It's not the same anymore (Du...

By Ezekiel_Del

24.6K 997 99

Judith couldn't believe what had happened in just a couple of hours. All her world just shattered. The fire w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three (Final)

Chapter Eighteen

373 16 1
By Ezekiel_Del

"Yes ! Finally !"

"What ? What ?" Jessy came running into my room that i had left opened.

"I found something ! I couldn't track any phone or anything but with the location of my picture that i entered in a tracking devise, i found another building not that far from the cave."

"That's good Judith !" She jumped on me, trapping me in her arms.

"Yes ! But i must not be too happy. It could be ruins for all i know. But it's still something." I smiled.

"It is. Jake would be proud of you."

I smiled again. I liked how Jessy was saying that. I knew that Jake liked it when i was finding clues. I hoped it would be the same even without him to witness it.

"Thank you Jessy."

"You're welcome ! Are you going to go there ?"

"Yeah. I suppose you don't know anything about it ? Neither would the other ?"

"No, we didn't even know that there was a cave in the forest. For all i knew, it was just trees in this forest." She shook her head, facing me.

"I'll go then." I said, closing my computer.

"What ? Right now ?"

"Yeah. I can go alone don't worry. I have the map in here." I said, shaking my phone. Before closing my computer i had sent the location on my phone, putting it on the map inside. "If i'm nor home in maximum three hours and a half, i give you the right to ask someone to retrieve me."

"You'll be careful, right ? And call if you need anything. I'll go with you if you need me too."

"It'll be alright. You go to Hannah with the group and i go to the building. I'll try to be fast, okay ? Don't worry about me." I patted her head playfully after putting a sweatshirt over my head.

She flattened her hair that i had messed up and replied. "Of course i worry about you Judith."

"I'll be okay. Promise." I extended my little finger to her. She was quick to understand and wrapped her own finger around mine, pushing her thumb against mine, sealing the promise. "I'll be going. Can you explain everything to the group ? Oh and say hello to Hannah for me ?"

"Yes, i'll do that. See you in three hours and a half. Not a minute more."

"Not a minute more." I nodded my head before going downstairs. Opening the door, i took my helmet and closed the door behind me. My bike was more practical. I was glad that i had let my bike here when i got to my apartment in bus and came back with my car. I liked driving a car but a bike was just better.

The road was calm as it was Sunday. Not much to do. Besides a few things, nothing was really open. I knew the Rainbow Cafe was open because the group would go there with Hannah.

Hannah was supposed to leave the hospital in an hour. Thomas would go and take her, bringing her to the cafe where the rest of the group would be. I would have come, if i hadn't found this.

This, being the building i was supposed to find. When i stopped my bike by the edge of the forest, near the mine, i wasn't so sure anymore. I stopped the motor of my bike and got off of it.

"Alright, let's see what we've got." I pulled out my phone, pressing my finger on the map. Let's go to the cave and see where i should go next.

The walk to the cave was pretty much the same as the first time. Nothing on the ground but leaves and twigs. When i came across it, i stopped to look inside of it a second time. But again, nothing had changed. The blood had dried and left nearly nothing of it. The rain had washed it away.

"It says there should be a path behind it... Why is there a way to walk behind it if there's no way to walk in front ?" I whispered between my teeth. The woods were always so difficult to understand. But still, i fought bushed and thorns to go to the other side of the cave. The rocks against it were sharp and i would have no problem in getting a concussion if i were to fall.

Staying careful about where i was stepping, i pushed away a bush that i was not sure was actually a bush because it was far too tall. The end of the cave, finally. It looked smaller on the inside and bigger on the outside, somehow. And like my phone had said, there was surprisingly a path to walk behind. From behind, the cave looked like just a random big rock. Nothing more.

"Next. Walking one kilometer straight." Well, here goes my day of exercise. Not what i would have wanted, but well. If i wanted to have any lead and clue, i would have to do this. Or i would do that for nothing at all.

Let's just say that i hated walking in the forest. After finding Jake, i would never, NEVER, walk inside one again. I had scratches on my face where a branch had struck me and there was now a hole in my jean because of a thorn i had stepped into.

"I swear to god Jake, you'll be the death of me." Nobody could hear me so i wasn't afraid to talk alone. The path was becoming smaller and smaller the most i walked. When i reached the end, i stopped a bit to look where i should go and turned to my left.

There was less trees than before, which i was thankful for. Trees attracted bugs and i hated mosquitoes with my whole body. I noticed that the trees weren't the same as before, not sure if it meant something. Probably not. And i simply noticed because i wasn't being hit by twigs anymore when i walked on the ground.

I sighed, stopping my walk. I should have brought a water bottle with me. I was going to walk again when i saw it. Quickly pulling my phone out of my jean's pocket, i looked as my map said that i was at the right place.

I nearly ran to the building, but i was honestly too tired for that. And by the look of it, there would be nothing here.

The more i approached, the more i could see that it was more ruins then anything. It was probably a house, one time in the past. But now all there was left was the walls. Literally. There was no windows, no door and no roof. Still, i entered it.

Nothing but leaves and twigs. Again. Seriously, what did i expected ? To find Jake here ?

The answer was yes. I had hoped to find Jake here, or at least something from him.

"Dammit !" I shouted, kicking the ground. A pebble crashed against one of the wall, making me look at the corner.

Is that...

I ran to the corner where i had shoot the pebble. There, on the floor on a pile of leaves was a piece of cloche. Taking it in my hand, i turned it in every way possible. I couldn't say for sure what part it was, but it seemed to be part of a black sweatshirt. The material felt like it at least.

What interested me was that, the piece smelt like smoke. Even after being outside for so long, it still smelt like it. The whole surrounding of the mine smelt like smoke too. I was reminded of the accident every time i stepped on the ground of it.

Now i knew for sure. I was on the right track.

I would find Jake. I will find him.

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