Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //

By MysticTalia

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Alone. That is all JK had ever been. Alone and forgotten in a cruel, heartless world. Growing up at the or... More

BOOK I - The Dreams We Have
《2》 When Fates Collide
《3》The Boy Who Did Not Fear
《4》The Cemetary
《5》The Pain I Know
《6》Curtains Falling
《7》Prison of Glass
《8》Praying for Angels
《9》All Good Things
《10》Something to Lose
《11》Moments of Bliss
《12》A Past so Sad and Terrible
《13》That Which was Never Meant to Be
《14》The Madness in your Eyes
《15》Jimin is Pain
《16》Another Path
BOOK II - The Present We Protect
《17》A New Beginning
《18》Who We Are
《19》Solution: Alkohol
《21》When I'm Alone
《22》How to Let You Go
《23》A Spirit Set Free
《24》Loosing Control
《25》The Case
《26》Rule Nr.1: Do Not Anger Her
《27》Rule Nr.2: Prepare to Run if You Did
《28》With Guidance from a Deity
《29》Replacing Memories
《30》A Song of Passion and Love
《31》A Glimpse of Happiness
《33》Secrets Down Below
《34》Even the Strongest Struggle
《36》My Back Hurts in Order to Let Wings Sprout
《37》When Hope is Lost
《38》Fight me, Babe
《39》Bananamilk and Handcuffs
《40》A War of Minds
《41》Just You and Me and the Pouring Rain of Doom
《42》The Original Sin
《43》Truth Untold
《44》The Role of Our Lifetime
《47》A Meeting of Monsters
《48》Learning You
《49》Living in the Moment
BOOK 3 The Future We Fight For
《50》Hell is cold
《51》All that You Thaught Me
《53》Roles Reversed
《54》Seeing Ghosts
《55》When the Brave Break
《56》Whatever You Need
《57》Appearances Matter
《58》Teacher and Student
《59》There is no Safe in War
《60》The Docks
《61》I Am What You Made Me
《62》Rivers of Blood
《63》The Secrets I Kept
《64》The Life in Your Eyes
《65》Giving Hope to Hope
《66》Coming Home
《67》Blue Nightlights and Sunshine
《68》'NO' Is Not An Option
《69》Teasing Devil
《70》Making Alleys
《71》The Life I Could Have Had
《72》All The Things We Dreamed About
《75》Testing Limits
《76》 Pain in My Ass
《79》And So Faintly You Came Tapping
《80》Waiting for a Raven
《81》The King of Gangs
《84》The Life We Never Had
《85》Born To Rule
《86》Light Up the World
《87》Reasons to Live
《88》Living On
《89》The Past That Made Us Strong
《90》The Start Of An Empire
《91》Extra Credit
《93》My Life

《82》Impeccable Timing

70 4 1
By MysticTalia

Another LOOONG one...
Jeez, I gotta shorten my chapters in my next book...

I forced myself not to look at my brother, but hearing Tae's broken, rough voice already gave me a good idea about how he must look.

Utterly devastated.

I wanted to show it too.
Wanted to crack open and cry that this was not fair.
This was not how it was supposed to go.

But I forced myself to keep a grim look on my face as we all came to a stop before the dais, staring up at the girl that was NOT Lian.
Not the girl we loved and cared about.

"Well, well," the boy holding Lian announced, pulling her a little closer and his eyes flashed with glee as he saw how it affected us.
Suho's smile turned downright vicious as his voice carried over the silent room.

"Namjoon, my old friend! You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment.
For you and your Gang to finally attend one of my parties. This is truly a joyous moment!
A dream of mine come true! So? Have you come to welcome our newest member too?
I don't think there is need for introduction, is there?"

And to underline it, he reached out and lovingly stroked Lian's face.
It hurt.
It hurt so fucking bad as Lian giggled in his arms and nestled closer to him while her eyes stayed on us, feasting on how it killed us to see it.

Slowly, taking one deep breath, Namjoon left our row to step forward and look up to Suho.
That was another way for Suho to prove his dominance.
Everyone speaking to him would be forced to look up.

And yet a flash of proudness washed over me at the way Namjoon still managed to appear on the same level, his eyes dark as a starless night, his face smooth and void of any emotion that might give him away, and as always, his voice alone carried a power that filled the room.

"I must say, Suho, you have outdone yourself with renovating this room.
Truly impressive. And so utterly you!
Tell me, does sitting on an actual throne make you feel like you finally have all the power?"

Suho only grinned wider, though the madness in his eyes flickered bright for a moment.

"I do have all the power. And it's right here, in my lap."

He turned his head to look at Lian who finally turned away from us and met Suho's eyes.
And everyone saw it.
The glaze that fell over her eyes.
The way he lips parted in utter devotion for him, hanging on to every word out of his lips like they had become her religion.

"You're plan was good, Namjoon. It really was," Suho murmured as he gently tugged back on of Lian's black strands.
And if I didn't know any better, I would say Suho himself sounded a little dazed.

"She is a true gem. Such a beautiful, wicked creature.
I thought I could come up with cruel plans, but her? Oh, her mind is such a delight.
I can't wait for all the things she will help me accomplish.
And to think," he said on a chuckle, "That you send her to me yourself!"

My heart set out.
It couldn't be... he couldn't know...

"I don't know what you mean," Namjoon only replied in a cool, even voice.

Suho laughed this time and didn't even try to hide the madness when he turned back around to us.

"Really? Strange then... Lian told me such an unbelievable story!
How the great, selfless Namjoon who treasures family above all else send her to me as bait just so I would throw this very party and give you the opportunity to overthrow me.
Oh, and to try and convince the other gangs to stand with you under the pretence of valuing family and fairness? Ha! Oh, you are so full of yourself, old friend!
Do you all see it now?" he called out over our heads, addressing the room full of those very gangs.

He rose from his throne, setting down Lian with an unfamiliar gentleness while he stepped forward and spread his arms wide.
I had to give it to him.
He had a way to make a show.
To inspire hate like no other.

"Do you finally see him for who he is? A liar! A hypocrite and a pretender.
Namjoon never cared about family. He uses it like a blade when he needs to.
All he wants is to sit on this thrown instead. He is a greedy, selfish prick and nothing more!"

The previously quiet room turned into a nest of a dozen bees setting off into flight, people whispering to each other in hushed voices, their eyes falling on Namjoon with accusation.

But my leader only took it, never letting Suho out of his sight, and in a bored voice he said:
"Are you done?"

"Oh, not by a long shot!" Suho only chuckled.

"All these years, you've tried so hard to hide who you really are.
You lure them in with kindness, fill their heads with dreams of a better future, but all you do is create more misery. You are nothing but empty words!
You look down on me for how I run my kingdom but the truth is you're only jealous!
You cannot stand someone else being cleverer than you.
Being better. You've always been this way.
You always just had to be the best!"

Namjoon did not immediately answer.
He only looked up at his old friend.

And then, in an almost sad voice, he said:
"You truly believe that, don't you? And here I was, thinking I could look through people.
But you... I truly thought you were just cruel and power-hungry.
But what you just said about me... you actually think that, don't you?
It pains me, Suho. It pains me so much to know that the boy I used to know was so broken by my brother's suicide that you've lost sight of what is real and not.
You think I came here to take your crown?
To sit on a cold, uncomfortable chair and have people look up at me?
I don't. I never did."

Suho's eyes narrowed, his lips turning white as he pressed them together, aware of what weapon Namjoon had chosen to discredit him.
He was making him out to be insane.

"Smart words, as always. I expected nothing less from a conniving bastard like you.
Shall we have someone else speak for me then? Lian!"

And in that moment I realized letting Lian go had been Namjoon's greatest mistake.
The biggest fault in this plan.
Because here came the girl who held the true power, prowling forward with graceful steps, her red dress pooling around her feet like blood as she stood next to Suho.

I hated that they matched.
Not only with their clothes of the same colour as blood, but with the cruelty in their eyes.
The arrogance in the way they stood side by side.

Suho's smile came back when he turned to the girl, having to tilt his head down to be able to look at her.
And then-

He leaned down and kissed her.
Kissed her deep and with tongue, pushing the girl against him with a shameless grab on her ass. And Lian- she melted into him and kissed him back, letting out a purring sound.

I saw it from the corner of my eyes.
The way Taehyung broke fully.
A snarl ripped from his throat and he lurched forward, death in his eyes as he ran for the dais.
I exploded into action and shot forward, managing to grab my brothers arm and with all the force I could muster, I pulled him back.

Tae screamed as he flew backwards and crashed into my chest.
Screamed and trashed.
"You fucking asshole! I'll fucking kill you for this! You piece of-"

I roughly jerked back and covered his mouth with my hand, lowering my head to his ear as I hissed:
"Stop it, Tae! This is what he wants! He wants us to start the fight so he has the legitimate reason to end us right here! I know this hurts, but if you don't shut up right now, we're going to loose her forever!"

Tae barely seemed to have heard me as he kept fighting me off.
Kept trying to go up there and rip Suho's head off for kissing Lian that way.
Lian, who turned at Tae's screaming.
And as their eyes met- Tae grew limp in my arm, all fight seeping out of him.

Because there was nothing in Lian's eyes.
No sign that she was sorry for hurting the boy she loved so much.
The reason she had been willing to make this sacrifice- because she wanted a future with Taehyung.

Suho laughed again, snaking an arm around Lian's waist and held her close.
And I hated to admit it, but they made a powerful pair.
King and Queen of an empire of cruelty and pain.

"Looks like someone is not all that happy.
What wrong Taehyung? You let her go, remember?
You allowed your own leader to send her to me!
But I have to say... hmm, you do have taste in girls.
I see why you love her too. She's special, isn't she?
But she also told me her deepest, darkest secrets. Do you want to know it?"

His eyes glittered with glee as my brother broke under each new word while Suho held Lian close.

"She hated you! She secretly loathed you for making her feel weak and unworthy!
You treated her like she was some flower that needed protection.
But Lian is not the kind of girl who needs protection. Quite the opposite.
You should have been the one being protected from her!"

"Suho, stop it!" And that was Jin, his lips turned into a snarl as he glowered at the boy, unable to bare how our brother was dying from the inside.
Suho only laughed in his face.

"And why would I do that? He broke Chen, so I might as well break him. It's fair and square, isn't it!"

"And where is good old Jongdae?" Jimin hissed in anger.

Suho opened his mouth, but it was surprisingly Lian who spoke, her lips turning up into a merciless smile.

"He's at the bottom of the Han River of course.
We have no need for weak and broken members. Chen was no longer useful to us."

Another hush went through the crowd.
Lian just openly admitted X-EXO killed one of their own!

Suho had never made it public about actually murdering people.
Most who had stood in his way just disappeared under questionable circumstances, but he never outright admitted to having them killed.

Suho now turned to her with a tilt to his lips that showed he was not happy about Lian openly announcing it.
But the girl only pouted, sweet and deadly, then reached out to let her nails run down the side of his face.
There was that open devotion in her eyes again.
The glaze of someone who saw no one else but him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, babe. But why would we lie about that? Chen betrayed you, remember?
He betrayed you by being weak and pathetic! It was his schemes who led you into a trap!
His fault that you got hurt! And I want everyone to know that you do not tolerate weakness.
You allow no one but the strongest to be part of X-EXO.
Just like you are the strongest. Stronger than Namjoon.
Stronger then all of them!"

I wanted to keep watching Lian, but my eyes fell on Suho.
On the way his expression changed.
How he slowly nodded, his eyes lighting up, fixed on the beautiful girl who told him all he ever wanted to hear.

"You're right. Of course you are right, my sweetheart. That's why you have earned your place here."

Lian shot him back a love-struck smile.
They turned as one, their hands intertwined.

"So, will you tell them then? How you came to be by my side?" he asked with a winning smile.

"Of course," Lian answered with a wide smirk.
"It's true what Suho said. I really did come here to be the bait."

Another murmured went through the crowed.
I lowered my head, unable to look at Lian as she betrayed us.

Even I knew, there was no possible way to discredit Suho now, not when Lian, who all knew to have been one of us, openly admitted it.
And she told Suho about our conversation with the other gangs too, which meant that there was no chance of them siding with us anymore.
Not when we just lost.

"Oh, but you haven't even heard the best part yet!" Lian's voice suddenly cut through the room, the crowed immediately quieting down to hear what she had to say.
Hanging to her every word.
Lian met their eyes with a wide smile, standing tall and proud as she turned to Suho once more. She blinked up at him sweetly and once again caressed his face, then let her hands come down to his chest, flat hand over his heart while she stepped to the side.

"I really did come here as bait. But it was not Namjoon's plan. It was my own!"

Suho looked down at her and frowned.
Lian blinked once more-
And then her eyes turned into chips of frozen eyes.

"And you fucking fell for it, you asshole!"

I gaped.
The entire fucking room gaped as Lian used the hold on him to push him backwards.

Suho stumbled back- and those stairs of his dais became his undoing as he lost his footing and fell.
Fell hard and long down those steps until he landed with a thud right in front of Namjoon's feet.

Namjoon, who did not look all too surprised as Suho let out a groan.
Only smiled and then looked up to Lian standing at the edge.
And she let everyone see the change.

And even I was scared.
To see the mask fall away.
A mask that had been so perfect and believable, we all fell for it.
All- except for Namjoon.

"Well done Lian. But you could have hurried up a little."

"Oh, I am so very sorry Namjoon!" she snapped, but her voice held warmth again, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I was a bit occupied making this bastard believe he broke me.
ME? Ha! You were right. He's so self obsessed and narcissistic, I only had to start blabbering about how he was the greatest and strongest and he fell right for it. How pathetic."

"You fucking bitch!"

The yell ripped right through the masses as someone jumped up and rushed Lian.
It was none other than Sehun.
The one with the shortest temper.
Least in control of himself.

"Lian! Watch out!"

The scream ripped from my lungs as I saw the tall, fuming boy charge her with a knife gleaming in his hands.

No... no. This is not how it could end!
Not when Lian had actually done it.
Did not break.
Had been strong enough, cunning enough to fool someone like Suho.
Fool all of us!

But there was no time to act.
No way to be fast enough and climb those steps to stop Sehun's advance.

It all happened fast.
Almost too fast to see.
Lian spun and took in the situation.
Saw Sehun inches from her, knife in hand, lifting it to cut her down.

And then she whirled to the side.
Moved as fast as Jimin could.
And then she used a move I had seen Jimin do a thousand times.

Lian grabbed for the arm and yanked it down while bringing up her knee.
The knife was knocked out of Sehun's hand, his face a mask of pure shock and pain.
But Lian didn't wait to gloat or taunt as Jimin liked to do.
She simply turned her body and spun into him, then shot out her elbow.
It connected with Sehun's soft temple in a low thud and the boy dropped to the floor like a sack of grain.

Utter silence descended once more as Lian stood over the passed out boy, her red dress flowing elegantly around her while her face was a picture of wrath and beauty at once.

And then she did something absolutely not elegant as she kicked the boy on the floor and snarled:
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that you arrogant prick!"

"Nah, nah. Lian. Please. Try to show a bit of restrain, will you?" Namjoon jokingly mused.

"Why? He attacked me first!"

"Still, you shou-"


And that was Suho, having finally come to his feet again, blood dripping down his nose, but he looked otherwise unscathed.

"Take her!" he yelled and there was no more sign of his composed self.
He was fuming, nostrils flaring.
And shit!

Lian should have come down sooner!

Knocking down Sehun was a show of power and finally proofed to everyone just what she was capable of, but she was no match for the lot of them.
And as the command ripped from Suho's throat, those remaining members jumped from their thrones and rushed Lian.

I didn't think as I moved too.
Shot up those stairs as fast as I could, noticing how Jimin was right beside me- and Tae.
Tae who had finally snapped out of it and realized what happened.
That Lian was still our Lian.
Had beaten all odds.
Had kept true on her promise.

But there was nothing we could do.
That damn, fucking dais!
It took us too long.
The moment we reached the top step, we came to an abrupt halt.
And then I cursed.

Cursed and swore as Lay shot me a lazy smile.
And then pressed the knife harder against Lian's throat.

Jimin, Tae and I did not so much as move a muscle as Lay held Lian in a death lock, the knife only shy of cutting her skin while the girl's expression was murderous.

Damn her!
Even in a moment like this, she showed no fear.

"Careful there, or I'll make you all clean up Lian's blood after we're done here!" Lay threatened, the rest of X-EXO lined up behind him to empathise that even if we tried to fight, we wouldn't be able to beat them all before he cut Lian's throat.

I didn't think any of us were breathing.
And no one stopped Suho as he ascended those steps again and walked around us.

"You lying whore!" he snarled at Lian and looked like he was a step away from punching her.
But he was aware that the only reason we did not attack right here, was because Lay held he life in his hands.

"What?" Lian spat, not even the least bit worried about being threatened with a knife.
"Are you gonna cry like a baby who lost his favourite toy because this is the second time you fell for my game, hm? Even if you kill me, it was worth it just to see your dumb expression twice!"

"Lian!" Tae growled, his warning underlined by his worry.

"Yes, Lian," Suho hissed and turned to Tae.
I knew it a second before he spoke where he was going to attack.
Right at Tae's heart, hoping he would make the first move.

"She really must love you a great deal Taehyung, considering she whored herself away for you.
It took her only two weeks before she spread he legs for me.
Ah... yes. She makes that hiccup sound when she's close to coming, doesn't she?
Maybe we should have a glass of wine and talk a about what kind of things she prefers in bed!"

"Shut up you sick son of a bitch," Lian screamed, seeing what we all saw.
How the colour had drained from Tae's face, his lips wobbling, eyes wide and unseeing.
Then for it all to turn into blind, all consuming rage.
I cursed again- and then moved.

Not in Lian's direction.
I grabbed for Tae and dragged him back down the stairs while he raged and struggled to kill Suho.

Jimin came to help me as we went back to stand with the others once more.
Suho took a long breath, his back to the crowd who had looked on with hungry, excited eyes at this entertaining display of powers and weaknesses and then turned back around.

"So, Namjoon," he started once more, and just like I had seen that last day at the docks, he locked the madness and anger away like it was never there.

"Is this the kind of party you were hoping for? Do you honestly think it will change anything? Because here we are. I still have your precious little raven and you are still on the ground where you belong. But how about we finally end this, hmm?
Here's the deal. It's simple.
Bow and submit to me, or I kill darling Lian here.
I think everyone in this room would agree that it's only justified considering she lied, betrayed and tricked me?"

"If you kill her, you only prove me right. You're nothing but a mad, cruel ruler.
You need to prove your power by hurting a little girl? Yes, really powerful of you, Suho.
A great and powerful King indeed!"

Suho stared him down while Namjoon held his gaze.
And then- a tiny smile.

"Lay? Make them see I'm serious, will you?"

There was nothing we could do.
Nothing but watch as Lian hissed as the blade cut her skin.
Not too deep to be life-threatening, but enough for blood to pour out and run down her front where it mixed with the red of her dress.

"Suho! Stop it!" our leader snarled, not hiding the anger in his voice.

"Why? You haven't bowed yet!"

"Killing her will get you nothing!"

"It will get me your face on the floor and begging me to let her go!"


"Cut a little deeper," he interrupted in a sweet voice and this time, Lian winced, more blood gushing out.

"Namjoon!" Tae yelled, turning to our leader with pleading eyes, full of desperation.
I knew Tae would kneel in an instance if it saved Lian.

Yet it was not him, Suho was waiting for.
Not Tae he was watching with hungry, eager eyes.
But Namjoon only kept staring Suho down.

"Is this really how you want to proof you're the strongest?
I don't think so. Let's settle this the old way, friend."

He rolled back his shoulders, standing taller and raised his voice so that it could be heard in ever corner of the room.

"Everyone! You all know the laws of the underground.
We all follow the rules of the broken and lost, the forgotten and abandoned!
There is another way to settle this than hurting a girl, no matter her crimes.
A way to show once and for all, who should wear the crown.
BTS hereby officially challenges X-EXO to a pit fight.
One against one. Let the stronger win."

The reaction was immediate.
No longer whispers and murmurs.
There were outcries.
Gasps of shock.

Even the chaotic and messy place of the underground had their rules.
Rules that even Suho couldn't change or touch.
Rules even he had to follow or risk looking like traitor to the other gangs.
His own people.

He tried to hide it, but I saw it in the flash of a single second- the shock.
The battle inside him.

If he denied the request, it would damage his reputation.
And even if he broke and destroyed us today, he would have a hard time holding his power after basically admitting he did not think X-EXO were the stronger gang.
Why else would he refuse?

But he wanted us crushed at any cost.
Was willing to take back the full power after we were taken care of, even if it would take a while.

And unfortunately, the latter won.
The madness and urge to have Namjoon bow to him was stronger after all.

"Ha!" he laughed loudly, right in Namjoon's face.
"How convenient of you to call for a pit fight when I have everything to loose and you all to gain. Why the hell would I accept? I have already won, Joonie. So bow. Now.
Or Lian will pay the price. I am curious to see if you can fit the pieces of your beloved Taehyung back together then!"

"Afraid you'll loose to me again?" Namjoon taunted, but Suho showed no reaction.

"I remember you bleeding out in the dirt the last time we fought. How's that loosing?"

"It is when you came with three people backing you up with knifes. And I still survived."

"Stop stalling. There is no way out for you today. I'll say it one last time. Bow or she dies."

Shit. He wasn't taking the bait.
I looked around.
Looked to all those familiar faces.
Saw their doubt and worry.

Even after everything Lian had done, Suho held the power.
Suho stood on top of that dais.

My eyes caught S.Coups.
There was a sad heaviness in it.
Worry and uncertainty.

But as he saw me looking at him- a small nod.
And then- he moved in our direction.
But he hadn't taken more than three steps when a noise made him stop.
I noticed it too.

A commotion in the very back of the hall.
Someone running.
Someone in a red shirt, black pants and tattoos all over his arms.

Seo In-Guk.

Nothing too surprising- if not for the way his eyes were thrown open wide in shock, looking past the crowed to Suho standing on the days.

He opened his mouth in what I could only guess was a shout of warning, but he never got to make it.
Not when his open lips revealed a grunt instead and he fell face down.

And then they came.
Came in union and dressed to impress.

The crowed turned to watch who entered and then gaped probably harder than when we had turned up.

Because in walked girls. No.
Not just girls.
Women of power, their strides assured, hips swinging and eyes set as they simply walked straight ahead, people jumping out of their way.

Everyone knew their faces.
Knew who they were. (G)-Idle, Itzy, DreamCatcher and GirlsGeneration.

The one's Lian had approached that night while we went after the male gangs.
None of them had ever set foot in here and yet all of them had come.
Even Suho stood there utterly flabbergasted, not sure what to do as they came to stand all around us.

Four stepped forward.
Their respectable leaders, Soyeon, Yoona, JiU and Yeji.

And damn.
Even I had to admit they were beyond stunning.
Pictures of both beauty and power.

JiU was first to speak, lifting her head to meet Suho's eyes without flinching.
Without anything but cool observation.
And then she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"How typical. Men and their love for violence."

"Well, what did you expect, JiU," Yoona joined, her face that of an Angel, but her eyes blazing with contempt, her voice more than a little condescending.

"This is Suho we're talking about. There's a reason we avoid coming to his parties."

"Then why did you?" the man in question asked with a snappy undertone, no doubt pissed at this interruption.
At the irony of it.

For so long, he had tried to get them to come so he could convince them to join his side.
And now, when he least needed them, they finally showed.

Soyeon's smile was born of mystery.

"A little raven carried a letter last night and invited us personally.
Saying we really would regret missing a glorious show if we didn't.
And how could we deny the one who finally showed you what a pathetic looser you are?"

I gasped, as did many others, but it was just... Lian, that cunning, brilliant girl!

She smiled now, despite the knife still against her throat or the blood still running down her neck.

"You certainly took your time showing up."

Yeji only grinned at her.

"Well, you weren't exactly specific about the timing.
What time is: 'the moment everything goes to shit'?"

"Right now, I suppose," the girl answered with a smirk.
"But then again, we girls always have impeccable timing, don't we?"

I gaped.
This... was insane.
Utterly ridiculous that Lian was casually joking with members of ruthless girl-gangs as though they were talking about their favourite move, while still being threatened with a knife.
It was so ridiculous that it literally was only possible for Lian to be responsible for it all.

"Enough," Suho snarled as he no doubt felt how the power had shifted- was slipping out of his grip.

"I appreciate that you finally graced us with your presence, but you have no right to interfere here. Not when you've always made it very clear that you don't want to get involved in our business."

"Well, Lian made it our business, so here we are," Yoona snapped and I had the weird feeling she had a personal vendetta against X-EXO.
I also didn't fail to notice how her eyes had kept drifting to- huh, go figures. Kai.
I didn't have to guess hard what kind of business went down between them.
Remind me to never scorn a girl.

"So, whose gonna catch us up?" JiU threw in, then turned to none other than Namjoon.
It felt a lot like a statement that she was looking at our leader to explain things and not Suho.

Namjoon shot them a smile.
One of his charming ones.

"Well, I called for a pit fight to settle this matter, but apparently Suho is not only too afraid of us, but he decided to not abide by the law either.
A coward and a traitor."

The boy in question only snarled, but kept his mouth shut, aware that there was little he could say.
JiU snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Like I said: boys and their love for violence. But at least Namjoon here has guts.
Can't be said about you, Suho. Really going to chicken out, are you?
How kingly of you. And someone like you honestly thought we would ever consider forming an alliance with you."

"How dare you, you b-"

"Nah, nah," Soyeon scolded, shaking her head and then tauntingly put a hand over her lips, shushing him.
Actually shushing the most powerful man in Seoul!

"No need to get so irritated, Suho. It's only the truth, isn't it?"

Suho growled once more and then-

"Ateez. Stray Kids. Would you please escort out these nice ladies? I thinks their bed-time is approaching."

Everyone's attention drifted to the two Gangs standing close to the front.
The two Gangs who had been most loyal to Suho for years.

And although I loathed them for picking the wrong side, I couldn't help but feel a tang of pity as their eyes skipped between X-EXO on the dais and the women surrounding us.

It took a surprisingly long while until they moved towards the girls, but none of them looked particularly pleased about it.


Another ripple of shock went through the crowed when none other than S.Coups stepped forward and put himself between Ateez, Stray Kids and the girls.
He was almost immediately backed up by the full force of his gang, lining up next to him.

"You want to go to them, you have to go through us."

It was Woozi of all people who said that.
Who drew the clear line, siding with us.

Hongjoon's face turned into a pained snarl as he met the Gang that put themselves in their way.

"S.Coups," he warned.
"You really don't want to do this."

"Oh, but I think I do."

"So you're ready to risk your family for freaking Kim Namjoon?" BangChan snapped, but he sounded almost... hm, envious?

"This is about more than just Namjoon," he stated and then turned to look up at the man who watched the entire scene with growing irritation and anger.

"This is about Suho disregarding our ways.
He was challenged and he should have the fucking guts to accept it if he wants us to keep following him!"

The ahh's and uh's just kept coming today, traveling through the crowed like a choir.

"You dare talk to me like that?"

"And why shouldn't he?" Another voice called out, followed by more people coming to the front, joining our sides.

This time, it was no other than Jackson who had spoken, taking a stance next to Namjoon but glaring up at Suho as well.

"S.Coups is right. You want to proof you're stronger than Namjoon?
Well, he gave you the chance. So proof it. Accept the challenge."

One by one they came.
All of them.

MonstaX, NCT, Got7, SuperJunio, Shinee, KARD and even Heechul stepped forward and demanded that Suho take the challenge.

It was all we had asked of them.
Not to actively fight with us.
Only to make sure we got to this moment.
Only to give us this one chance.

And then, to top it all, even Attez and Stray Kids turned and took a stance with us.
It meant Suho was now completely backed into a corner.
If he refused now, he'd loose his crown right then and there.
And the realization showed on his features, nostril flaring, his shoulders heaving with heavy inhales.

And then-
"Fine! You all want to see a fight? You'll have one.
Let me remind you why going against me is the gravest mistake you have ever made in your life!"

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.
We did it.
We got the chance.

"First, you'll let Lian go."

Suho snarled Namjoon's way, but when he saw the mass of people around us- he growled and only shot Lay a commanding nod.
Lay did not look all too happy about it, but he let Lian go.

The girl stumbled a little but quickly made her way down.
And then- she flung herself right into Tae's arms.

The pressure from the last four weeks finally lifted from my heart.

Seeing them together again- damn, even I had had my doubts.
And I knew this would have consequences, what with Lian sleeping with Suho and all that, but right in this moment, there was nothing on their faces but utter gratitude that they had one another again.
That was what love was all about.

And yes- it took about a second of hugging before they were all over each other again, Tae kissing Lian hard and passionate.

"All right, chop, chop ladies," Yeji suddenly called out, drawing attention to her once more and sounding way too excited.

"Make some room then. I think, for once, I am really going to enjoy two men bashing their heads in!"

As would the rest of this crowd.
I swear I could feel their excitement shimmering in the air as the people immediately opened up one massive circle right in the centre of the cemetery- ironically in the very place those armchairs had been, the floor still showing where they stood since there were patches of lighter concrete displayed in a circle.

I took a deep breath and settled my heart.
The room had gone from quiet, to shocked to downright giddy, people hooting, cheering, ready for blood and bones to crack.

Yes, well, no one ever said the underground was a tame place.
We might have rules- but we were also pretty nasty.
And we certainly made no secrete of it.

A beat filled the room then, throbbing, shaking booms and techno beats in the mix, people pushing to the front to get a better sight, guys taking girls onto their shoulders and some even dared to climb up a few steps of the dais to have a better view to the middle where a massive ring had formed.

I turned to see my members shooting Namjoon an encouraging smile, Jin clapping his shoulders as Yoongi spoke low words to him.
Jimin was just about to do the same when I grabbed for his wrist and pulled him back.

He gasped in surprise and looked up at me.
I had pushed us a bit away from the others, the people close by us not even gifting us attention, all eyes on Namjoon.

And Suho, as he got ready, shaking his limps, rolling his neck, jumping on the spot.
Xiumin stood close by his side and I caught the sight of how Suho leaned down to whisper something into his ear.
Xiumin nodded with that typical expression of nothingness, yet accepting whatever twisted command his master had given him.

"What are you doing JK?"

I shot back around to Jimin.

"Do you remember what we talked about earlier?"

I tried to keep my voice low, but the shaking of it still had Jimin on high alert, immediately gifting me his full attention yet still confused.


"About letting me do something dangerous if it was something I really needed to do?"

Jimin still looked confused, shaking his head.

"Yes, but.. why are you mentioning this now?"

I let out a heavy breath, my voice the only quiet thing in the room that had turned into a raging pit.

"Because this is something I have to do. For myself."

Jimin's lips parted, his eyes widening and I knew the exact moment he understood what I was asking.
It began slowly.
The shaking of his head.
The growing worry that turned into panic.

"N-no... Jungkook... no. Don't... you can't-"

"I'm sorry Angel. I really am.
I wanted to tell you about this sooner, but I knew you would try and convince me not to.
But you have to understand... this is it. This is my chance to finally let go of my past.
To truly be free of it. You have to let me do it."

"I- JK, I can't! This is Suho! He's going to-"

"He's going to lose, Jimin. And I'll be the one to beat him.
And do you know why? Because I made you a promise.
I promised to marry you and I will, you hear me?"

Jimin still trembled in my arms, still shaking his head as though he could shake away what I said.
What I wanted to do.

The room suddenly grew immensely louder and I glanced over Jimin to see Suho slowly descend the stairs.
He had worn his signature red suit earlier.
He had not only discarded the red jacket, but also the shirt beneath, only the bright red suit pants hanging low on his waist, revealing the powerful upper body.
The bulk of his arms, the abs and extend of his chest.

But what truly made it a body of danger were the scars, the biggest one none other than the one over his heart which Namjoon put there.
And despite having been forced to accept the challenge, his head was held high, his steps laced with power, his eyes glowing with the hunger for pain.
Namjoon's pain.

I turned back to Jimin hastily, knowing my time was running out.
Grabbing his face I made sure he had nowhere else to look but me.

"Tell me you understand, Jimin. Tell me you know that I'll keep my promise."

"B-but... pit fights often end in death, Jungkook!
No one is allowed to stop what happens inside that pit!
No one! Which means-" he whispered with tears forming in his eyes.

"I am not going to die. I am not going to leave you.
Now tell me you understand. Please. I need to hear you say it before I enter that ring.
Please Angel."

He hesitated.
And I knew he was trying to find a way out.
A way to convince me.

I guess he must have seen it in my eyes then.
The utter conviction that I would win, shining next to how much I truly needed this.
He closed his eyes for a moment, his lips wobbling, but when he reopened them again, I knew he had made the choice.

"I understand."

My breath rattled out of me with both relieve and the word sorry.
Jimin opened his lips to say something else, but I had already leaned down to kiss him.
No small kiss.
I let him feel all the passion and the amount with which I loved him as I tasted him one last time.

"Well, then Namjoon!" A voice ripped through the kiss and I righted myself, letting go of Jimin to undo the corset, only wearing the black shirt now.

Jimin stopped me only for a second.
Only to make me look at him as he gave me a nod.
No words, but it was enough to convey the meaning.

"Beat his ass and then come back to me."

In return, I gifted him a smile.

"I will."

I glanced to the scene unfolding in the centre of the room.
Saw Suho prowl in small circles like a lion on the hunt, his eyes glittering with the desire to hurt and kill Namjoon once and for all while Namjoon only stood at the edge of the circle, not entering yet.

Namjoon had only confessed the truth to me.
That in a fair fight, the two of them were evenly matched.

No way to say who would win.
Only that Suho knew about Nam-Min and was sure to use it as a weapon against him.
And if you lost your cool in a fight, it was equal to a death sentence.
Yes. Just like it had to be Lian to be the bait, I had to be the one to finish this.

"What are you waiting for Namjoon? You finally have your fight!
Are you going to chicken out now? Ha! Way to proof that you are the strongest!
But sure. If you want to run away with your tail between your legs- let me give you one last chance."

Namjoon let the words bounce right off him, standing there tall and broad.

"I'm not running from anything, Suho. You are.
And you have been all your life. But I think you misunderstood something.
It wasn't me who challenged you to a fight. It was all of BTS."

Yes. Namjoon had been smart about how he posed the challenge.
Slowly, Namjoon smiled while I pulled the black shirt over my head and let it drop to the floor.

"And I will not be the one you're fighting."

With one last look at my Angel, I turned and stepped up to Namjoon.

Namjoon who moved to the side and revealed who stood behind him and walked into the ring to face Suho.

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