As You Are

By _rjjlw

69.8K 2.8K 419

"living with her under the same roof already giving me headaches. The idea of having a child with her is ridi... More

2: Sharing Place
3: Her Favourite Colour
4: Not A Good Morning
5: A Car Ride
6: Irresponsible
7: Present
8: Milk-Tea
9: Black Dress
10: Blue box
11: Don't Let Me Go
12: Tell It To The Bees
13: Very first Photo
14: Belated Birthday Present
15: A Hug?
16: Tokyo
17: Unexpected Guest
18: We're Done
19: We Will Be Okay
20: Dreams
21: Breath For A While
22: Ice Cream Date
23: In Love With You
24: A Little Wish
25: As You Are
26: Forever
27: Yellow
28: Mine For Eternity
29: Until The Heaven Falls
30: Our Own Universe
31: You, Me And Forever

1: Family Dinner

6.4K 167 29
By _rjjlw

18th January, 2022

"I want some tasty chicken in this system to survive I swear to god"

You were just chilling in your favourite bar with your best friend Rosie. Just having some fun shots with your best friend. Who is with you since you took birth. She was older than you but only some days. Suddenly your phone start ringing and the caller id didn't please you that much.

It was a family call from your dad. What he said makes you change your expression and leave Roseanne with a small reply. Getting into your BMW you tried to reach your parent's mansion as fast as you can. After like 20 minutes you pull your car to the mansion's gate and park it before getting inside the place. You entered the place in a hurry.

"MOM?" You busted into anger immediately when you entered the house and saw your mom sitting on the sofa while listening to Opera on the tv.

"What happened? Why you are shouting?" Your dad asked you calmly like he did nothing.

"YOU CAN'T FUCKING CALL ME AND SAY 'your mom is ill come home' WHEN SHE IS PERFECTLY FINE AND CHILLING IN THE SOFA WHILE WATCHING GOD KNOWS WHAT KIND OF SCREAMING SHE IS LISTENING ON THE TV" You shouted at your dad. You didn't knew you were this much mad at your dad for lying about your mom.

"First: It's opera that normal people like us listen and Second: what should we do? Do you ever come here when we call you and ask you to come for at least a dinner but you always down our offer. So you didn't leave us with any other option and we did what good parents would have done" Your mom stated like it's not even a problem about what she did. She made it seems like it's not even a big deal.

"Do you even have any idea how much scared I got? You could have just told me-"

"You have never come here if we just invite you for a family dinner sweetheart" Your dad finally opened his mouth while cutting off her daughter's sentence.

Okay, you don't like to come here but which kind of parents do this kind of shit to their children? Yours is way too weird.

"Come on Y/n your favourite chef Louis made chicken kababs for you," Your mom spoke. Like ok, You are mad at your parents for doing this with you but Louis Your all-time favourite home chef made that for you.

Yall sat at the dinner table and the maids served the food. You grabbed a lot of kababs cause they are specially made for you.

Not gonna lie but these kababs with all of your favourite foods are kind of suspicious to you. It's not like your parents don't love you but it's quite sudden. First, they lied to you and now second, all of your favourite foods. Suddenly your dad cleared his throat to get his daughter's attention but failed miserably.

"We have something to talk about with you" Your dad finally spoke this time. Cause the first trick didn't work at you.

"What it is dad?"

"Are you getting laid regularly? " This time Your mom spoke and you almost choked on your rice.

"Are we here to talk about my sex life?" You asked your mom disbelieving. Who asked this kind of question to their 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 child. The last time you brought someone into the house they didn't like her that much. Even your mom spilled a glass of wine in her dress and your dad just tried to be a dad who is happy after meeting his only daughter's girlfriend but he wasn't able to do it well. But it was all 3 years ago. No one talks about your relationships after that.

"We just want to let you know that we care about you Y/n," Your dad commented turning his head towards his wife. Even though they don't live together your parents know very well what you do and don't.

"Yeah of course I'm pretty much sure about that," You ranted without taking off your eyes from the food.

"Are you taking care of yourself sweetheart? You look like lost some calories" Your mom confessed and you looked over the food to her only to find out they both looking at you with their concerning eyes.

"Can you spill the tea already? Like what you two want from me?"

"We want a grandchild," Your mom said on your face like it's not even a big deal or something.

"Are you both got crazy or something?" You inquired again disbelieving in your mom's own words. Do they think making children is that easy?

"No. We are perfectly fine-"

"Still you should meet a psychologist," You snapped cutting off your mom. She glared at you and speak again.

"We both are ok. You have to understand we are aged enough to have a grandchild. I want to hold my grandchild with my own hands before dying"

"Come on mom. First, you two can take a yoga class or whatever aunt Kathy took classes for. Like she is at age of umm.. maybe 60+? I don't know but she looks like freaking 37"

"Are you planning on hitting my sister Y/n? I guess you know she has unmarried" your mom informed her with a is that smirk? Is she being real?

"Mom can you just be practical for a second? I'm just saying my thoughts I don't want to hit your sister or something. What the fuck! Also, I thought you know I'm single and don't have any plan to change this any sooner too. So better think about something else" You explained to your mom and gave her an annoying look before taking another bite of your food.

"Come on sweetheart you can just think about this-"

"I can't even take care of myself alone in my place leave talking about a small human running around there," You ranted cutting your mom again. Seems like you came here to cut off their sentence.

"Yeah, we know that sweetheart. For that, we called you here" Your mom admitted completing her sentence this time sweetly and you in place of cutting her sentence gave them a questioning look.

"Do you remember Mr Kim? My childhood best friend and with whom I grew up pretty much?" Your dad asked you this time while growing his smile on his face dangerously bright.


"Oh yeah. You were only 1 year old when we moved out from New Zealand" Your dad smiled sweetly maybe remembering his old days while you just rolled her eyes at them.

"Honey focus!" Your mom snapped your father out from his sweet memories.

"Oh yeah sorry. So he has a daughter, who is sweet-"

"Wait, wait! Do you two think the same thing I'm thinking?"

"Maybe, depends on what you're thinking" Your mom calmly spoke this time to her daughter.

"I'm not liking the way this conversation going. It's already 10:55 and I should leave 'cause I have to drive there off alone" You said while getting up. But your mom made you sit on the chair using your shoulders.

"Sweetheart, we just want to help you"

"I don't need this kind of help from you two"

"But you have to listen to us"

"What if I don't?"

"Then you are an ungrateful child" Your mom stated without any hesitation.

"Honey say it to her before she runs away"

"Ok, so he has a daughter. Who is pretty, sweet, caring, beautiful, charming like you. You know we are best friends and we should have family dinner together at barbeque or something"

You nodded while taking another bite from your food and your dad was unexpectedly happy about his daughter's decision.

"So, is it a yes?"

Your mom slapped her husband's arm while giving him a death stare.

"Sweetheart, I know maybe it sounds a lot to take in a moment. But we want you to be umm more than friends with her-"

"Wait, do you want me to marry her?" You cut your mom's words again and gave both of them a look.

"Yes! Now you get it. Look how genius my daughter is" Your mom exclaimed with joy while satisfaction washed over their face.

"You don't have to marry her straight away. We want you to know her. For a year. Stay with her for a year get to know her in the meantime and if this doesn't work we will never bug you again with this kind of stuff. We promise" Your dad explained to you.


Someone better remind why you nodded that night when your dad asked you for this family dinner. You were pretty much late for the dinner cause of some damn traffic on the road which made you reach the destination 20 minutes later than you had to. You knew the reservation was in the name of your dad's best friend so you quickly approach the receptionist and asked about where you can find them and she led you into one of the private rooms in that restaurant.

When she opened the door to get into the room you looked at the whole room and who was sitting where. But in a matter of seconds you started questioning your parent's choice. Did they set up a grandma for you? You quickly shook that thought from your head when your dad finally spoke.

"Oh Y/n, you're finally here. We thought you aren't coming here"

"Oh Nah, I just got into some pretty bad traffic that cause me to come here late. I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience" You phrase out the words and tried to show respect to everyone which seems to work on them perfectly. They shook their heads toward you and finally, Mr Kim spoke this time.

"It's ok. Anyone can get into traffic you don't have to apologise for that. Come take a sit" Mr Kim said while motioning his left hand towards one of the empty seats at the round table. You gladly closed the door and sat on the sit to find out Your mom had already ordered food for you and that doesn't contain a tiny bit of chicken. You gave your mom a glare which she shove off with a smile on her face. Not lefting you with any other choice but only to eat a plate of macaroni cheese with tater tots and a glass of lemonade. At least she remembers your drink. You were taking the utensil when Mr Kim broke the dead silence in the room.

"My daughter is in the bathroom she will be here in minutes" So Your parents didn't set you up with a grandma but a-

"I'm sorry if I spend a lot of time in the bathroom" an angelic voice cut off Your thoughts which caused you to look over the door that was wide open and your jaw dropped after seeing the person who was busy closing the door and taking the empty seat beside you. Your dad suddenly cleared his throat which caused you to look everywhere but at her.

You finally took a spoonful of macaroni when Mr Kim start speaking.

"Y/n, it's my wife chae-rin and my name is Ji-won and she is my mother Charlotte" Mr Kim said while pointing over his little family he brought there. You just nodded and smiled at everyone. When your eyes laid over Jennie you were just not able to avert your gaze from her. You were amazed by the beauty of the brunette beside you on the table. Whom you supposed to marry if everything goes perfectly what Y/n doubt a lot.

"Oh.. cool I'm Y/n. Nice to meet y'all" You introduced yourself to everyone in the room. They all gladly nodded and you look over at the girl.

"And your name?"

"I'm Jennie" She stated and you took the information in yourself. Jennie. Jennie's name was as much pretty as 𝘩𝘦𝘳.

"Oh, Mr park said a lot of things about you" Jennie said joyfully.

"Hopefully not bad things" You said knowing how much her dad can embarrass you in front of people he knows well. The looks your parents are giving you are weird.

"He likes to exaggerate sometime" You stated while chewing your food.

"Oh, it's good Y/n. You inherited his intelligence indeed. Topping your classes. That's so his thing. Impressive" Jennie's dad expressed his words joyfully.

"It wasn't that much great. I was doing ok anyways" You said uninterested in your studies. It's not like You never received compliments about your intelligence. But You never like them that much cause you were not that much passionate about studies anymore.

"And also modest" This time Jennie's grandmother cheered along with his son. "Perfect for my granddaughter" You gave them a tight smile not wanting to embarrass your family in front of Kim's. Everyone was happy in the room without the main two characters. Y/n and Jennie.

A few minutes after the joy died down. But suddenly your dad clinked his glass. "I'd like to propose a Toast. To the Kim-Park clan. May we unite forever! Tied by our daughter's marriage" again everyone without the two girls rises their glass gladly and cheers. But Jennie had raised her hand to cheer in deadly slow-motion but stop in midways when You opened your mouth.

"Dad! Marriage is way long away from now. We have to get to know each other first right? Um.. a year?"

Your dad ignored You and your mother narrowed her eyes toward her daughter. "I'm just saying" You whispered to her mom who was looking at You dead serious.

"Stop saying anything" Your mother stated this time making You stop saying anything further.

"I have an announcement sweetheart so stay quiet" Your mom said to You.

"So we have brought an apartment in the middle of the town and everyone here wants you to stay there together. It gives a wonderful view at night" Your mother clapped her hands joyfully.

"Also there is a private rooftop attached to the apartment. So you two can watch sunset and sunrise together too" Jennie's mom added.

"It's really romantic"

"You two can sit on the couch while looking out through the big glass panel in the living room"

"Yes, I have seen it and I like it also. You two will like it a lot and the place is perfect for growing a family there" Jennie's grandmother didn't miss a beat.

Then, both families start talking with each other again. Leaving the two girls alone. How many grandchildren they want and how much happy they will be there living with each other. How their marriage will be one of the most beautiful ones and blah blah blah.

"You'd agree to this?" You whispered to the brunette.

"They will get whatever they want anyway, why gotta argue" she replied.

You aren't believing the woman beside her. She doesn't have anything to complain about but Y/n? She has a lot to complain about. She isn't ok with how her life gonna change after this family dinner.

"Ahh... Umm," You raised your hand and received a glare from your mom. But You shook it off.

"I can't move out from my condo. Nah I love it more than anyone else. So it's a new. She can move in my condo. But I'm not moving out" You started praying to god, buddha, Allah and whoever can listen to her prayer and make Jennie agree with you. Everyone looks at Jennie for an answer.

"I don't have any problem living with her in her condo" and with this, you knew you have to move to a new place and live with that unknown woman for a year.

And Y/n's life is now officially over.

𝗔𝗵 𝘀𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗲 𝗴𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿. 𝗜𝗱𝗸 𝗶𝗳 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗲𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗜'𝗺 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗵 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿.
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘁 lol🧍🏻

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