By glossiebabe

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𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙡𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧... More



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By glossiebabe

The Berlusconi family has always been the most powerful mafia, until the Salvatore came and got in our way, our families had their fights and a lot of blood shed, but the year I was born so was a girl from their family.

Our families then got together to beat the Russian mafia and won, with that they realized they were much stronger together.

Now they have some kind of deal that I am not familiar with yet, I just know that it involves me and the girl that they had, Anna Salvatore, she's 2 years younger than I am and until now that is all I know about her.

I've seen her a couple of times while I was at her house, but the little distracted girl never noticed I was there, even her little sister Isabella noticed I was there as I wasn't even trying to look unnoticed.

She is 10 years younger than Anna but they look to go along quite well, it could be way worse if you ask me.

A couple of days ago, my parents and the Salvatore had one more of their secret meeting in which they decided that I would help Anna learn how to do...

What we do best-


Despite the fact that I don't have a choice, I didn't want to be the one doing this, the girl looks too innocent and unprepared for the sudden change and that is probably going to scare her and make her hate me.

Speaking out of experience...

. . .

There was a sudden burn of excitement that was growing inside of her as she asked me to teach her what I know. Those words flew from her mouth and left me quite shocked.

Yesterday she was scared and crying in her room and today here she is, with a name and everything.

Her eyes shone in a mischievous way, the same way that Akira's did when I started teaching her. Anna looked like she was ready for anything that could come in her way, she wasn't of course because she would probably panic and stand there, eventually getting killed.

The thought of it happening making me shiver slightly.

"Let's start with something easy," I told her in a soft tone and walked to the hidden room that her dad had done here.

As I opened the door, I kept checking her from my shoulder, making sure that she wouldn't stand behind and get lost, this place is quite a maze if you don't know all of the places with the palm of your hand.

Anna looked mesmerized by the place, not by the beauty of it, because to be honest there was none, but by the size of it. I would be amazed to if I had lived my whole life without knowing I had a ginormous "gim" hidden underneath my house.

As we walked to the yard I wanted to reach, Anna looked at the sky for a few seconds before looking around as if she was trying to recognise the place that we were in.

"Is this still my house?" She asked, not making eye contact with me, does she hate me that much?

"Technically yes, but what's above ground is not yours."

Anna simply hms, looking at the ground for a long period of time, looking like she's lost in her thoughts. Her blue and brown eyes show so many emotions at the same time, sadness, happiness, anxiety, calm, all at the same time as if she's always in a deep fight with her feelings.

She didn't understand yet that her eyes are unique and make her look beautiful, it's not something you see everyday, it's a unique feature that she is lucky to have.

"Why did you choose Venenum as your name?" I ask out of the blue, not really thinking about my words until it was already too late and they had already been spoken.

"It means venom in latin, and venom is one of my favorite marvel characters," Anna speaks as she looks down at her hands fidgeting nervously. "It's kind of a silly motive," she whispers in the last part.

"It's not that silly, believe me it could be worse," Anna looks up at me with a soft smile placed on her lips, making me feel something on my stomach that I can't quite put my finger on.

"What's the best name you have ever seen?" She asks, her eyes shining with curiosity as she sits down on the small bench that was placed in the yard, I think for a couple of seconds before sitting down next to her and finally answering her.

"Well it was actually their name so I don't think it counts," I look at her and she simply nods.

"If it's a cool name it still counts," she keeps nodding as she talks, making me chuckle slightly.

"Well, they are two siblings," I make a small pause just to look at her. "Yoru and Shi," Anna frowns slightly.

"What does that mean?" She tilts her head to the right as she looks deep into my eyes, I look away not being able to maintain eye contact with her this time.

"Those are japanese names, Yoru means night and Shi means death," She makes an "O" shape with her mouth, staring into nothing as if she's trying to put the pieces of the small puzzle together.

"And that's the coolest name you've heard?" She asked with a bored expression as if she expected more, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes but it's not because of their meaning but by how well they fit them," I look at her, she has a small frown on her dark brown eyebrows.

"Just explain please, you're making me feel very dumb right now," Anna smiles, and I do too without even thinkinh twice.

" Yoru is Shi's younger sister, they have been doing what I do ever since Yoru was about 10 years old and Shi was 15," Anna looks like she's about to cry so instead of telling their story I just skip to the part where I tell her why the names are cool. " But the true reason for their names fitting them so well is that Yoru and Shi only kill at night,"

"Wow..." Anna let's the sound flow out of her mouth as she looks at me with an amazed expression. "How did you meet them?" She asks.

"We have friends in comun," I simply answer, not wanting to get too much into that topic.

"Will I ever meet them?" Anna tilts her head to the left once more.


"Are they nice?" I stare at her for a few seconds, trying to build up an answer for her question. It's hard to title someone as nice when you only meet them when the subject is killing people...

"Well, we could say Shi is quite nice, he's polite and knows how to not cross the line,"

"And about Yoru?" She asks as she leans slightly closer to my face, eager to hear an answer.

"Let's say they're not as nice as Shi, but if they like you, you'll be fine," I shrug thinking about how Yoru trying to kill me the second we met just because she didn't like the colour of my eyes.

"What if they don't like me? What would they do?"

"Probably try to kill you, but don't worry-"

"Don't worry?! They will literally try to kill me if they don't like me for any reason!" Anna interrupts me moving her arms around in a very dramatic way.

"Calm down, she didn't like me at first and I'm still alive," I smile softly.

"What did you do for them not to like you?" I stay in silence, it is such a stupid motive and it's not even my fault, to be honest I will never understand Yoru, her mind is even more twisted and fucked up than mine is.

"She didn't like the colour of my eyes..."

Anna stares at me, looking into my eyes as she thinks about what I just said, I would have the same reaction if I was told that someone tried to kill them because they didn't like the colour of their eyes.

She looks like she wants to say something as her lips pull apart slightly before meeting again, the same movement being repeated a couple of times. And suddenly she sighs, as if she had given up on trying to understand the reason why.

"Vanni," she calls out, Anna is the only person that has ever called me Vanni, everyone else either calls me Gio or by my full name. I hum back, signalling to her that I was listening but not making the smallest effort to speak. "What's the name your known as?"

Anna's eyes are on her hands again, she looks like she regretted asking when I kept silent for a couple of seconds more. It's not like I don't want to answer her because I do, if I could I would spend all day here listening to her silly questions about everything and nothing.

Looking at the cute expressions and movements she does as she wants me to answer faster, as she has a billion questions in her head that she is not even able to find the right words to ask.

But I'm scared to scare her once more, I'm scared that the answers to her questions are not the ones that she wanted to hear.

"I'm known as the Ripper," I look away as the words flow from my mouth, I don't want to see her reaction to it, too scared that she might run off again. Anna stays silent for a couple of minutes too, letting the silent fill the yard as we both sit here.

"That makes sense," She shrugs as if she wasn't bothered by any of it anymore, I could have sworn that she would freak out or start crying her eyes out. "What's Akira's name?" She asks simply moving on.

"Shadow," I quickly answered.

"And whyyy?" She asks, prolonging the "why" for about 3 seconds just to make me realize that she was getting tired of me taking so long to explain all of the "whys" behind things.

"Because she usually hides in the shadows when she's killing, and never makes a sound, making it harder for the enemy to spot her since she's hidden in the darkness," I explain and Anna starts nodding to herself again.

"That's cool," She mumbles under her breath. "Now I feel even more like my name is silly," She looks down, covering her face with her small hands.

"I'm sure that one day you'll have a "why" for your name, besides Venom being your favorite marvel character," I speak with a playful tone making her giggle.

For a few seconds I enjoyed the fact that I was making her laugh and not crying, I was making her laugh loudly with random comments and not making her yell out of fear.

"Do you think I will have a cool reason?" I nod. "Do you think my name is cool?" She tilts her head once more.

"I think it might be the coolest I've heard until this moment," I smirk, her cheeks turned into a soft shade of pink as she smiled and looked at me.

Even though Anna looks innocent right now, I feel like she will be a fox full of surprises.

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