Station 19 one shots

By 181007aw

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Station 19 one shots. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING Please note I am British so please call me out if there's anythi... More

A second family
What If
A Secret Is A Secret
The Past That Haunts Me Is Called Elsie
From The Beginning
Oceaniana to 19
High Queen Andrea The Just-part 1/3
Surrera/Vipley - That darn probie
USS Balamory
Authors note
A few tears
My Wife
Andy Herrera - Rangers Lead The Way
April 14th
Dear Diary - Maya Bishop
Reach - Maya Bishop
High Queen Andrea The Just-part 2/3
C at 19
Herrera Part 2/3
Marina-Shower boundaries
Authors note
Herrera Part 3/3
Andy Herrera - Rangers Lead The Way 2/3
9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar and Station 19 crossover
High Queen Andrea The Just-part 3/3
Andy Herrera - Twinning
Vipley - Dam It Vic!
Andy Herrera - Rangers Lead The Way 3/3
Holy cow!
Vipley - It's Show Time!
Untold Stories 1/2
Surrera (my first wattpad story)
Andy Herrera - Life Before 19
Maya Bishop- But still I rise (original)
Maya Bishop - But Still I rise (re-write)
Untold Stories 2/2
Vandy - kiss you on the dance floor
European Football Final
Dreams Of The Past
Evangeline Katherine Bishop
Surrera - I Love You Andrea Herrera
Marina - I Love You Bambia
Authors note
Jack Gibson-Crystal Ridge Mountains (discontinued)
Surrera - Gold Eyes
Surrera - Open evening
Vic Hughes - My Past Does Not Define Me
Andy Herrera - New Start ft. 126 and 118
Andy Herrera - Silence
Surrera - Babies 1/2
Surrera - Babies 2/2
More than you bargained for
HM: Queen Elizabeth II
Big Dreams
New Years Eve 2007 (discontinued)
Andy and Ryan - Limitless
Surrera - 1950s
Andy, not Andrea

Andy Herrera - Who I Am

267 5 0
By 181007aw

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Andy grew up on the streets of Gotham and like most kids from that area she was one tough cookie. She left for Seattle at 21 to live with her mothers cousin as he had offered her a job as a firefighter in his firehouse. Andy had no ordinary childhood, she attended Gotham Academy like the other kids but her route home was often very different. She would either have to walk/ride to the edge of No Man's Land to the unit she shared with her parents or she would have to take the bus to Arkham to see her parents then go back to her grandparents place in the quiet suburban side of town. Hard to believe this very sweet couple in the late 60's early 70's were the parents of a psycho.

In Seattle she adopted her middle name and her second cousin's last name to give people the idea that they are closely related. She therefore became known as Andrea Herrera. She missed Gotham but she enjoyed Seattle also. Everyone assumed she was in her early 30's something around 32, they knew she worked at 19 for four years before Sullivan became Captain. Did she look that old? Probably from having PSYCHO parents!

10 years ago

Erin slammed her locker door shut after gathering up the textbooks she would need for homework. She also left anything that could be flagged at Arkham. Erin visited so frequently she had her own ID and everyone knew/recognised her. It wasn't hard. Her green strand of hair fell in front of her eyes and she frustratedly pulled it back behind her ear.

Erin was used to being asked questions when she asked for a ticket to Arkham, she was also used to the stairs and flirting she had to endure. Take today for instance, she was holding onto the steel rod as the bus cruised down the road reading her beaten copy of Of Mice and Men when a creep also holding the pole slid his hand down to stroke hers. Being her mothers daughter she gave him a glare, what was really so attractive about jeans, baggy tshirt and jumper? If the glare didn't work (very rare it didn't) she resulted like in this case to breaking the dudes hand. And while he was writhing in pain she flashed him her red, blue and green hair.

Present day

Andy did not like this new Captain from the get go. Something in her gut told her he was bad news, one of the first things he did was question why all they had on file for Andy was her name, month of birth and current address. He noticed within 24 hours of working with her that she was no more than cousins to Pruitt Herrera and by the age gap he guessed second cousins. Maybe Pruitt would give him the answers he needed. "No," Pruitt snapped drinking his coffee, "Why might I ask," "That's all you people want to know why? Now I know why Andy changed her name," "She did what?" "Changed her name, dyed her hair," "Am I permitted to know what her name was previously for background checks," "Yeah she gets that a lot, that is what she gets from her dad. Oh and Sullivan, I built that team from the ground up so don't you dare go tearing them down."

The harshness of this new Captain caused Andy to revert back to her old personality, a good mix of both her parents. Rebelling against the system that failed them all. "Herrera my office now!" Sullivan barked, "Great you've awoken the beast Herrera!" Maya teased, "What the hell do you want?" Andy snapped shutting the office door.

10 years ago

Erin waited outside of the gates for a car to pull up, out climbed an elderly woman in a blue cotton dress who then unstrapped a toddler 2 years of age with identical hair to Erin. "Hello, hello Alice," she was down on her knees kissing the child's cheek, Alice was her little sister, "Let's go see mum and dad!" She cheered scooping the child up, Joe let the two sisters into the gates and up to the dark building.

After going through security they were brought into a nice room with a sofa, tv, board games, toilet, sink and a dining room table. They knew this room like the back of there hands as after all it wasn't there first time in here. Alice went racing to the stack of board games to pull out her favourite Game Of Life while Erin went to the bathroom. Erin combed her fingers through her hair, it was blonde with natural dip died red and blue ends then electric green strands from the roots that frames her face, she stuffed it into a ponytail. The large grey metal doors swung open revealing...

Present day

Andy sat playing with a strand of green hair that had somehow slipped under the dye's radar, "Woah Andy why is your hair green?" Vic snapped taking the strand from her hands, "Oh I wanted to experiment with wash out hair dyes in bright colours I guess I missed a chunk washing it out, I'll sort it out after shift," white lie. Sullivan came in watching the girls go gaga over a strand of green hair, not a tint as in electric pen green, there was no hair dye that would go that vivid green on her dark hair. Unless. Unless she was putting brown dye over the green making it the brown colour, then why would she dye her hair green in the first place. "Herrera I never saw you as the sort to dye your hair?" Words fell before he could catch them, "Well my natural colour is to identifiable and I stuck out like a sore thumb so dye it is." But what if the green is her natural colour?

10 years ago

Harley Quinn and The Joker came through the door wearing there shackles, the guards carefully unlocked the shackles before leaving dead bolting the door. The two girls flung themselves at there parents, "Erin, Alice hey you two," "Hey, dad I need help with my math homework," Erin started rifling through her bag pulling out her homework, Harley picked her daughter up to play with the toys that had been provided in the family room, "I need help with gradients on a graph," "Okay wow, you are lucky bombs require math otherwise I would have no clue," her dad's a supervillain moment there. They are a family Arkham or not.

Erin was walking the streets clearing her head later that day when a green haired man dropped in front of her, "Dad, dad you escaped again?" "And so did your mum, come on we already picked up Alice," Joker took Erin's hand so they could surf the rooftops together.

Present day

Sullivan was curious as to how to approach this topic but before he could figure out how shift was over and 19 was heading over to Andy and Maya's for a party, to his surprise he was invited as a way to 'break down the walls'. Only they walked in on Andy dyeing her hair, she was coating it in brown dye especially that green strand she had seen earlier, "Woah Herrera what?" "Don't mind me I'll be done in half an hour," they had never seen Andy's room she had kept it shut when people were over so they all decided to talk to her while she was rinsing her hair out in the sink. One thing that was obvious was that she was a fan of the Gotham villains and superheroes her room had many newspaper clipping framed on her wall, there was also several neat folders on her shelves marked with dates as well as a variety of books ranging from religious learnings to sciences. Very few photographs though which was odd, yes in this day and age photographs could be stored but there was no childhood photos not even at her 'dads' place, only the single photo of 19 on her dressing table. "Andy where are you from you've always said Seattle but what district?" "I'm not actually from Seattle you've just assumed it," "Where are you from?" "Look around." Only now did they notice the map of Gotham on the back of her door, and the town logo on a flag hanging above her bed, "Your from Gotham City?" "Yeah No Man's Land district," "Only supervillains live there," "Why do you think I left?" "Your a supervillain?" "No! I mean I lived on the edge of No Man's Land and the assholes kept breaking into my home." She snapped blow drying her hair, "No it was all my parents could afford. Gotham isn't like Seattle in many ways but Seattle isn't like Gotham also. My mother was almost incarcerated for tripping over an officers foot. Good times."

They ended up getting drunk again which was no surprise. It also meant that they were hung over for shift the next morning, Sullivan was careful not to poke the sleeping beasts they were that angsty. "19 I know this isn't what you want to hear but there's a wildfire in Gotham City New York we have been asked to assist," "Andy your from Gotham. Yeah why not Andy can show us her city," not good at all...

10 Years ago

Erin stood outside her English class yet again lost in a book but this time it was Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman, Erin was a quiet child that was to be understood. Most people thought she was a freak as after all her hair was a give away and her last name was Napier-Quinzel the same as two freaking psychopaths. The only person who wasn't afraid of her was her English teacher Ms Earl, she was the perfect compliment to Erin. She was the one who helped her aspire to be something greater than where she was.

Present day

"Herrera you'll be chief driver as you'll probably know the way better than the best of us. So just to make sure you can license," her face froze, she only adopted the name Andrea Herrera on department records, her drivers license and legal documents were still in her birth name and frankly she didn't want to change them, "Okay," she reluctantly handed it over. His face went blank as he read, 'Erin Andrea Napier-Quinzel born 4th of the 11 1995,' she's only 25? "Andy your only 25?" "Yeah I look older don't I," "No you don't actually you look younger," "Thanks," she smiled taking back her id glad that Robert didn't reveal her secret.

A week later they were all packed and raring to go, all 8 barely squeezed into the 10 seater engine with duffle bags taking up two others. It was a 42 hour drive making them question why they were going at all. They were driving to Minneapolis taking 24 hours, then to Chicago which was 6 hours then onto to Gotham which was 12 1/2 hours. Andy was driving most of the way. She kinda had no choice as the others fell asleep. She had kept money in the central console for the reason of the tole roads, they attracted quite a few stares travelling through states to Gotham.

Andy was debating skipping out Minneapolis and heading straight onto Chicago as the others was dead to the world and she could push it with headphones and loud music. She stopped and asked directions to a long term car park, campsite or a motel. They were only stopping for a couple hours to shower eat and refuel. Turns out the best they could do was a long term car park, well best Andy could do. She nipped out making sure to secure the toddlers to grab some chips from the nearby McDonalds. Once back at the engine she was dead to the world for a long while.

"Look who's finally waking up," Maya called out as Andy peeled her eyes open, "When we woke up you were dead to the world and we were in Chicago. Don't tell me you skipped Minneapolis and drove for 28 hours straight?" Robert asked, only now did she notice that she had been moved to the back next to Sullivan and had fallen asleep resting against him, most importantly Maya was now driving. "I may or may not have done anyways where are we?" "On the 76 just outside Cleveland Ohio. Go back to sleep Andy your exhausted," Jack yelled from the front. They stopped for a toilet break in Hazelton Pennsylvania and so Andy could take over driving as they had gotten lost four times while she was asleep. This time Robert was at her side in the front. A motorway cop pulled them over on the New York border for answers as to why a Seattle fire Engine was in Pennsylvania/New York, "So what are you lot doing here?" "Wildfires!" They all chirped back in response, "Id's now," "Shoot," "Andy what is it?" "I left my ID in Seattle as I didn't think we'd need 'em," flat out lie but a convincing one.

After a few minutes they were let on there way so they finally made it to Gotham three days after they left Seattle. Wildfires had left a twinge in the air but it was still home. "Oh my god oh my god it's Parker's Palace!" "What?" "Parker's Palace they best pizza joint and 24 hour dinner there is in town. I thought it had closed. It feels good to be back, hey look it's the 277 thats my old firehouse before I moved!" She yelled trying not to crash them, "Hey it's my childhood home!" She almost shouted pointing the the edge of No Mans Land, "Andy the sat nav said to take the right back there," "Come on please there based at Napa Park it's this way that way takes you into No Man's Land. Local knowledge right here."

19 climbed out of the motor pool listening to Gotham firefighters having fun in between missions. "Hey is that Erin?" One yelled pointing down, "Hey it is ERIN!" They all yelled, it was the 277, "Who are they talking to?" "Me. Andrea is my middle name Erin is my first name, hey guys!" "So how's Seattle not better than home?" "Not better than home at all. At least in Seattle I don't have Batsy on my back anymore. He'll be here as soon as he figures out I'm here," "Bet on it Napier-Quinzel," "Uh ah no." By nightfall everyone was exhausted and not in the mood for the dark night making an appearance. And-Erin had to shut 19's gob as they stared at literal Gotham royalty, "What do you want Batsy I'm tired," "I want to know where your parents are?" "How am I meant to know I've been in Seattle for the past 4 years! They call me!" "So give me there number!" "Why should I? it's because of you Mr nice guy that I grew up in and out of the system that separated me from my sister! So no!" She yelled tossing her drink at him, "Woah Andy why did you toss a drink at Batman?" "Because he was a jerk to me my whole life!" She yelled turning away from Batsy, "I suggest you go Batman, firefighters care for one another we're family. If you keep harassing her you'll deal with the raft of all of these good people," the 277 Captain snapped indicating the other firefighters who were all staring daggers at him. Batman considered his options, if he pissed off FD, PD as well as other agency's that work with FD would also be mad. Making his job harder. "I'll see you lot later," "Wise choice Bats. Erin gets some rest from what 19 have told me your knackered but don't get to comfortable we'll need your local knowledge asap."

Andy fell asleep quickly but could only snooze for about an hour, then she guzzled down coffee and set to work. Give it 24 hours of continuous work and everyone was party pooped, "I can not wait to sleep in our rig," "I second that," Miles from the 277 chuckled till he spotted who was stood at the rigs, "Oh no we don't, guys hold it," "Why what is it who are they?" All eyes were on the green haired man and the blonde with dip died pigtails, "The Joker and Harley Quinn." Colour drained from there faces expect Andy who lit up like a Christmas tree, "Mum dad?!" She was unsure but gained confidence quickly running into there arms. Tears almost streamed out her eyes, it was the first time they had seen each other in 4 years, "Hi I'm home," she choked out but Harley wiped her tears away, "Oh Erin, your hair, your name?" "Yeah I had to change. I don't want to die my hair anymore but I have to. I don't want to scare anyone," "I have a colour remover bottle try it," Joker announced presenting a bottle. She sprinkled the odd smelling liquid on the front strands of her hair, after combing it through for a few minutes the brown dye was stripped revealing the green strands, "This will do for now green strands. Maybe I'll strip the ends so it's dip dyed later but I'm staying a brunette blonde does not suit me," a shadow manifested not to far from them, "Batman can't we have a little family reunion?" "Only in Gotham," "Mum dad go, go we can't spend another holiday in Arkham."

19 stared till Miles lead them away, he explained that despite there infamous reputation Joker and Harley were harmless around there daughter. You can imagine the drama that caused, "So Andy or Erin," "You guys know me as Andy if you prefer Andy to Erin I'll roll with it," "Okay why didn't you tell us who your parents are!" "Because I didn't want you to freak out and disown me. One of those assumptions is clearly correct," "Sorry," Vic chuckled tightening her bun, "Yeah, I changed my name dyed my hair and kept quiet," "Speaking of which the green?" This time Andy laughed twiddling the green strands, "Yeah. Want to see a photograph, I'm part blonde you know?" Her snide Gotham accent was starting to come through as she brought up the photograph, "Wow you?" "Used to look like that," yeah.

7 years ago

Erin stood outside the Gotham Fire Training academy for her first day of training. She was over joyed. Day two and three people screamed at her presence, it was horrible. The banter from other cadets was equally annoying and painful. She stared at the brown hair dye box in front of her, she was actually going to do this. Each layer of dye was a burden on her shoulders knowing she had to hide who she really was from the world.

Present day

A week after Harley and Joker came to visit the wildfires were put out and the FD units were all heading out on the town the night before they were all due to leave. They couldn't shower so they stunk of smoke and sweat, they were all visibly covered in dirt. It worked to there advantage as people were buying them drinks as a thank you. Andy had other business to take care of before having a little fun. Alice. They spent the afternoon together having fun like sisters do. While in the park they got a drop in from there parents resulting in a rare family photo. Everyone got hammered that night.

Next morning most people had shaken off there hangovers and packed up to head home. Andy was driving again and the whole process of her driving until she almost passed out this time from Gotham to Chicago then Minneapolis to Seattle. She woke in someones car, she trusted 19 so when she saw that it was Sullivan her face just about dropped, "Maya told me where you live Andy, I'll drop you home," "Thanks cap you didn't have to," "It's alright Andy I don't mind," "So your not afraid of me?" "Why should I be?" That brought a smile to her face and warmth to her heart.

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