Gang War (Fanfiction) (#WATTY...

De RickyDinxie

898K 23.6K 1.8K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 59
Important author's note
Gang War 2

Chapter 33

10.9K 315 19
De RickyDinxie

Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily

Ricky xx

"Don't try to explain your mind; I know what's happening here. One minute its love and suddenly it's like a battlefield. One word turns into a, why is it the smallest things that tear us down. My world is nothing when you're gone; I'm out here without a shield can't go back now. Both hands tied behind my back for nothing. These times when we climb so fast to fall again, why we gotta fall for it now? I never meant to start a war. You know I never wanna hurt you, don't even know what we're fighting for. Why does love always feel like a battlefield? Can't swallow our pride, neither of us wanna raise that flag. If we can't surrender we're both gonna lose what we have. Both hands tied behind my back for nothing. These times when we climb so fast to fall again, I don't wanna fall for it now. I never meant to start a war. You know I never wanna hurt you, don't even know what we're fighting for.

Why does love always feel like a battlefield?"


It had only been two days since the last time I saw Skye. Everything seemed to go downhill since. I had spent those two days, locked in my room and drowning my sorrows in booze. The days seemed to go by very slowly, only making me miss her even more. I hated the way I reacted when she told me that she was pregnant with my baby, our baby. I was shocked, I didn't know how to react and I was angry, angry that everyone had kept that vital information from me.

The door creaked open slowly, the boys filing in one by one and sitting on the bed. They all had a look of disappointment on their faces as they saw the two empty bottles of vodka and the half full bottle of Jack on my bedside table.

"Harry, it's been two days mate. You have to stop doing this to yourself." Louis grabbed the bottles; I tried to stop him but the intoxicated level of my blood made me topple to the ground, husky laughter erupting in my chest as I soon started to hiccup.

"You're a mess." Niall said, slightly annoyed at the state I was in.

"How would you feel if your girlfriend told you to leave and she told you she was pregnant?" I slurred between hiccups.

"Matter of fact, why didn't you lads mention that she was pregnant?" I tried with every part of my being to sound angry, failing miserably.

"John told us not to. Will you for God sakes just take a bath? Jesus you wreak." Liam waved his hand in front of his nose. I hadn't had a bath in two days and right now I really didn't care.

"Nope." I emphasized the 'p' as I moved closer to his face, he moved back to get away from my body odour.

"You know lads..." I started off as I stared at all of them, a serious expression covering my features.

"Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone. Too often we're too stubborn to say 'sorry I was wrong.' Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts and we let the most foolish things tear us apart. I let this tear Skye and I apart, I pushed her away. I'm the only one to blame, and... a-and I d-don't know what t-to do." I started sobbing, placing my head in my hands as Louis moved closer to me, rubbing my back.

"You know mate, drunk you is very smart and less stubborn but you really have to stop doing this to yourself. She loves you mate."

"No she doesn't." I retaliated, shaking my head vigorously.

"Then why would she text me yesterday, asking how you are if she didn't give a fuck?" Niall questioned. I lifted my head staring at him in disbelief.

"She did?" he nodded as a goofy smile covered my cheeks.

"Now you have to go shower and sober up so we can take you to her doctor's appointment." Liam helped me up, I felt off balance, like I was going to fall back to the ground any second.

"What if she doesn't want me there?" I wiped away the tears that covered my cheeks.

"We've got it covered, smelly." Zayn said as he took my arm, leading me to the bathroom.


I sat in the car, staring at the people walking on the sidewalk. The car ride was silent, the only reason I let Keane and Micah take was because I was scared of going alone, I never liked going to the doctor and if I didn't have to go I would try to avoid it like the plague.

"Are you excited about being a mom?" Keane questioned from the backseat.

"I guess, I'm more scared than excited." I whispered, staring out of the window. Not really in the mood for any type of conversation, especially not with them.

"Why?" Micah was the next to ask a question, trying desperately to hold a conversation with me.

"It's because I don't want to do this alone. What if I'm not a good mom?" tears started to burn the back of my eyes, I tried to blink them away but these days they just fell automatically, like I had no control over my emotions.

"Nonsense, you'll be great and you have us." Keane was over excited, like I was carrying his baby.

"It's not the same." The car went silent as if they figured that I was talking about Harry, that I wanted him to be there, but I was tired of always relying on him, wanting him there to protect me. After he died, well fake died I started to build a wall around me, knowing that I had someone to protect, that I had to stop being the weak one.


I sat in the waiting room, shaking my legs nervously. Keane and Micah sat on either side of me as we waited for the doctor to call my name. The door bell chimed, a signal that someone had just walked in. I didn't take any notice to it until I heard my name being called by an all too familiar husky voice that made my heart skip a beat. I stared at him, his eyes dark and bags under them, his lips were a sickly shade of white and his hair wet and falling over his forehead like he had just gotten caught in the rain. I wanted to smile, yet a part of me was breaking inside.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, shocked that he knew where I was, thinking about it I should have expected the boys including my brothers to tell him that I was here.

"Can we please talk?" he questioned, his voice sounding pained, his eyes turning hazy as tears filled them. Before I could protest Keane stopped me.

"This bullshit needs to stop now. If no one is going to be the damn parent then I will. Yes we all know what Harry did was wrong, we all know that we were wrong for having a part in it. But we were trying to protect you and before you tell me that you don't need protection I agree, you're big enough and ugly enough..."

"She's not ugly." Harry said between clenched teeth, making me giggle.

"It's just an expression touchy so calm your titties. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, you're big enough and ugly enough to take care of yourself but we will always be protective over you and we need to learn to just control that. The man really loves you Skye, throughout those very long four months he never stopped talking about you, asking how you were and it killed us not to tell him about the pregnancy but we knew that once we did he wouldn't be able to control the urge to see you, so just give him another chance and if he fucks up again we'll surely kick his ass."

"I second that." Niall's Irish accent chirpily said, making us all erupt in laughter.

"What did I say?" He questioned, him being the only that didn't find what he said funny. I looked over at Harry, a smile tugging the corners of his lips, showing off his beautiful dimples. I nodded showing him that I would listen to him. I made my way over to him as we stood in the corner. Loud talking and laughing from the boys filled our hearing.

"You look beautiful." He whispered, a sincere smile engraved on my face. Suddenly our little one moved in my stomach, making me place my hand over it. He looked concerned at my sudden reaction as I let out a little giggle. I took his hand without saying a word, placing it over the spot where the baby had moved. I waited patiently for the next movement, when it came, the expression on Harry's face was priceless. His mouth fell agape and his eyes widened making me burst into a fit of giggles.

"Our baby moved." He gushed as he placed his other hand on my stomach; I nodded enjoying every moment seeing Harry so excited about feeling our baby move inside of me.

"Ms. Talbot, the doctor is ready to see you." The nurse came out with a clipboard to call me; I nodded as I returned my attention back to Harry.

"Wanna go meet our baby?" I questioned as he nodded enthusiastically.


I lay on the bed in the semi-dark room, Harry's fingers intertwined with mine as the doctor put the cold gel on my stomach. Harry kissed my hand lightly as she started with the sonogram. Harry's eyes widened as he watched the screen intently, getting excited over every small movement.

"So far, so good, everything seems to be fine." She said as she smiled at us.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She questioned turning towards us. Harry looked at me, his eyes pleading to find out what we were having. I nodded as we stared at the doctor. She returned attention to the screen, staring intently. Secretly I was hoping for a boy, a handsome young man that looked exactly like his dad.

"Well congratulations you're having a little girl." Harry let out a little shriek as he slightly nudged my arm.

"We're having a girl, baby a little girl." He crashed his lips to mine gently.

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