It's not the same anymore (Du...

By Ezekiel_Del

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Judith couldn't believe what had happened in just a couple of hours. All her world just shattered. The fire w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three (Final)

Chapter Thirty

392 14 2
By Ezekiel_Del

  "Freedom ?"

"Freedom. That's all i want. You take care of that and i take care of the clues you need."

He seemed to think about it. I suddenly saw his face light up. He figured it out. He's not that bad.

"You found him."

"Maybe i'm just aware of the stuff i'm proposing to you ?"

"No way. I know that you're able do to some stuff. But the government ? It can't be you."

"What a way to talk to a woman, Alan." I joked, shaking my head. Obviously he would not buy it. Even i, knew that i'd never be able to do that type of finding.

"What do you have ?"

"I can't tell you the details, i do not even know them. All i can say is that you're about to find something massive. If you're willing to make the deal."

"What makes you think i would agree ?"

"You don't have anything on him. Never had, never will. You wouldn't have told me anything about the FBI if you did." I was sure he would be okay with it in the end. He didn't seem like a bad guy, just someone who wanted to bring justice.

He sighed. "You have to bring him. I can't decide that without being sure. It's not because you resolved a case that you will now be able to command everything you want." He finally said, leaving his arms fall to his sides. He wasn't that defensive anymore

"And what makes you think i should trust you on that matter ? You could bring the FBI in this." I had to make sure. I would never bring him to Jake if i had a chance that he would turn the other way.

"I won't do anything to him. If he's able to give me what you say, i'll do what i can to help him in exchange. But i need to talk to him Judith."

"They are looking for him. It should be enough for you to understand why."

He sighed. "And i do. But we're talking about government issues."

He won't let the matter fall. I don't even know how to contact Jake. I can't exactly ask him right now.

"Listen, once i know... more, i'll tell you. But right now ? Take it or leave it. Think about it i guess. It's not like we can do anything else for now."

"Alright." He sighed once again. I would too if i wasn't thinking about Jake. "I guess this is it then ?"

"You're not the type to do small talk, so i'll have to say yes, this is it." I turn to look at the lake once again. "I'll contact you when i know more."

"Alright. I'll be going then. Take care of yourself. And him as well."

"I will. See you."

He then left the lake. I was left alone. Not that i minded that much. I was thinking about what would happen with Alan and Jake when i felt my phone vibrate on my tight. I quickly took it in hands, unlocking it.


Hum ?

Who's that ?


Could it be ?

Jake ?

Hello Judith.

Oh my god ! That's so good !

Omg ! You actually did it ? Is it safe for you ?

It is, do not i worry. I took very good care in finding a new way to be able to text with you.

I'm so happy to be able to talk with you. I missed you so much.

We saw each other yesterday :)

But i understood what you meant. I miss talking with you too.

I know i shouldn't ask that, probably, but would it be possible for you to call right now ? I met with Alan not a minute ago.

I will make it so i can call. Wait a second please.

I didn't answer, i just waited for him. Because even if it was to talk about Alan, i would be able to talk with Jake. A few seconds later, my phone rang and i answered, being sure that it was Jake.

"Hello Judith." He wasn't using a voice changer device this time.

"Hey. You don't have your robot voice anymore." I joked, giggling a little. I felt like i could let myself free when i was talking with him.

"Yes, as you already know what i sound like and i was careful about what i'm doing, i didn't felt the need to use it."

"I like your voice." I finally say, sitting back on the grass. I let my face fall on my knees that i had brought to my chest.

"I like yours too. I find it really soothing."

"Thank you." I giggle again. God, i liked him. "Let's not go into that way because i'll never get to the conversation i wanted to have."

"Yes, you said you had a talk with Bloomgate ?" He asked, and i'm pretty sure i could hear him type on a computer.

"Yes. He was... actually i don't know how to explain it but, he seemed like he was on our side. Only thing that could cause problem is that, he wants to meet you."

At first, Jake didn't respond. I thought he had canceled our call but no, he was just quiet.

"I kind of expected that to be honest. Did he say anything else ?"

"That he would not do anything to you. He would help us against the FBI if you can really provide him the information on the government." I was twisting the grass between my fingers, something i often did when i was anxious.

"Believe me, he will be pleased." He nearly whispered, making it hard to catch. "I'm willing to meet him."

"Are you sure ? Jake, i don't want you to be in danger. I know i say that Alan is on our side, and i do believe that, but i want you to be a hundred percent sure about that."

"I would not be telling you that if i wasn't sure Judith. Do not worry about me. I will tell you this one more time, listen closely."

I swallowed and waited for him to start talking again.

"I will never allow myself to be caught. I will never allow someone to take us apart. I will stay by your side today and forever if it is what you desire."

His voice had dropped a bit. I bit my lip and felt myself nod even if he couldn't see me. I was touched by what he was saying. So much that i had tears in my eyes.

"That's all i want. For you to be safe and to stay by my side."

"Very well. I shall keep this promise then." I could hear a smile in his voice. I could imagine him smiling at his phone or computer.

"I'll contact Alan again. When do you want to organize that ? I'll tell him."

"Tomorrow morning should be good. I think i won't be wrong in saying that you will be there too ?"

"Of course ! I wouldn't leave you alone." Never.

He chuckled and typed something on his computer. It was weird but i liked the sound that the keys were making.

"Is nine o'clock good for you ? You are at the Blackwater lake right now, correct ? We can meet there and go to wherever Bloomgate wants to meet."

I wouldn't ask how he knew that, because he probably just localized my phone much faster than me. But after all, it had been years since he learned to do that.

"Yep, all alone at the lake." I joked. "But yes, nine o'clock here is good."

"Good. Then i guess we'll see each other tomorrow."

"Yes. See you tomorrow Jake. I love you." I couldn't stop myself from saying it.

I laughed lightly when i heard him. "I love you too Judith, rest a bit." He sounded shy and i originally thought he would be hanging up before he even said that. But he did finish his sentence before cutting our call.

Well, tomorrow, we would gain everything or nothing. I hope everything will be alright.

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