Seventeen Stories

By Mingyu_fangs

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This is collection of specific stories of Seventeen memberร—reader. Short and sweet Happy Read ๐Ÿ’› (#1 in doky... More

Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (chapter 01)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter- 02)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter- 03)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter-04)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter-05)
Jun- My Pretty Neighbour (Chapter- 06)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Prologue)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 01)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-02)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 03)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter 04)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 05)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 06)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (chapter- 07)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 09)
Seungcheol -Bad Senior (Chapter- 10)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-11)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 12)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 13)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (chapter- 14)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 15)
Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 16)
Seungcheol Bad Senior (Chapter- 17)
Seungcheol Bad Senior (Chapter- 18)
Wonwoo - My Strange addiction (Chapter- 01)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 2)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 03)
Wonwoo- My strange addiction (Chapter- 04)
Wonwoo- My strange addiction (Chapter- 05)
Wonwoo- My strange addiction (Chapter- 06)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 07)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 08)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter-09)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 10)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 11)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 12)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter-13)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 14)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 15)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 16)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 17)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 18)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addition (Chapter- 19)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 20)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 21)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 22)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 23)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 24)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 25)
Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 26)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 01)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 02)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 03)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 04)
Mingyu- Bizarre Bestie (Chapter- 05)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 06)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 07)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 08)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 09)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 10)
Mingyu- Bizzare Bestie (Chapter- 11)

Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-08)

406 15 2
By Mingyu_fangs

While coming back to your hostel neither Scoups nor you talked. It was a silent ride by Scoups's bike. You knew even if you said him that you wouldn't want to go with him, he might accept what you were saying. Recently he got a huge change that you thought. The reason behind this was his mom's illness that was worsening from time being. You didn't exactly understand the feeling but somehow you felt pain kinda similar like that. You couldn't stand it.

Scoups came for riding the bike while you were waiting for him outside. Scoups went somewhere before that and came back with a fine packet of desserts. He handed it to you

'Mom brought you some Macaroons. I don't know if you like it or not, when Mom asked I just said yes.'

'Thank you. I love macaroons.'

You said normally, you didn't try to smile while talking with him as he didn't deserve that everytime. He was sitting on the bike and you followed him. You couldn't decide if you should hold him or what! And also you didn't want to fall from bike. Looking at the pale white nape of Scoups who was wearing a black tshirt, you thought the stuffs he did to you, without you warning. You were looking at his back hair that was beautifully black. When he did those to you he never even got consent. And here you are thinking if you should hold him for your safety. Though your thoughts didn't make sense. But the two facts seemed similar to you. Also you felt hatred to scoups when you suddenly remembered those, you didn't want to hold him, you felt filthy about that. But right at that moment Scoups said

'Come on you wanna fall down when the bike will be running at that speed?... I know I Don't deserve it but do it for your sake.'

Scoups told the things as you still weren't holding him. You put your hand on his shoulder, his dark mole of nape snatched your eyes for a second. You looked away when Scoups started the engine with sound and said

'Hold me tight y/n. We are going to go now.'

Your grip on him was tightened automatically when the bike started going.

It was quiet and none of you talked. Just sometimes you looked at his nape containing the gorgeous mole and a chain of steel. As he is a bad guy, his style is the same. You wind felt good that was hitting your face making your hair messy. You noticed Scoups's hair was blowing with full freedom. One thing you must say is that Scoups looks really handsome. Even some of his features are more than gorgeous. You wish if his personality was like his exterior features. You felt bad thinking about his intimidating side. He never knows how to hold someone's hand softky, specially the person's that he says he likes the most. His way of doing things with you is never soft, though you Don't know about the other things of him. But when he is in his home, he looks like a good child. You didn't expect to see this sides of him. Even who knew you actually would get involved with his family like this!


Saying so you were going for your hostel room. Scoups was holding the bike handle with both his hands. His eyes looked tired

'Take care!'

You saw him going away with his bike.

Days were passed and everything was going smooth. As Scoups wasn't any problem for you, you felt relieved in the college. At least you didn't have to humiliate before hundreds of students here.

You were in the library with Dino. Dino was reading something attentively in the table. You were looking for a book in the higher row but couldn't reach that. Someone helped you pick the book for you and gave it to you.

'This one?'

It was Scoups. You didn't notice he was there until he gave you the book.

You nodded and gave him thanks. You were going back to the table but he called you by your name. Scoups was proceeding to lighten the cigarette with a lighter. A cigarette was already placed in between his lips.

Before Scoups started talking he noticed that you kept looking at him like that. That you weren't feeling good about the cigarette. And obviously it was not a place for smoking.

Though you didn't say anything and were waiting for him to tell what he was going to say. Scoups asked for your look



You told looking else than the cigarette. He ended up not lightening the cigarette and placed them between his fingers. He must not make you uncomfortable.

'If you are free, join me after college.'


'There's a local Chinese restaurant. I hope you would like their tofu.'


You were finding excuses what should you say not to make him angry. At the same time you didn't want to join him.

'I have plans after college. I-I think..'

'I'm certainly not gonna rape you in a restaurant. And now I'm prohibited from kissing you too. Why are you worrying?'

Scoups told making the cigarette burn. He put it in his mouth and made some smoke and released it. By that time you couldn't say anything. Sometimes he gets angry without reason. He looks so scary then.

You were feeling awkward that you didn't have any answer. Holding the book tight you waited for him to continue.

'Dino was saying he wanted to go that Chinese restaurant, we used to go. So thought to ask you too.'

You thought Dino would say something like that to Scoups? They Don't look close and you never heard them talking. What's happening in the world?

You didn't ask anything to scoups but was standing there thinking about Dino.

'See you soon.'

When Scoups pinched your face you came to reality and found Scoups was leaving with one of his hand in the pocket.

You looked at your hand and there was the book you were looking for and also you found a red tulip. You didn't notice when Scoups gave it. The tulip was from their garden you realized. Did he really notice you were looking at the tulips fondly from time to time that day.

Dino was reading a book peacefully. He looked good with that glasses on. You didn't want to give disturbance to his attention and just sat opposite to him. You were trying to give attention to the book you just took but one thing was roaming in your mind. Did Dino really tell Scoups that he wanted to go restaurant with Scoups? Whoa!!

'Nice flower!'

You were sitting putting your hand on your face. You flinched when Dino talked. He was holding the tulip that you received just now.

'Scoups came and gave me this.'

'I see.'

Dino was trying to take a smell of the flower.

'Hey Dino!'

You had to talk like whispers as it was library.


You took your face close to Dino as if you were going to plan conspiracy with him.

'Did you tell Scoups that you wanted to go a Chinese restaurant with him?'

Dino thought for a while and said

'Yes! I told him last week. He isn't responding though.'

'Why did you? Don't you know I Don't like him?'


'So mean??? You are my bestfriend. You should know..'

The readers who were also in the library looked at you when you talked loudly. Their eyes on you made you embarrassed and you told Dino whispering

'Let's go from here.'

You two were waiting for Scoups after the classes were done.

'I really can't believe you are this close to Scoups. While you pretended you hate Scoups as I do.'

You told Dino. You really was feeling betrayed.

'Why would I hate Scoups Hyung? He is a good.. no I mean what he did with you is bad but he actually is...'

Dino stopped looking at your face.

'How could you do this to me Dino? You betrayed your own bestie.'

'I- well I didn't tell you about him because you hate him.'

'Still you were like you were my bestie from the beginning.'

'Ah really? Oh yes I did. Because you looked sad all the time.'

'For that guy obviously!'

'I felt bad for you too.'

Dino looked serious and he looked like he really was feeling guilty for scoups. But actually he had nothing to do then. He couldn't leave you as you were friend and as well as he couldn't leave Scoups too.

You looked at Dino and found Dino was really sad. You didn't know Dino really did care about you. Moreover you were just feeling betrayed now.

'I told him many a time. I tried to make him understand... but hyung is very stubborn. I really stopped contacting him then but one day he came to my home and had his dinner with us. He told that he felt guilty for you as well but there was nothing he could do.'

Dino exhaled a long breathe.

'I think he really understands now.'

Dino smiled.

You didn't know this happened. Basically you can't believe that scoups felt guilty for his deed.

'Scoups hyung is amazing.'

'Stop talking nonsense.'

'I mean not amazing, atleast he is a better guy than you think.'

You didn't respond to him thinking this was bullshit.

'Aah really! He is so kind and mature. He is popular in our neighbourhood for his helpful self.'

'So you guys are neighbours.'

'Kinda. But you know he is super rich, so his home is a little bit far from ours.'

'I see.'

Though there was nothing that you could do about Dino and Scoups's friendship, you felt super bad thinking Dino is closer to scoups than you. The guy you hate the most in world.

Scoups was coming while talking to someone in phone.

'Let's go.'

When he came towards you he didn't stop walking and told you guys to join him. He was talking to the phone as well. After he done with talking he turned back to Dino and asked him several things. One thing you didn't know was why were you going with them. But one thing is for sure that in this far country, while you miss your homeland, there are a few people with who you can pass your time. Though you hate them or love them they are the few close people of you now.

'I'm glad you joined.'

Scoups turned back and said to you smiling.

You didn't feel the urge to smile him back and continued walking.

It was like other local restaurants but with a bit of Chinese vibe. The wallpaper are made of red Chinese themed paper. And the seats were looking traditional. You and Dino made your seat on a side and Scoups sat on the other side. After the orders were done while you guys were waiting for food, Dino was talking things about his grandma to scoups. You were listening to them as well. They seemed pretty close.

'Are you understanding what we are talking about?'

Suddenly scoups asked you making you flinched. You actually just understood they were talking about dino's family and still you weren't good enough to understand a whole conversation. Everyone here has to talk to you slowly so you can get what people are saying.

'Y/n's korean is good hyung. She gets language easily.'

Scoups glanced at you piercing your soul.

'I see. Did she make friends?'

'Hm? Well..'

Dino was hesitating to say the truth. At the same time the waiter came with dishes. The topic Scoups were talking about were something you didn't like. You better were placing the dishes as if you didn't hear their topic.

'Why aren't you saying Dino? I should know more about her.'

'Yeah hyung!'

Dino was looking at you and scoups what should he do.

'They think I'm a slut.'

You sipped the warm thing from the little cup. They said it was tea lol.

Both Dino and scoups thought they heard wrong.

'Why? What's wrong? They should be friends with you. Look how pretty you are.'

Scoups pinched your face softly. Also he felt bad for you. There must be something wrong among them.

'Hyung well.. they you know.. Koreans are not that friendly with f-foreigners..'

'So? They would tell them what?'

'No no it's not like that..'

Dino didn't know how he told scoups that you were rumoured as Scoups's sugar baby in the college.

'You know they say that you pay me for your entertainment.. I think it's okay. They even aren't my close ones.'

You smiled looking at the chopsticks.

Scoups forgot how to talk. He had no idea his behaviour with you was seemed to people like this. He remembered when he used to block your road when there were people around. Even he dragged you closer to him, grabbed your face harshly totally neglecting the fact that there were so many people around.

And here you weren't even blaming him for that.

'I think I made you guys embarrassed. Sorry for that... just one thing is that.. if there was only a person who wanted be my friend, my bestfriend I think they would just choose the way like Dino.. I'm so thankful to you that you let me be your friend.'

You told the last sentence looking at Dino. He was shocked too feeling your sadness but now he was surprised the way you thanked him. Even he barely did anything for you.

'You wait everyday for me before joining class. When I was late, there were so many people threw weird look on me... you were the only one who was honestly worried for me. Even when days were hard you walk me to my hostel.'

Dino and Seungcheol both lost their words. Dino got goosebumps by your saying and at the same time scoups was super sad for you. He couldn't forgive himself the things he did to you, even doing.

'Should we start? I'm hungry.'


Scoups took the dish from you saying

'Let me stirr it for you.'

He was hearing sad. He couldn't calculate things. Is he really that sick or the people are this toxic? He gets no idea. He just only was stirring your ramen attentively. Also he looked tired like he got no sleep for a long time.

Dino smiled for making the atmosphere light. And by that time a bike happened to stop outside the restaurant with bike sound. You and Dino looked at the person, he was wearing clothes like rockstars. He took off the helmet revealing his long blonde hair and got down from the bike. You and Dino were so attentive watching his visuals.

'Yeah baby channie, tell me who is your dad?'

Dino didn't say a thing as he doesn't like jeonghan at all. He most of the time tries to tease Dino. He sat beside Scoups

'Cmon just tell me. Aren't you my baby? Hehehe hii doll face.'


Jeonghan said hello to you in English. He tries to add as much as English he can in his conversation to you. Surprisingly those are heard so funny that he doesn't look tough when he talks.

'Should I tell them to bring soju for you. You look down man!'

Jeonghan told scoups in ear as he felt something was wrong with Scoups.

'Go ahead.'

You guys didn't know jeonghan was coming. But actually it's like where is Seungcheol, there is jeonghan.

'I'm glad that you still keep the tulip.'

Scoups passed you the ramen bowl while saying that. He assuringly smiled with his dimples.

To be continued...
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