By glossiebabe

154K 3K 1K

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙡𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧... More



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By glossiebabe

I wake up in Giovanni's arms after what felt like the most restful night I have ever had. I  am actually somehow glad that he made effort to talk to me and despite having kidnapped me, he did made everything he could to talk to me again and make things clear.

There are some topics we haven't touched yet, like how my mindset about things has changed quite a lot in these three months and after my first kill at the ball, there was just no stopping.

All of the people that I killed ever awful people who made human traffic and kidnapped little girls to make money out of them. It disgusts me how people manage to make business out of humans life's.

And it's even worst when those humans haven't even lived half of their life span.

I did made a bloody mess — I can not hide the fact that I was somehow sloppy with something and left my own mark on my victims — but there is not a single part of me that is ashamed of what I did and what I am about to keep doing.

But for now, I will simply enjoy the fact that I am back to Giovanni's arms. I know that I was the one who backed away from him and kept distance, but I can not lie, I have missed being in his arms and feeling safe, feeling at home.

He is still fast asleep and it doesn't seem like he is going to wake up any time soon, the bags under his eyes are the biggest ones I have ever seen, giving his face at least 5 more years, and his cheek bones are more visible. I noticed it in his body as well, he hadn't been eating properly and has been barely hanging on life.

His body only does what it needs to to keep him
alive, making the heart beat and breathing.

I feel the need to take care of him and make him look like my smily Giovanni, and despite not smiling a lot, his smile is the pretties I have ever seen, and I love it when I manage to pull a genuine smile out of him.

All I want is to make him happy. Make my boyfriend happy. Make my Giovanni happy.

His arms are tight around my waist, as if he doesn't want to let go of me — as if he is afraid to let me go and I disappear once more — and little does he know that the feeling is mutual.

Three months without him were worst than anything I have ever experienced in my entire life, but still, something inside of me told me not to talk to him until he told me the truth.

I ended up getting my rage out on someone else, just like I did with Akira, who was just trying to see if I was okay through it all — I clearly wasn't and she did help me a lot, she was probably doing the same with Giovanni and watching as the both of us fell apart without each other — she did help a lot, if she hadn't visit me though out it all I have no idea if I would even be able to open my mouth for three whole months.

Somewhere near in time, I have to meet with Akira and Yoru and talk to them about everything, especially to apologize to Akira. I did had a shitty reaction when she was just trying to help me.

Akira understood my side and respected the fact that I didn't want to speak with anyone who was involved in that situation. She could have spent these three months convincing me to forgive Vanni and Yoru, but she didn't. The only thing she did when she was there, was worry and take care of me.

Giovanni moves slightly, bringing me back to reality from my thoughts. His eyes are still closed but his breathing is slightly heavier as his browns start frowning and getting closer to each other. He grips me tighter as his body starts shaking, at first it was softly but then it got worst.

"Vanni." I whisper as I shake him, but he doesn't wake up and I start worrying about him as tears make it's way from his eyes. "Giovanni!" I say louder and shake him more, jumping slightly back when he wakes up and sits down in bed.

Breathing heavily and disoriented, Giovanni's gaze falls on mine and suddenly he seems to be more calm. He pulls me to his lap and hugs me tight as he starts controlling his breathing.

"Nightmare?" I whisper after a little bit, my hand has been rubbing his back for the last five minutes as the other one spend its time on his hair. 

"Nightmare." His head is deep in my neck but I still manage to make out what he said. From all of the nights I have spent with Giovanni, this is the first time where I catch him having a nightmare.

He doesn't talk much about it and it might be because he is worried about what I will think of him, maybe he thinks that my feelings for him will change or something similar to that. This man isn't ware or how much I love him already, I'm just not ready to say it out loud yet — and I don't think he is either.

"Do you wanna talk about it? Potrebbe aiutare." I ask, after a few moments of silence.
[ it might help.]

Giovanni breaths in deeply and I can feel his chest moving up and down as he moves with me. It looks like he is in a debate with himself, seeing if he is going to tell me or not. I won't pressure him, I never will, but these kind of moments when he opens up to me, do feel great.

"È una lunga storia, mi amor." He says as he pulls away from my neck and stares into my eyes — his gaze is deep in mine and it sends shivers down my spine, the butterflies have already made their way in without even asking and his touch suddenly feels, intense — his eyes were begging for me to understand him, begging some more time, it was something like a "i will tell you, i am just not ready now."

I give him a small nod and he closes his eyes once more, letting his head fall on my chest as he plants a small kiss in there, a giggle makes its way out of my mouth instantly, making him give another one, and another one, and another one...

When I come back to reality, Giovanni is now on top of me, his body taking space between my legs, leaving them open and without any chance of closing.

"Hai idea di cosa mi fai?" He asks as my heart starts beating faster against my chest.
[ Do you have any idea of what you do to me? ]

I shook my head. Does he have any idea of what he does to me? All of the butterflies and the blushed cheeks, all from his actions and sometimes from only thinking of him.

He lowers his head and quickly his lips make contact with mine, I've missed this so fucking much. We move in sync as Giovanni's hands wander around my body.

His shaft is rubbing on my crotch as I move my waist against him, the only thing keeping our skin from touching are my panties and his boxers.

A wave of wetness makes it was to my panties and I let a moan make its way out of my lips, a smirk makes its way to Giovanni's lips as he keeps kissing me intensely. I wrap my legs around his torso and his hands starts making his way to my panties.

But for our sadness — and for the moment of pain that is going to stay between my legs for a while due to my uncared horniness — two voices are heard downstairs and Giovanni sighs as he pulls away.

His eyes make contact with mine and don't let go, he examines the features of my face and smirks as he notices how breathless I am right now.

"Akira and Yoru are downstairs, they want to spend the day with you, do you want to go?" He brushes the hair from my face as he waits for my answer.

And I simply nod, not being able to make words after the moment we just shared. Vanni smiles at me and suddenly I forget the question that he just asked and focus on him.

"Go get ready amor, I am the only one who can see you with my t-shirt and soaking panties." He smirks and fully pulls away from me, getting out of bed and putting on some grey sweatpants that he has laying around before opening the door and getting out of the room, leaving me laying here, still thinking about how he makes me feel.

I put on some oversized dark grey cargo pants that were low waist and a black top that was a little ripped here and there, also wore some arm warmers just to get along with the outfit.

I did my makeup and made sure to not take too much time with it because the girls are waiting for me downstairs. I didn't do my hair and simply gave it a little shake, leaving it "wild".

Finally, I put on some boots that were mostly covered by the pants, and walk down the stairs. I follow their voices into the kitchen and watch Yoru sitting on the couch with her legs opened next to her chest, Akira is simply sitting on the chair from the island and Giovanni resting his weight on the counter, on the other side of Yoru.

"Anata wa atsuidesu, husky." Yoru says as I walk in the kitchen and rest my weight on the door, a smirk was planted on her face and she didn't even tried to hide it as she looked me up and down, it made a weird shiver go down my spine, because despite knowing that Yoru would never do anything to me.

It doesn't make her less scary and intimidating. Yoru has something in her eyes that even after months of knowing her, I still haven't figured out. But she is fully aware of the power her gazer has and what it does to people and once she noticies how awkward I suddlenly was, she softened her gaze and turned to Akira.

"Trasnlate Yoru." Giovanni says, no, he demands. There was a tone in his voice that I don't think I have heard before. A few minutes ago we were having a moment and know he looks like he's in the verge of killing Yoru with his bare hands.

I am not sure if he could though... I am not doubting Vanni's capabilities, in fact, I admire how strong my Vanni is. But I remember how he used to talk about Yoru before I met her and now that I do know her, I am aware that she is unbeatable.

"No." She shrugs as she changes her glare from Akira to Giovanni. Yoru surelly loves a challange and that isn't hard to notice and she isn't going to tell him whatever she said that easily.

But actually, I am also curious and want to know what she said about me as soon as I walked in, it can really be really good or really bad. I don't know what to expect from Yoru and even though she hasn't changed physically, the Yoru sitting down on the counter right in front of me, is not the same Yoru that I have met a few months ago.

She looks even deadlier than she was before, she was the person who handed me the dagger back at the ball, but I am sure that if it were to happen now, she would give me a full underground baze will all of the torture equipment imaginable and sit silently, while watching me have my fun.

I have heard nothing about her in the time we haven't seen each other, but I am sure that the deadly woman in front of me has known my every step and maybe has even watched me.

She sat silently in a corner while watching me have my fun.

I look at Yoru just to find her staring back at me, and as if she had just read my mind, she smiled. A genuine smile that caused, anxiety, worry, happiness and fear to run through my body and veins.

They still haven't told me what we are about to do, but from the look in Yoru's face. I know that she isn't going to be watching silently on a corner.

I am sure we are going to have fun.

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