Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //

By MysticTalia

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Alone. That is all JK had ever been. Alone and forgotten in a cruel, heartless world. Growing up at the or... More

BOOK I - The Dreams We Have
《2》 When Fates Collide
《3》The Boy Who Did Not Fear
《4》The Cemetary
《5》The Pain I Know
《6》Curtains Falling
《7》Prison of Glass
《8》Praying for Angels
《9》All Good Things
《10》Something to Lose
《11》Moments of Bliss
《12》A Past so Sad and Terrible
《13》That Which was Never Meant to Be
《14》The Madness in your Eyes
《15》Jimin is Pain
《16》Another Path
BOOK II - The Present We Protect
《17》A New Beginning
《18》Who We Are
《19》Solution: Alkohol
《21》When I'm Alone
《22》How to Let You Go
《23》A Spirit Set Free
《24》Loosing Control
《25》The Case
《26》Rule Nr.1: Do Not Anger Her
《27》Rule Nr.2: Prepare to Run if You Did
《28》With Guidance from a Deity
《29》Replacing Memories
《30》A Song of Passion and Love
《31》A Glimpse of Happiness
《33》Secrets Down Below
《34》Even the Strongest Struggle
《36》My Back Hurts in Order to Let Wings Sprout
《37》When Hope is Lost
《38》Fight me, Babe
《39》Bananamilk and Handcuffs
《40》A War of Minds
《41》Just You and Me and the Pouring Rain of Doom
《42》The Original Sin
《43》Truth Untold
《44》The Role of Our Lifetime
《47》A Meeting of Monsters
《48》Learning You
《49》Living in the Moment
BOOK 3 The Future We Fight For
《50》Hell is cold
《51》All that You Thaught Me
《53》Roles Reversed
《54》Seeing Ghosts
《55》When the Brave Break
《56》Whatever You Need
《57》Appearances Matter
《58》Teacher and Student
《59》There is no Safe in War
《60》The Docks
《61》I Am What You Made Me
《62》Rivers of Blood
《63》The Secrets I Kept
《64》The Life in Your Eyes
《65》Giving Hope to Hope
《66》Coming Home
《67》Blue Nightlights and Sunshine
《68》'NO' Is Not An Option
《69》Teasing Devil
《70》Making Alleys
《71》The Life I Could Have Had
《72》All The Things We Dreamed About
《75》Testing Limits
《76》 Pain in My Ass
《79》And So Faintly You Came Tapping
《80》Waiting for a Raven
《81》The King of Gangs
《82》Impeccable Timing
《84》The Life We Never Had
《85》Born To Rule
《86》Light Up the World
《87》Reasons to Live
《88》Living On
《89》The Past That Made Us Strong
《90》The Start Of An Empire
《91》Extra Credit
《93》My Life


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By MysticTalia

All right.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say: Aww, that was so sweet and loving- and now we need the hot stuff!

So, here's the hot stuff.

And it's gonna be a wild ride...

Oh, and listen to this one.
You won't regret it.

Jimin stumbled into the room with a giggle.
That boy really could hold his liquor.

Many others would be puking in a corner right now after having drunk as much as Jimin, but he was only on the tipsy side, his laughter filling the flat with warmth.
I smiled, feeling the aftermath of our little party as well.
But I had been careful not to drink too much.

After all, I still had things planned.
Many, many things.
All night long.

It's why I didn't go back to camp with Jimin.
Why I asked Hwasa for the keys to her flat which the woman had given me with a wicked, knowing grin, and only asked that I would not break the bed because she apparently had made many, many memories in it.

I had snapped the keys out of her hands with a blush.

But I needed Jimin for myself tonight.
Just mine without worrying who might hear.
Just me him and his glorious sound.

I lifted my hand up to my face for what felt for the millionth time and inspected the ring on my finger.
The promise which glittered there like a beautiful dawn after a long, long winter.
And every time, my heart would set out for a moment as the realization hit me again.

Jimin said yes.
We were going to get married.
He was no longer my boyfriend.
He was my fiancé now, and soon to be husband.

It still sounded too unfathomable.
Too good to be true.
But as I looked past the ring to the boy in the middle of Hwasa's messy room, I found him looking back at me, a smile on his face and a shimmer to his eyes, like he felt much the same.

His giggling had stopped and his gaze was open- full of hope and love, it robbed me of my breath again.

"It still feels like a dream," he now whispered, his voice echoing the feeling he was expressing.
I smiled a little.

"What? Didn't expect this?"


"Really? Not even a little?"

Jimin's smiled slipped of his lips and he closed the distance between us, then wrapped his hands around my waist, looking up at me through his lashes, his voice but a low murmur, a little shaky.

"I mean... it's not like I haven't thought about it myself a couple of times. About the future we'd make. But... I really didn't expect you to ask me so soon."

I swallowed thickly but leaned down to hold him a little closer too.

"I was actually gonna wait a little. I wanted to propose after everything with X-EXO and Suho was out of the way."

He murmured his understanding, but still asked:
"What changed your mind?"

"You. Us. I know we haven't been an official couple for that long, but I've been in love with you for years. And I've known it for so long.
That you would be my future.
You. Park Jimin. The love of my life.
No one can compare to you. So there really was no reason for me to wait.
Because no matter what will happen in this war, I am going to marry you."

Jimin shuddered at my words, but those hands around my waist tightened.

"You really are a hopeless romantic, Jungkook-ie."

"Perhaps." I whispered and at my next words, the boy in my arms tensing a little.
"But I need you to really understand this, Jimin. I am going to marry you.
I won't leave you. No matter what happens with X-EXO and Suho.
No matter what we have to do. Do you understand?"

His eyes were wide, vulnerable, but he nodded.
I was relieved and hoped with all my heart, he would forgive me later.
For the choice I made.
The deal I struck with Namjoon.
But now was not the time to think about it.

"So," I purred, and Jimin knew immediately where my mind had gone, a wicked grin finding itself onto his lips.

"So?" He huskily murmured back.

I tightened my hand around his hips and pulled him closer while also lowering my head down to his so we shared a breath.

"Am I not going to get my reward now? I seem to remember a little devil promising me to give me a reward if I would be a good boy today? And?" I breathed, lowering my lips to his ears while lowering my tone even more, so it was hardly more than a growl.
"Haven't I been a good boy today?"

Jimin let out a little mischievous laugh, but failed to hide the little tremor in his breath.

But this was Jimin.
And no matter how good I was at teasing him- he was just as good.

Leaning up, I could feel rather than see the smirk on his lips against my ear.

"Hmm, you definitely were a good boy today. But I wasn't."

I frowned, not sure what he meant.
Save for his shopping spree that had cost a bloody fortune, Jimin had been an angel today.
And once again, I was proven that that was just an illusion.

He was no pure, righteous angel from the heavens- he only wore it's face and body so he could hide the powerful little wicked creature beneath.

"Because," he now whispered and pushed his chest closer.
"I've been wearing your reward all day long."

And then I felt it.
Beneath the soft texture of his yellow shirt.
Something hard.
Something crisscrossing over his chest...

The breath got stuck in my throat and Jimin let out a sound of satisfaction before he brought his face right before mine and added fire to the flames.
"And unfortunately, this thing does not go well with underwear... so...."

My mind went feral...
Jimin, that nasty son of a bitch had walked around with a freaking leather harness and no underwear this entire time?


"Me?" he mouthed innocently but with a glitter of utter naughtiness in his eyes before he pursed his lips and tilted his head.
"So, what's it gonna be? Will you claim your reward or am I going to be punished for being a really, bad boy?"

I growled.
I felt like ripping his cute yellow shirt off and ravaging him right now.

But it settled over me again.

The need to show him that his teasing will always end with him begging me- moaning my name in plea to release him.

It was a strange thing indeed.
How he could make me loose all control and at the same time evoke it in me.

I let out another warning growl and lowered my hands to his peachy, round ass where I shamelessly grabbed and pushed his front against my hips- where I had grown hard already.

Jimin moaned and chuckled, as though he believed to have won this round- managed to make me do exactly what he had planned.
I allowed him to think it just for another tight grab for his ass before I stepped away and without a warning, pushed him back.

Jimin stumbled two steps, eyes wide, not having expected this at all.
His head snapped up, no doubt to ask me why I had pushed him away.

But his words died on his lips as he watched me take off my shirt, pulling it over my head with a confident, precise movement.
His confusion and slight annoyance at our distance evaporated, his eyes heating up, checking out my naked torso.

It felt like a physical touch as those eyes blazed with hunger, traveling from my neck over my chest all the way to my waist and then stopping at the obvious bulge in my pants-

There, his eyes got stuck while he licked his lips, not at all hiding the fact that he was turned on as well- craving me.
My dick twitched in my pants, the blood rushing my head at the mere thought of those lips wrapped around it, sucking me deep...

And Jimin seemed all too eager to do so.
He even took a step forward.
But I clicked my tongue with a sharp command.

Jimin stopped immediately and for someone who was so wild and untamed, it delighted me beyond words to know that only I could control this beautiful wild creature.
All and completely mine.

I let that realization reflect in my grin.

"I am going to get both, Angel. And my punishment is that I get to decide how I'll enjoy my reward."

"And how would you like it, Jungkook-ie?" Jimin teased back and took on that pose.

I grit my teeth, leaning back to grab the little dresser against the hallway wall hard.
Weight on one foot, hand on his hips and a tilted head, adorned with that smile.
My smile.
Sassy and rebellious.

I grinned.

"Rebecca?" I called out loud and a little light flashed on top of a wardrobe.
"Play Call out My Name by The Weekend."

Jimin's eyes shot up in surprise, and I let the thrill run through me.
I did so love it to surprise him.

The automatic, female voice of the AI then announced the song and my smile turned feral.

"Now," I told the still surprised boy just as the first beats filled the otherwise silent flat.
"Dance for me Angel. And loose those clothes while you do it. I want to have a good look at my reward."

Jimin looked stunned for another few seconds before a laugh ripped out of him, amusement and excitement hitting his features- and wicked delight.

You just dug your own grave, he seemed to scream with the smiled that found itself onto his lips, wicked and triumphant and dripping with confidence.
And then he moved.

I was trapped.
Transfixed and captured by the movements of his body.

And honestly, it was more like a punishment for myself.

I had phantasies about this.
Jimin dancing just for me.
His eyes only glittering for me.

And now, as I watched him, I realized he had always been holding back on the dance floors.
Had shown some sexy, provocative dance moves, but not like now.

It was as though I'd given him the very weapon with which he could kill me slowly.

His moves were slow, provocative, allusive and insinuating, touching his body freely, almost as if he was teasing me with how I could not touch him right now.

And all the while, he never missed a beat in the music, his eyes never leaving mine either while he played with his shirt.
It's like he was born to follow the sound of music.
Born a tease, lifting his shirt just above his belly button.

I sucked in a sharp breath, getting a first glimpse of what he wore beneath.

It was indeed leather.
Straps tightly fastened around his abdomen, his abs flexing beneath as he rolled his body, then dropped the shirt again.
I growled.
Fucking tease.

I forced myself to stay rooted to my place though, grabbing the desk behind me so hard, the wood groaned.
But I felt like I had to physically restrain myself in order to stop myself from ripping his clothes off right now.

And if Jimin's smug grin was any indication, he was just hoping for it.

He kept dancing.
Used his body as his weapon and the music as his battle field, slowly robbing me of my sane thoughts.
Especially when he spun and then dropped to his knees, arching his back while he rolled his body in a sexy, daring move, and whilst doing so lifting that shirt up once more, this time all the way to his chest.

My mouth dried out.

The leather harness was connected with silver chains to the top, where the leather criss-crossed his chest, the metal loops attached to it bombarding me with ideas of what use they could have in bed... of tying him up, having him at my mercy...

Without a conscious thought, one of my hands had left the desk and came to palm my aching dick through my pants, in desperate need of some friction.
Jimin watched it with a smirk, licking his lips before he dropped to the floor and made a move that had me close to the edge of what I could take- making it look like he was pounding the floor- or something beneath him...

With the next beat of the music, he sat up again, then grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his glorious body wrapped in tight leather straps, his abs and muscles constraining as he did another body roll.

I groaned when he leaned back on his elbows and lifted his hips, pushing them up in another
provocative move.

His lips turned into a smirk which let me know he was imagining me beneath him while he lifted and dropped his hips.
An unfightable moan rumbled out of me and I palmed my dick harder, gritting my teeth to fight for control.

But Jimin only feasted on my slow descent into a heated, pleasure filled world.
He turned on the floor sitting back on his legs, and gave me a good look of his back.
Of the tattoo he had gotten while we had been apart for that month.


A moon circle traveling down his spine, starting at the neck with a crescent, thin moon, then turning to a full moon by the middle and back to a crescent moon, the tip hidden beneath his trousers hanging low on his waist.

My Angel from the sky.

Only that now, the moons only added to the torture, surrounded by black leather and turning Jimin into something otherworldly sexy and dangerous.

And he so knew it.
Was aware of his effects on me, glancing over his shoulder to drink in my expression, that smirk deepening as he brought his hands to his Gucci belt, the sound of his fingers undoing it creating a perfect crescendo with the low, thumping melody of the song playing.

I remembered he wasn't wearing any underwear and my next growl was one of anticipation and descend into heated madness.

He rose then.
Rose only on his legs, his ass lifted in my direction for a perfect view.
Still with his pants on as he swung his hips in a circular motion before lifting his body with a wicked roll, his hands traveling over his body like I desperately craved to do.

He turned, spun on one leg in a graceful, yet taunting move, his hands reaching his pants which started to undo the button, then the zip, slow and teasing as he swung to the music, dancing closer with each move.

It was maddening.
Driving me utterly insane.

The music had slowed, the singing lowered in the second verse, which now build once more for the second chorus.
And Jimin used it as a weapon.
This was his battle field.
One which he knew by instinct.
Commanded it and owned it.

My eyes were solely focused on where his hands grabbed the rim of his pants- the only reason they were still covering him.
And when the chorus hit, so did Jimin's pants as he let them go and they dropped to the floor.

"Fuck," I groaned out, rubbing myself harder at seeing him like this.

The leather straps around his lower abdomen were connected with another set of chains which dropped to his thighs, where they ended in a leather and metal thigh garter tightly wrapped around them.

No pants.
Nothing to hide Jimin's glorious length, hard and ready, in perfect proportion to his body.

I wanted to wrap my lips around it and suck him deep.
Wanted to get on my knees like I had done earlier, but this time aiming for another goal.
No simple yes.
But begs and moans and my name spoken in heat and desperation until he became undone under my treatment and I got to taste him to my hearts desire.

But I had dug my own grave.

Jimin was in control right now, leading this dance.
And apparently he wasn't done driving me utterly insane.

He let his hands slide over his naked torso, down his chest, his abs, spinning his head to give me a perfect view of his long neck, pale and sensitive skin, begging me to cover it with hickeys and bite marks.

His hands travelled down his hips to those thick, muscular thighs while he slowly dropped to the floor again.
The breath wooshed out of me as he sat there, legs spread, sitting on his feet, rolling his body while a hand wrapped around his arousal.

He stroked himself to the beat, lips parting as he fought the pleasure, but eyes still on me.
The control over my restrain slipped...

But he made it worse.
So much worse as he turned, rolling on the floor so he came out on all fours, his legs still spread, offering me a view of a peachy, round ass nothing but leather straps on, lining the bottom and connected to the leather straps around his thin waist.

I moaned, long and hot, especially because Jimin rolled his ass back in a motion as though I was already behind him, and in greedy moves wanted to get more of me inside of him.
And those leather straps around his waist would offer such a good hold to pound into him hard and fast...

I really couldn't tell how I managed to stay in place and not rush him, fucking him right there on the floor until his knees were scraped.

I barely registered that the song was finding it's end.
My entire focus was only on the boy who turned again, still on all fours and then prowled over, slow and sexy, dripping with desire and blazing eyes of want.

A creature on the hunt, and I was his prey.
I would get captured gladly.

He stopped just before me and then rose, only to his knees.

I shuddered and trembled not only because of those eyes and the smirk, but because he let his hands travel up my legs, my thighs, coming to a stop at the waistband of my pants where his fingers played with the fabric.

And those damn lips... so close to where I was aching for him.

The song ended then, the room falling back into silence, if it weren't for my rapid, frantic heartbeat and the blood rushing through my head.

"So," Jimin purred, his puffy lips pursed in a confident, wicked smile.
"How do you like your reward so far?"

I growled.
"You know damn well."

"Ready for more then?"

How the hell was he going to make this-

"Ah, fuck!" I hissed, taken utterly by surprise when I really shouldn't be.
This was Jimin after all.

And he had only grinned before leaning forward to tongue my hard dick through my pants.
It was but the whisper of heat and pressure, but the pleasure had me see stars- the promise of more speeding up my breathing, causing it to turn into wild huffs.

"You like that? Want more?"

"Stop with the teasing, Jimin. We both know it never ends well for you."

Jimin grinned and then slowly undid the button to my pants.
He murmured only when he slowly opened the zipper.

"Hmm, but I do so love it when it doesn't end well for me.
Call me self-destructive if you want, but I just love you without your precious restrain."

He didn't even give me a chance to reply to that.
He simply pulled down my pants and leaned forward, right onto my hard, throbbing cock.

A deep, savage moan ripped out of me as I felt the heat of that hot mouth and soft lips wrapping around me, sucking me deep.
And Jimin moaned with me, the sound vibrating and making it all the more unbearable as he took me all the way, playing with my balls at the same time.

It was such an assault of sudden, overwhelming pleasure, my head fell backwards, banging against a cupboard, but I barely noticed.
There was only this.
Jimin sucking me deep, his little chokes and wet slides filling the flat, interrupted only by my groans and unstoppable moans or Jimin's little purrs like he was loving the taste and feel of me.

And he loved playing.
Rolled out his tongue over my head.
Licked me from base to top only to then take me all the way again.

My hands found themselves in his hair where I grabbed and pushed him on me in a desperate need, my hips jerking forward too.

I did warn him.
But he never seemed to listen.
And, adding to that, he appeared to love it even more as I took control.
Moaned when I tightened my grip in his hair and pushed him on my length harder, fucking that glorious mouth.

I felt the tension in my rise, felt the familiar coiling heat that started spreading in my body, my pants growing frantic and wild-

I was going to pull him away.
Was going to stop and take a breath and then make use of all those leather straps.
But Jimin had other plans.

Fuck, it was as though he had sensed that I was going to stop him.
And he was not having it.

He ignored my hand in his hair that tried to stop him and took me deep and hard, a hand on my ass so he could take me all the way without a chance for me to escape.
And then he stayed there, the head of my cock restrained in the back of his throat, hot and wet.

I was done for when Jimin bobbed his head in small, fast movements, his little chokes and purrs shoving me off the edge.
I felt myself tense, the pleasure washing over me in a mess of heat and electricity, shaking my body as I released right into his mouth, letting out a feral, long growl.

And Jimin took it all.
Shit, he sucked and moaned and swallowed like I was his new favourite meal.

I hissed and my dick jerked again when the little wicked devil slid down on me again, dragging out the pleasure, my sensitive dick assaulted by a new wave of pleasure that was almost too much to bear.

My breaths were more like desperate snaps for air as I tried to find my way back into reality.
It took me embarrassingly long, my eyes closed to steady myself in the dark.
When I blinked them open, I found Jimin still on his knees in front of me, a smirk on his face while he met my eyes without shame- even licked his lips like he found me delicious.

I let out a chuckle that conveyed both my amusement and the incredulous fact that he was so absolutely shameless.

"Enjoyed that, hm?" I teased and Jimin, wholly unbothered, grinned and nodded.

"Immensely. Seeing how you absolutely loose your shit when I suck your dick is truly one of my favourite things about you."

I growled.
He knew what I though about his wicked, nasty tongue.

So I showed him by grabbing for those black leather straps criss-crossing his chest.

It was almost too easy to lift him up by it, Jimin letting out a sound mixed with surprise and amusement.
I was quick to shut him up.
With my all time favourite method.

Jimin's laugh was replaced by a low sigh the moment I sealed our lips together.
I could taste us both when I lashed out my tongue, Jimin's scent mixed with my cum and it was so convoluted and hot, I growled and kissed him harder- he was mine.
All mine.

It was almost sweet how Jimin tried to fight for control over the kiss- but I was done letting him have his way.
It was my turn.

Spinning us around, I pressed Jimin hard against the dresser, claiming his mouth for my own with deep, swirling kisses, stealing his every breath and moan from him while I finally allowed my hands to slide over his body in leather straps.

I would never get enough of this.
Of exploring his body.
Of knowing what drove him insane.

The high pitched yelp I got when I plugged at his nipples.
The breathless moan when I grabbed his ass cheeks and kneaded them- spread them.
The trembling of his entire body when I drew lazy circles on the inside of his thighs- the anticipation driving him bunkers.

I learned new things too.
Like how Jimin gasped followed by an explosive breath when I grabbed those thigh garter's tight and lifted him up onto the dresser, spreading his legs so I could step in between.

As though it was a natural reaction, Jimin wrapped his legs around my lower back, crossing his ankles to trap me and push me closer on him- closer to where he wanted me so bad.

My dick was already twitching again, the pleasure building once more, but this time, I wasn't going to just let Jimin steal the show.
Hell no.
I was going to make him regret being such a nasty, greedy, little Angel.

Ripping my lips away from his, Jimin let out an annoyed growl, but I muffled the sound by wrapping a large hand around his throat, using enough pressure to force his head up- and give me a perfect access to that long, pale neck.

All mine.

Jimin's back arched and a helpless whimper escaped his gritted teeth since I had bitten down hard.
Nothing he couldn't take, but so that it would leave a mark.
My mark.
A mark which I paid special attention to, licking the now sensitive, red skin, sucking and placing wet kisses over it.

Judging by the sounds that left his lips, he loved that too.
Wanted more.
So I gave him a little more.

I let my other hand start their explorations south, stopping at those hardened nipples to get more sounds out of him before I traced the shape of his abs down to his hips, pulling at those leather straps which earned me some breathless hiccup sounds.
Sounds which turned into throaty moans when I reached a little lower, brushing over his cock.

Barely a touch at all.

Jimin shuddered, his hips trying to lift off the dresser and into my hand.

I clicked my tongue in warning, but allowed my hand to wrap about his base- a grip that was more possessive than pleasurable, though Jimin moaned like he loved it nonetheless, pushing against my hold on him in need of friction too.

"Uh, uh. You've already had your time to play today.
Now is my time. And I am planning to make it last a very, very long time tonight."

Jimin trembled and shook, tried to wriggled again, but I held him in place, absolutely thrilled over the control.

His next words were uneven, yet somehow still a husky, louring purr:
"Mhh, I think the rest of my 'reward' is gonna come in handy then."

I frowned and looked up at him- only to find a mysterious, dangerous spark in his eyes.
His hair was all but tousled, his neck adorned with a deep red bite mark, his breathing irregular and cheeks blushing red.

To put it short, he looked like a hot fucking mess.
One of my favourite looks on him.

"The rest of my reward? There's more?"

Jimin grinned and pursed his lips.
"Of course there's more. I plan ahead too, Jungkook-ie. And I know how you get when I tease. And we both know the one thing you love about all else: control. So that's my reward."

I thought on it for a second, then showed him a wicked smile and just as Jimin opened his lips to say something else, I used the hold around his dick to slide down in a hot stroke while rolling out my thumb over the slick head at the same time.

Instead of words, only a hiss escaped him.

I grinned wider.
"I already have control, Jimin-ah."

"Yes you- ah- certainly do," he choked out though low moans.
I watched him with a smile as he tried to speak while I rubbed his dick in a slow, teasing rhythm.

"But- ah... just do it for me then. I happen to... oh... love being at your mercy."

I felt like winning a trophy as I teased:
"Yes you certainly do."

Jimin was caught between a moan and a laugh in the next second.

"Fuck! Okay, just... get my bag."

"Your bag?"

" Yeah. The Chanel one."

I turned to find the designer back on the floor where Jimin had dropped it earlier.
I eyed him again, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Tell me what's inside first."


I smirked and Jimin tensed.

I did it deliberately slow, Jimin's breath faltering, his eyes following my hand and he shivered when I spit into it.
His eyes flew wide, knowing what I had planned, but I held him in place when I grabbed for his dick again and went down in a slick hard slide.

Jimin released a glorious low rumbled, pressing his lips together as if forcing himself not to speak.
He lasted three more of those slides before he hastily panted out:
"Fine! Fine! It's the rest of the outfit."

I stilled, my mind going blank for a moment.

"There's more of it?"

Jimin's strained expression was broken by a wicked, delighted grin.
"Well, this thing has metal loops for a reason."

I choked on nothing but air- then moved, nearly tripping over my feet in my haste to get to the bag.
I heard Jimin chuckle in amusement behind me, but I already found what Jimin had been talking about.

That little perverted, nasty, absolutely naughty devil!
I rose with the black leather and metal objects in my hand and turned to find Jimin behind me. He had gotten up from the dresser and stood before me, not the least bit self conscious considering he was naked and fully aroused.

He only grinned wide and slowly held out his hands, offering them to me palms up.

"Well?" his smile seemed to convey.

I looked back at the things in my hand.
The same black leather as the rest of what he wore, chains with latches at the ends connected to them.

The outfit came with two leather cuffs and a choker with the same chain attached to it.
Even two extra chains with two latches at either end.

They shone with all the fucked up and nasty things I could do with them, all the places to attach them to and render Jimin incapable of escaping me...

And Jimin now held out his hands with an excited and eager grin like he couldn't wait either.
It took me a moment to fully grasp it.
I let out a disbelieving, husky laugh.
Only one explosive sound.
"Fuck, you are one dirty son of a bitch."

"I know. So... how about you show me how nasty you can be and make me feel real sorry for buying this?"

I looked down at him- and Jimin's smile disappeared, his throat bobbing with a hard swallow.

I knew why.
My grin was showing.
The one that conveyed how utterly right he was.

I loved control.
And I was just as nasty as he was, if not more so when it came to sex.
And I would make sure he regretted all and every teasing comment he ever said to me.

HA! You thought I would only write 5k words of smut?
Hell no.

I can do this all day long lovelies, so we're gonna go even hotter.

Spice rating will have to wait for the next chapter when the real fun starts...

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