It's not the same anymore (Du...

By Ezekiel_Del

24.6K 997 99

Judith couldn't believe what had happened in just a couple of hours. All her world just shattered. The fire w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three (Final)

Chapter Nine

425 12 0
By Ezekiel_Del

"Did you bring your whole house ?" Jessy joked as she helped me get the boxes out of my car. "Plus, i didn't know you had a bike AND a car."

"Well, can't really put boxes on a bike now, can i ?" I said, letting go of a bag that contained part of my clothes. "And no, i had much more clothes than this actually. But the space in my car is limited."

"Fortunately, i didn't put anything in the closet, you'll have all the place to put them in."

"Yeah, sorry. I'll bother you for a month maximum. Just say when i start to bother you." I smiled.

"You're not bothering me, i told you already. What are you going to do after the month is up ?" She hesitated before asking me this.

I closed my car after taking the last item inside that was acyually my computer. I sighed. "It depends on what is going to be find. If no traces of Jake is found, i'll start researching on what he could have become. And if they find him, i'll be forced to believe it and accepted it. Eventually. I'm just giving myself a month."

"And then ?"

I looked at her. "And then i'll go back home."

I knew that the fact that i would have to go home saddened her. After all, i grew attached to her and the other. But if nothing came, i wouldn't be needed anymore. "It's alright Jessy. If i do go home, i'll keep in touch. Don't worry."

Then, she hugged me. I was startled a little by the hug before hugging her back. "I don't want you to go."

"I know."

And admittedly, i didn't want to go back home either. As weird as it sounded, i felt at my place here, in Duskwood. Even with all of what happened in such a short time.

"We'll see how it goes. I'll call Bloomgate when i'm done with my things. To ask if they found anything."

"Can i stay with you ? I can help with putting your clothes in the closet."

"Of course, come on."

We then had to bring all my bags with clothes in the spare bedroom i would be occupying for a while. Jessy opened the closet while i opened the first bag out of the four i had taken with me. She herself, opened a second bag. What can i say, i like clothes.

"Oh my god ! I love that skirt !" I turn to look at Jessy who was looking at the skirt between her hands. The skirt was a simple red and black pleated plaid skirt, with two chains hanging from the side that fell on your hips when you're wearing it.

"It's one of my favorite. You can borrow it if you want sometimes. I don't mind."

"I"m not sure if i could pull it though."

"I'm sure you could. And we're nearly the same size anyway." I was a bit thinner than she was, probably because of my ways of eating. But the skirt was bigger than my size because i liked to pick a size bigger. It's just more comfortable. And i can always put a belt if needed.

We arranged my clothes for a bit more than an hour, stopping sometimes when Jessy found something pretty that i kept telling her she could borrow if she wanted. I was putting my computer on the bed, opening it when my phone rang. Stopping in track, i looked at Jessy who was already looking at me, her eyes widening. My phone was on the small bedside table, face down. I couldn't see who was calling me. The only person to ever call was Jessy. And she was in front of me.

Taking a deep breath, i took my phone and flipped it over.

"Fucking hell. It's Cleo." Why was she calling ?

"Cleo ? What does she want ?"

I shrugged my shoulders, accepting the call. "Cleo ? Is something the matter ?"

I could hear some sounds than sounded like clattering in the background. "Everything is alright, thank you. I just wanted to see if you wanted to meet Hannah ? I'm actually making a cake and thought you could come with me when i bring it to her."

"Oh. I mean, sure. I guess i could come. Jessy, do you want to go see Hannah ? Cleo is making her a cake." I waited to see her nod her head, smiling a little.

"Jessy is there ?"

"Yeah, i just got here again and she's helping me put my stuff away. She can come right ?"

"Of course. I'll text you when the cake is done."

I hummed, ending the call after saying goodbye to her. I then put my phone on the bed, where i was sitting. Jessy took the spot next to me.

"I actually got scared for a minute. I thought it would be Bloomgate."

"I did too. Even if i want to call him, i would be more scared if it was him who called me. Then it would mean that they found something."

"You're right. Are you still going to call him ?"

"I'll message him first. If i do go see Hannah in, let's say about an hour, then i will probably be gone for another hour. So i can schedule a phone call with Alan." I said, putting the word 'schedule' in invisible quotes. "Plus, it will be late so i have more chances to talk to him if it's not in the middle of the day."

"Okay. I'll let you do that then. I'm going to make me a cup of coffee, do you want one ?"

I nodded my head, watching her go outside of the room. I took my phone again, pulling the conversation i had with Alan, trying to not look at Jake's name even if i was thinking about him.

Hello. I would like to call you tonight, if that's possible. I won't be free before that, so do not try to call before please.

I was going to put it away when i noticed that he had answered me right away.

Judith. I wanted to take contact with you too. Seems like we will be talking tonight then.

Wait, wait a minute. Did something happened ?

I'll explain all of it tonight.

I can't believe that. You can't say that you found something and then not tell me what !

I felt like throwing up as i understood that he would not be responding to me. I wanted to pull on my hair and scream my frustration but couldn't because Jessy was here.

"Judith ? Did you messaged Bloomgate ?"

"Yeah. And i hoped i didn't."

"What ? Why ?" She gave me the cup of coffee that was still steaming. She sat next to me once again, taking a small sip. I preferred to wait for mine to cool because i didn't like drinking something that was too hot.

"He has news. But i don't know about what. He wouldn't tell me."

"Do... Do you think it's about Richy and Jake ?" Her voice shook with sadness.

"Maybe. I mean, probably. We can only hope that it's not bad news. Well, baddest news, i should say."

We both fell silent. We originally knew that Richy was dead. You can't survive a fire if you want to die in it. But they could have find something else.

Someone else.

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