Seventeen Stories

By Mingyu_fangs

23.4K 942 203

This is collection of specific stories of Seventeen memberร—reader. Short and sweet Happy Read ๐Ÿ’› (#1 in doky... More

Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (chapter 01)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter- 02)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter- 03)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter-04)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter-05)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter- 06)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Prologue)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 01)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-02)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 03)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter 04)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 05)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 06)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (chapter- 07)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-08)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 09)
Seungcheol -Bad Senior (Chapter- 10)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-11)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 13)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (chapter- 14)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 15)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 16)
Seungcheol Bad Senior (Chapter- 17)
Seungcheol Bad Senior (Chapter- 18)
Wonwoo - My Strange addiction (Chapter- 01)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 2)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 03)
Wonwoo- My strange addiction (Chapter- 04)
Wonwoo- My strange addiction (Chapter- 05)
Wonwoo- My strange addiction (Chapter- 06)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 07)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 08)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter-09)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 10)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 11)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 12)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter-13)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 14)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 15)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 16)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 17)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 18)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addition (Chapter- 19)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 20)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 21)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 22)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 23)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 24)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 25)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 26)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 01)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 02)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 03)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 04)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 05)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 06)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 07)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 08)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 09)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 10)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 11)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 12)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 13)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 14)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter: 15)

Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 12)

365 15 4
By Mingyu_fangs

You were sipping coffee while reading a book calmly. You just had your shower. Someone called you in the phone making you flinched. You were reading so attentively.


Someone received your hello like a gentleman.

'Hello is this Miss Y/n?'

'Ah yes. Who are you?'
'I'm Joshua. Seungcheol's cousin.'

'Oh yess, how are you? What Happened?'

'Well aunt just sent me for taking you home. She is patiently waiting but you still are not coming.'

Joshua said.

'Oh you there?'

You ran to the balcony to see Joshua was waiting beside a car. He smiled with manner when saw you. You waved at him crazily.

'I'm coming. Just wait for a minute.'

It obviously didn't take a minute when you got ready. But you tried your best to hurry.

'You are so quick.'

He told after seeing you.

'Hii! Sorry I just made you wait. I'm really sorry.'

'This was not what I was saying.'

Joshua told opening the car door for you. You sat beside him when he sat in the driving seat.

'Were you going to the hospital?'

'Yes. I did the night last night. That's why I'm going late today.'

'You came though you were busy. I could go alone. I thought of going in the afternoon.'

'No worries at all. I was going through this way though.'

Joshua stopped the car making you look around. It was a beautiful floral shop.

'We are going to buy flowers for arrangement. We will go order.'

'We are gonna buy flowers? Woah!'

You got down the car and headed to the shop.
You were looking at the flowers mesmerised.

'Let's go inside.'

Joshua entered the shop while you followed him. The decor was so nice that you thought it would be so good if you only could work here. Joshua told you to pick what flowers you like for the decorations. But you couldn't decide at all and fully gave the responsibility to Joshua. He seemed to be a very artistic person. He was choosing the bestest flowers from there. While buying he also told you that he has hobby of gardening flowers. But he keeps so busy that he can't take care by himself. Joshua gives a different aura of gentleman and also he looks like a comfort person. You wished scoups would be like him too. You sighed thinking about scoups that though you Don't like him but last night you couldn't sleep thinking about him. You were feeling strange last night that you were drinking water frequently. Ugh you still can feel your ear is getting red. For hiding the red ears you kept seeing the flowers in other corner where Joshua wasn't. And again while seeing a bunch of pretty sunflowers you surprisingly remembered scoups.

You Remembered the time when scoups first took you to his home to let you meet his mom. He was arranging the sunflowers of his mom's vase. You hated him too too much than now but yet that Scoups is stuck in your mind.

You never saw any guy with heavy lashes like him before. The window was beside him and the sunrays were falling on his face making the lashes shine. That was the first time you felt sympathy for him. he was standing with a melancholic face while his mom was talking about her fatal illness.
You sighed and took a bucket of sunflower. You must see scoups holding the flowers and looking at you with his big lashes while the sun fall on him.

'I want to buy it.'

'Oh well. Sure.'

'I mean I'm gonna pay.'

You told hesitating as Joshua was doing the bill in counter and you went there talking. Joshua thought the flowers were maybe because of decorating so he first looked at you confused.

'Um- you know it's S-seungcheol's birthday..'

Joshua smiled widely thinking you were getting shy.

'That's totally ok. My brother is a person you must fall for.'

Joshua told looking at his card. He didn't mean to make you shier but you felt you got fully red after hearing that.

'W-what? What are you talking about? Who will fall for scoups? No way!'

You told as if it mattered to Joshua. So he just smiled and let you pay.

'It's totally fine if you slowly like someone who you didn't like before at all.'

You didn't reply as you were shy. When you got into the car Joshua sat on the driving seat and started driving. He told

'So did you prepare something to tell him while giving the flowers?'

'Hm? No? Should I tell something? I thought to just put it in his bedside table.'

'Oh that's cute. But you are not going to give him in his hands? Scoups would be extremely happy?'

'What? Why would he? He is not a teen.'

'Yeah maybe he doesn't get excited talking about you, but we know he is really happy internally. Though he doesn't want to show his feelings.'

You were realising what was Joshua talking about. You didn't know if you were happy knowing it.

'Does he talk about me when I'm not around?'

'No he usually doesn't. You know he is tough. But I can bet that whenever your name is mentioned, he becomes so happy.'

Rest of the journey you sat like a tomato without saying anything. Ugh you shouldn't be so shy without reason.



You picked up Niya after getting down from car. Niya was coming towards you but when you picked her, she didn't look like she was enjoying it. You went inside of the big gate of living room.

Ms. Choi was sitting in the sofa talking with manager maybe about tomorrow's function.

You bowed to her when reached.

'Good morning!'

'Good morning young lady. You are late my baby. See everything we have to do alone.'

You smiled. You noticed People were working on the outside decorating. Jeonghan was with them telling how to. Now he appeared and talked with Scoups's mom

'Ajumma they saying they didn't found the pink themed lights?'

'Yes baby. They were saying this.'

'I thought pink will go better. I said to set white lights instead. Is that okay?'

Jeonghan looked so serious with his backwards cap. His ponytail was showing behind.

'Surely do what you like. Wait i just made apple juice for you.'

Ms. Choi took Jeonghan with her near kitchen.


Before following her Jeonghan winked at you saying hi. You gave a hi back still holding Niya and the flowers.

'Give her to me.'

You handed Niya over him as Niya was dying yo go to him.

'Flower for scoups? Woah! He is in his room. I'll tell ajumma you went there.'

Jeonghan made a like sign with his thumb.

You were getting shier how would you pass this to him. Also you were confused if you just could put it in his room.
The door was opened. Hearing some voices talking you looked before going in if there was somebody else too.

'No it's not like that. I told you I'm going to spend a night with you for sure.'

You saw a girl who was looking like models. First you were astonished when saw that girl was hugging scoups from back. Scoups was doing his hair in front of the mirror.

Scoups was looking like he just had shower. You thought what's new here to be astonished. It should be so usual for a guy like scoups.

'Stop playing around Laura! I just had shower, you making me dirty.'

'I know what you mean. Let's do some dirty dirty stuff then.'

You saw the girl named Laura tightened the hug. You thought why you were still standing there!? You should just have left them alone when you entered. But also you had to keep the flowers.

But before you leaving scoups called out your name

'Come in Alice! What are you doing with curtains?'

Scoups came near you rubbing his hair with towel.

'Can you dry my hair?'

Scoups casually asked you roaming around the room. He poured some water for him.

You entered the room hesitating. Who knows who the girl is or what relationship she has with scoups?

'I can dry your hair so fast scoups. Why don't you ask me?'

Laura told completely ignoring you were there.

You did what you were going to and arranged the sunflowers in the vase of his bedside table. Scoups didn't notice you brought flower as half of your body was behind curtain when he saw you.
You didn't know why you were not feeling well at all suddenly. It felt like your heart was breaking. But you kept calm and was arranging the flowers.

'She will do it for me. Mom was looking for you. You should go help her.'

'I'm going. But you have to tell me when will we spend a nigh-'
'Well who is she? I shouldn't say these in front of an outsider. She will think of me as hoe.'

She added herself. You noticed scoups was somehow looking pissed. He went to the window to see how everything was going. Scoups looked like he didn't care what she was talking non stop.

'Hey girl your name is Alice then? You shouldn't have looked through the curtain without knocking.'

'I-I'm sorry.'

You didn't know you were gonna be attacked suddenly.

'Don't do this from next. And who are you?'

She looked so talkative. There's nothing specific in her character but she was wearing a revealing clothes that you couldn't look at her directly.

'Who is she scoups? Your new care taker? Well she is sexy.'

She didn't need anyone to talk with, she just kept talking anything. Scoups came and sat on the sofa. He was looking frustrated.

'Scoups? Did you have any physical relationship with her?'


Scoups looked surprised in front of you.

'I'll talk to you later okay?'

'How can you talk to me like this? I'm hurt.'

You didn't know what to do there. You felt you were ignored and yes it should be. You didn't know why you were hurt. You thought you shouldn't have bought flowers for him. You are nobody. Also you didn't like the fact the way Laura was saying about you.

'Well. I'm sorry okay?'

Scoups told taking a long breathe. He can't with this girl.

'Y/n come here.'

You were proceeding to go and by that time scoups called your name.
You went towards him standing. Scoups told you introducing her

'She is Laura. My mom's friend's daughter.'


You told coldly. You didn't want to act nice with him. You didn't like she was hugging scoups when you entered. Also she was talking about sleeping with him. It seemed like they had actual physical relationship. But no you shouldn't care at all. What else can you expect from scoups?

'I'm Laura. His girlfriend. He loves me so much.'

Laura told who she was instead greeting.

'Oh! Nice to meet.'

You told quietly.

Looking at scoups you saw him holding his forehead. He looked so done.

'Laura! Go help mom.'

'And? What will you do with her when I'll be gone?'

'Why does this matter to you?'

'Because you shouldn't touch anybody else than me.'

'You've gone mad.'

Scoups told quietly looking at his phone. Everytime Laura comes she talks crazily. As she was a childhood friend of his and since he counts her as a sibling, he can't be very angry towards her. Also Laura doesn't always mean what she tells. But you thought everything she was telling was right. You somehow felt betrayed.

'I- I should get going.'

You told calmly, walking to the door. Let them talk.

'Hey y/n!'

You didn't want to look back at all. You felt really sad. You have never known you could feel yourself as small as today. The treatment of Laura and her closeness with scoups made you sad, even though you were nobody, atleast you should have known this.

'Where are you going?'

Scoups came to the corridor where you were walking through. He grabbed your wrist not letting you go, as you were pretending you weren't hearing anything.

'Didn't I tell you to stop?'

Scoups told coldly. He is acting the tough guy here? Woah! He dragged you closer.

'I-I just told you, your mom is calling m-me.'

'You are lying.'

You were actually lying. So you couldn't say anything more.

He made you fall in the wall with your back.

You were scared at his action. Also he was looking angry from the first.
You felt pain in your back for suddenly thrown on the wall.

He looked at you for a moment before start talking. It's not like he loves to see your shrunken state for being scared of him, but today in the morning he couldn't move his eyes from you.

'What did you see when came?'


'You saw Laura with me right?'

'Uh, y-yes!'

You looked down. You didn't want to make long eye contact with him. His gaze was killing you.

'S-she was close to you.'

You further told for leaving soon.

'And then your face turned blue. Are you really jealous?'

'W-what?.. no.'

You told keeping your hands on his chest to make a gap between him, though he wasn't leaning on you.

'Oh I thought you got jealous. Ok if no then what to say. Also as you don't like me at all there's no way that you would be jealous.'

You didn't reply anything.

'More specifically you hate me, if I say literally.'

You looked at him suddenly. Yes you used to hate him so much. But for someday that feeling lessened with a great magnitude.

'Yes maybe you hate me so much but you should know I'm not as bad as you think. Everything she told-'

Scoups was standing too close to you pinning you to the wall. He was holding your arms to talk to you. Scoups couldn't finish due to an interruption from Laura.

'I see why you told me to stay in the room. You trying to touch her here so I don't know.'

'Laura. You should leave us along. Give me a second.'

You flinched at sudden shouting of Laura that scoups felt as he was holding you. He understood you maybe were confused so he came to tell you everything, but you didn't let him do so and ran away from there when Laura came there.


Scoups called you from behind but you pretended you didn't hear. You felt super hurt today. You know scoups is a playboy but you just forgot and started to think of him as a normal person. You shouldn't have forgot all the things he did to you.

Scoups was really frustrated at that moment. He didn't want to make you misunderstand him. Ugh why everytime Laura does this!!?


You were sad from the morning after seeing scoups with other girl. From then you can't even talk to any person frequently. But still Ms. Choi brought you at mall. You didn't want to come but then thought about what would you do staying here, where scoups is with Laura. You didn't see her anywhere other than Scoups's side. She was always with him and was talking non stop. You decided to come with Scoups's mom not to be bothered by them. Also you were cursing yourself for why you were getting jealous or even sad.

And here Scoups's mom was buying you a gown. She took you to a big gown shop and told you to choose. You were first confused why would you chose any gown here at that moment since it was Scoups's birthday. Then she just told that she wanted to see you like a bride beside scoups. As she told once from her mouth, you didn't have the courage to talk against it.

You were pretending that you were choosing one. There were hundreds of gowns. But you couldn't concentrate in searching. For no reason Laura's closeness to scoups was distracting you from the actual world. Also you questioned yourself why scoups doing all things telling his mom that he likes you, when he could tell that it's Laura!?

You were alone in a big room for choosing gown. Ms Choi and Lily were in different site. She is really busy for her son's birthday celebration. You were holding different clothes to see the details. You liked the beautiful work on the dresses under dazzling lights. But surely you couldn't find any to tell her.

'I think that one will look good.'

You stopped there standing hearing the voice. No way it could be scoups. He was.. well he wasn't that busy when you came here. But you couldn't look back to see if it was really scoups. But the voice and perfume was of his that you were actually sure.

'This looks pretty.'

He was standing so close behind you that he held the piece of cloth by holding your fist. He loves so much when he notices the ring in your finger that his mom gave you.

Scoups bent his face in the crook of your neck making you stand at a side. But he held you in the waist not letting you move.

'Isn't it?'

You didn't know what was wrong. How he went there? And well he should have been with Laura at this moment.

You moved from him carefully to see him and he was surprisingly close to you that you couldn't imagine. You couldn't see his face as he was taller.

He smiled showing his dimples when met your eyes.


You didn't want to admit but you were relieved scoups was here. And it was not some random guy.

'Oh you here!'

You told calmly walking a distance from him.

'Well I thought If my princess needs any help.'

'Stop lying.'

You looked sad also scoups realized you were trying to ignore him from the morning you went to his room. On the other hand scoups was really happy today when knew from Joshua that you brought the sunflowers for him.

You were walking while scoups was following you from behind putting his hands in pocket.

'Did you not like that one? That's pretty.'

The dress was really nice but you didn't want to buy what he liked. You were angry at him. You should just buy anything that's obviously not of his choice.

While walking you felt Scoups suddenly took the shopping bags from your hand. You first were startled but then felt good when he did that. Well does he really care for you!? No way! He has Laura.

'You can buy that for Laura. Why me?'

You told turning to him and again walking.

'What? Wait y/n she..'

'Please I don't want to listen anything. You know we are absolutely not real lovers that you have to explain. I just told what you should have done.'

You told calmly but boldly enough to make scoups realize that you were actually hurt.


He held your wrist trying to stop you.

'Wait- I admit you don't need any explanation of what you saw. But when it's not real, I must say the truth.'

'It's okay.'

You told removing his grip. He was holding you lightly that it was easy to remove this time.

He looked hurt now.

'Please Seungcheol, I don't want to hear anything from you. Both of us know that it's just acting, right? Then why do you want to make me feel that we are not just acting? I'm very sick of this drama now, i didn't aware of this until today. Yes I said I would be included in this play with my will and yes I'll keep my words. But can you please stop making me feel like that? It's insane! I have never thought seeing you with some other girl would break my heart, but see it's happening. But I really just hate you as much as I can. Please don't do this with me.'

You told everything without breathing. It was so embarrassing to tell him everything but you could just never keep things in your mind. You are too innocent that you must tell what you really feel. You felt you were crying, so you wiped your tears away from eyes looking at him.

Scoups was too mesmerised and he had a mixed feeling. Of which the most portion included was his sadness. He felt like he was betraying you by making you fall in love with him, though he never did so willingly. But it looked like you misunderstood him. And also you told you hate him that much that you felt bad why you were feeling like that.

He was too stunned to speak while you ran to other part for his mom, wiping your tears.

Scoups saw you run away making your hair bounce in the air. He felt so melancholic that he kept standing there like a statue while seeing you going.

To be continued...
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