Dragon of the Elements

Per AnkurMishra1

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After observing him fighting against the Demon King of his world, Lucifer Sirzechs brings a demon by the name... Més

CH:1{To Become One with a Super Pervert}
CH:2{Asia, the Mysterious and Klutzy Nun}
CH:3{Attack on the Fallen Angel}
CH:4{Arrival of the Phoenix}
CH:5{Violent Pain, A Mercenary's Past}
CH:6{High Risk High Reward}
CH:7{Reunion with A Former Summon}
CH:8{A Piece of the Legendary Blade?}
CH:9{ The Two Exorcists}
CH:10{A Desire For War}
CH:11{Full Force Perversion}
CH:12{Gasper, The Crossdressing Vampire}
CH:13{The Dragons Clash}
CH:14{To Become Lingerie?}
CH:15{Let's go to the Underworld!}
CH:16{The Young Devils Meeting}
CH:17{Balance Broken}
CH:18{Where in the Arena is Kenshin Kuroshi?}
CH:20{Full Force Perversion 2}
CH:21{Total Chaos}
CH:22{Fallen Angel Father}
CH:23{Problems of a Norse Source}
CH:24{The God of Mischief}
CH:25{Devil's Downtime}
CH:27{The Past Always Remains}
CH:28{In Pursuit of Thy Enemy}
CH:29{I Don't Trust You}
CH:30{The View from the Bottom}
CH:31{The Thousand Blades of Truth}
CH:32{The Black Dragon of Destruction}
CH:33{The Perfect World}
CH:34{Fantasy or Reality}
CH:35{Taking a Week Off}
CH:36{The Timid Phoenix}
CH:37{Arrival at Kyoto}
CH:38{The Dueling Factions}
CH:39{Peace in Kyoto}
CH:40{The Dragon vs the King of Lions}
CH:41{Problems of a Perverted Heart}
CH:42{Who Takes the Crown?}
CH:43{A Difficult Promise}
CH:44{Dragon's Free Time}
CH:45{Dragons and Mating Season?}
CH:46{Full Force Perversion 3}
CH:47{Assault of the Hero}
CH:48{Until My Last Breath!}
CH:50{Dragons of a Similar Scale}
CH:51{A Call For Help}
CH:52{To Rise Up}
CH:53{Welcome to the Revolution}
CH:54{Start of a Campaign}
CH:55{Moving Along}
CH:56{March on the Gold Region}
CH:57{When Dragons Clash}
CH:58{Reclamation Process}
CH:59{Troubling Matters}
CH:60{A Drastic Turn of Events}
CH:61{On the Brink}
CH:62{Primordial Revalation}
CH:63{A Horrible Mistake}
CH:64{Calm Before the Storm}
CH:65{An Army of Mimicry}
CH:67{The Limits of Love and Hate}
CH:68{Revolution's End}
CH:69{Return to Home}
CH:70{More Devil's Downtime}
CH:71{Tamers, Shopping, and the Fallen}
CH:72{Down with Sickness}
CH:73{The Future In Laws}
CH:74{Envoy From the Darkness}
CH:76{Attack on Kuoh}
CH:77{Dragons of the Past}
CH:78{Warmth in the Winter}
CH:79{Requests to Fulfill}
CH:80{Prepare For The Void}
CH:81{Temporal Flux}
CH:82{Onward Toward Vampire Country}
CH:83{Trapped in Transylvania}
CH:84{Dragons and Vampires}
CH:85{The Founding of DxD}
CH:86{The Origin of Light and Dark}
CH:87{Dates with a Valkyrie}
CH:88{A Sudden Attack}
CH:89{The Battle of Auros}
CH:90{Sealed Dragon}
CH:91{Concerning Revelation}
CH:92{Dragon in Misery}
CH:94{Memories of the Past}
CH:95{The Top of the World}
CH:96{The Crimson Wings}
CH:97{Hero Vs Assassin}
CH:98{The Furious Storm}
CH:99{Let Us Help You}
CH:100{Onward to Megalo}
CH:101{Where It All Began}
CH:102{Crimson Dragons}
CH:103{Ala Alba vs DXD}
CH:104{The Puppet Master}
CH:105{For His Sake!}
CH:106{Demigod Vs Resonance}
CH:107{Free At Last}
CH:108{Returning Home}
CH:109{Welcome Back to Kuoh}
CH:110{Devils in Heaven?}
CH:111{Mistakes of the Past}
CH:112{Battle of Heaven}
CH:113{Yama's Deadly Trickery}
CH:114{After Christmas}
CH:115{A Divine Problem}
CH:116{Conflict of the Dark}
CH:117{Attack of the Priests}
CH:118{Between Two Worlds}
CH:119{Travel and Preparation}
CH:120{Excalibur and a Zombie?}
CH:121{Wielders of Durandal}
CH:122{Fighting Against the Creators}
CH:123{The Strongest Youkai}
CH:124{Demigod X Dragon}
CH:125{Under the Full Moon}
CH:126{Caring for the Future}
CH:127{Consequences and Repercussions}
CH:128{Battle of Agreas}
CH:129{At Everything's End}
CH:130{Preparing for Revelation}
CH:132{Preparation for the End}
CH:133{Vs Trihexa}
CH:134{The Dragon Satan of Lucifer}
CH:135{The Imperial Beast}
CH:136{Those Left Behind}

CH:19{Back to Kuoh}

78 2 0
Per AnkurMishra1

Issei stood outside, drinking juice from a vending machine when Kenshin approached him. "Yo, how ya feeling?" He asked.

"Well...I had to get a blood transfusion right after I got knocked out. Man Kaichou is brutal." Issei said.

"I know." Kenshin said. "Well...I can't say I really blame Sona for using such an sneaky tactic to get rid of you."

"Why?" Issei asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because, no one in her peerage has the combination of raw strength and magical talent that I have. That is needed to compete with you in the Balance Breaker. The only reason Saji was able to go for as long as he did with you, is because he used his Absorption Line to drain your magic and blood." Kenshin said.

"Still, we've won two times, but between getting systematically picked apart by you, and caught off guard by Kaichou. I can't feel like our prides have taken a hit." Issei said.

"Oh well, if people wanna doubt you, Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia, or Koneko, then let 'em." Kenshin shrugged. "Let's go see how Saji's feeling. Dude has to be feeling down after getting K'Oed by you." He said buying a couple of drinks and walked toward Saji's room in the hospital. "Hm?"

"What's up?" Issei whispered as Kenshin peered into the door.

"Sirzechs is in there with Sona. I think he's presenting something to Saji." Kenshin said.

"Umm...this is.." Saji said.

"Correct, it's a medal given to the one who performed most impressively in the Rating Game. We've decided to give it to you." Sirzechs said.

"!" Saji stared at him, in shock. "Wh-What? I-I lost to Hyoudou though."

"You did, you did." Sirzechs nodded, taking the medal out and pinning it to Saji's chest. "But to that extent. Issei-kun, or rather the Red Dragon Emperor was eliminated as well. We watched your battle with excitement, even the Norse Allfather praised your efforts."

"S-Seriously? !" Saji said.

"Of course. You shouldn't humble yourself. Even a devil like you can aim for the top." Sirzechs said. "Keep devoting yourself, I have high expectations of you."

"By the way, I wouldn't say you lost to Issei, Saji." Kenshin said entering the room. "Issei was eliminated by way of you draining him of his power and blood. I'd call it a tie. Here." He said tossing him one of the juice cans he bought.

Saji caught the can and fingered around with the medal. Sirzechs patted his head. "No matter how many decades it takes, never let go of your dream of being a Rating Game Teacher."

Saji wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes. "Yes, I understand!" He said with a resolute nod. "And Kenshin, if you say that is true. Then next I'll be coming for you!" He declared pointing at him.

"Hahahahahaha." Kenshin chuckled. "I always welcome a challenge my friend. You name the time and place and I'll be there."

"Well, seeing as we both lost to Rias, Kenshin. Maybe we should play against each other sometime." Sona offered.

"I accept." Kenshin said. "Now that I've seen you and your peerage in battle, I'll be able to gameplan."

Issei shook his head at Kenshin's behavior and walked away. "Until this point. I've only considered Vali and Kenshin my rivals. I'll have to apologize to Saji about the way I acted in the game. He's one of my rivals now." Issei thought.

"Oh, Kenshin I almost forgot." Sirzechs said taking out a second case with the same medal Saji had on him. "I had forgotten to hand this to the one who performed most impressively in your Rating Game. Could you hand it to your little sister for me?"

"To Miyuki? Uhh...I'm not sure Miyuki would agree with being handed this." Kenshin said. "She just sparred with Koneko."

"Sometimes, it's handed out for more than just in game performance. You claimed that Miyuki came up with the grand strategy you used against Rias, correct?" Sirzechs asked.

"Yeah. I see what it's about now." Kenshin said. "I'll make sure she gets it, by the way Sona. I like how you put your own little spin on it. That was interesting."

"It would have worked had..." Sona trailed off with a slightly flushed face, and a furrowed brow.

"Had Issei not come up with a new perverted technique?" Kenshin asked.

"Yes that..." Sona sighed.

"Yeah. I know your pain, Rias is gonna talk to him about that." Kenshin said. "Have a nice day."



"Eeeeehhhhh? !" Issei blanched.

"You heard me Issei that new technique, Bilingual I think you called it is sealed during Rating Games." Rias said with her arms crossed under her chest.

"You know, I'm not exactly surprised." Kenshin said. "Yukari said she was going to kill you if you ever used it on her again, that or Dress Break."

"B-But, why! Is it because it's perverted? !" Issei asked.

"We won't be able to fight female devils because of it." Rias said. "So it's banned."

"Well, actually you might still be able to, but you'd likely be fighting them without Issei." Kenshin said. "They'd beat the piss out of him and he'd be retired. Honestly banning it is the right way to go."

"Right." Rias nodded. "Well. I have two wins now."

"Don't brag now, all that means is your peerage's opponents are going to go up in difficulty." Kenshin chuckled. "Can't be neglecting on that training now. Hell, if you made a single slip up with either Sona or me, we'd have probably turned it around you."

"He is right, if Yukari hadn't put that seal on Ascalon, he'd have been free to fight you Chief." Issei said.

"I know." Rias said with a sigh. "But still. I beat you, and you still owe me." She said drawing a circle on Kenshin's chest with her finger, smiling as she did so.

"Well, get some time alone with me, and we'll settle our bet." Kenshin whispered with a grin.

"In any case. In the previous game, Koneko and Akeno both overcame their walls and used their power. Thanks for your help Kenshin." Rias said.

"Not a problem." Kenshin said crossing his arms, still grinning.

"Everyone seems to be breaking through their walls because of you two." Rias said. "Well, more Kenshin than you Issei, but you've not been out long."

"Eh, true." Issei said with a shrug. "Koneko-Chan and Akeno-San seem to like him more so it's kinda fitting he be the one to help them. I could help other people like he does."

The door opened and Odin walked in. "Didn't the AllGrandmother teach you to knock?" Kenshin asked.

"Eheheheheheheh." Odin chuckled. "I merely came to introduce myself to the Red Dragon Emperor and his master."

"Who're you?" Issei asked.

"Issei, you need to study more." Kenshin said. "This is Odin, the Norse AllFather."

"E-Eh? ! This is one of the gods?" Issei said. "S-Sorry!"

"Hahahahaha, don't sweat it kid." Odin laughed.

"So you're Odin-Sama. I believe this is the first time we've met, I'm Rias Gremory, nice to meet you." Rias introduced.

"Aah, Sirzechs' little sister, huh." Odin said. "I saw you in the game, or something like that...hm..so big..." He muttered. "When I was watching I was fascinated by just these." The reason Odin was slightly stammering was because he was blatantly staring at Rias' chest. Something that vexed Kenshin.

"Hey One Eye, you mind not staring at my fiancee's breasts?" Kenshin asked with a glare.

"K-Kenshin, being defensive over me is one thing, but that's one of the gods." Rias said out of worry.

"Have experience fighting them, don't care." Kenshin said nonchalantly.

At this moment Odin was smacked over the head with a harisen by the Valkyrie that was accompanying him. "Geez, didn't I already tell you that indecent eyes were forbidden? Now straighten yourself up and look the part of King of the Norse Gods."

"...Haah...truly a Valkyrie with no openings. It's a counter terrorism meeting with the angels, fallen angels, devils, Zeus of Greece and Indra of Mt. Sumeru." Odin said.

"Huh, wonder if Hercules is gonna be there." Kenshin said.

"I don't think so. Well I gotta go." Odin said.

Kenshin left the room only to find that Odin had already left the Valkyrie behind. "...That was fast." He said.

"No kidding..." She sighed. "I swear I sometimes wonder why I signed up for this job. Oh, be Lord Odin's retainer, it's a great honor they said. Do you know how many times I've reprimanded him or had to chase him down?"

"Uhm...Lots?" Kenshin asked.

"Yes...Lots..." She said brushing her hair with her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be venting to you, nor should I be crying when he points out that I've been single forever." She said with a sniffle, wiping her eyes.

"Oh come on, it can't have been THAT long." Kenshin said with a sympathetic smile.

"It has." She said hanging her head.

"Ah...hahaha..." Kenshin chuckled nervously. "Uh...sorry if I'm just making you feel worse."

"No, you're OK." She said shaking her head with a somewhat shy smile.

"Alright, anyway." Kenshin extended his hand toward her. "Kenshin Tsuki Kuroshi, and you are?"

"Oh, my name is Rossweisse." The now named Valkyrie introduced.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Kenshin said pulling her and toward his face and kissing her middle knuckle.

"Aaa...wawawa..." Rossweisse stammered with a dark blush.

"Sorry, uhm...I've been learning how to be more of a gentlemanly from Lady Gremory, Rias' mother, and I was told that was something that should be done." Kenshin said with an awkward grin. "Sorry if I embarrassed you."

"Oh, Oh no it's quite alright. It's just...you've made quite a name for yourself in the supernatural world." Rossweisse said with a small smile waving him off. "It's kind of imposing actually..."

"Oh don't worry about anything you've heard. I'm only rude to people who are likewise to me." Kenshin said.

"Oh, well that's good to know. Nice meeting you Sir Kenshin, but I need to be going." Rossweisse said taking off to look for Odin.

"It's just Kenshin by the way!" Kenshin called out.


The next day.

Rias, Kenshin, Issei and the others were preparing to leave from the station in Luciferd. The Gremory family and a few of the servants were there to see them off. "Well Kenshin-kun, Issei-kun. I wish you and my daughter and your peerages a safe trip home, and I look forward to the day we may meet again. Think of the Gremory family as your own family." Lord Gremory said.

"Well, we'll be family sooner or later anyway." Kenshin shrugged.

"Aaah...w-well this is a little too grand for me." Issei said with a nervous chuckle.

"Not at all." Venerana said. "By the way Kenshin-kun, here." She said handing him a book. "No. 3 in the series. I finished them both during your stay."

"Sweet, thanks." Kenshin said with a grin. "I'll be back for the second one next time we're over to visit, be sure to have it copied."

"I will." Venerana said with a smile. "Please continue to take care of my Rias, Since she can be selfish I worry."

Rias' face flushed. "M-Mother! Wh-What are you saying, jeez!"

"Heheheheh..." Kenshin chuckled. "Don't worry ma'am, she's in good hands."

"...Uuu...I'm being moved to tears, the future of my family is so bright!" Lord Gremory cried out.

"Eh?" Kenshin said with a confused expression.

"...I wonder if Dad would have acted like him if he had the chance." Yukari thought.

Venerana sighed beside him. "Dear, is this not the part where you declare that you won't give your daughter up yet?"

"Even if I say that, Kenshin-kun seems to have surpassed my power already, so I think it will be fine if I settled down soon!" Lord Gremory declared

"...Please have some pride..." Kenshin thought with a tired grin.

"My dear, please wait until Rias has at least graduated from that academy before you drop the clan head position on her lap." Venerana sighed.

"You all take care of yourselves." Sirzechs said.

"You as well Onii-Sama." Rias said.

Kenshin walked up to them then knelt down in front of Millicas who was standing in front of his father. "Hey Millicas. We're gonna be goin' away for awhile. Can you trust me with your dear Auntie Rias?" He asked with a smile.

"Sure." Millicas said with a shy smile. "Uhm...before you all go, I wanted to give you something Kenshin-San."

"Oh?" Kenshin said. "What is it?"

Millicas held out a piece of paper which Kenshin accepted. "I...I drew this." He said.

"..." Kenshin looked at it, a warm smile spreading across his face. It was a picture of Millicas, Rias, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Issei, Yukari and himself playing together. It was crudely drawn, but it was to be expected for children Millicas' age. Who was who was labeled off by him. Kenshin reached over and pet his head. "I'll treasure this forever Millicas." He said. "I just wish I had something to give you." He glanced down at his jacket. "Ah." Kenshin said removing his jacket and placing it over Millicas' shoulders. "Put your arms through the sleeves."

"O-OK." Millicas said doing as asked. Kenshin pushed some youki into the jacket and it shrunk down to his size. "Wow!" He said looking himself over. "Th-Thanks!"

"No problem, and Millicas." Kenshin said making the boy turn back to him. "I know you get lonely sometimes, but have some patience with your father. I'm sure he'd like to spend time with you just as badly as you want to spend time with him, OK?"

"O-OK." Millicas said with a smile.

"Alright, also if you want the jacket to grow bigger, pump some magic into it, if you want it to shrink back down, take that magic back out. Trust me I've used that thing as a blanket before."

"Alright, Thank you Kenshin-San." He said moving behind Sirzechs.

Kenshin got to his feet. "Sirzechs." He nodded toward the Crimson Satan. "Grayfia." He said nodding toward her. "I must say, for the wife of one of the Satans, you sure don't lose a step. I'm still feeling that punch to the gut when you caught me trying to fish in the lake out back of the house." He said with a wincing grin. "Shows what I know about you, I figured at least one of you embraced the lavish life."

"Hahahaha, no no...someone has to keep Sirzechs-Sama in line." Grayfia said waving him off. "I didn't intend to hit you that hard, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Kenshin said. "Well, see ya around." He said walking back to Rias and the others. He looked down at the picture Millicas gave him. He walked by Rias and Issei as everyone made their way onto the train.

"May I see it?" Rias asked.

"Oh, sure." Kenshin said handing it off to her before he wiped his eyes with his thumbs.

"Are you alright Ken-Chan?" Hikari asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Kenshin said. "It's just...I wonder if what I'm feeling right now is how Dad felt."

"Eh? But Kenshin you aren't..." Issei was cut off.

"Not that Issei." Kenshin said. "When I was his age...well...my father was my hero."

Hikari smiled and pat him on the back. "I'm sure Ryuushin would be proud that he raised a fine young man like you...you and two wonderful daughters. He was very proud of all three of you."

Kenshin looked up at the sky with a smile. "...I'm really glad...that I arrived in this world."

"!" Rias glanced at him with a surprised look, before she smiled and took his hand. "...I am too." She whispered, just quietly enough that no one heard.


On the train ride home.

"Aren't you worried about our summer work?" Issei asked having gone back inside to preserve time in case Azazel wanted to spring training on them when they got back.

"Finished it before we left." Kenshin thought. "Lost a day of training, but it was worth it to not have to worry about it."

"Damn." Issei said. "You know, I've been thinking."

"About what?" Kenshin thought.

"When I become a King, I'm gonna have to think hard about tactics and the like." Issei said.

"Well yeah." Kenshin thought. "If you fall for an enemy's plots you will be screwed some times figuratively...other times quite literally, depending on the person."

"That and you were right. I can't just create a harem for my own liking, I do want to compete in the Rating Games more, so..." Issei thought.

"So you need to be able to pick strong fighters, beauty is alright. I think you've gone on record saying how attractive my sisters and mother are." Kenshin thought. "Either that or you need to be able to train them properly, but you can get help with that from Azazel, Rias and I."

"Yeah, and one of these days I'm gonna kick your ass for real!" Issei declared.

"Hahahahaha, Got three words for you my perverted friend. Just Bring it." Kenshin thought.

Rias poked him on the shoulder. "Speaking with Issei?" She asked.

"Yeah, I believe this whole trip was a big success for you. Issei's growing in power and maturity." He said.

"Oh?" Rias said. Kenshin nodded and recounted his conversation with Issei. "Oh, I see." Rias said with a smile. "Indeed. I'd say this trip was a rousing success, but what about you?"

"Eh...I don't know, for myself as single person. Nothing's really changed, this trip was really for Yukari's Miyuki's and Mother's benefits."

"You don't think your training did anything for you?" Rias asked.

"Getting my teeth kicked in by Ragnarok isn't exactly what I would call productive." Kenshin said. "That whole getting the spirits to like me thing, that only applies to the Balance Breaker. I've already achieved the max available power. All I can really do now is just try to do right by Sylph, Gnome, Undine and Salamander. I guess it helps that I have a training partner to keep my ass in shape."

"What about you elemental molding?" Rias asked.

"Both limited to the Balance Breaker in great detail, and kinda ties into the system Ragnarok put in place." Kenshin answered. He took out the four cards. "By the way, now that I have a chance to say this. I just want to say...Your dad is a fucking slave driver. He's worse than Shin."

"Hehehehehe." Sylph's card glew as she started giggling.

"..." The image on Gnome's card shook it's head a few times as if to say 'Suck it up.'

"Hmhmhmhmhm." Undine's card glew as her hand moved in front of her mouth, laughing at him.

"Hahahahahaha! Would you expect anything less? !" Salamander laughed loudly.

"No I guess not." Kenshin sighed.

"Who is Shin?" Rias asked.

"Oh, my old master. His name was Shin Tatsu. I just call him Shin." Kenshin said.

"Oh." Rias said.

At this moment Koneko came over and sat on Kenshin's lap. Cat ears and tail out, ears twitching. "Hiya Koneko." Kenshin greeted with a smile.

"Hm?" Rias said.

"Nyan!" Koneko said with a smile spreading across her whole face.

"Ehehehehehe..." Asia giggled uneasily as she looked around the room.

Rias scowled, looking away. Xenovia and Yukari both looked frustrated and Akeno...well she had an eerie smile on her face, remaining silent.

The train soon arrived back at the underground station. Kenshin let Issei back out before they disembarked. They found Asia was talking to someone. "Huh?" Issei said.

"It's a guy." Kenshin said. "Wait...that's Diodora Astaroth." He said.

"What does he want with Asia?" Issei said as they approached Asia.

"Whoa buddy, sure you want to be showing off your torso in here?" Kenshin asked as he saw Diodora opening his shirt.

"!" Asia gasped. "Th-That scar." She said.

"Asia, do you know this guy?" Issei asked. "Well other than from the Young Devils Meeting?"

"You recognize this scar don't you, I was that devil you healed. Your powers hadn't developed enough to heal it without a scar, but I am the same devil from that time, you just couldn't see my face." Diodora said.

"Diodora? What are you doing here?" Rias asked walking up next to Kenshin.

"Asia, I came to meet you." Diodora said grabbing hold of Asia's hand. "I apologize that I could not introduce myself during the meeting, but I believe the encounter between us was fate, and I want you to become my wife. I love you." He said.

Kenshin narrowed his eyes and cut Issei off before he could shout at Diodora. "Hey buddy...hate ta burst your bubble, but this one's taken."

Diodora turned to him in disinterest. "If it's by you, I fear very much for her safety. What with your horrible track record with protecting people."


Kenshin's fist laid into the pillar right next to Diodora's head. Kenshin glared into his eyes. "I'm sorry...I missed that...in more ways than one...do you care to repeat that?"

Diodora slid away from him. "I'll be going, Asia I do hope to hear a reply from you soon."

"I can give it to you right now, the answer is no!" Issei shouts.

Kenshin watched Diodora walk away. "That's what I fuckin' thought." He muttered with a glare. Kenshin turned to Rias and Issei as Asia walked back to the group in confusion. "Be wary around him, and I'm not just saying this because he pissed me off."

"Oh you don't need to tell me that, trying to propose to my girlfriend." Issei said with a glare.

"What's the problem Kenshin? I know he angered you, but..." Rias was interrupted.

"His eyes. It didn't look like he was merely thankful to Asia for saving his life." Kenshin said. "I can read people well, remember? Be wary of him Rias. He could try anything to get his hands on Asia." Kenshin said walking ahead.

He walked past Yukari. "What's up?" Yukari asked. "I saw you try and take that guy's head off, wasn't that one of the other young devils?"

"Yeah." Kenshin said. "I think more than just Sirzechs and people I've told personally, know of my past in this world."

"Why?" Yukari asked with narrowed, concerned eyes.

"Diodora Astaroth, he implied that I have a horrible track record protecting people. I don't doubt that, but...how in the hell does he know that?" Kenshin asked.

"...Strange." Yukari muttered.


Days later..

"Dude what was your deal this morning?" Kenshin thought as he walked to school with everyone.

"I told you, I had a bad dream that Asia was getting married to that bastard." Issei said.

"Don't worry about it. Asia isn't gonna leave you. No matter how thirsty that idiot is." Kenshin thought. "She said so herself."

"Yeah, and then you had Koneko-Chan laying against you, wearing only a shirt by the way." Issei said with a face that seemed to be crossed between humored and envious.

"I think she might have swiped one of my uniform shirts." Kenshin thought. "Still...what is Diodora's game? He keeps sending all these letters and presents."

"I don't really care, next time I see him, he's getting punched." Issei growled.

Kenshin arrived at school and sat down. He had Matsuda and Motohama chatting amicably about their summer, he just tuned them out until Kiryuu came up to them. "What do you want horny four eyes?" He asked.

"Relax, I just came to yap at these two idiots who probably have been spending a worthless summer." Kiryuu said. "But while I'm here...do you know what could be bothering Asia? She's been acting really weird."

"Weird how?" Kenshin asked with narrowed eyes. He turned to where Asia was. "She isn't acting any different."

"Well not like that, but I can tell her smile seems kinda forced." Kiryuu said.

"...Well sorry Aika, I'm not sure Asia would want me telling you." Kenshin said. "Her boyfriend and her friends and I will handle it."

"She has a boyfriend? !" Matsuda and Motohama shout.

"Yeah, that Issei dude you guys hang out with on occasion. They were on a date when you ran into him. They enjoyed each other's company so much they decided to become a couple." Kenshin said.

"That bastard!" The Perverted Duo shouts. "Well, at least the three of us are still virgins right Kenshin?"

"The fuck are you two talking about?" Kenshin asked with disinterested eyes. "I've gotten laid plenty."

"Eeeeeehhhhhh? !" Matsuda and Motohama blanched.

"Hm?" Kenshin said seeing a male student come in the room in a rush.

"We got a new transfer student coming in! It's a girl!" He said.

The class went into an uproar as the teacher came in. "W-Well, he is right, it's an odd time for it, but we have a new transfer student coming in. Here she is now."

"...?" Kenshin stared curiously as a familiar chestnut brown haired girl with twin tails came in wearing the Kuoh uniform She had a cross dangling from her neck. Behind him, he could tell that Asia and Xenovia were shocked, while Yukari and Miyuki were shaking their heads in amusement.

She introduced herself. "My name is Shidou Irina, Nice to meet you everyone, let's get along!" She said with a cheery smile.

"Hey Issei, your childhood friend's here to stay." Kenshin thought.

"I see that Captain Obvious!" Issei shouts.

After classes let out Kenshin swiped Irina up and took her to a place where they could chat, along with Xenovia, Asia, Yukari and Miyuki. "Sorry, I just wanted to get this out of the way before you got swamped." Kenshin said.

"Oh it's quite alright." Irina said. "How's Issei-kun doing?"

"He's doing great. Held his own against me in a Rating Game." Kenshin said with a grin.

"It's been awhile Irina." Issei said taking over for a moment.

"Why don't you come out?" Irina asked.

"I'll come out when we get to the club building." Issei said with a grin

"Indeed though, it has been awhile Issei-kun, Xenovia." Irina said before lunging over and hugging Xenovia.

"I agree." Xenovia said with a smile, embracing her back. "So what brings you here?"

"Yeah, aren't you working for Michael?" Miyuki asked.

"I think I get it, you transferred her on his order, right?" Yukari asked.

"Uh huh." Irina nodded.

"Then I'm pretty sure Rias knows you're here." Kenshin said. "Well let's get a move on."

The group of five, six counting Issei made their way toward the ORC. As soon as they entered Kenshin stopped. "Hang on, just gonna let Issei out."

"Oh?" Irina said keeping her eyes on Kenshin.

"Dividing Gear! Soul Division!" Issei called out. Kenshin and Issei split apart and the two continued on ahead.

"It's that easy?" Irina asked.

"Apparently." The Soul Bonded Duo said. "Weren't you there when Vali did it to us the first time?" Issei asked.

"Oh, r-right." Irina said with a sheepish grin.

They continued onward to Rias' office where said red haired devil welcomed her to the Occult Research Club. Everyone applauded Azazel stepped forward. "So, am I to assume that you are Michael's emissary?"

"Yup!" Irina chirped. "He was concerned that no one from Heaven's side was here, so here I am."

"Haaaah. That troublesome bastard..." Azazel sighed. "One or two angels wouldn't be a problem, but I told him we didn't need the help. Between Rias' peerage, Sona Sitiri's peerage and Kenshin's peerage as well as others like myself, we're pretty well set." He muttered. "Still I guess he just didn't want to be left out." He watched as Irina got up to pray and a pair of white angel wings shot out of her back.

"Huh, hey Issei, your childhood friend's an..."

"I see that Kenshin, stop pointing out the obvious!" Issei shouts.

"Neh heh heh." Kenshin snickered, enjoying his cheap laugh.

"Oh? You underwent the angel transformation." Azazel asked.

"Eh? There's such a thing?" Irina asked.

Miyuki tilted her head curiously. "Uhm...well there is angel wings on your back, I'd say so."

"Eh, truth be told there wasn't such a thing until now." Azazel said. "It's been passed around between Heaven and the Underworld."

Irina nodded. "Yes, I received Michael-Sama's blessing and became a reincarnated angel."

"Ah, so such a thing is possible. To think the alliance has progressed this far." Azazel said. "Now we have a being from each of the three races present here, but I must know, how did he pull it off?"

"Hahaha, Michael-Sama thought you might ask Governor General-Sama." Irina laughed. "Well, the Four Great Seraphim and other Seraphim for a total of ten decided to have ten subordinates known as Brave Saints. From Ace all the way to Queen. The King position is reserved for the Seraphim themselves."

"So it's like a deck of playing cards basically?" Kenshin asked. Irina nodded. "Hm...I wonder how good of a poker face Michael has? Maybe I could score some gold from the Heavens off him." Kenshin mused.

"Hahaha, I wouldn't advise it." Irina said with a sweatdrop.

"Oh? Why is that?" Hikari asked.

"Well I played a few games with Michael-Sama for fun...he beat me...every single time..." Irina said with a slump of her shoulders. "I just wanted to win one time...and he wouldn't let me..." She whined.

Kenshin sweatdropped. "Well, it was a nice dream." Kenshin said with a sigh. "Especially after Ravel took me for a ride."

"Speaking of which, is she still your bishop?" Rias asked.

"No, after the Rating Game I traded her back to her mother." Kenshin said. "She's back to being free."

"So this card system is the same as the evil piece system, and with assistance from artificial Sacred Gears from the Fallen Angels. Man I didn't think they'd come up with something like that so soon. That elder angel." Azazel said shaking his head in amusement. "So which one are you?"

"I'm an Ace! More Specifically I am Michael-Sama's Ace!" Irina said cheerfully.

"I see, well if his system is based off of playing cards, then there must be a powerful person running around as the Joker." Azazel said.

"So her new support is Michael huh?" Issei said with an awkward grin.

"Well it's better than losing yourself." Xenovia commented.

"True." Issei said.

"Oh, yeah Michael-Sama said that he could see a special Rating Game happening between Brave Saints and Evil Pieces one day." Irina said.

"Well probably not any time soon, there are still plenty who object to our alliance, it'll probably take anywhere from ten to twenty years or more." Azazel said.

"Well would our groups be able to enjoy such a thing any time soon?" Rias asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to have a match against one of you high ranks some time after my training is completed." Kenshin said. "And of course when my peerage is more complete."

"Hahahaha." Azazel laughed. "Well certainly, it'd be like the World Cup or the Olympics in the human worlds."

"Well it looks like we will be able to enjoy it." Rias said.

Kiba looked interested as did Akeno, Yukari, Miyuki and Koneko. Gasper however shivered, hiding behind Kenshin. "Churches are scary..." He said.

Kenshin pet his head with a chuckle. "Don't worry, we wouldn't let them near you. Besides from what Azazel tells Rias and I, those days are coming to an end, now we'll just stop any new evils from forming."

"Yeah, but let's stop these discussions, we just got a new club member." Azazel said.

Hikari clapped her hands together with a smile. "I think that calls for a welcoming party."

"Yes, All of the devils I have been looking at as my enemy, even eliminating some, but Michael-Sama said we needed to get along with them now, so I hope I can get along with you as well, truth be told I wanted this for awhile now. Please take good care of me." She said.

Kenshin placed his hand on Issei's back and shoved him forward. "And here's the guy to do it." He said.

"Yes, Issei. As you were her friend from back in your childhood days. She is your responsibility outside of class." Rias said.

"Alright." Issei said with a nod.


Next Day.

"I'll sign up for the Item borrowing race." Irina said.

As per the preparation for the sports festival, Kiryuu was up at the front of the class taking volunteers for the various sports event that the class would be participating in. As per Kenshin's previous offer, Irina had begun living at the Hyoudou Residence. Kenshin was kind of surprised to find that this made Issei feel uneasy. He thought Issei would have been excited to have so many cute or beautiful young women living with him.

Although Kenshin supposed in the end, he couldn't blame Issei, because of Kenshin, Issei couldn't spend much time in his own body in his own house. Meaning he didn't know how to talk to the girls as well as Kenshin did. Because Kenshin himself saw no problems with it, he could speak with women just fine. Kenshin was merely easy to embarrass was all.

"Kuroshi." Kiryuu said.

"Huh?" Kenshin said.

"There's a tear under your armpit." Kiryuu said.

Kenshin grinned coyly. "Nice try."

"Aaah, ya got me. Is there anything you want to volunteer for?" Kiryuu asked with a sweatdrop.

"Uh...ah sign me up for the three legged race." Kenshin said.

"Alright, anyone else want to volunteer as his partner?" Kiryuu asked.

Yukari was about to raise her hand when Asia raised her timidly. "Asia?" She whispered.

"So your partner will be Asia." Kiryuu said.

Later everyone was outside for gym class. Kenshin leaned over to Asia. "Uhm...any particular reason you decided to volunteer as my partner?" Kenshin asked.

"Well...I wanted to ask...would it be OK if Issei-San controlled your body for this event?" Asia asked.

"Hm?" Kenshin said as he ignored Issei who had his eyes glued on the sight behind him, which was Irina and Xenovia racing, their chests bouncing in rhythm with their steps.

Asia shivered under his gaze. "U-Uhm well...if you don't want to, that's fine too, I don't want to make it seem like I don't like you, K-Kenshin-O-Oniisa...K-Kenshin-S-"

Kenshin pet her head. "Hahahaha...it's not that Asia, and I don't mind if you call me Onii-Sama either, go ahead." He said with a smile. "It's just...I think Issei would rather do it as himself." He said with a whisper.

"Is that true?" Asia asked.

"Eh, he does have a point. Now that I can assume my own body again. I think I would rather just do this as myself. Don't worry about me Asia, if you see Kenshin as your older brother, get a little closer to him. Doesn't bother me any." Issei said, taking control for a moment.

"R-Really?" Asia asked.

"Sure, We'll do something together some other time." Issei said with a laugh.

"Th-Thanks Issei-San." Asia said with a smile.

Kenshin took back control and smiled. "I'll go find us something to tie ourselves together with. Be right back."

"OK." Asia said. Kenshin walked away and ran into Saji who had his arm bandaged.

"Oh, Kenshin." Saji greeted.

"Yo." Kenshin said.

"What are you doing?" Saji asked.

"Looking for something to tie mine and Asia's legs together so we can practice for the three legged race. Say you got any more of that bandage there?" Kenshin asked pointing at his arm. "That'll do."

"Sure." Saji said tossing him the roll.

"So what happened there? Wrap your gear too tightly around your arm or something?" Kenshin asked.

"Eh? Yeah. I asked Azazel-Sensei about it, and he said because I drained out Issei's blood before and after he assumed the Balance Breaker. It had an influence on me. Look." Saji said pulling down the bandage to reveal a jewel that resembled the jewels on the Boosted Gear, Divine Dividing and Azazel's artificial gear.

"Huh." Kenshin said. "That's strange, but then again I have a vacant Boosted Gear serving as my left hand, that still gets filled with Ddraig's essence that I still have to get drained by Akeno. Come to think of it, that has to happen in the next couple of days."

"How does that work?" Saji said. Kenshin glanced around before whispering into Saji's ear. Blood squirted out of Saji's nose. "R-Really? !" Saji shouts.

"Yup." Kenshin said.

"Man...and you're doing the three legged race with Asia?" Saji said.

"Yup." Kenshin said.

"You lucky bastard! I'm doing the bread eating race!" Saji shouts.

"...Well...at least you'll save money on lunch?" Kenshin suggested.

"...Eh true...from what I hear Asia-Chan sees you as an older brother anyway." Saji said.

"By the way she's technically with Issei, so you already lost." Kenshin said.

"That lucky fucker!" Saji shouts.

"Saji." The two turned to find Sona and Tsubaki standing behind them.

"Oh heya Sona, Tsubaki, you're both looking lovely today." Kenshin said with a grin. "Saji slacking? Well sorry for keepin' him, see ya around."

"Y-You smooth talking bastard!" Saji shouts as Sona and Tsubaki dragged him off.

"You know...I've noticed something." Issei said.

"What's up?" Kenshin thought..

"Kaichou and Fukukaichou are really serious people, right, and they wear glasses. Didn't that Agares house Princess wear glasses and was pretty serious too?"

"You mean Seekvaira?" Kenshin thought. "Yeah, she was pretty serious herself, but then again her clan carries an Archduke rank."

"Didn't your clan get a bump up in rank from Miyuki's performance?" Issei asked.

"No." Kenshin thought. "Mind you this was partly at her request."

"Why?" Issei asked.

"Miyuki doesn't feel like building a peerage." Kenshin thought. "If our clan went up in rank it's because one of our members went up in rank. Besides, Sirzechs told her it'll take more than one good showing to go up in rank anyway."

"Yeah...but that Agares Princess, man if she wasn't already a high rank devil I'd add her to my harem!" Issei gushed.

Kenshin rolled his eyes at Issei, when Ddraig chimed in. "Vritra aye.".

"Huh?" Kenshin said with Issei nodding in agreement.

"No, don't worry about it, it just seems that direct contact with me has hastened it greatly. No matter how many pieces his soul was cut into, it's always a different story when it has a 'start." Ddraig said.

"The hell are you talking about?" Kenshin and Issei asked with the four spirits nodding in agreement with them.

"Close to you are Vritra and Fafnir, and you've met Tannin, it seems my host and the Dragon of the Elements has strong ties with each of the Dragon Kings." Ddraig mused.

"He's in his own little world it seems." Issei said with a sweatdrop.

"Well I guess that's alright...I just wish he wouldn't vocalize his musings and then not explain them." Undine said with a sigh.

"Seriously." Salamander said.

"Hey Ddraig-Chan, what are you talking about? !" Sylph asked.

"D-Did you just refer to me with the -Chan suffix? !" Ddraig balked.

"Oh, that rouses you out of your musings?" Kenshin thought rolling his eyes.

Kenshin's thoughts were interrupted by Asia's crying out. "!" Kenshin rounded, hearing it from behind him, thinking Diodora might be harassing Asia...well she was being harassed, sexually by Kiryuu. Kenshin went over and bonked Kiryuu on the head with a rubber mallet. "How many times do I haveta tell ya horny four eyes? Stop harassing Asia. Now beat it." Kenshin said.

Kenshin walked up next to Asia and tied their legs together. "Does it have to be so tight?" Asia asked.

"I couldn't find any rope." Kenshin said. "I'll have to get some tomorrow, but this will have to do."

"You know, for someone who seems to have a thousand and one things stored in seals on his person, it's odd that you don't have rope." Issei commented.

"I do have some, it's just...how am I gonna pull it out without drawing attention to myself?" Kenshin thought.

"Good point." Issei said.

Kenshin wrapped his arm around Asia's waist. "Alright, let's not get too crazy, first let's try walking in sync." He said.

"OK." Asia said with a smile. The two began walking only for the bandaging to give way and Asia fell forward. Kenshin moved his hand up, keeping her vertical. He moved his hand down looking up at the sky.

"You OK?" He asked.

"Y-Yes." Asia said with a blush.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for my hand to go that high." Kenshin said.

"It's OK Kenshin-OniiSama, I know you didn't mean to...uhm..grab my breast." Asia said, her blush darkening. "Wh-What happened though?"

"Our rhythm is off." Kenshin said. "Don't worry, it's easy to solve, it just takes time. I foresaw this happening, I just thought I'd have been the one falling on my face."

Asia tilts her head with a curious expression. "So how do we do it?"

"Gaaahh! So cute!" Issei gushed.

"Hahaha." Kenshin thought.

"Simple, we just count out one two, one two...one is our inside legs and two is our outside legs. Also, I have a bit of leg up on you in how much of a stride I can take, so I'll try to take shorter strides so you can keep up. OK?"

"Uuu...I'm gonna hold you back aren't I?" Asia whined.

"Hahaha." Kenshin chuckled as he straightened out the bandages. "Don't sweat it Asia, you aren't holding me back at all. Now come on, we aren't gonna get in sync by just standing here."

Later Asia, Issei and Kenshin walked into Rias' office. "Yo." Issei waved.

"..." Kenshin looked around. Everyone had a serious look on their face. Even Miyuki, Yukari and Hikari seemed serious. "Something's up. What's goin' on?"

"Oh, our next Rating Game opponent has been decided." Rias said. "Ours as in my peerage, Onii-Sama said he still hadn't decided who to put you up against yet. Maybe he's giving you a chance to build up your peerage." Kenshin nodded in response.

Issei nodded. "Since the Rating Game against Kaichou, it was decided that all the houses will have to fight one another." Seeing as we've already defeated Kaichou's and Kenshin's houses. We gotta beat everyone else." He thought

"So who is it?" Kenshin asked.

"Our next opponent is Diodora Astaroth." Rias said.

"!" Asia's and Issei's eyes went wide with surprise while Kenshin furrowed his brow. "Is this some kind of joke?" He asked.

"I wish it was." Rias said tossing the letter she had received over to him.

Kenshin read it. "Hn, so it's legitimate." He said afterward, tossing it back to her.

"Any advice you'd like to share?" Rias asked.

"Hm..." Kenshin walked around the room. "I don't know him personally, but I've seen Diodora's type before. I'll bet anything he's going to try to work in a bet with you over Asia, that is if he can't get you to trade her to him outright. You reject both of these, that's about all I can say...something still bugs me about him though..."

"What is it Kenshin?" Xenovia asked.

"...No, it's nothing." Kenshin said shaking his head.

Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Issei, Asia and Gasper stared at him oddly, while Yukari, Miyuki, Hikari, Xenovia and Azazel nodded. All except the very last of the latter left the room. "What are you thinking about, Kenshin?" Azazel asked.

"Nothing, it's just...I can't shake this feeling off." Kenshin said. "It's like the feeling I got during the summit, while Rias, Issei and I were going to save Gasper and Koneko."

"What feeling was that?" Azazel asked crossing his arms.

"That Vali was a rat and was ultimately gonna turn on us...or is he a mole you planted into the Khaos Brigade?" Kenshin asked.

"Hahahahaha, no no...I'm not that wise." Azazel laughed. "So...you think Diodora might be up to something a lot more sinister than just taking Asia-Chan away?"

"I've got nothing to base it on so...I'm just keeping it to myself for now, if I end up being wrong and went to Sirzechs with it anyway. The Astaroth Clan could bring a real fuckin' shitstorm down on me, and considering one of the Satans comes from that clan, I'd have to imagine they got a lot of pull."

"Well you're right there." Azazel said. "And you're right to keep it under your hat."

"The thing is...if I end up being right, and if Sirzechs already knows, then why did he arrange for his sister to go against Diodora?" Kenshin said as he left.

"..." Azazel turned as a hologram image of Sirzechs appeared. "Sirzechs."

"Azazel." Sirzechs nodded. "What were you talking to Kenshin-kun about?"

"He suspects Diodora just the same as we do." Azazel said shrugging with a smirk. "That's quite the suspicious character you brought to this world you know."

"A suspicious, yet rational nature is needed sometimes." Sirzechs said. "Very well. If you think he'll be a help, bring him and his peerage along...I've heard whispers that the Khaos Brigade has received outside help recently, the most that I could glean up was that he was an earth mage."

"I see." Azazel said. "Hmph...intertesting..."


A few days later

Kenshin and Asia were practicing the three legged race early in the morning with Xenovia looking on. They had gotten walking and jogging down pretty well and had been working on actually running the race. However, both Kenshin and Issei noticed that Asia seemed down. "Let's take a break." Kenshin said reaching down and untying the rope.

"OK." Asia said, stretching her leg out.

Issei came out of Kenshin's body after Soul Division. "Is something wrong Asia?" He asked.

"...I don't regret saving that person." Asia said.

Issei went into deep thought. Kenshin stared at him before sighing, knowing what Issei was thinking about. It had actually crossed their minds more than a few times. Kenshin turned to Asia. "Hey Asia. If you had the chance to go back to your old life in the church, would you?"

"Kenshin!" Issei shouts. "Why would you ask that? !"

"Oh like you weren't getting ready to just blurt it out!" Kenshin snapped.

"It's my question to ask!" Issei said.

"Then ask it sooner and get it out of the way, instead of letting it eat away in your head." Kenshin said.

"...I wouldn't go back." Asia said.

"?" Kenshin and Issei turned back Asia who was smiling, with no hesitation evident on her face. "I believe I asked you both once before, if I could stay beside you forever, and you said yes."

"Haha, well I think you mean that more for Issei these days." Kenshin said with a grin.

"Well, maybe..." Asia said with a nervous giggle. "But...I like this place. Kuoh Academy and the Occult Research Club. I like all of my friends and my new siblings Kenshin-Onii-Sama and Rias-OneeSama...and I love Issei-San and his parents."

Issei stared at Asia with a touched expression before Kenshin bonked him gently on the head with a rubber mallet. "Told ya you didn't have anything to be worried about."

"Yeah, I'm such an idiot." Issei walked up to Asia and took her hands. "Listen, don't worry too much about Diodora, we aren't going to let him have you, if you don't want him to have you."

"Yeah, don't sweat him. He maybe a high class, but he can't hope to get by us all." Kenshin said.

"Yes." Asia said with a smile.

"Asia, I want to apologize to you one more time." Xenovia said. "When we met, I said some harsh things to you and yet...you still treated me as your f-f-friend." She finished with an uncharacteristic blush.

"Hai, Xenovia-San and I are friends." Asia said.

Kenshin walked over and patted the former exorcist on the back. "Yeah, come on now, we don't hold it against you a bit, do we Issei?"

"Nah, I believe she's proven she's not that cold person we met those few months ago." Issei said with a grin.

"Th-Thank you everyone." Xenovia said wiping her eyes.

"Uuuu, it's all so touching." Everyone turned to find Irina.

"Irina-San, you also came out here?" Asia asked.

"Well, Xenovia invited me, Morning here really feel nice. I arrived and saw this beautiful display of friendship. This must be due to the guidance of the Lord and Michael-Sama." Irina said before going to pray.

"Why would the Lord want to help us devils out?" Kenshin asked and was ignored.

"Uhm, Irina-Chan, if I remember correctly, you haven't joined the Occult Research Club." Issei said.

"Right, I decided to form one of my own." Irina said.

"So what is the name?" Xenovia asked.

"Ufufufu, be shocked by the name of my club, it is Shidou Irina's Salvation of Love club. The description of the club is simple, we help people without expecting anything in return...Aaaah, I will be spreading my love to the sinful pagans for Michael-Sama and the Lord since I hold strong belief in the teachings."

"Sooo...the Salvation Club then?" Kenshin suggested.

"Ah, that's a better name, would you like to join Kenshin-San?" Irina asked.

"No. If you're good at something never do it for free." Kenshin said crossing his arms. "Id just be undermining what you'd be trying to do."

"Ah, OK." Irina said waving him off. "However the club wasn't approved by Sona-Kaichou so I was put into the Occult Research Club."

"...That seems like a long way to go to say you are in our club." Issei said with his shoulders slumped grinning in exasperation. "Anyway. We should get back to practicing, well at least Asia and Kenshin should."

Later on, Asia, Issei and Kenshin were in the gym storage room, putting things away. "Fuu...I'm tired..." Asia said pulling on her track suit.

"Hahaha, sorry, I guess I still have too much endurance for you to handle." Kenshin said.

"Are you OK Asia?" Issei asked.

"I'm Ok, I could use something to drink and to just sit down and relax though." Asia said.


"?" Kenshin turned around to see Xenovia closing the door. "Uhm...what's going on?" He asked.

"What's wrong Xenovia-San?" Asia asked.

Xenovia walked over to them. "Asia...I have heard that girls our age start to flirt with others."

"Where is she going with this?" Kenshin thought.

"F-Flirt?" Asia asked.

"It means having your breasts played with by a boy." Xenovia clarified, glancing at Kenshin for a split second.

"B-Breast?" Asia squeaked her face going beet red.

"Oi! Xenovia don't start a conversation like that!" Issei snapped.

"Be quiet for a bit, will you Issei? I'm just going to talk to Asia for a bit, yours and Kenshin's parts come later, you can go practice in the corner of the room." Xenovia said.

"Practice how?" Kenshin asked and was ignored.

"What parts?" Issei asked and was also ignored.

"There is this girl in our class who gets her breasts played with by her boyfriend." Xenovia said, placing her hands on Asia's shoulders with a serious expression. "Don't you think it's a good time for us to also experience it?"

"A-Aaauu, even if you say that..." Asia said with a deep blush.

"It's Ok, it might be a bit ticklish at first, but it's supposed to feel really good afterward." Xenovia said. "You might even get better at the three legged race."

"Ok, I am not groping Asia." Kenshin declared flatly.

"Of course you're not." Xenovia said. "I'm not that inept as to not respect relationships."

"Then why take it that far?" Kenshin asked with a furrowed brow.

Xenovia ignored him and turned back to Asia. "Asia, we're friends...let's do it together first, so it won't seem as scary to you."

"...Y-Yes...is that s-so?" Asia said nervously.

"C-Come on Xenovia, don't taint Asia with discussion like thaaaaattt!" Issei thought with a whine.

Xenovia looks over at Kenshin. "Then let's do it and flirt together, I'll also be practicing making babies as well."

"Seriously...?" Kenshin asked. "Here...with Issei and Asia?"

"I don't want to watch that...well maybe watching Xenovia's large breasts swaying around, but..." Issei was cut off as Kenshin haymakered him.

"Focus you damn idiot." Kenshin said.

Xenovia meanwhile, stripped off her shirt, causing Issei to have a nosebleed, before her bra came off. Kenshin sighed to himself in relief. "Thankfully my next heat cycle isn't due to hit for a little while." He thought.

Xenovia showed a small smile to Kenshin. "I've not let anyone else touch them than you Kenshin, do you still recall how they feel?" She asked.

"W...Well, I don't recall hand wise, but...yeah." Kenshin said scratching his cheek with an awkward grin.

Xenovia nodded and turned to Asia. "You too Asia." She said.

"B-But my heart isn't quite ready for this yet...and Onii-Sama's right there." Asia said as Xenovia started tugging at her track suit.

"Kenshin, do you mind?" Xenovia said.

"Yeah Yeah." Kenshin said turning around.

"Why don't you just force her to stop?" Salamander asked.

"Salamander...at this point I'm just going with the flow." Kenshin thought. "I get a lot less headaches that way, besides it a little cramped in here to do any forcing."

Xenovia started taking off Asia's clothes until she was left in her underwear. Issei stared in wonderment at her. "W-Wow, this is really the first time I've gotten a real good look at Asia...ah crap!" He thought with a blush. "I can't be thinking of this!"

"It's OK to be nervous. Should I make a move on Issei first then?" Xenovia suggested making Asia shake her head quickly. "Fufufu...I'm joking, I know you wouldn't want me overtaking you with him, besides...I'll be busy elsewhere."

"I-I didn't mean it like that." Asia said bowing her head.

"Today is our chance, with Chief Rias and Vice Chief Akeno both not being here, as well as Yukari-San and Irina..." Xenovia's hand trailed upward and unhooked Asia's bra. Asia immediately covered her exposed breasts as Xenovia pulls her bra away.

"Yes! Asia this is how a girl your age is supposed to act. Xenovia-San you're acting too straightforward...no, wait actually thank you very much it's the best!" Issei thought, wrestling with is already limited amount of morals.

Xenovia grabbed Issei's wrist and placed it on Asia's left breast, letting him take it from there as she approached Kenshin, as soon as he turned around, she grabbed him and pushed him down onto the mat behind him and immediately mounted him. She takes Kenshin's left hand and places it against her right breast, forcing him to cup it tightly. Kenshin narrowed his eyes at her. "Why is it that I keep letting you do this?"

"Maybe that's something you should be asking yourself." Xenovia answered. "Nn..." She let out a quiet voice, almost like a moan as she leaned over Kenshin. "...There's something I wish to try..."

"You mean you're not already?" Kenshin asked with narrowed eyes.

"No...Hikari-San kept insisting that I do this, I figure I should do it just to get it out of the way." Xenovia said grabbing hold of Kenshin's head, giving his ears a gentle rub.

"Hnn..." Kenshin grunted as she did so, pulling his head up to hers. "...Is she?" He thought. His suspicions were confirmed as the blue haired swordswoman's lips connected with his own.

Meanwhile Issei's dwindling sense of reason was dueling with his overwhelming amount of lust as he continued to fondle Asia's breasts. "Aaah, I'm already doing it! If you're a man and you have the opportunity to grope, you grope!" He thought.

"Mm..?" Xenovia pulled away, staring into Kenshin's eyes. She placed a couple of fingers to her lips with a curious expression. "That...That felt so nice..." She thought. "Is that how it's supposed to feel?"

"Hah...Xenovia...please stop rubbing my ears..." Kenshin said with a strained expression.

"...No..." Xenovia said moving back in for another kiss, this time easily slipping past Kenshin's lips with her tongue. "Hum...just like Hikari-San said to do...let your tongue move around inside, pushing against your partners, trying to get them into kiss back." She thought. Whether it was because he wanted to, or because she had been rubbing his ears, Xenovia didn't know, but she felt Kenshin starting to respond to her, squeezing her breast, pushing back against her tongue. They pulled apart soon afterward.

Kenshin brushed her hand off his head. "Damn it Xenovia, if Rias finds out about this it's your ass."

Xenovia's cheeks were dyed red as she panted. "That's...fine with me...that...felt great..." She said.


"I came in here because none of you were coming out and...what are you doing in here? !" Irina shouts, having been the one to open the door.

"Hoo boy...get ready for something christian sounding like we should abstain..." Kenshin thought.

"Oh man, two half naked girls and two guys, Irina's totally gonna say this is filthy." Issei thought.

"D-Do it in a bed, this place is no good, it's filthy." Irina reprimanded.

"Eh?" Kenshin and Issei said with confused expressions. "The thing she called filthy..." Issei thought.

"...was totally unexpected." Kenshin thought.



Kenshin and Issei were sitting around the Occult Research club. It was club period time so Kenshin was trying to keep himself busy while Yukari, Miyuki and Hikari took care of summons. Yukari and Hikari usually got called to take care of domestic things. Yukari for people who just needed a housekeeper and didn't have money and Hikari for slightly younger people who still had need of a motherly figure...kind of creeped both Hikari and Kenshin out, but she got used to it. Miyuki meanwhile usually got called for playing games and occasionally even cosplay. Miyuki, being as carefree as she is, didn't mind it.

Kenshin glanced up at the ceiling. "Man, I knew Xenovia was gonna try something sooner or later, but I was not expecting to get a kiss from her, much less a full blown makeout session...so there is something there." He thought. "So that's four people now. Yukari I'm certain still wants to be with me...Rias, who I'm set to marry. Akeno...who fell hard for me...and now Xenovia who just doesn't know how to put it into words, rather preferring to show it." He thought.

He felt a pinch on his cheek and looked over to see Koneko glaring halfheartedly at him. "Vhat ish ith?" He asked. (What is it?)

"That was a blush I usually see on Issei-Senpai's face...are you thinking something perverted?" Koneko asked.

"No." Kenshin said. "I was just thinking about something embarrassing that happened to me."

"...Oh..." Koneko said glancing away from him.

Kenshin snickered. "Don't worry about it."

Yukari, Miyuki and Hikari appeared via teleportation circle and Azazel walked into the door. "Ah, you're all here, so we can go over the other matches."

Rias nodded and took out a video disk as everyone say down at or in front of the couch. Koneko took a seat on Kenshin's lap. "This has all of the matches on it. Including the one we had against each other Kenshin."

"Yeah, Azazel went over it with us a few days ago." Kenshin said. "He poked holes through our strategy, but it was more endurance and training related than about the actual strategy itself. Hell he even talked about me holding back against Issei to get a thrill out of the fight."

Azazel walked over and took the video disk and held it in front of a screen he made out of magic. "The first match we will be going over is the House of Bael vs. the House of Glasya Labolas."

The match...was pretty much a routine curbstomping as Kenshin put it when Zephyrdol's pieces started dropping like flies. When they were all gone, Zephyrdol challenged Sairaorg to a one on one battle, but even then. Sairaorg fought him, shrugging off all of Zephyrdol's attacks, when they weren't working the Glasya-Labolas heir grew impatient and started to lose his cool.

"He's done." Kenshin said as Sairaorg's fists came out, destroying Zephyrdol's defensive techniques, when they missed, Sairaorg's fists still leveled the building behind the Glasya-Labolas heir. "Hn...so that's how much power he has..." Kenshin muttered.

"Hm...this one will be tough to strategize against, and even then...Onii-Chan will need to get more pieces used up." Miyuki said with a calculative gaze.

"So this is the power of the power of the wicked one, the hated one of the Glasya Labolas can't even put up a fight." Kiba said.

"Man...it seems like Kenshin and his peerage are the only ones able to follow that guy's speed." Issei thought. Gasper starts to shiver and cling to Issei's arm. "Gasper...don't flinch, he isn't even really here." Issei thought.

"Rias, Kenshin and Sairaorg. You three get into one on one fights way too much even though you are the king." Azazel said. "Basically the King can have their other pieces move forward without ever having to move themselves. You do realize that if you fall the game is over, right?"

"Hey, I did that for a majority of my game." Kenshin said with an eyeroll.

"Only to get suckered in and taken out later." Azazel said. "Maybe this is because the Kuroshi were usually hot blooded as are those who carry the house of Bael's blood."

Kenshin and Rias sweatdropped. Issei chimed in. "How strong is that Yankee devil anyway?"

"Yankee?" Kenshin asked with an arched brow.

"If we didn't limit it to the seven houses, then he wouldn't be weak, but since the former heir died he stepped in a representative..." Rias said as Akeno continued.

"If we go by the rankings the Game committee produced. Bael is First, Gremory is Second, due to our two wins, Bael's one was just more impressive. Agares is Third, Kuroshi is Fourth. Astaroth is Fifth, Sitiri is Sixth and Glasya Labolas is Seventh. Agares was second and Kuroshi was third going in, the latter because Kenshin-kun is quite the fighter and his peerage has no slouches in it either, but the rankings were changed after the games. Now that they have all had their matches I think they will go more like this...Bael in First, Gremory in Second, Astaroth in Third, Kuroshi in Fourth, Agares in Fifth, Sitiri in Sixth and Glaysa Labolas in Seventh." Akeno said.

"Sweet, we're king of the losers." Kenshin said only to be smacked over the head by Yukari. "What?"

"That's rude." Yukari muttered.

"So this is meant to say that only Sairaorg is excelling." Issei said.

"Yes, Sairaorg is a monster of an opponent for us, it's said that maybe he'll rise up after officially competing in a game, so...if someone were to knock him off, it would do a lot toward increasing their fame."

"...Is he stronger than Raiser?" Issei asked.

"Well, I haven't seen the two of them fight, but...I would have to say yes." Rias said.

"Uuueee? !" Issei yelped.

"Well I'll show you the graphs, they are the ones distributed to each faction." Azazel said waving his hand as graphs made of magic appeared, showing each of the kings of the seven peerages. They were spread into four categories labeled Power, Technique, Support and Wizard, and an extra category labeled King. Kenshin's, Rias', Sona's, Seekvaira's were high, with Sairaorg's trumping them. Diodora and Zephyrdol's were the lowest.

"So Chief's specialty is Wizard and Power, while her Support and Technique is above the mid point slightly, marked as average." Issei said before turning to Sairaorg's graph. "Eeehh? !"

Sairaorg's power graph stretched so far it hit the ceiling, while he had below average Support and Wizard capabilities. "Whew." Kenshin whistled. "The only one within spitting distance of him is me."

"That's assuming you take him seriously." Azazel said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh against him? Shiiitttt, He might have to hold back against me a bit to get enjoyment out of the fight at this point!" Kenshin laughed. Kenshin's own graph favored power and technique, while he had above average Wizard capabilities, he had almost no support capabilities. "Eh...I can agree with that. If I lose an arm I usually just end up regrowing it. I leave Support up to others."

"Well we need to figure out how to get you the Balance Breaker soon, if he ends up being your opponent." Azazel said.

"So...is Sairaorg-San a genius or something?" Issei asked.

"No, in fact he was the first pure blooded devil from the house of Bael to not inherit the power of destruction. The ones who did were his cousins in the Gremory family, Rias and Sirzechs." Azazel said.

"Huh...how ironic..." Kenshin said. "Sairaorg, who is a pure blood Bael...didn't inherit the power of that clan, but...and no offense Rias, a couple of half blood Baels strongly inherited it."

"No offense taken." Rias said waving him off.

"But still he's the strongest of the youth devils, right?" Issei asked.

"By doing something that the other devils who did inherit the gifts from their clans normally wouldn't do, he surpassed the geniuses." Azazel answered.

"Normally wouldn't do?" Miyuki asked.

"He trained intensely." Azazel said. "He only had his own body so he worked it with abnormal amounts of training. If I had to compare it to anyone's I'd say it's like the amounts of training Kenshin puts himself through everyday. The only reason he hasn't been lately was to prepare for this sports festival thing."

"..." Kenshin stared at the screen showing Sairaorg's fight as Azazel told Sairaorg's past to the others. "He definitely wasn't taking this guy Zephyrdol very seriously and Zephyrdol is third in power behind me." He thought.

The video ended in Sairaorg's victory. Kenshin had heard Sairaorg's story from Azazel as he watched the video. How Sairaorg was beaten again and again since he was born, that he rose from the lowest ranks and claimed his own power. Kenshin's respect for Sairaorg grew from hearing this. "Another person like me, in the sense that he won't let anyone tell him what he can and can't be. Heh...I look forward to fighting you." He thought with a smirk.

Issei was laughing about how pathetic Zephyrdol acted in defeat, but Kenshin could tell Issei was intimidated as well. Azazel piped up. "I should let you know, that after you fight Diodora, your next opponent is Sairaorg. Also your next two opponents have been decided as well Kenshin." He said making Issei yell in shock.

"Oh really?" Kenshin asked. "Who's coming to dance?"

"Hahahaha, Ragnarok's tick is kicking in I see." Azazel said. "Anyway, first you will go up against the Sitiri, before going against Sairaorg yourself."

"Ah, so Sirzechs took Sona's and my little conversation to heart then." Kenshin said. "And then the big lion himself...heheheheheh...I can't wait." He finished with a smirk.

"We have to fight Sairaorg after Diodora? I thought we'd go against Glasya Labolas before him." Rias said.

"No, as you can see there...Zephyrdol's heart, mind, and his confidence has been utterly destroyed, so now there are only six houses participating, Glaysa Labolas has been eliminated from further contention." Azazel said.

"Yikes..." Yukari said with an arched brow.

"So...that's why Chief said that Sairaorg was stronger. Even if Raiser was immortal, he couldn't resurrect if his mind was destroyed." Issei said.

"So that's what Ravel meant when she said that there were ways to kill Phenex clan members to where they wouldn't come back." Kenshin said.

"You should all be careful, he will come at you with the high spirit of crushing your mind and spirits." Azazel said. "He really is trying to become a Satan, not a single shred of hesitation or will to give in lies in him."

"Heh." Kenshin said. "Should be fun then."

"Well for now we should go over our next opponent." Rias said. "Kenshin I'll lend you this video to study Sona afterward." Kenshin nodded. "Anyway. We will watch the video on Astaroth who defeated their opponent, the Arch Duke house, Seekvaira Agares."

"The Arch-Duke lost? !" Just about everyone said, except for Kenshin, Yukari, Azazel, Hikari, Miyuki, Akeno and Koneko said. Ok so maybe just the new devils.

"Kenshin and Sona who both gave us a hard time, both received a gold star mark for their efforts, and the Astaroth who defeated the second place Agares received a big gold star mark. It's regretful, but it was the ranking the given before the matches, based all on predictions." Akeno said.

"So we were basically predicted to lose." Kenshin said with a shrug. "Whatever."

"I didn't think the Agares would lose." Rias said going to play the next video when Kenshin unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the corner of a room where a teleportation circle flared to life.

"...Astaroth." Akeno said seeing Diodora appear.

"..." Kenshin sheathed his sword as Diodora walked by him.

"Thank you for sheathing your blade you uncouth mongrel." Diodora whispered.

"Trust me if you weren't a noble, you'd already be dead." Kenshin whispered back.

"We'll see." Diodora said. He smiled as he walked by Kenshin completely. "How are you doing, It is I, Diodora Astaroth. I have come to see Asia." He said.

Continua llegint

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