Slime Tales Of Rimuru Tempest

By samxdemon

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A series of one-shots , crossovers , ideas of Rimuru x different worlds More

Idea's Page .
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 1
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 3
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 4
Fate . . . Slime Order part 5
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 6
Fate . . . Slime Order Part 7
Slime , Valkyries , and Herrchers . . .
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Cecillia's path , Part 1
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Cecillia's path , Part 2
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Cecillia's Path , Part 3
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's path
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's Path Part 2
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's path part 3
Rimuru x Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's Path Part 4
Rimuru X Honkai: Kiana & Sirin's Path . . . Part 5
Rimuru X Highschool dxd: . . . The Tempest Faction Part 1
Rimuru X dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 2
Rimuru x Dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 3
Rimuru x Dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 4
Rimuru X Dxd . . .Tempest Faction part 5
Rimuru x Dxd . . . Tempest Faction part 6
Honkai Reaction: Tensura Valkries/Herrchers Part 1
Honkai Reaction: Tensura Valkyries/Herrchers Part 2
Honkai Reaction: Tensura Valkyries/Herrchers Part 3
Slime Of Zero: . . . Zero No Tsukaima X Tensura
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 2
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 3
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 4
Slime Of Zero . . . Part 5
Rimuru x Kingdom Hearts . . . Part 1
Rimuru X Kingdom Heart . . . Part 2
Rimuru x Kingdom Hearts Part 3
Dragons Meeting (One-shot)
Rimuru X Fairy Tail
Rimuru x Fairy Tail . . . Part 2
Rimuru X Fairy Tail . . . Part 3
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's Path part 1
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's Path part 2
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's Path Part 3
Rimuru x Honkai . . . Mei's Path part 4
Rimuru X Honkai . . . Mei's path Part 5
Rimuru x Danmachi
Rimuru x Danmachi Part 2
Rimuru X Danmachi Part 3
Rimuru X Fate Stories: Beasts
Rimuru x Red Alert . . . Tempest Attacks
Rimuru x Rwby . . . Slime is a Huntsman
Rimuru x Rwby Part 2
Rimuru X Dxd . . . Tempest Faction Part 7

Fate . . . Slime Order Part 2

5.4K 122 110
By samxdemon

A demon Lord . . .

A simple of power , and fear .

Someone humans fear .

Both Team watched as another appears . . . 

A beautiful man? . .with silver hair . . .golden eyes  . . . 

He was floating in the air . . looking down on the human camp that belong to the army that attacked his home .

A cold emotionless look was seen on his face , as he looked down on the humans .

"What was once a nice and friendly being . . .now cold and emotionless"

When both tram heard that , they they saw other vision of what Rimuru used to be before all that . . they saw his smile , his cheerfulness , his kindness . . . then it change back this emotionless look .

"There is no need to give them mercy"

"you can all be at least feel honored to be part of my evolution"

they saw a countless water drops rise to the sky . .  .Rimuru then rise his hand . . . 

(in this scence I'm more using the LN and Manga ver since it's more bloody ).

"May the wrath of the gods pierce you . . . .MEGIDO !"  

Countless lasser liek beams falls from the sky towards the soldiers . . hitting in the nonevitel place to ensure that eh feel as much pain as much as possible . . . 

The team saw the soldier dying left and and right , blood was split everywhere . . many screams were heard . . . many cries of despair . . as they die one by one . . .

In the skies he watched them dying . . . never show any expression . . the soldier who saw them . . . 

Saw him as sad goddess or god who came to pass judgment on them .

Many of them start begging for mercy , crying and screaming to be spared .

But he . . .who looked down on them . . .was indifferent . . .they were nothing to him.

"Why would he forgive them after they killed his people and family?"

"Why would he show them mercy , when they never even spared the life of children?"

"Even wanting to enslave them , turning his people into mindless tool for them"

"All of that . . . and they dare ask for forgiveness?"  

"It's funny . . . ."

"How can people can do many evil deeds to others . . and laugh it off" .

"But when the wheel of judgment falls before them"

"They think they deserved to be spared . . that mercy is their right"

"What a funny joke am I right?"

The vision ended . . .and now . .both teams were together in front of destroyed white building .

Godako: guys !

Aruther: it's good to see you all ok.

Gudako: yeah . . . 

the Gudao team told of what happened with their side .

Godako: us as well . . .we saw this visions and learn the story of this Rimuru .

Arthur: as a ruler of a kingdom my self . . I empathies with him . . specially as some who also had to see his kingdom in ruin .

Jeanne alter: though unlike him , you were one the reason Camolt falls .

Godako: JEANNE !

Arthur: no no it's ok , she's right , I'm to blame for it . . but this is not our talk right now .

Atlanta: it's here . . .

Everyone saw . . .a corrupted grail appears in front of the building .

Gudao: a cprrupted grail? . . then it's maybe it's the reason why this singularity is in ruin.

Jeanne alter: then we have to destroyed it then .

Shirou: yes. . . but . .. looks like we have someone to deal with .

The moment he said that . .three people appears .

The first was man in red , with two horn , and was holding a katana covered in black flames .

The second was an orc . .a pig man in armor holding a shield and clever .

The the third was a beautiful nine tailed fox woman .

Yup it was Benimaru , Geld , and Kumira .

Arthur: looks like we're in for a big fight *unseath his sword*

Astolfo: um . .can't we sit down and talk it down with some tea , coffee or something .

Jeanne Alter: oh stop being a f*** pussy and get ready to fight.

Astolfo: you didn't have to be mean !

Meanwhile outside of Tempest . . . .

A lone figure in jet black clothes , a weird mask with ruby in the middle of it , and his silver hair , was standing beside a large army of zombie like soldiers .

This was Demon lord Rimuru . . . 

Rimuru: this is getting annoying , how long it will take?

{Raphael: notice: the corrupted grail has reappears in Tempest}

Rimuru: about time it does . . ., time to end this .  .BELZBUB !!

Using his ultimate skill , he dvoured the army instantly .

Rimuru: now to destroy that thing . . . Raphael-san using teleportation . 

{Raphael: teleporting back to Tempest }  .

A magic circle appears beneath him , as he disappears in blue light .

Back in Tempest . . . 

We see the dragon witch sending her flames towards the fox woman , but either she dodge or , her attacks gets blocked by the orc king .

As for the red oni , he clashed the Shirou and Arthur , the two was keeping him busy , but had to be careful because of his black flames , Serenity , hides , and only attack when they least expected , or so she though , everytime she attack (sometiem followed by Astolfo) Geld would block her attack , or the Oni & Kumira would speed up and dodge her attack , even Atlanta didn't have much luck with them .

Jeanne alter: damn it . .not only they're strong but fast specially that damn fox lady .

Godako: guy then m let the three focus on you .

Gudao: while Atlanta focus on destroying the grail .

The servants nods . . . . but then . . .

"Found you . . . "

A figure appears coming at high speed and with sword in hand . . he strike the corrupted grail .

Rimuru: you caused enough trouble . . .

adding black lightening to his blade , he destroyed the grail . . and with that. . the three monsters disappears .

Rimuru: that's take care of that . . now . . .

he turns to the master and their servants .

Rimuru: who are you?

Time skip brought to by . . . .

Rimuru: I see . . . . 

the slime demon lord was silent after hearing them out .

Godako: um Rimuru-san . . if I may ask , when did the corrupted grail appears ?

Rimuru: a few month ago . . during that time was just coming back from the demon lords gathering . . this grail appears . .and before I knew it . . my kingdom was destroyed , the world was ruing . .and .  .*clinch his fists*. . *sigh* but now it's gone at least this world won't be destroyed then already is . . .

Godako: then Rimuru-san  . . I have something to ask you . . .

- - - - - - -- 

the female master stood before the magic summoning . . .the lights shined with diifferent colors , before it stopped with blue then black  .. . 

"Servant Avenger . . . are you my master?"

Godako: yes . . it's nice to see you again Demon lord Rimuru-san !

Hope you like this crossover Idea  . . and . .maybe . .I might write an extra one , but later.

Now . .the next one Rimuru x Honkai impact . . . 

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