By glossiebabe

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𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙡𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧... More



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By glossiebabe

Vanni looked reluctant as we spoke outside, this place really didn't look like my house, making me feel slightly lost in where the hell I've gotten myself into.

The way that he looked away when he said that he was known as the Ripper was as if he was ashamed of it, ashamed of being known as such an awful thing, but I was already sort of expecting something like that since the other day he had told me that he enjoyed ripping his victims apart.

Akira's name seemed to fit her, I never really talked to her but she looked a lot less harmless than Giovanni has always looked.

At first when Giovanni was talking about that girl Yoru, I thought that they might have something, hating someone just because of the colour of their eyes doesn't sound much true...

Vanni made me want  to meet them but at the same time didn't, he said that they met because of friends in commun but that answer came way too fast for it, once again, to sound true.

Giovanni was either lying to me or being shitty at telling the truth.

Just to think that for one monent I gave away my trust to a damn murder makes me mad at myself, but I won't let it show, only acting as if I'm not bothered by any of the words that are coming out of his mouth.

Even the way that he said that he found the name that I had "invented" sounded more like he was mocking me than actually liking it, and I might be getting the wrong impression of everything he had just said.

But at this point I don't have any truth to hold on to, he could be lying to my face and making a fool out of me and I would never know...

How would someone hate his gorgeous eyes?

I shook my head trying to make my thoughts make sense, a part of me wanted to trust him and go along with what my father wanted, learning how to fight and become known in the Italian mafia, making the name Salvatore be respected.

But the other side only wants to run away and hide somewhere else, far away from all of this and just live a normal life, away from all of these killers and mafia stuff.

Despite the fact that I know that it wouldn't be possible for that to happen, the only way to get out of the mafia is dying, and once you're already born in it, only makes life harder.

"Are you alright?" I hear a deep familiar voice beside me, for a moment I had forgotten I was here with someone else, letting my thoughts fill my head, with despair and hope, everything is mixed at this point and even I don't know if I'm alright.

"Yeah I'm great," A fake smile is placed on my lips and I focus my sight on his eyes, trying to see if he believed what I said, but as always I can never read any emotions that crosses Vanni's eyes, always so empty but full of emotions that are willing to come out.

"You sure?" He asks once again, looking slightly concerned as his dark brown eyebrows frowned, almost touching each other.

I simply nod, not wanting to talk or else he could notice that I was lying from how low I would speak.

"Ok then," He whispered more to himself than to me, nodding slightly as he did so, looking forward as his left leg started to shake next to me.

Was he nervous?

We stayed in silence for a couple more minutes. I was moving the rings that were randomly placed on my fingers in pure boredom as Vanni looked deep in thought, fighting his urge to do or say something that he knew was risky.

The silence didn't feel uncomfortable but there was surely some tension in the air, both of us were reluctant to say something but none of us was brave enough to say.

Suddenly Giovanni stood up and when I was about to stand up to follow, he made a sign with his hand for me to stay down and wait, I nodded as I sat down again wondering what he was going to do.

After a while Vanni came back with a target and some daggers in a box, he placed the huge target that was almost the same size as I was, with a body figure on it, in front of me but on the other side of the room.

"You," he points at me with a dagger that he had taken out of the box. "Are going to try to throw this at the target over there," He pointed with the dagger at the target before turning to me again and nodding, I only nodded back.

Giovanni came behind me and stood there as I tried to position myself in the right way, placing my right feet behind leaving my legs with some distance between them just to have some more balance and be steadier.

He placed the dagger on my right hand. It was slightly heavier than I thought it would be, I lifted my right hand slightly behind my head and had my left arm pointing forward in some kind of aiming form.

But before I could throw the dagger Vanni placed his hands on my waist making me jump slightly at the sudden touch.

"Turn you waist slightly to the right, then when you throw the dagger let your body go with your right arm, makes sense?" He asked and I nodded, making me remember those times at school when we would throw weights and darts.

His hands fell slowly from my waist, for some reason making me feel the warmth of his hands on it. I breath in softly and breath out before throwing the dagger, looking down at my feet for a couple of seconds before seeing where it had landed.

To my surprise I managed to hit the target's stomach, looking back at Vanni he was smiling slightly as if he was proud of me. But I probably did horribly and he only wanted me to feel good with myself.

"You did pretty well since it was your first time," Vanni said with a low tone. We were really close to each other so there was no need to talk loudly.

"It could be better," I mumble to myself.

"It will eventually but for now be happy with the results that you're able to get right now," He whispers softly, I look back at Vanni just to find a frown on his brows. I sigh and take another dagger from the box that Vanni had brought and go back to the position I had been into the last time.

This time I was aiming for the head of the target, and when I throw it, with a sudden flame of rage running through my body I noticed that I managed to hit it right in the forehead, making a mischievous smile take place on my lips.

" That was impressive," Giovanni announces as he walks to the target to see how deeply the dagger had gotten into the target's head.

As I noticed that he had to make some effort and had to use both hands so that the dagger would come out of it's forehead. Vanni walked to me with the dagger on his right hand, for a second I thought he would use it on me or something but that feeling quickly faded away.

He moved closer to me, enough for me to see the dagger in his hand with much more detail. There were now pieces of the rubber target left on the dagger, Vanni carefully whipping them away with his hand.

"I know you don't want to hear this," Giovanni speaks with an emotionless tone, his voice as deep as ever, as he stared at the dagger in his hands focusing his gaze on it, passing his long finger on the blade of the sharp dagger as he thought about his words. " But you're going to be a great murder, Venenum." He says my "name" in a darker tone, but the way that it left his mouth made me had a cold shiver on my  back.

"That's a weird thing to casually tell someone," I reply, looking at him as I play with my fingers.

"But it's still true," he looks at me in the eyes with an intense stare coming from his black eyes. "It's not everyday that you see a 16-year-old who is still learning about this type of stuff, manage to hit the target's head so precisely and deeply." He says in a quite serious tone..

"You were born with a gift for this, not everyone is this talented so easily,"

"Vanni, you're being dramatic it wasn't that hard, you made it easy on purpose," I smile slightly but this time Vanni doesn't smile back.

"No I didn't Anna," he said, making me shiver just from my name slipping so naturally from his mouth. "You seem to forget that I've been doing this since I was 18," He sits down on the bench we had previously been in as I just follow him with my gaze. "In these 18 years a lot of things happened before my eyes, some greater than the others," He closed down his eyes tightly before reopening them and looking at me.

"From those things that I've seen, there were people who couldn't do basically anything, and then there were people who looked like they were born to do these kind of stuff," He stays silent for a while simply staring into my soul before his lips pulled apart again and sound came out once more.

"People like you,"

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