Gang War (Fanfiction) (#WATTY...

By RickyDinxie

898K 23.6K 1.8K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 59
Important author's note
Gang War 2

Chapter 31

10.1K 319 15
By RickyDinxie

Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily

Ricky xx

"Empty spaces, fill me up with holes, distant faces, with no place left to go. Without you, within me I can find no rest. Where I'm going is anybody's guess. I tried to go on like I never knew you. I'm awake but my world is half asleep. I pray for this heart to be unbroken. But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete. Voices tell me I should carry on, but I am swimming in an ocean all lone. Baby, my baby it's written on your face. You still wonder if we made a big mistake. I tried to go on li like I never knew you. I'm awake but my world is half asleep. I pray for this heart to be unbroken. But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete. I don't mean to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you go. I don't want to make you face this world alone. I wanna let you go alone...

Without you, all I'm going to be is incomplete..."


"You knew about this?" I gasped, facing Micah and Keane that stood up from where they were sitting in the corner. Tears started to burn the back of my eyes as anger, at the same time surged through my body. They stood motionless, staring at me, waiting for me to explode and yell at everyone, when I actually just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Fucking speak! How could you do this to me?" I tried to avoid his alluring green eyes, staring at my brothers, hatred filling every single part of me. I felt a hand on my arm, turning around, those eyes I tried to avoid, stared dead at me, and I shrugged his hand off. The time his touch made me feel loved was gone, now when he touched me I felt nothing but disgust.

"Don't you dare touch me! Do you know what I've been through for the past few months? The pain I've felt? Right now I don't give a flying fuck about you so back off." His eyes trailed to the ground, like I was a parent giving my child a scolding. I turned to John; his face was pained with all kinds of different emotions. I hated him, I hated all of them, I trusted them but yet the ones closest to me were the ones to stab me in the back.

"You're like a second dad to me, how could you do this? After you saw what I was going through and how heartbroken I was, you still decided to keep this a secret from me. What were you going to do when this baby is born? Huh? Tell them their dad died? I hate you, I hate all of you. The one person that I thought I couldn't trust told me, yet my brothers didn't even care enough to even give me a clue, you didn't even feel bad for lying to me." Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I poured my heart out, my fist clenching by my sides as my heart beat at a rapid pace.

"You don't mean the things you're saying Skye." John's voice was calm, soothing the anger like water over a fire. I shook it off, I wasn't going to let this go, how could I? Four months, for four months I was under the impression that the man I fell in love with was dead. I felt betrayed, I felt hurt.

"Were you planning on keeping this from me? Hiding from me?" I questioned, turning to Harry. His eyes flooded with tears, I didn't care, I wasn't going to comfort him, fall into his arms and pretend that everything was fine again, it wasn't. How could I ever trust him again?

"We were protecting you." Micah spoke.

"Fucking stop with that! I'm over everyone trying to protect me, if you haven't noticed yet, it only leads to hurting me even more. I don't need your protection." I snapped, I wasn't a baby, I could take care of myself."

"Please just let me explain." Harry's husky voice sounded, I raised my hand cutting him off.

"I'm not in the mood for your crappy excuses, you're nothing to me. Neither are any of you." I turned to walk out, his hand grabbed onto my wrist tightly to make sure that I wouldn't run off.

"Skye I love you." His words were low yet felt like they were a dagger to my heart. I spun around, connecting my flat hand with his cheek. The blow was hard and made his head turn slightly as his grip loosened.

"Don't you ever say that to me again, love is nothing but a mere word to you. I hate you." I emphasized the word, as I stalked out of the door. Guess it was just me and my baby now...


I rubbed my burning cheek as her stinging words rushed through my entirety, making me regret that I hid this from her, I felt disgust for myself. The memories of that fateful night still burning fresh in my brain...


I felt the shot hit my abdomen, the feeling of being torn apart, a perfect explanation of the feeling that surged through my body. I hit the cold cement floor, feeling like the room was standing still and the only person I needed was her, was Skye. She knelt down next to me, lifting my head slowly and placing it on her lap. I knew that I was close to dying, I knew the thread was thin. Tears streamed down her face, the vulnerable state she was in broke my heart, knowing that I was the reason for it.

"We'll get you help I promise." She gasped between cries. I smiled sweetly as I looked deep into her alluring pure brown eyes.

"You're so beautiful, you know that? I'm so glad I had you in my life, even if it was for a short while." My sincere words slipped from my lips as her cries only became louder.

"No, no! You're not dying, you're fine." Her hands gently moved the curls from my forehead, her touch making me shiver.

"Don't cry baby. Just know that I love you and no matter what I'll be watching over you."

"You're not gonna die, please Harry don't leave me."

"You'll be okay. I need you to promise me something okay." Tears dripped down her cheeks as she nodded her head.

"You'll find someone that will treat you like I did. Protect you like I did and love you like I did. Please you need to promise me that." Tears trickled out of my eyes as I found it difficult to speak.

"No." She said stubbornly. I loved how even now she had the butterfly effect on me.

"God you're so stubborn. Guess that's why I fell in love with you." I chuckled, turning into a frantic gasp for air.

I took in one last deep breathe, feeling my life slowly drift away, glad that she was the last one I got to see.

"I love you Skye bee." I whispered as my eyes closed, drifting into a peaceful slumber.


I woke up, the sound of beeping emitting through the cold room I found myself laid in. I looked around, not recognising my surroundings. I was confused, I thought I had died, I didn't know Heaven had a hospital room, this surely wasn't hell, it would be way hotter I guess. I shook my head at the thoughts that were drifting through my aching head.

"Oh good you're awake." John's voice filled the silent room as he walked through the door that was on the far right of the room. Confusion creased my pained features as he neared the bed.

"Wait this isn't heaven." I spoke out loud, slightly embarrassed at my comment, he let out a deep chuckle as he sat on the bed.

"Taking in contest the things you've done, I surely expected you to go to hell son." He let out another chuckle, confusion still running through my veins. How was I still alive?

"How am I still here?" I whispered, the painful memories of the bullet hitting me, still freshly lingering in my brain. He looked down, sadness portrayed on his face.

"I didn't think you'd make it so I brought you to the place we took Sky's dad when he died and when we got here they found a faint pulse, that's why you're still here." His voice sounded sad and burned with heartache.

"How long have I been here?"

"Four days." He whispered, his eyes meeting mine. My eyes widened and my mouth fell agape, four days? How could this be? The memory of Skye rushed through me, as panic arose in my body.

"Where's Skye? Is she okay?" I questioned quite frantically. He tightly nodded; she was okay, my heart rated lowered again.

"I want to see her." Tears were brimming in my eyes; I wanted her to know I was okay.

"I'm afraid we can't do that. The Russians are still after her and as long as they think you're dead they have nothing to lure her with. Harry we need to protect her, you can't talk to her for a while."

"How long is a while?" He remained silent as he stared at me; anger surged through every part of my being.

"How long is a while John?" I screamed I couldn't stay away from her; she was my drug, my sweetest drug, a pure and innocent addiction.

"I don't know. You have to promise, you're doing this for her." Tears rolled down my cheeks, I knew he was right...

"Harry, mate!" Louis' voice broke my train of thought, snaking me back to reality.

"Sorry I was thinking." My voice held no emotion, I was broken thinking of losing her.

"What are you gonna do?" Keane questioned, pain filling his eyes, thinking that his sister might never speak to him again. He had just gotten her to trust him, breaking that trust just to protect me, protect her.

John's eyes searched mine to see what I was planning; I didn't know what I was going to do. I was lost without her. I followed her so much during these four months, trying hard not to get too close, yet got seen more than once. She thought that she was going crazy, I saw her cry more than once through her window not being able to comfort her, tell her that I was still here.

I grabbed the keys that lay on the table.

"I have to go see her." I made my way to the door.

"Harry you can't" John spoke, as he stood up from the chair behind his desk.

"The Russians aren't a factor anymore, Sir." Marcus waltzed through the door, right on cue; I gave John a questioning look. He nodded as I made my way towards the car, not knowing what I would say to try and convince her that I was doing it all for her. I was going to try, try and win her back, I had to. I loved her more than life itself and I needed to prove that to her...

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