
By XolosNiceWrists

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Jules and Xolo were best friends since childhood until they had a major fall out, They both are trying to go... More

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Announcement 2
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By XolosNiceWrists

Xolo's POV
I was sound asleep under the warmth of my soft comforter , my head just peacefully snuggled into my pillow. When the loud sound of my alarm decided to erupt.

"Ughhh" I groaned into my pillow as the annoying , obnoxious sound filled my ears. I really don't want to get up. I just want to sleep in this amazing , soft ,queen size bed forever. But I have a 6:30 am call time.. 6:30. The sun hasn't even risen yet and I have to be up. I hate getting up early, I'm the type that likes to sleep in.

But I'm lucky to even have booked the job and it's my first day on set so I can't be late. I mean , I can never be late but especially today I can't be late. I want to make a good impression on everyone. I'm super nervous but I'm not even thinking about at the moment because the only thing I'm feeling right now is fucking dead and tired.

I reluctantly opened up my eyes and slowly sat up to be met by pure darkness. It is still pitch black outside.. no sign of light whatsoever. I let out a yawn as I sat there , blankly staring out the window , contemplating whether I really want to leave the comfort and warmth of my covers or not.

Well , I want this job , I asked to be an actor so yes you do want to Xolo. I'm just honestly really lazy with waking up early. I dragged myself out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. This bathroom is huge it has 2 sinks on one long marble counter. It also has a hot tub and spacious shower. I can't believe that I'm staying at a place like this and that I'm going to be filming a show , it all feels so surreal.

I rubbed my eyes , trying to wake up some more as I grabbed a towel from under the sink and proceeded to turn on the shower . I took off my boxers and got into the shower , letting the hot water hit my body. I don't wear shirts or pants to sleep when I'm alone, just boxers , it's more comfortable that way.

As I brushed my teeth , I found my mind going to Jules. I wonder how she's doing , you know compared to yesterday. She's probably still sleeping right now but I hope that she's been okay. Im gonna call her whenever I can but I think I'm too scared to be on my phone while im on set , it's only my first day , I wanna make sure that they know I'm taking this seriously. So I'll call her when I'm back at the hotel.

That's when we can have time to have a full on conversation and it'll be better because I can tell her every single thing that happened through out the day and how it was , I know she'll by dying to hear about it. Then she can  tell me how her day went and I'll see if she's really okay or not.

Im just kinda scared that maybe she'll just act like she's okay when she's not.. she has the tendency to do that. Last time , when Madison was being a bitch to her , making fun of her , threatening her all the time she didn't say a word . She kept saying that everything was good  and that she loved Madison. She wouldn't tell me what was actually going on  because she saw that I was happy and she didn't wanna ruin that.

I don't want her to feel like she can't tell me the way she actually feels just because I'm gonna be having such a fun time filming and just because I'm so happy about the fact that I got  this role. Plus ,  I know we made up but that doesn't mean she's not even just a bit mad just because I said sorry. Sorry can only do so much.

Like she said ,she's still in pain and I don't know how she's dealing with that or if she's okay or how she wants to go about all this. I don't know if she's gonna be wanting her space or something because she still has feelings for me and that'll help her get over me? I want to talk to her everyday but if she says she wants space , I'm gonna have to give her that. I didn't respect her space yesterday like she asked me to when I showed up to her house..

I don't know what she wants but I wanna check up on her today and find out. I stepped out of the shower and began drying myself off with my white towel. I think I'm just gonna wear some sweats and a t shirt because I'm pretty sure that costume design team is gonna have me do a bunch of fittings and I'll have to change into an outfit for the scenes anyways.

I put on some black sweats and my black My Hero Academia  shirt that Jules gave me for my birthday. This is the first time that I'm wearing it and I love it. I smiled as I stared into the mirror , seeing the reflection of my favorite characters. It's so fucking cool. She knows me too well.

I headed out of the bathroom to see that my mom was awake , already dressed in some jeans and a black shirt while she was standing in front of the mirror by the little desk next to the tv. What the hell? She was sleeping last time I checked.

"Mom ? Aren't you gonna shower first ?" I laughed.

"I showered last night , same difference. Mijo can you pass me my make up bag ? It's on my nightstand" she gestured as her eyes remained on the mirror.

"Make up at 5 am , mom ?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Who are you trying to impress " I laughed as I walked towards her night stand and grabbed her make up bag. Wait - why the hell did I just ask that question. Who could it be other than Ralph.. God I hope that she doesn't embarrass me.

"No one , you know - I just wanna look good if I happen to , I don't know run into Ralph Macchio. Do you know if he's gonna be on set?" She automatically asked as she snapped her head towards me. Jeez.

"No mom , I don't know . I didn't get to see the call sheet yet. We'll see it when we get there , you better not embarrass me , it's gonna be my first day on set. And mom - please for God's sake mom , do not embarrass yourself either , he's a married man, married" I emphasized as I handed her her make up bag

"Yeah , I know , married. It's not a crime if I wanna be nice to look at. And please - I am not embarrassing " she laughed as she grabbed her make up bag.

"Yeah, okay mom " I sarcastically agreed as I walked over to my bed. I picked up my phone to see a message from Jules and another message from Mary.

Aww, I don't know if Jules woke up just to write me that or if she's already awake but that was so cute , she remembered my call time. What a nice human specimen my best friend is. That was adorable.

I want to FaceTime her real quick before I go just to talk and get a bit of a gage on how she's feeling before I go.I wanna check up on her because I know I won't be able to talk to her all day when I'm on set. It'll give me a peace of mind and I'd worry less. I can't have a full on deep convo because I have to meet Mary down at the lobby in 10 minutes but just talking to her seeing how she is would be good. Then later tonight we can talk more.

" Hey Mom , Mary asked if we wanted some coffee" I  called out as my eyes remained on my phone.

"Aww, she is so nice , that girl. I can't wait to meet her. Tell her yes , I want a vanilla chai latte" my mom replied.

She didn't get to meet Mary last night because Mary left to go up to her room before my mom came back. She is really nice for driving us and I know that my mom is gonna love her.

I texted Mary back saying yesss , please . A black ice coffee and a vanilla chai latte. I walked over to the couch and laid down on it as I opened up Jules' message. I pressed on her contact info and selected FaceTime. She better answer.

After a few seconds she picked up and all I saw was a messy bun and sleepy eyes as she laid in her bed.

"Hmmm?" Her sleepy voice muttered as she rose the blanket to her face.

" Heyyy " I laughed as I watched her struggle to open up her eyes. It's so funny for no reason , she just looks so sleepy and adorable .

"Hiii" She muttered as she laid her head down and kept her eyes closed. It's nice to see that she got some sleep , I know it wasn't easy for her to fall asleep two days ago. It wasn't easy for either for us. But I'm happy to see that she's been getting her rest.

"I Thought you were awake already , what happened ?" I laughed just staring at her lifeless body.

She rubbed her eyes and sighed, opening them up.

"You're making me use a lot of energy to say this but I woke up just for you , to send you that  message and then after that I knocked out. You should feel special" her weak voice let out.

"Aww , I feel so honored , thank youuu. How have you been feeling ? " I smiled , I really hope that she's been okay.

"Jules,  baby is that you ?!" My mom called out in excitement as her head snapped towards me.

"Yesss-Hiii mama"Jules tried to force her energy out.

"Hiii, baby . Wow - you're up early , you're never awake before 11 am , are you okay ?" My mom furrowed her eye brows.

"I know right , she's just a bum like that. We didn't know you function before 11 am " I said sarcastically as I smirked , looking back at Jules.

"Shut the fuck up Xolo because you sleep til 12 pm and I decided to be a nice person and wake up at 5 am just to wish my best friend luck on his first day on set and to reassure him that he's gonna do so good " she rolled her eyes at me. It's even funnier because she's not even fully awake or full with energy as she usually is .

"Aww that is so sweet of you. I wish you were here. Speaking of luck , wish me luck with daddy Ralph today " my mom smiled. Oh God...I internally rolled my eyes at her statement.

"Ooooh - okayyy, okayy . Good luck! You get 'em Miss M, show him what you got !" Jules hyped her up. God nooo.

" What - Do Not encourage her ridiculous behavior , the fuck. he's a married man " my eyes widened as I explained to her, does anyone not care about the fact that he's a married man. She's so going to embarrass me.

"That's kinda scandalous though " Jules said as as a devious smirk  grew on her face. I know she did not-

"Shut up - Anyways , how have you been feeling ?"I finally asked. We kinda can't go into detail in front of my mom , she doesn't know what happened. I want to save the details for our conversation tonight but I just wanna at least know how she's been.

"Uh, I've been better , yeah. I've been feeling good , I just took the day yesterday to relax and binge watch Netflix. We can talk about this more later it's just , you know "
Jules' eyes gestured towards my mom.

"Yeah , I know. But I'm happy you've been better. We will definitely talk when I get back , okay ? " I rose my eyebrows as I searched her eyes.

"Waitttt- are you wearing the my hero academia shirt that I got you for your birthday ?" Jules smiled.

"Yes sirrrr , I am. May I present you the coolest shirt I've ever gotten" I smugly smirked as I turned my phone camera down , showing my whole outfit.

"Stoppp- it looks so good. Awww , you're wearing the shirt I got you to your first day on set , I feel so special. It's almost like you're bringing some part of me along , you wish I was there that much huh? " she put a hand to her chest , feeling all touched.

"Orrrr... this is just a fucking awesome shirt , I love and it just so happens that you were the one that got me it" I shrugged my shoulders as I stared at her , just waiting for her to get annoyed. I tried hide the smirk that was creeping up on my face.

She just started at me and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I'm kidding , I'm kidding. You are special and you don't know how badly  I wish that you were here . I miss you and it would be so much fun to have you here with me" I laughed, trying  to reassure her. I mean what I'm saying. I do miss her and I seriously do wish she was here.

"Thank you , Thank youuu. That's what I like to hear , I miss you too " she smiled as she re- adjusted her onto her pillow, maintaining eye contact with me.

"You better , now I gotta go but we'll talk later okay ?" I smiled.

"Okayyy, you better tell me everything that happened on set and how it was and just everything okay ? Good luck today , I'm
So proud of you. I know you're more nervous than you're actually letting on right now but trust me I know everything will be okay. They picked you for a reason. You're a good actor , all you have to do is focus and keep doing your best. But also have fun- and I hope you find your boy version of Mary "Jules laughed , referring back to the time when we were all at the hotel after the call back and I was complaining that I only have girl friends.

"Thank youu loser . I will tell you everything when I'm back and yes let's hope I get along with everyoneee. I gotta go down to the lobby to meet Mary now , she's taking us. But I love you and I hope you have a good day . You better tell me everything about it when I call you tonight " I threatened and she better be honest about it too.

"Okay I willl, I love you tooo, byeee" she smiled before hanging up. It's good to know that she's she's not still mad at me or else she wouldn't have woken up that early just to text me that. That gives me some reassurance for sure.

"Alright , babe, let's go " My mom called out. I looked over to see her happily putting away her make up and taking one last look at herself , touching up her hair. I don't know what the fuck she's expecting from Ralph. I don't even know if he's gonna be on set today. I walked over to my bed and  grabbed my phone charger, placing it in my moms purse.

I think that's all I'm gonna need because I'm pretty sure Crafty is gonna have water and food on set. I haven't been on a set in years but I remember on parenthood there being crafty services , there was always a corner on set where there was a huge table laid out with food and drinks. Along with boxes filled with snacks. We called it crafty.

My mom and I headed out the door and down the hall into the elevator. Some nerves started to set in once I hit Lobby. I'm actually going to set , I'm out of the hotel room , I can't go back now.  The rest of the day is ahead and I don't know how it's gonna go.

"You ready ? " A smile of excitement grew on my moms face.

"I don't know , I don't know. You know the last show I did was parenthood when I was 10" I shook my head , feeling unsure. I don't think I'm ready at all. I'm just nervous.

The Elevator doors opened and we walked out to see Mary sitting on the couch from a distance.

"Is that her ? " my mom asked.

"Yep , that's her " I nodded as we kept getting closer.

"Woww , she is so pretty " My mom smiled. She is pretty, the first thing Jules and I noticed about her when we first met her was her deep blue eyes. I've literally never seen blue eyes like that before.  But I don't think of her as more than a friend to be honest , she has a boyfriend.

"Heyyy!" Mary greeted us with a smile as we arrived at the couch. She pulled me in for a hug     Before setting her attention on my mom.

"I'm Mary , it's so nice to meet you " She  smiled at my mom before reaching out to give her a hug as well.

"Oh , it is so nice to meet you too. I'm Carmelita. Thank you so much for letting Jules and Xolo stay with you at your hotel after that call back, that was so sweet" my mom returned the hug. Yeah , that was really nice of Mary because Jules and I would have stayed up trying to find a place to sleep  and checking hotels for the best prices. She saved us the time and the trouble.

"Of course , trust me ,it wasn't a problem. I had more than enough space and they were super cool , we all got along right away. Here is your chai latte and here is black coffee Xolo " she picked up our coffees from off the table and handed it to us . One by one.

"Thank you so much, I needed this . It's too early to be awake right now " my mom laughed.

"Yesss, you have no idea how much I just wanted to sleep in. The fucking queen size beds in here are so comfortable " I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. Legit the most comfortable hotel bed , I've ever slept in.

"I know right , I slept like a baby . It was even better than the last hotel we slept at and that used to be my favorite. Also- Xolo, do you have the exact address for set ? Send it to me so I can just paste in maps when we get in the car " Mary looked over at me as we all started walking towards the exit of the hotel.

"Yep , you got it. I'll send it to you right now " I nodded.
                                Jules' POV
It's been hard to get back to sleep after Xolo decided to rudely interrupt my slumber. But It was nice to talk a bit before he went and that I got to be there for him , wishing him luck and letting him know that everything is gonna be fine because I know that he's definitely nervous with the fact that he hasn't filmed a show in years. I'm excited for him , he really wanted this role.

It was a bitter sweet moment seeing him and talking to him though. First of all he looked so cute , as much as I want to deny his looks because of the fact that I want to lose feelings for him, it's just hard to deny. He is cute , he has always been cute.

The way that he was laying on the couch , just casually talking to me, telling me he misses me , telling me he loves me , how he wishes I was there, how I'm special. It's hard to not feel some type of way about that , I was definitely all smiley. It's hard not to gush and imagine what'd it be like if we were dating.. especially when he saying things like that , it's so easy to take it out of context or read too much into it..

When I saw him wearing the shirt that I got him for his birthday , I was joking saying I felt so special that he was wearing that to his first day on set because slightly I did but it was also a reminder of what happened on his birthday. In a good way and a bad way.

In a good way in the sense that It made me happy because we had such a good day that day , spending the whole day together and it ended in the best kiss of my life , the only kiss of my life with someone that I've always had feelings for.. the way I felt that night was so..: not to sound cheesy but magical , it was perfect..

In a bad way because I was then reminded of what came after that night , my heart got completely broken and I still feel hurt about it.. all the smiley and gushy warm feelings I felt hearing him say all those things, calling me special and all of that suddenly dropped , my heart dropped. It's a sad reminder..I hate how I still have feelings for him and even a simple conversation like that still made me sad and hurt while at the same time making me feel all smiley and giddy over him confirming the feelings that I am not supposed to have for him..

This sucks , I want to be able to have a normal conversation with him without going through these whirl wind of emotions. Going from feeling all smiley and having all these feelings for him to then being hurt and sad after because of the fact that I know I'm not supposed to have these feelings for him. I know
he doenst feel the same way back, which then again reminds me of what happened and there I go again feeling sad and broken hearted.

I don't know what to do , I don't wanna stop talking to him but it's so hard to just forget how I feel and forget what happened. Even a simple conversation that we had this morning made me feel all kinds of ways that I'm not supposed to and it's just hard to not fall for him. It's hard to get over him if we just go back to talking right away , it's hard to not still feel hurt or heart broken either.

It's a mix of emotions that honestly and don't help me feel better at all but I don't wanna stop talking to him. I don't know what to do.. maybe I see how I feel for the rest of the day and we'll talk about it tonight. Regardless of all these things I'm feeling , I really hope that he has a good day today and I'm so excited to hear all about it tonight.

I don't feel like getting out of bed but I don't wanna stay sulking and feeling sad all day here. Maybe getting up early will make this a productive day.. get my mind off things maybe.. I don't wanna leave the house, I'm definitely not up for that . But I guess I can , get up early , shower , do a face mask , having a self care day.

Maybe I'll even feel good enough and spontaneous enough to journal in my journal that I got years ago but never wrote anything in. Then of course binge some more Netflix. Have another chill day but not a sulking , sad chill day. A more productive chill Day even though I'm still just as sad.

I just don't wanna sulk or dwell on this all day because If I do I know that I'm gonna cry and just have a bad day. I just wanna take my mind off things and like focus on myself.
Xolo's POV
I took a breath as we all came out of the car. Before us was 8 rows of trailers lined up on our filming lot. Wow , this is actually real.. this is actually happening..

"You ready ?" Mary smiled as we stood there just staring at everything.

"No " I laughed. First day on set is always nerve wracking and scary. Can someone ever really be ready.

"Neither am I but we have no choice , do we " Mary pursed her lips. No we do not , there's no going back now. We are already here. There's no around from what we can see from here. They must all be in their trailers.

"Ohhhh, this is so exciting. Let's not just stand here let's go" My mom gushed. Right , we forgot to move.. we started walking up to towards the trailers. The trailer in front of us had a big white paper on it, we stopped to look at it. It is a list of call times.

June 12th call times
William Zabka : 6.30 AM
Ralph Macchio : 7:00 AM
Xolo Maridueña: 6:30 AM
Mary Mouser: 6:30 AM
Tanner Buchanan: 8:00AM
Jacob Bertrand: 6:30 AM
Gianni DeCenzo: 6:30 AM
Hannah Kepple: 6:30 AM

"Oh my gosh ! Ralph is gonna be on set today"My mom exclaimed.  That's just great , she is most definitely going to embarrass me..

"Yeahhh, You know Ralph ?" Mary smiled as she rose as her eyebrows.

"No- she wishes she knew him. She just has a thing for him , she's obsessed " I rolled my eyes.

"Aww that's adorable, I met him at my chemistry read and he was really nice. I can nonchalantly just introduce you to him today if you want " Mary smirked. Are you kidding , She's digging my grave of embarrassment  right now.

"Why yes , I would love that. Look at that , at least someone is supportive  " My mom rolled her eyes at me.

"What -mom . I am , you get to meet your celebrity crush that's awesome. If I could meet Zoe Kravitz , you know I would. All I'm saying is do not embarrass me " I threatened as we began to walking in between the trailers.

I spent a few seconds looking for mine as Mary did the same.  We spread out and kept walking further down the rows, scanning every trailer for our name.

"I Found ours ! You're the third trailer down from me , look ! " Mary called out to us from a few rows down. How did she find it so quick.

" Thank you! We would have been looking forever  " I laughed. We walked towards her and counted the third trailer down from her.

"Of courseee , Good luck , I'll see you later. Hopefully we have a scene together !" Mary called out as she opened up her trailer.

"Yeah , hopefully ! Good luck!"I yelled back as I unlocked the door to my trailer as well. I can't believe I have a trailer with my own name on it.  The door opened to reveal a spacious room. It had a black couch , a big mirror with little white light bulbs outlining it, a desk in front of it , and a bathroom.

"Woah.. this is so coolll" I gushed as my mom and I stepped into the trailer. I don't remember having my very own trailer like this on parenthood. This will be the first time and it feels unreal.

"I'm so proud of you baby. Let me take a picture, c'mon  " My mom smiled as she began taking out her phone. Fineee.

I went over to the couch and threw myself back on it , I brought my index finger and thumb to my chin as I purposely furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip. My mom laughed as she took the picture.

"Oooh, looks like you got something on your desk. A script maybe ?.." My moms eyes shot over to my desk with a growing smirk.

Oh my God , I get to see it right away? I instantly got up and went over to my  desk. There it is on the front page, Cobra Kai season 1 ep 1. This is getting too surreal. I opened it up and began looking through the pages, my excitement setting in . It had all my scenes that I'm supposed to do today.

I counted and I have 5 scenes to do. Oh my gosh , this is fucking awesome, I smiled at my script. But how can I remember this much ! I'm gonna have to keep this with me at all times.

"Xolo Maridueña , please report to the Hair and make up trailer on aisle 5. Please report to the Hair and Make up trailer on aisle 5"
I heard from what sounded like a speaker in the trailer. There's a speaker in here  ?

Oh God , I'm kinda nervous now . This is actually happening.

"I'll stay here with our stuff , go get your hair and make up done , super star"  my mom smiled. As If she couldn't get more corny.

"Never say that again , Love you mom !" I smiled before opening up the door of my trailer and stepping out. I scanned the rows looking for number 5 , okay , I found it, just a few rows down. I don't wanna keep them waiting , so I walked extra fast.

I walked into aisle and the first trailer said Hair & Make up. Here goes nothing.. I reached over and opened up the door.

"Hey , Xolo ?" I heard a voice call out from inside but I was faced with a wall full of hanging wigs. They must be all the way in the far left.

"Hiii, yess . It's Xolo" I called out as I stepped in and closed the door behind me.

I turned the corner to see 2 brunette ladies and a boy who had short blondish / brownish hair and blue eyes. He looks so familiar , I feel like I've seen him on something.. He was sitting in one of the seats in front of one of the brunette ladies , facing the mirror as she had  a brush against his face. The ladies were wearing black outfits, They had a thick belt that held make up brushes on their waist. In front of them were 2 separate mirrors .

"Hi, I'm Cynthia  " The lady introduced her self  with a smile  as her hands held on to the back of the empty seat in front of her.

"I'm Miranda " The other lady took a second to stop doing the boys make up as she shot me a warm smile , acknowledging me.

"Hey man, I'm Jacob" the boy greeted me with a smile as he turned his head towards me. I stilll can't quite put a finger on where I know him from.. I also remember Mary talking about him before.

"Nice to meet you guys , I'm Xolo " I nodded , smiling as I made eye contact with all of them.

"I'll be your hair and make up artist for this season ,Xolo. You can sit right here" she grinned as she patted the seat in front of her.

"Thank you " I nodded as I did as she said and sat down. Both of the ladies , went to the back of the room towards the 3 tall boxes that contained, plastic ,  layered drawers. I'm guessing they're getting some make up. This left Jacob and I alone.

"Xolo.. wait , you're the main character right ? You play Uh.. Miguel Diaz  ?" Jacob questioned as if he was coming to a realization.

"Yeah , I play Miguel , how'd you know ?" I asked in surprise as I turned to look at him.

"I overheard the writers talking about you today. They were saying oh , yeah Xolo is coming in today, 6:30 am call time. I expect him to be staying til tonight because there's a lot of scenes with miguel today. So basically you're about to be having a lot of fun not being able to sleep til midnight today  " Jacob laughed.

" I know when I saw the amount of scenes I had today , it was insane. I don't even know how I'm supposed to remember all of them. I've also heard a lot about you. Mary said she met you at her audition ? and she said how you were really nice. I also think I recognize you from something but I don't remember exactly what it is " I furrowed my eyebrows as I searched his face, trying to put my finger on it.

"Would it happen to be Kirby Buckets ?" He rose his eyebrows with a smile. It automatically came to me.

"Yes , yes , Kirby Buckets. No way dude, that's you ? I loved that show. I remember thinking you were so fucking cool " I laughed  you were excitement crossed my eyes.

"Thank you , thank youu . I am indeed cool. but no  Stop - your role on this is about to be so much fucking cooler. You're about to be the next Karate Kid , you can crane kick Kirby any day" he shrugged his shoulders as if there was no question about it.

" hmmm.. you're right , I can. I can see it already " I jokingly nodded  as I checked out his chin that's just waiting to be kicked and sized him up.

"Okay , okay . Don't get too cocky , main character... We're both gonna be under going karate training. We'll see who can crane kick , first " he jokingly glared at me.

"Yeah, we'll seee" I glared back. I have no idea how we're just already playing around and we just met. His energy is amazing,  we just keep playing off eachother so naturally . I did not expect this , he's really cool. I can already tell we're gonna be good friends.

"Wait , who do you play ? I forgot to ask " I genuinely questioned.

"Ouch- look at you already taking on that main character ass energy. Forgetting about the others already huh ?" Jacob shook his head in disapproval.

"Please , says the guy who has played more main characters than me " I laughed.

"You're right , I guess I have. Na I'm kidding , I play Eli/ Hawk. You know , The one that turns into an unhinged Psycho . That's what I'm most excited to do" He nodded as a smile formed on his face.

"Hmm , excited ? Should I be concerned?" I sarcastically pursed my lips as I searched his facial expression.

" No but you should be scared. The script says he actually learns how to crane kick before miguel " He nodded.

"We only got one script today dude and it's for episode one " I laughed as his attempt to be intimidating.

"Shit.. you're  right. But we do have a scene together today though. It takes places at the school cafeteria. It's you, me, and Gianni " Jacob smiled. oooh nice , I'm excited. I can already tell that it's gonna be fun working with him. 

As soon as we were 4 minutes into the conversation, I was already hoping that we'd get to work together today. so we can just hang out some more. This seems like the beginning of an awesome friendship. I don't know who Gianni is but I'm sure he's gonna be cool too.

Cynthia and Miranda came back with a bunch of make up piled up in their hands. Jacob and I shot  each other a look , like damn how much are they gonna put on us.
Authors note: Hey guys , I hope you liked this chapter. What did you guys think and did you like Jacob and Xolos conversation :). I'm sorry that this chapter was so long , do you guys like long chapters like this or is it too much to read ? Be honesttt. Next chapter will begin in Jules' POV.  Also check out minimariduena Xolo fanfic , it's amazing  , I love it .

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