make you walk out there naked.

Convincing myself of these words, I took a deep breath in and out before making my way over to the door. Pulling it open carefully just a little bit, I carefully angled my body off to the side before sticking my head out through the door.

Instantly my eyes landed on a way too happy-looking Sebastian kicked back on the bed with a stack of clothing dumped out on his lap. Or, in other words, my clothes.

His eyes seemed to twinkle as he saw me. "Oh hey, Brooks, have a good shower?"

I let out a dry breath that could have been mistaken for a laugh. "Ha-ha, very funny. Jokes over, now give me back my clothes," I said looking over him with deadened eyes.

Sebastian's brow cocked up into the perfect arch.  "Oh, I'm not joking Brooks. If you want your clothes back, you're going to have to walk out here and get them." Though still smiling, there was an undeniable seriousness in his eyes that scared me.

My heart raced faster, but nonetheless; I forced a nervous smile. "You can't be serious...I..I- Your joking right," I said, tripping up over my words.

"No, actually I'm not," Sebastian answered plainly. "If memory serves me right, a certain girl interrupted my shower, then stole my clothes before proceeding to stare at my naked dripping body for a long, long time," he said still smiling simply.

My entire face burned with embarrassment at his words, humiliated that he'd noticed my staring.

"So, can you really blame a guy for wanting to get even?" he said, tilting his head a little. "It's an eye for an eye, after all Brooks."

I was way past embarrassed at this point, and all I could seem to do was helplessly splutter my mouth open and closed. "But...but that was an accident. You know it was an accident," I stammered desperately.

"Accident or not, you didn't have to stare but you did. So, now it's only fair if I stare at you," he justified with a shrug.

Speechless, I just stared at him in bafflement. Then closing my mouth again tightly, I gave him a nasty look. "Fuck you," I spat out in between gritted teeth.

Then without another word, I slammed the bathroom door back closed and leaned my back against the door.

Closing my eyes, I tried my best to keep my thoughts calm, and un-murderous.

It's okay, Phoebe, it's okay. Yes, a vengeful pervert is holding your clothes hostage, but you'll figure this out. You always figure things out.

"What, you doing in there, Phoebs? Come get your clothes," Sebastian called out through the door; his laughter audible in his tone.

I snapped my eyes open, his words inspiring determination in me. Scanning the room frantically, I tried to think of something I could use for clothes. Anything. Then I saw it and almost let out a laugh in relief. The shower curtain.

Rushing my way back over to it, still dripping as I went, I grabbed onto the end and gave it five or so solid tugs before it ripped free from its hold. Wasting no time, I quickly wrapped it snugly around my body and tried to ignore how clammy it felt against my skin. All that mattered was that it covered me from boobs to knee and kept everything away from Sebastian's pervy eyes.

"Yo, Brooks, stop stalling. It's time to pay the piper," I heard Sebastian yell out.

Okay, he'd officially lost it now.

With my hand still supporting the top of the shower curtain, I marched my way over to the door and flung it open.

Sebastian sat up eagerly on the bed the moment I entered and let his eyes scan hungrily over me. But, slowly and surely, a small frown formed on his face.

"Hey, why are your boobs covered up? You're supposed to be naked."

Aggressively rolling my eyes at his cheek, I stormed my way over to his bed in three long steps and snatched my pile of clothes free from a very confused-looking Sebastian.

"No, actually, I'm not supposed to be anything," I gritted out. "Now, if you'll excuse me-" I spat before turning on my heel and storming my way back to the bathroom.

Once I was fully changed into my underwear, and pajama set, I re-entered back into the room. I tried to keep my gaze set forward, but I could feel Sebastian's keen eyes trailing along with me as I walked.

"Hmm, so you used the shower curtain. Smart," he said, a level of admiration in his tone.

I didn't even look his way, so bubbled up with anger. How dare he think he has a right to talk to me after what he did. Dumping my clothes into my case, I made my way over to my bed and peeled back the covers.

"You giving me the silent treatment, Phoebs?" he called out again.

Officially fed up, I swerved around to face him with heated angry eyes. "How the fuck did you even get into the bathroom? I know I locked the door," I snapped tightly.

Propping his head up with a bent arm, he looked me up and down in vague amusement. "Yeah, you did, so I just turned the flat screw on the other side, and let myself in," he snickered.

"You truly are a pervert, aren't you?" I cried, my eyes narrowing further.

"No more perverted than you Brooks. The only difference between us is that you actually saw something when you broke into my shower," he said, his eyes sparkling knowingly.

Shaking my head, I scoffed. "You say it like I wanted to see it. Trust me, I didn't."

"Oh really?" he said, his brows lifting higher. "Is that why it took you such a long time to pull your eyes away from my dick?"

"I was disgusted!"

"Sure," he snorted.

Deciding to just ignore him, I drew back my covers a little further before climbing into the bed. "Phoebs," Sebastian mumbled as I rested my head back against the pillow. I let out a heavy sigh. "Yes, Sebastian."

"I'll see you naked eventually, you know."

Letting out an even heavier sigh, that soon drifted into a groan, I rolled onto my other side, to erase Sebastian from my vision. He was an idiot, that's what he was. A lousy, perverted lump of expired idiot.

I heard his deep chuckle break through the air. "Good night, Brooks. See you in your wet dreams," he whispered.


Lounging back against the pool chair in my swimsuit and coverup, I held the book in my hands a little closer as I got to a steamy part of the book. It was approaching lunchtime, and while the others had gone to take some classes off at the gym, I decided to hang back by the pool and relax. I was the only guest here and it was bliss.

Well, apart from my pounding headache. For some reason, Max and Lara had decided to stay up half the night, having the loudest sex of their life. It was the most disgusting shit I'd ever heard in my life, and it was only by the grace of God that I made it through that night without stabbing myself.

And if to even further take the piss, Sebastian slept through the whole thing, completely obliviously. At one point during the night, I genuinely wondered if the bastard was still alive.

Aggressively pushing back, the painful memories, I made myself a little more comfortable on the chair and focused back on my book. It was a historical romance novel set in the late 19th century. I couldn't help but love an old-time romance, they were always so sweet, and cute, with wild grand gestures. It was hard not to love.

This one though was less on the sweet side and more on the racy. It was about a gentleman who was being ransomed by a young girl for money, and at the moment it seemed to be heading into a rather spicy territory.

Suddenly, I felt warm air breath tickle the tips of my ear before the weight of a chin rested into the crook of my neck. "Hey, Brooks, what you reading?"

Nearly jumping out of my skin, I angled my face backward, finding Sebastian's dark eyes and mischievous grin, inches away from my own.

"Nothing," I snapped a little too quickly as I squashed the book's spine flat against my chest.

Sebastian looked down at the book, then at me, his eyes alight with interest. "You reading something naughty or something?" he snickered.

Then before I got a chance to object, Sebastian had lunged forward and snatched the book right from my hand.

Realizing how truly screwed I would be if he read one word from that page, I practically flew from my seat. "Hey, no, no, no, don't read that," I rushed out quickly as I leaped from my seat.

Sebastian only laughed at my panic, and skilfully maneuvered around the pool chair to avoid my eagerly reaching hands.

Curse, my short height.

Still running about, he paused on the other end of the chair before clearing his throat to speak. "Though not the time, Theodore could do nothing but admire the fiery passion in the red-hairs eyes who lay above him and the rise and fall of her voluptuous breasts-" he read out with a smile.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Attempting to snatch back the book once more, I cursed as he side-stepped me.

Sebastian looked up at me. "Voluptuous breasts? God, this is good, I'm intrigued, Phoebs," he teased, the skin around his eyes starting to crinkle as he laughed.

Starting to move about again, his eyes fell back against the page. "-the soft nipples of which were easily visible through the wettened tatters of her oversized shirt," he read on loudly.

Please, please, kill me...

"Driven by selfish desire, Theodore let his hands curve into the feminine line of her back and kissed her. The knife against his throat grew limp, then disappeared altogether, and suddenly the young maid was pressing herself against him, reciprocating him –" Sebastian, took a breath to laugh, practically struggling to breathe as he continued to let me chase him around the lounge chairs.

"That's enough, shut up," I snapped, my face flaming red.

Ignoring me, he glanced back at the page, still smiling. "Breathing in each delicious moan from her mouth, Theodore could feel everything now and was far too aware of the needful heat that was building up between her thighs. Theodore knew exactly what he wanted-"

He was cut off as I gave him an aggressive push before finally snatching the book free from his hand. "Asshole," I hissed as I gave him a vicious glare.

"Hey, why'd you interrupt, I was getting into that," Sebastian laughed.

Completely ignoring him, I marched my way angrily back to my original pool chair and shoved my book deep into my bag.

That's when I heard a creaking sound. Glancing to the side, I found Sebastian, obnoxiously spread out on my pool chair, and smiling back up at me. Those tan swimmer's arms of his were tucked neatly behind his head, presenting his shirtless state in all its glory.

Though he annoyed me, it was hard not to stare a little. He did have the swimmer's body type after all – broad-shouldered, waxed, and lean. The perfect recipe for distraction.

"Cool, so you wouldn't show me your tits last night, but here you are again, staring at me. Makes sense," he quipped unintelligently.

Raising my gaze to meet his eyes, I gave my answer in the form of a raised brow. "Are you seriously still on that?"

He shrugged. "Of course, I am. I believe in justice," he explained simply, as though he was stating mere facts.

As I started to wonder if I should genuinely start to question his sanity, his smile bloomed more. "Anyway, let's talk about your book. It was hot. I'd be happy to re-enact the scene with you if you'd like. Just name a time."

"I'd rather die," I said, without missing a beat.

"Also, what was that shit about the knife?" he laughed, completely ignoring me. "Is violence your kink? I guess that explains the whole straddling strangle thing you did to me in your room. Wish I knew at the time, I would have been a lot more eager of a participant," he teased, his lips twisting upward.

"What the fuck are you even doing here? I thought you were taking some dumb salsa class at the gym with the others?" I sighed as I dumped myself down onto a nearby chair.

His eyes narrowed. "One salsa isn't dumb, and two, I left early because I was fed up with seeing your horny brother put his hands all over my sister's ass."

I wrinkled my nose. "Eww."

"Yeah, tell me about it," he scoffed, still looking physically shaken up. "Even the teacher was giving them looks."

I let out a loose snicker before leaning forward in my seat. "Are you sure the real reason you left wasn't because nobody would dance with you?" I teased.

He gave me a flat look. "Actually, several girls asked to dance with me, but I declined."

"Why?" I snickered. "Isn't the whole idea to dance with another person?"

He let his eyes lazily fan over me. "Well, it can be, but I only want to dance salsa with someone I plan to pursue. It's a sexual dance, after all – you know, bodies pressed together, hip holding, sharp eye contact. I don't want to do that with just anyone."

His words pulled us into a solemn silence as I realized I didn't have anything critical to say about it. After all, it was kind of sweet. Especially for Sebastian.

"So...are you going to take off your coverup. It's obstructing my view of your body." Dropping my gaze, I once again found Sebastian smiling up at me like an idiot.

And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, Sebastian Diaz is back.

Letting out a long groan, I flopped back against the pool chair. Only one more day till you're free, Phoebe, only one more day...


Next Update: Thursday

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