Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)

By ImALivingNightmare7

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Book made with @M3m0ryDI5c0rd Please read the entire description, thank you Alchemist Tomura was out in the f... More



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By ImALivingNightmare7

*When they arrived to the garden, Dabi slowly released Tomura's hand as he began to wander around the garden. He smiled softly at the immediate interest in Tomura's eyes as he examined the flowers and the small pond. Luckily, the town wasn't very busy today, due to everyone getting ready for the ceremony, so the garden was quiet.*

Tomura walked over to the pond as he teleported the pot with fish food next to him. As he reached his empty had in the water the Koi fish came over to it. They kind of patted it giving the hand soft 'kisses' the alchemist smiled.

*The half-breed watched his mate carefully. He enjoyed seeing him so relaxed and at peace.* -This is our home now.- *Dabi sighed.* -You can do whatever you wish, my love. I won't stop you.-

The alchemist took his now wet hand out to actually fed the fish. He knew that since it's colder they only want a little bit, so a bit in his hand is enough for all of them. He looked up to the dragon as he spoke "Haye you thought about the speech you're supposed to give..and if so what did you come up with so far?"

*Dabi looked at him and rubbed his neck awkwardly.* "I...don't have anything. I don't get speeches; I never have. So trying to come up with one is ten times harder than you think."

Tomura took his hand out again and placed it in his lap after shaking it a bit. "Well first you have to start with a greeting and like some shit like 'I am glad that you could all come to this occasion .' jarder jarder." He looked at the pond "And then you could start by....telling how bad Enji was for the own kingdom..."

*The half-breed leaned against the wall as he listened to Tomura. His tail swayed softly as he nodded.*

The alchemist looked at him. "So what do you think? With what will you continue? I mean you somehow have to briefly explain how you mated with a human and all that shit with Enji and how he died."

*Dabi shrugged a little.* "Yeah, I guess." *He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

*Tomura gave a soft smile "Funny, how an alchemist who hates social gatherings at all is better at forming a speech than fucking royalty." he gave a soft chuckle.

*The half-breed growled softly.* "Well I've kind of been locked up my entire life. So don't push it."

Tomura chuckled more "I've been too, so that's not an excuse." he looked at the pond "Golden cage lovers~" he whispered under his breath.

*The albino dragon huffed and looked away.*

The albino looked up to his lover "Why so distant Dabi~ Join me love." he pat the place next to him.

*The half-breed looked over at him. After a moment, he sighed and walked over to Tomura, sitting beside him. His tail carefully wrapped around Tomura's waist and laid over his lap*

The alchemist gave a smile as he put his head on his shoulder. "Anything else you want to talk about?"

*Dabi looked at him.* "For the speech...or in general?"

Tomura gave a small hum "How about both." he looked at the pond with the colorful fish.

*Dabi hummed softly and nodded. He stared down at the water as he tried to think, but everything in his mind went blank.* -This is what he does...- *The half-breed's eyes shifted to Tomura as he slowly smiled.*

The man looked up to him "And? You lost for words Lab-Rat?"

"Yes, I am. I think your presence took those words away from me." *Dabi teased with a smirk.

*Tomura gave a huff "Then I wonder how you'll be able to praise or degrade me in bed~"

*Dabi blushed and rolled his eyes.* "I have before, haven't I? Only that was in the closet, not in bed."

The alchemist gave a hum. "Then that's a new point for out to-do-list~"

*The dragon chuckled softly as he rubbed Tomura's head softly.* "God I love you."

"Yeah, I know. But we got to make our speeches before getting to the fun part~" he purred tilting his head to kiss the other's jawline.

*Dabi snickered softly.* "Yeah, yeah. Stupid royalty stuff first and then family stuff."

"Well at least your father's gone and we are the future ruler." he placed his head against him again. "So we gotta work a bit, you know?"

"Yep." *The dragon hummed softly.*"So anything else for the speech?" He looked at the fish again. Looking at the beauty of them really calmed him, it was like magic "Hmm..." -Maybe I can officially expose what Father did to all of us.- *Dabi stared at the water.* "Mother."

Tomura gave him a first confused but then agreeing look. "Totally, what your father did and the lies he told the people are horrible. Anything else?"

*Dabi fidgeted with his shirt.* "All of us. I can prove that the kingdom wasn't the only one that was suffering under his rule."

Tomura gave an agreeing look waiting for the other to continue.

"Like you said, there's the kingdom and what he did to them. I guess I could formally apologize. Promise to help with any rebuilding or anything else they need."

Tomura kissed his cheek "Sounds amazing so far."

*The half-breed looked over at Tomura with a curious look.* "Really?"

He hummed "Yeah I guess. You're doing amazing sweetie, considering you've never done this before."

*Dabi felt himself smile softly as he kissed Tomura's head gently.*

The alchemist smiled "I guess it's my turn...I would like introduce your mate." He looked to the side for a quick moment. "Then I...I.." he looked at the dragon "What do the people expect from me.."

*Dabi shrugged.* "Well...there's hardly any kingdoms with two kings before."

Tomura gave a soft huff. "That's why I am worried. I've never had to deal with...such an issue, since the alchemists basically don't care about such stuff." He looked at the pond.

*The half-breed frowned and carefully kissed his head softly again.* "Well that's why I'm here! I told you I'd help you, did I not?"

Tomura looked at him "Then tell me what to do?!" He buried his head in the other's shoulder

*Dabi sighed.* "Tell them who you are. That you're an alchemist. What you're willing to do for our kingdom."

Tomura went silent for s second. 'What am I willing to do.' "Kill, slaughter and care. I will do my absolute best."

*Dabi nodded softly.* "There you go!"

Tomura gave a soft smile. "I guess..."

*The half-breed smiled.* "Trust me. Everything will go just fine, my dear."

The man looked up to him. "I hope...I don't want to mess this up..." He gave a short chuckle "This would be my first time speaking publicly..." He looked at the pond again. 'It will be will be just fine...'

*The half-breed sighed softly. He rested his hand on top of Tomura's carefully.* "You won't screw things up, Tomura. Have some faith in yourself, okay? I'll be right beside you if you start to feel nervous, okay?" *Carefully, Dabi turned Tomura's head up to face him by lifting his chin.* "We're in this together, okay? I'm not going to abandon you." *The dragon spoke softly as he kissed the alchemist's forehead softly.* "I love you, Tomu."

Tomura could swear there were tears in his eyes as he gave a smile. Tears rolled down his face "I-I love you." his arms wrapped around the man as he pushed his lover to face him. " you Dabi." His lips quivered as more tears rolled down his face while he gave a smile.

*The dragon frowned, carefully using his thumb to wipe away his mate's tears.* "Hey, it's okay. Why are you crying, Love?" *Dabi asked softly, concern and worry in his voice.*

"I-I don't know!" he gave a smile. "I-I am j-just so happy!" he gave a giggle with his eyes sparkling and another tear running down his cheek. But the man couldn't stop smiling.

*Dabi sighed softly as he smiled a little. He carefully pulled Tomura closer to him, hugging him by his waist.*

The alchemist gave his cheek a soft peck. "I can't tell you how much I love you." he whispered as he let himself sink into his warm touch "Thank you for encouraging me~" he purred as he looked into those beautiful diamond eyes before connecting their lips into a sweet kiss.

*The dragon hummed softly into the kiss as Dabi held one hand on Tomura's back while the other ran through his hair. He immediately melted into the kiss.*

Their lips parted after a few seconds. "Is there anything else you'd want to talk about." Tomura gave a soft hum "We still have time Dabs~"

*Dabi laid his forehead against Tomura's.* "I personally don't know what to talk about. As long as I get some time with you, I could care less."

Tomura gave a small chuckle "Really? Nothing to talk about, god damn. I bet you're the boring person in those parties." he joked while giving a impish giggle.

*Dabi rolled his eyes.* "Never been to a "party" before. So yes, I assume I'll be very boring."

The man jabbed his fist softly into his rips. "Nothing to talk about." he commented as he gave a shrug.

*Dabi hissed softly and gave his mate a weird "Are you trying to get me to understand something?" look.*

The alchemist rolled his eyes "Really Dabi? And here I hoped you're IQ may be above room temperature." he gave a playful scoff. "I'm pregnant, there a plenty things we should get right." he half rolled his eyes.

"Oh!" *Dabi hissed, face-palming himself.* "Of fucking course."

The alchemist gave a smile. "See, makes perfectly sense~" he chirped.

*The half-breed huffed softly.*

"Soo~" he looked at his mate again. "Where will our baby sleep for the first few months?"

*Dabi hummed as he thought.* "They...won't be able to sleep with us, correct?"

"Perhaps for the few months in a crib next to the bed. We have to be prepared when their wings come in the 2nd week. It's also quite defenseless. But perhaps with 4 to 6 months it can get it's own room." he stated thinking if that was a good decision.

*The dragon hummed.* "I mean, from what I remember, Fuyumi stayed with Mother for 7 months or so before she was moved into my room." *He shrugged softly.* "We'll have to find a free room for them. Possibly Izuku's if he's going to stay in Shoto's room more."

Tomura gave a short nod. "But since they move our room to the king's and since we'll sure renovate that part of the house we should make sure that their room is near ours. Just in case." He gave a soft smile, making such preparations is calming and he enjoyed it.

*The half-breed nodded softly.* "That could work."

Tomura gave small smile thinking. "Did I forget something~" he hummed under his breath 'are there any other preparations we can make right now...'

*Dabi thought for a moment.* "Well...I know this isn't completely necessary now, but you remember how we were talking about the possible gender?" *When Tomura nodded, Dabi continued.* "What about possible names?"

Tomura went silent for a moment. He hasn't thought about any names, he thought it was a bit to early for that. But now he was curious. His head rested on his mate's shoulder as his eyes went to the Koi pond again. He watched the beautiful fish swim around. 'Soo pretty...' He then looked at an especial pretty white Koi with a red, black and orange pattern over it. "What about...Coí (pron. Co-í) if it's a girl?"

*Dabi looked at his mate and smiled.* "It sounds beautiful." *He hummed, running his hand through his hair. The garden went silent again as the two thought. About five minutes later, Dabi spoke up again.* "I like Tadashi (pronounced: Ta-da-she) for a boy."

Tomura gave a soft hum "Tadashi or Coí, they both sound really pretty." he gave a smile as he glanced at his stomach. 'Really pretty~' he then looked up to his mate. "I-I am so so happy~" he purred as he leaned against his shoulder taking in his calming scent. "W-when do you think we can tell the rest or kingdom that we are expecting?" he gave him a soft smile.

*Dabi looked down at Tomura. He then looked at the water.* "Uhm...I'm not sure."

The alchemist gave a amused chuckle "That's why I am asking you~"

*Dabi rolled his eyes.* "Yes, I am aware that's why, Dummy." *The half-breed snickered.* "I guess we can announce it whenever you feel comfortable."

Tomura gave him a small nod. "If it doesn't slip out on accident first." he gave an uncomfortable smile obviously talking about himself.

*The half-breed carefully rubbed his mate's back.* "Yeah...but it'll be fine if it slips out too!'ll be unprepared."

Tomura gave a hum "Unprepared for who? Us or the noble or the common folk?"

"Uh...all the above?"

Tomura gave a laugh. "Why for us? We know that I am carrying your baby." he gave a smile pecking his check with his lips.

*Dabi snickered.* "I don't even know. I mean, unprepared for any kind of response everyone has."

Tomura rolled his eyes "And what if, we're gonna keep it end of story." he gave a chuckle now scooting over to his lap to get comfortable in it surrounded by his warmth.

"Absolutely." *The dragon responded somewhat coldly.*

"Then what are you worried about? And besides what can they do? As long as you befriend Master tonight at the party nothing will happen." he gave an unsure smile 'Yeah, Master...'

*Dabi huffed.* "I think she'd rather have my head on a stake."

"Yeah, but she just needs to tolerate you...please try." he gave his mate a soft look. "I know she hasn't been the best person in the past....and I can hardly forgive her myself...just make sure that she tolerates you...I too will try to find out more and perhaps I can forgive her before the baby is born..." he looked away at the pond with a sad touch in his eyes.

*The half-breed gave Tomura a soft look. He carefully cupped his and kissed his head.* "I will." *He nodded.* "If you truly want me to get along with her, I will sure as hell try." *He caressed his mate's cheek softly.*

Tomura gave him a small look. "Thanks, I know it will be hard for both of us to befriend her and probably a bit harder for me to trust her again. But thanks for trying so hard Dabi~" he gave him a smile for a second before closing the space in-between them, softly kissing his lips.

*Dabi melted into the kiss, snaking his arms around his mate's waist.*

While they kissed Tomura's left hand went for the other's cheek caressing it softly while his other hand brushed gently through his hair.

*The half-breed smiled slightly into the kiss as he caressed Tomura's hips carefully.*

Tomura felt relieved while kissing his mate. It was no needy or passionate kiss with lost of heated moment. This was like a calm small river in spring. Relaxing and refreshing.

*When the two broke the kiss, Dabi rested his forehead against his mate's, his tail coiling around Tomura's waist. The dragon's icy blue eyes met Tomura's crimson once as a teasing smirk made its way across the half-breed's face.*

Tomura gave him a low scoff "What are you thinking about?~" he purred as he gave him a small grin brushing some hair out of his face.

"Nothing." *Dabi snickered.* "Just about how so damn beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you here with me~"

The man smiled "Aw, that's so sweet of you~" he slightly teased him by caressing his neck. "I love you too~"

*The half-breed smirked a little more as he turned his neck slightly.* "Love you more~"

The alchemist gave a hum, he was not in the mood to argue with him as he leaned against his chest and continued stroking Dabi's neck. He wanted to get a little rest since the party will start in the late afternoon and will probably do until deep of the night.

*Dabi kept his head to the side to allow Tomura full vulnerability to his neck. He closed his eyes and relaxed into his mate's touch.*

The alchemist couldn't help but smile as they continued to give each other affection and vulnerability. They ended up laying next to each other at the pond with Tomura facing it while Dabi was behind him kissing his neck, telling him sweet nothings while his hand laid on his stomach. His thumb rubbed it softly while Tomura's head rested on one of his arms. The alchemist couldn't help but smile as they continued to give each other affection and vulnerability.

*Everything felt perfect to Dabi. Even if they were probably in plain sight to the entire kingdom, he didn't care. Tomura felt nice to lay beside, and he knew that by the end of the day, the two would be too exhausted to even speak. So spending time together in the garden was much more enjoyable then the same bedroom setting.*

After a while Tomura spoke "I think it's time..." his voice was just above a whisper.

*Dabi looked at him. He sighed softly and sat up, helping Tomura up as well.* "Right."

The alchemist gave him a soft kiss. "Come on Dabs, it's not the end of the world." he chuckled standing up.

"It's the end of our peace, thats for sure." *He huffed as he stood up as well.*

Tomura rolled his eyes. "Stop being sooo dramatic." he joked as he took the man's hand. "Let's go back."

*Dabi rolled his eyes and followed Tomura into the castle.*

The albino led the two of them to the dressing room. On their way there multiple servants were getting the throne room ready and the ball room. When they would walk past the both they'd go out of their way and bow. Tomura had to admit that he kind of liked how much he was respected by them. As they reached Tomura's room the man gave Dabi a soft kiss. "I'll see you later love~"

*The half-breed smiled softly.* "See you later, Tomu." *With that, the two parted ways.*

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