The Break Up Pact

By miadaley17

294K 18.4K 11.8K

What could be worse than having your enemy shoved forcefully back into your life? Unfortunately for Phoebe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 6

5.3K 335 433
By miadaley17

After one of the most traumatizing trips of my life, I was finally out of Sebastian's lap and walking along the beautiful pristine corridors of the country club's hotel.

However, unfortunately for me, the very source of my trauma was still very much present and plodding along beside me down the corridor. Sparing another heated glare Sebastian's way, I internally winced, having painful flashbacks to all the unfiltered shit that had passed through his lips in the car.

Not only had he kept up his inappropriate comments for the entire car ride, but he'd even kept it going at the restaurant we'd stopped at too. So, to say I was lusting over the idea of killing him would be putting it lightly.

For once now, he was silent and seemed to be pretty engaged with letting his gaze wander all around the fancy décor lining the corridor. He'd been analyzing every square inch of the hotel ever since we got here. I was tempted to tease him about how dazed he was acting, but I immediately dismissed the idea, knowing I should by no means be encouraging Sebastian to talk. As once he started to talk, there was no real guaranteed way of getting him to shut up again.

My thought process was interrupted by the sound of a clearing throat. Looking up, I found Max and Lara, who had originally been walking ahead of us, smiling back at us with twin smiles. Or more accurately, suspicious smiles.

As Sebastian and I, simultaneously slowed down to a halt, I noticed that they were standing between the threshold of two hotel room doors.

"What's going on? Why are you guys standing there like idiots?" Sebastian blurted out before I had a chance to talk. I was about to laugh, but I quickly caught myself before I could. Sebastian Diaz did not deserve somebody to laugh at his jokes.

Stepping forward, Max cleared his throat while looking rather nervous. "Well...erm you see, I didn't actually know Sebastian was coming till this morning so-," my brother's eyes darted away a little as though fearing our response.

"So, what?" I snapped, my eyes narrowing.

Max let out an awkward laugh. "So that means the hotel was all booked out of single rooms. And, so, guys' kind of have to share a room now and-"

"Share a room!" I rushed out, my eyes widening to practically ten times their size. "No, no, no, you can't be serious right now. You can't," I explained with deep nervous laughter as I frantically scanned over both Max's and Lara's faces.

When I was only met with silence and their keen avoidance of eye contact, I knew they had completely screwed me over. Again.

I watched in confusion as Sebastian's eyebrows perked up a little in what was either surprise or amusement. Looking back and forth between Lara and Max, his eyes lit up with intrigue. "Phoebs and me, are sharing a bed?" he said, the edge of his lip twitching higher.

Feeling fear strike my heart, I froze, not even thinking of the possibility of having to share a bed with him. Before I had a chance to work myself up into a full-blown panic, Lara's eyes narrowed in on her brothers. "Gross, no, you idiot. You have separate twin beds. What do you take us for?" she scoffed, shaking her head at him.

Instant relief washed through my chest. Raising a grateful hand to my chest as I bowed down a little. "Oh thank fuck...," I whispered.

Sebastian's nose wrinkled in disinterest. Well, that's a lot less interesting, isn't it?" he mumbled, sounding slightly peeved off. "Well, whatever key me," Sebastian said, as he held out an expectant hand to his sister.

Rolling her eyes at her brother, Lara slipped one of the key cards out of her pocket and dumped it into his open palm. "Cheers," Sebastian nodded as he accepted the card. Then making his way to a door, he scanned it over the receiver, so it opened with a little resounding beep.

Just before he entered, he spared me a mischievous look over his shoulder. "See you inside, roommate?" he winked.

As the door closed softly behind him, I stared helplessly on and wished for death. There were no two ways about it, sharing a room with Sebastian meant one thing and one thing alone – I was screwed.

"You go inside Lara, I just want to give the guys a little chat, first," I heard my brother mumble before pecking her on the lips. I watched with vague disgust as he whispered something private in her ear that made her blush. Then finally, he turned around and made his way over to me.

He playfully rolled his eyes as he took in my likely hate-filled expression. "Oh, come on pouty face, let's have a little heart-to-heart with you and Mr fish boy," Max teased, as he slung an arm over the tops of my shoulders.

Letting him lead me into my room, my eyes immediately drew around the interior of the suite. The evening light snapped in from the wide-opened windows and lit up the two identical beds on either end of the room. They were silky, cream-like, and queen-sized to my relief, and had a plethora of pillows lined up against either headrest. Letting my eyes drift naturally onwards to the living room section of the room, disgust racked my chest as I found Sebastian already cocked back on one of the sofas as he lazily flicked through an activity magazine on the table.

"Hey, come and look at this Phoebs, we can book ourselves in for a sexy couple's massage," Sebastian snickered, still with his back to us.

Before I could bite back with a snippy response, Max cleared his throat. "Phoebe, Sebastian, come take a seat on the bed, I want to talk to you," he called out.

Looking over his shoulder, Sebastian's brow lifted in surprise clearly not expecting my brother to be in the room. "Yeah, sure, why not?" he shrugged. Standing up, he leisurely made his way over to us and took a relaxed seat at the end of one of the beds.

"Phoebs, you too," Max said, nodding his head for me to join him. With an exasperated sigh, I flopped down angrily beside Sebastian with crossed arms.

Once we were both fully seated, my brother looked between the two of us and sighed. "Look, I'm going to be blunt, I've been sensing a lot of angsty teen sexual tension between you two," my brother explained.

Before I had so much of a chance at a reaction, he continued. "There's been a lot of mutual discussion of seeing certain people's dicks in shared showers, talk about boners, talk about visiting each other's brothels, and other weird flirty comments that make me uncomfortable. And in all honesty, I fear you guys want to fuck each other," Max said, still rocking his eyes back and forth between the two of us.

Both Sebastian and I froze at his accusations. Shaking my head quickly, I leaped to correct his assumption. "What the fuck? I definitely do not want-"

"Bada ba, shhh," Max said, cutting me off with the repeated raise of his hand. "I'll talk first, then you talk, okay?" he said sternly. Knowing I didn't really have much of a choice, I reluctantly nodded my head.

Max sighed before continuing. "I honestly don't care what you guys do in here, like I genuinely couldn't give less of a shit. You guys can fuck here all night if you want to. Your seniors, it's legal, it's all good," he said bluntly.

My whole body was burning so hot with embarrassment at this point, that I felt like I was about to light on fire. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Sebastian was sporting the complete opposite expression from me and his dumb lips kept twitching up as though trying to hold back laughter.

Max then proceeded to open his big mouth for the third time. "However, what I do care about and what will very much affect me are babies and STIs. Hence why we're going to talk about this-" Then fishing a hand into the inside of his jacket pocket, I watched in horror as he pulled out about five or so, squared-shaped plastic packets.

"What is this and what do we use it for?" Max asked, lifting one in the air for demonstration. Realizing that he was very much about to give me the full birds and bees talk at the big old age of seventeen, I felt bile rise up from my throat.

Sebastian instantly raised his hand as though we were in class. My brother smiled. "Yes, Sebastian," he said, nodding his head for him to answer.

"It's a condom. I have to put it on my dick, to not only prevent the spread of infection but to also ensure that Phoebs, doesn't get pregnant," Sebastian answered smoothly.

"Well done, correct," my brother said.

"Only wish his answer could have been a little less case-specific," I bit back, as I sent a heated look Sebastian's way. Completely unfazed, Sebastian just shrugged before turning back away from me with a smile.

"Now, time for lesson number two," my brother called out as he stood up. I watched in confusion as he walked over to the fruit bowl on top of the table and plucked out two bananas.

"Here take this," Max said as he held out a banana for each of us. I took it slowly, not without giving him an incredibly odd look.

Putting his hands behind his back, Max started to pace. "Now, what each of you has got in your hands, is no longer a banana but a dick. Specifically, Sebastian's dick," he explained.

"Excuse me?" I said, double blinking at Max.

I felt Sebastian nudge my shoulder before leaning closer to me. "Always knew there'd be a day where you'd have your hands wrapped around my dick," Sebastian whispered near my ear.

Not remotely in the mood for his retorts, I elbowed him hard in the side and smiled as he groaned.

My brother cleared his throat once more to gain back our attention. "As I was saying before the weird flirtatious whispering, I want you to pretend that's Sebastian's dick so you can put a condom on it."

Then plucking another two condoms from his pocket, he dumped them on each of our laps.

Not wasting any time, Sebastian immediately got to work and tore open the packet. While I on the other hand, just sat there with the banana and condom in my hand, wondering how the hell I had got myself in this situation.

"Wait a minute, Seb, stop. You've forgotten something," Max interrupted with the raise of his hand. Sebastian looked up in vague amusement. "Which is?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

"You should always check for any tears on the packet," Max explained. "One tear on that thing, and boom, my sister's knocked up," he said, nodding his head over to me.

"Which I won't be, because I'm not having fucking sex with Sebastian," I spat out between gritted teeth.

"Oh right, fair enough," Sebastian said to Max, completely ignoring me. Then going back to his original task, he started rolling the condom down onto the banana while I watched with deeply furrowed brows.

Once he was done, Sebastian held his condom banana proudly up in the air. "Done," he called out.

Walking over to Sebastian, Max took the banana out of his hand with narrowed eyes. He inspected it carefully for a handful of seconds before finally letting a small smile pull to his face. "Excellent, job, Sebastian," my brother said, nodding his head. "It's good to see at least one of you actually followed through on the lesson," Max said, turning his gaze to shoot a pointed look my way.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Max are you finally done humiliating me?" I asked flatly.

"Nope, I just have to say one more thing," my brother said quickly as he clasped his hands together. "I need you guys to understand how serious I am about safe sex," he explained carefully while looking back and forth between the two of us slowly. "If my sister ends up pregnant, everybody dies, okay? I die. Seb dies. Phoebs die. Everybody. Our parents will kill us!" Max explained his eyes widening dramatically.

Sebastian let out a snicker. "Don't you think that's a little dramatic?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Max laughed. "But would you like to explain to our six-foot-three, ex-boxer of a dad, how you accidentally got his one and greatly loved daughter pregnant?" he said, blinking back at him.

Sebastian's face went from amused to serious in a second as he processed my brother's words. "Point taken," he mumbled.

"Okay, great, glad to hear we're all on the same page," Max said as he clapped his hands. "So, that's all I have to say. Have a good night, guys and nobody get pregnant."

Then with a swift salute goodbye, Max headed for the door. "Oh wait, shit," he said, turning back. "I'll need a couple of these," he said as he started to pick up a condom or two that he'd spilled out on one of the dressers.

"Well, I guess there goes the mystery of whether my sister was a virgin or not," Sebastian muttered lowly under his breath.

"Goodnight, guys," Max called out again before shooting us a smile and finally departing the room.

As the door closed softly behind him, silence deafened the room as the two of us reflected on what had to have been the most painful sex talk of my life.

Letting out a pained groan, I closed my eyes and collapsed dramatically back against the bed. A second later, I heard and felt the bed dip down beside me.

Uncovering my eyes, I turned to find Sebastian lying down beside me on the bed, and staring across at me with an amused shine to his eyes. "Should we get you pregnant just to piss your brother off?"

Narrowing my eyes, I gave him an incredibly flat look. "Yes, Sebastian, let's purposely have unprotected sex just to wind up my brother. That sound like a great and totally un-stupid idea," I snapped, my voice overlaid with a thick level of sarcasm.

"Glad we agree," he chuckled.

"Whatever, just get off my bed," I snapped as I kicked him a little with my leg.

Sebastian grinned, one arm of his now cocked up and lazily propping up his head. "Thought we were having sex?" he teased.

Not nearly as impressed, I sat up and glared down at him. "Off," I said, pointing to the floor.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. "Why?" he laughed. "This is my bed. I bagsied the bed by the window before you got here," he explained.

Looking him up and down with distaste, I scoffed. "You can't bagsie something before someone even got there. How is that fair?"

"Well, it isn't but life's not fair," he shrugged. "But it's fine if you insist on sleeping here. I just hope you're well aware that I'm not leaving," he stated, his lips lifting higher.

Knowing I didn't have much of a choice unless I wanted to share a bed with Sebastian the gremlin, I sent him one final nasty look before making my way off my stolen bed.

Making my way over to my case, I zipped it undone before starting to rummage around for some clean underwear and pajamas. It was approaching eleven, so I reckoned I could probably do with a quick shower before bed.

"Are you looking for more condoms for our wild night, Brooks?" Sebastian called out in laughter from behind me.

"No, I'm looking for my gun so I can shoot myself," I called back without even sparing him a glance.

Once I'd collected all the stuff I needed, I turned around. Double blinking in confusion, I found Sebastian still laid out on his bed while blowing air into what was unmistakably a condom. Or in other words, he was mid-way through making a condom balloon.

Sebastian didn't even look fazed when I saw him, and just winked at me before going back to work.

Ladies, and gentlemen, my new roommate...

Making my way to the door to the joint ensuite, I dumped my clothes on the floor before closing the door behind me. The bathroom was a particularly nice one with an elegant-looking bathtub in the center, and a crystal-clear glass shower to the side. It was decorated similarly to the room -with exotic flowers placed near the windows, and fancy towel arrangements.

Quickly stripping out of my clothes, I tied my braids up in a knot above my head before stepping under the warm rays of the showers. I visibly sighed as I felt the soothing warm droplets beat down against my back and legs.

Humming myself a little tune, I let my mind drift away in thought and that's when I heard a small little creak sound echo out from behind the shower curtain. It sounded scarily like the sound of an opening door.

Would Sebastian have let himself in? No, no that's impossible. I definitely locked the bathroom door.

Filing it away in my mind as simple paranoia, I turned away and proceeded on with my shower; still humming as I went. Once I'd done my final rinse, I spread open the shower curtain and stepped outside. But as I reached for where I'd hung my towel, my fingers met nothing but air.

Furrowing my brows, I scanned the room for any sign of a towel but there was absolutely nothing. The thick pile of towels that had previously sat upon the side of the bathtub, were all gone. Every last one of them.

As my heart started to pick up in a panic, I looked down in horror to realize that not only were the towels gone, but so were my underwear and clothes. Every bit of clothed material in the bathroom was gone.

As I stood there confused, naked, and dripping, it suddenly hit me, in a wave of suffocating anger. Sebastian asss-hole Diaz had stolen my clothes.


Hope you're enjoying :)

Next update: Thursday

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