Gang War (Fanfiction) (#WATTY...

By RickyDinxie

898K 23.6K 1.8K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 59
Important author's note
Gang War 2

Chapter 9

20.7K 684 57
By RickyDinxie

Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily

Ricky xx


"Kalem?" I questioned, wondering why he had dragged me here, why we had to be hiding in the darkness. I felt uncomfortable as he moved closer to me.

"I need to tell you something." He quietly said. My heart thudded so loud, it felt like he could hear it inside of my chest.

"Okay, yes?" I gulped loudly.

"Seriously calm down." He said, seeing my nervous demeanour as he let out a chuckle.

"You're friends with that new kid right?" My eyes widened at his question. What if Tyler asked him to talk to me? What if this was a test, test to see where my loyalties laid.

"I wouldn't really call us friends." I scoffed, not being able to look him in his eyes.

"Well I need you to warn him for me. Could you do that?" The nervous feeling crept up again like it did earlier, my hands starting to tremble next to my sides.

"W-warn him about what? What's going on?" I stuttered over the words, suddenly feeling really afraid and confused at his request. What was I suppose to warn him about?

"I heard Tyler saying that Tony was supposed to come to school today, I'm not sure when, but he has to make sure that Tyler takes care of the new kid for embarrassing him and their family yesterday and if Tyler was too of a pussy, that Tony must step up and do it for him." I felt numb and unable to move. Tyler had nothing on Tony. Tony was ruthless; he didn't care how far he went or who he hurt in the process, he only cared what Mr. Del Gallo had to say. Whenever he got into a fight his rage would overpower him, and he would black out, not knowing what he was doing. I knew it all too well and I've it seen one too many times. He's killed before, he's taken a life without flinching and he sure as hell could do it again. What if the next one was to be Harry? I felt the blood drain from my body, causing my legs to fumble underneath me.

"Oh, my God, when is he coming?" He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused at the concern all too visible in my voice, the concern of what were to happen to Harry once Tony gets a hold of him. He stood silent, not a word threatening to spill from his agape mouth.

"When is he fucking coming Kalem?" My voice was sounding more urgent and more pleading. I felt the adrenaline start to rush over my body, taking control over every sense and sending my body into overdrive. I had to warn him. I shook Kalem trying to get an answer out of the frozen boy in front of me.

"Now." He whispered lowly as he looked down to the ground, clearly ashamed of keeping it from me for so long. My mouth fell agape and the familiar tears started to brim my hazel eyes. He was going to get hurt because of me. Harry was going to get beaten to a pulp because he talked to me.

I turned on my heels as quickly as I possibly could and darted down the hallway. Desperately searching, desperately in need to find him and warn him about Tony. It felt like I was soaring, my feet moving at an unimaginable pace. My legs felt numb and my heart beating at a rapid pace in my chest.

Luka stood near her locker looking for books as I sprinted towards her.

"Luka have you seen Harry?" I was out of breath and struggling to get the words out, my palms damp and my face a tinted shade of crimson. Her eyes widened as she saw me, the urgency in my voice scared her, alarmed her.

"Dammit Luka just tell me if you've seen Harry now!" I shouted at her, cowering back she pointed down the hall. I didn't care to explain to her. There was no time now. If something happened to him, I, I wouldn't know what I would do.

My vision started to blur as the tears slowly started to fall. I saw his friends at the end of the hallway, my heart sinking in my chest not seeing the curly haired dark man with them. I ran faster towards them not caring about the crazy stares I was receiving from the crowd of people in the passage way.

"Where's Harry?" I breathed out, huffing to catch my breath.

"A little too excited to see him, aren't we?"

The dark haired one chuckled; I felt my blood start to fume, boil deep within my veins.

"This is not a time to fucking joke. Where's Harry?" I screeched. I didn't have time for their games. This was a time of life and death and I couldn't risk that for silly childish games.

"What's wrong?" The blonde haired one questioned as he softly put his hand on my shoulder.

"P-please... please I'm begging you where is Harry? Just tell me please." I begged, the tears starting to fall.

"He was called to the office a few minutes ago." I looked up at the eight pairs of gawking eyes, all waiting for me to tell them why I was so urgently looking for him. I gasped flinging my hands up to my mouth. I knew he wasn't at the office, I knew he wasn't safe. I felt my knees buck under me as I tumbled to the ground. The blonde's arms automatically snaking around my frail body lifting me up.

"Why what's wrong?" All of them were on their guard. I had to man up I had to fight. I had to fight against my body that was trying to give in.

I grabbed the blonde's arm, dragging him with me as I bellowed for the others to follow.

"What's wrong Skye? What's going on?" The one in stripes and a leather jacket questioned cautiously, he knew something was not in place. In my tone he knew that something wasn't right, that I wouldn't be acting like this for no apparent reason.

"He's in danger. Tyler... Tony. They're... they're going to hurt him." I choked out, the sobs making it difficult for me to speak. All of them gasped a sound of anger. Anger I've only experienced with Tyler. They took off in a fast sprint, leaving me behind. My legs started to hurt, too short to keep up with their fast pace.

The dark haired one turned around to look for me; he shook his head as he saw me travelling far behind. He ran over to me faster than I ever thought he could.

"My name's Zayn now that we've got that out of the way get on my back." I looked at him disbelievingly, cocking my eyebrows. He turned his back to me.

"Skye get your tiny, firm ass on my back right now. We don't have time to waste." He sounded annoyed as I complied, jumping on his back as he broke into another fast sprint, quickly catching up with the others. I let the silent sobs take over me; my arms tightly snaked around his muscular shoulders.

"Shhh, hey don't worry we'll find him. He'll be okay. I promise you that okay? Trust me." He reassured me, and I believed him, something about his caring words made me feel safe. Like these five boys weren't that bad as what they came off to be, or what they tried to be perceived as. I closed my eyes as we neared the parking lot. My heart was beating at an erratic pace as we got closer to the cars.

We spotted them near Tyler's black SUV. Tyler and one of his dad's goons were holding Harry, and Tony was throwing the punches. He was slumped over in their arms, trying to fight back but he was too drained to even lift his head. His strength all tethered as every blow intensified, groans falling from his split lips with every punch. He seemed so innocent, vulnerable and childlike as he was slumped over.

He didn't look like the big tough guy he came across as. My heart shattered, the smiles engraved on Tyler and the other guy's faces was sickening. So menacing and malicious, like they enjoyed every ounce of pain they caused Harry.

I couldn't watch anymore, my eyes starting to hurt with every blow he received, my heart shattering into a million pieces. It was because of me that he was getting hurt. It was because he talked to me that he was in pain now. I couldn't take it any longer, the scene was disgusting, horrifying to witness. I jumped off of Zayn's back running across the tarmac, the boys trying to grab me as they ran after me.

"Skye don't be stupid we'll handle it. Come back." A voice shouted behind me, my legs starting to hurt but I tried to push the pain aside, for him, for the sake of saving him.

"Stop!" I shouted, my voice having more power than I thought it would ever contain. Everyone's eyes turning to me. Tyler's expression filled with anger, as Harry's eyes widened.

"Go back inside Skye." Harry spoke sternly through bruised lips, it was an order. His voice portraying the pain he felt, he seemed so vulnerable.

"No Harry." I spoke confidently, my sobs suddenly forgotten.

"Don't you dare talk to her." Tyler grabbed onto his arm tightly, causing him to wince and shriek out as the pain surged through his already limp body, Tony jabbing him one more time in the gut. The guys behind me started to move closer. I turned around placing my hands up to stop them.

"Let me just try to handle this now please." I whispered to them, they seemed wary but gave me a tight nod, another jab hitting Harry.

"I said stop Tony!" I spoke with a sense of power clinging to my voice.

"Skye go inside now." Tyler spoke loudly through clenched teeth, he was infuriated that I was defying him, defying his orders, but for once I was going to stand up for myself and what I believed in.

"No!" I protested once again as I moved forward to them. He furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"Listen to the asshole Skye-Bee, just go inside, please." He spoke breathlessly, calling me by my nickname. A big guy moved behind me trying to pick me up and move me away from the guys.

"You dare fucking touch me and I will kick you so hard in the balls that your kids will come out looking like fucking smurfs you asshat. Understood?" I glared at him. A sudden confidence burst through my entirety. The boys behind me burst in laughter, finding what I had said super hilarious.

"I will not listen to you anymore Tyler. I am not your possession. You sure as hell do not own me. And hear me now clearly, never will you ever lay a finger on me again." I spoke through clenched teeth, not breaking eye contact with him. Knowing that if I did, it would show weakness and he would yet again have power over me.

"Oh really, and who's gonna stop me, baby? This guy?" he questioned cockily as he gestured towards Harry. The way he called me baby prickled my skin and only spiked the anger even more.

"Oh no my love, Micah will."

All of their eyes widened as I mentioned my brother's name...

Author's note:

So I am just busy editing chapters and adding small things to slow Harry and Skye down a little. Will you please comment if you want me to continue Gang War 2.


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