Re:Zero Male Insert

By BooksLored

308K 10.5K 12.6K

Y/N, a normal guy, is one day sent to the world of Re:Zero! He's watched the anime, so he knows that tough t... More

Exploring the Town
Meeting Emilia
Just Let Us Help!
The Loot House
The Mansion
Butler Time
A Curse
A Vow
Brutal Truths
A Sweet Reprise
The Capital
The Talk
The Dark Path Begins
Imminent Failure
To Kill A Whale
The Avenger
A Very Important Meeting
The Night Before Chaos
Night of Fire
The Sanctuary's End
A New Phase Begins
Transitioning to Uncertainty
Original OST's!!!
The End of the Known
Night of Knight
Traveling Towards The Future
So It Begins
The Fallen Warriors/Death Ballet
The Sin Archbishop of Lust
Love Never Dies
Special Birthday Chapter (Q/A + OST's!)
Moving Forward
Dice and Deception
New Allies
Birthday Chapter No. 2
A [Short] Journey Will Begin
The Augria Sand Dunes (Part 1)
The Augria Sand Dunes (Part 2)
The Pleiades Watchtower
The Trials of the Tower
Trial and [Error]
Birthday Chapter No. 3
The Great Pleaides Library

Let's Talk

3.6K 145 153
By BooksLored

Let's go! This is the last chapter of Arc 4, so here's a commemorative picture for the arc that I found. Enjoy!

It was time.

You, along with Emilia, Subaru, Beatrice, Garfiel, Elsa, Meili, Roswaal, and Otto, were finally settled at the base of the Flugel Tree, a tree so tall that it seems to pierce the heavens.

Also at the tree were delegates from the Crusch camp, who included Wilhelm van Astrea and Felix Argyle. These two were actually the first people outside of the Emilia camp that you talked to.

Unfortunately, things didn't go smoothly, just as you expected. You were the first person in the Emilia camp to make their way towards everyone else, and Elsa, who was right behind you, caught some attention.

"(Y/N)-kyun! What is she doing with nyou?!!" Felix pointed an accusing finger at Elsa, and Wilhelm began to unsheathe his sword.

"(Y/N)-dono, forgive me if I am mistaken, but is that the Bowel Hunter who stands beside you? If so, I am prepared to strike her down for her crimes." The Sword Demon locked eyes with you, so he noticed the absence of any fear and hatred from you. This confused the old man, so he waited for you to explain.

Placing a protective arm in front of Elsa, you said, "To answer your question, yes, this is Elsa Granhiert, also known as the Bowel Hunter. But-!"

As both Felix and Wilhelm tensed, you used your free hand to signal for peace. "She's on my side now. You don't have to worry about her killing anyone that doesn't deserve it."

Wilhelm took his hand off his sword, but something about your words troubled him. "I assume that she will still be killing? I would like to know how you were able to gain her as an ally, but I am the most concerned for the lives of those present here."

Elsa gently put your arm down. With a grin, she explained, "I don't serve Mama anymore, so who knows who I might kill~? I'll try to follow (Y/N)'s orders, but if anyone tempts me... hm?"

Elsa turned around as she felt a slap on her back. This glance revealed that it was her little sister-figure, Meili. "Elsa, you sound so suspicious when you say that! I'm being a good girl, so at least try to act good!" 

During Meili's casual chastising, Felix adopted a shocked expression to Elsa's words. "Did nyou say Mama?! And who nyis this?"

Gesturing at Meili, you introduced the young girl. "This is Meili... um... what's your last name?" This last part was whispered, but it was easily heard by the three others around you.

Meili sighed. "I guess that you are almost as careless as Elsa. I mean, how do you not know the name of a girl who-" Seeing that you did not like where this was going, Meili stopped and chose to answer the question without her commentary. "Portroute. My full name is Meili Portroute. And I'm the Mabeast User!"

Felix waved his hands, trying to hurry the conversation along, as if he didn't care about Meili anymore. "Nyou mentioned Mama, right? Is she the same person nyas the person who leads the Assassin Organization, 'Mother'?"

Both Elsa and Meili nodded their heads. 

Felix's eyes widened even further, and Wilhelm began to mumble to himself. 

Before this conversation could progress any farther, Subaru led the rest of the Emilia camp to where you were.

"What's up, Wilhelm-san!? It seems like it's been months since I last saw you!" Subaru had a cheery attitude, and it snapped the Sword Demon out of his thoughts.

"Subaru-dono, it is a pleasure to see you again. Hopefully, we will be able to talk to each other after these negotiations." Wilhelm bowed, and he signaled to the place where a large group of people had gathered. "Now, let me guide you to the rest of the participants."

You followed him, and couldn't help but notice Felix glancing back at Elsa every few seconds.

A Few Moments Later

When you saw the other people, you smiled. Among the dozens of humans and demi-humans, you noticed Crusch and Anastasia.

Among the crowd was also a decent amount of Lugnican knights, which meant that Reinhard and Julius might be there.

Crusch noticed when Wilhelm led your group to everyone else, and she made her way towards you.

She was wearing her formal attire, but her face no longer matched the clothes. Instead of the confident woman that used to wear it, Crusch was now a gentle girl who was unsure of her every step.

Seeing this change again was heartbreaking, but you once again used regret to steel your resolve for the future.

As she approached your group, she waved her hand in greeting. "Hello, everyone! I hope that you have been well since we last met."

Emilia chuckled at that. "Crusch-san, there were sooo many things that happened! Where do I even start?!"

Crusch looked taken aback, and Wilhelm nodded his head. "That is a very apparent fact. Would you like to inform the entire assembly during negotiations, or would you rather keep your business as private as possible?"

Otto was the first one to answer. "In my opinion, it would be best to announce the changes in this camp at the very beginning of the assembly, since it would make the biggest impact if it is explained before the other colossal feats."

That made sense, and Emilia agreed. 

"Very well then," Crusch replied. "All of the participants are here, right?" Felix and Wilhelm nodded their heads, and she continued. "In that case, I believe we should start!"

She walked away with Wilhelm and Felix and you were left with the Emilia camp, which was getting some looks from around the crowd.

The trio made their way to the center of the gathering, and silence fell over the dozens of people after a loud "Attention!" from Crusch.

Seeing that she had successfully become the focus of the group, Crusch exclaimed, "Seeing as we are all here now, the negotiations will begin! First... we..."

All the confidence that Crusch had mustered disappeared as she realized that she had no clue as to what she should say next. 

She was saved by a shorter woman, who had distinctive purple hair. "If I may-" Crusch nodded her head and stepped to the side as Anastasia Hoshin took the limelight.

"Firstly, thank you all for comin'! It is so much easier to make deals when the people involved show up! Now, I believe that Crusch-san was sayin' that we need ta begin with the biggest issue, which is the White Whale. If ya don't know how it was slayed, then here's a short summary: Subaru-kun made a deal with Crush-san. He gave 'er the exact time and place that the White Whale would appear next, which was in this exact spot eighteen days ago, and the shared rights for the magic stones in Elior Forest in return for an alliance between the Emilia camp, the Karsten camp, and my camp."

As Anastasia recounted the past events, all of the mentioned people nodded their heads. You hadn't been mentioned yet, but that was because you were more of a behind the scenes kind of guy for this part.

"An' so my mercenaries, Crusch-sama's soldiers, the Sword Saint, and Subaru and (Y/N) from the Emilia camp prepared to subjugate the White Whale. The result was, of course, success, with minimal casualties. So now, we need ta discuss the distribution of credit of this feat, an' we need ta figure out what we're doin' with the body."

Anastasia looked into the crowd with anticipation, waiting for any suggestions that would be beneficial to her.

The very first voice came from behind her. "I believe that Crusch-sama and the rest of our camp agrees that the Emilia camp should have credit for this victory. In particular, Subaru-dono and (Y/N)-dono should be given credit for defeating the White Whale." Wilhelm looked towards you with a gentle smile, and you remembered his fierce emotions during the entire subjugation. Of course he would want to pass the credit on to you. He was able to avenge his wife because of the deal, and he was a good person.

The problem was the other people.

From the crowd, a knight raised his hand. "Pardon my interruption, but I believe that the Royal Army of Lugnica should be given credit for the White Whale's defeat. Was it not our Reinhard van Astrea who landed the killing blow?"

Right after that knight finished his statement, another knight stood up, and you recognized his purple hair. This was Julius Juukulius, the man who trained you for a short time, and Subaru's... frienemy? "I can see where this opinion comes from, but I do not believe that the Knights should be given credit for the single strike that we provided. Instead, I wholeheartedly agree with Wilhelm-sama, and we should give the credit to my friends, Subaru and (Y/N). They are the reason that the monster was able to be slain, so they should be given the rightful credit that they deserve."

The other knight sat down. He had no chance arguing against a member of the Royal Guard, so he conceded to Julius.

Unfortunately, there was another person who didn't care who he was arguing with. "I am a noble, and I refuse to let that half-witch get any credit for anything! And isn't that that Bowel Hunter who stands by her?! It is, isn't it?! That woman matches her exact description!" The noble pointed an accusatory finger at Elsa, and you took a deep breath in, getting ready for an argument.

"And what if she is who you think she is?" you asked calmly. "She is now an ally of me and, in extension, this camp. Doing anything to her is the same as attacking us."

"Ha!" The noble screeched as a mumble ran through the crowd. "You can't keep one of the most wanted criminals in our kingdom with you! She has to be killed for her crimes!"

Elsa looked amused by this, but Meili was looking at her with fearful eyes. In an effort to protect her sister-figure, Meili took a stance in front of Elsa. "If you want to hurt my sister, you have to get through me!"

"Psh. Little girl, I don't care who you are! No one can stand between justice and evil!" The noble sneered, and Julius took this moment to enter the conversation. 

"(Y/N), please explain how you were able to recruit the Bowel Hunter. This explanation will certainly ease the minds of the unsure." Julius gestured to you, and you nodded as the noble fumed.

"Well, all of us here in the Emilia camp were at a place called the Sanctuary to move the villagers who evacuated after the battle with the Sin Archbishop of Sloth, which we'll probably talk about later. I decided that we shouldn't leave the mansion that we had been living in alone, so I went back on my own. The day after I got there, Elsa and Meili here-" You paused to gesture to the two girls. "Attacked. Along with a maid, I fought them off until Subaru, Otto, and Garfiel arrived. In the end, the mansion was burning down, and I made a deal with Elsa. If she joined me, I would save Meili, who was in considerate danger. She agreed, and here we are."

There was a silence as everybody tried to process what you just said. You just said that Elsa joined you to save Meili. Was that really something that a merciless killer would do, or were you lying?

"He is not lying," Crusch called out. Because of her Divine Protection of Wind Indication, she could tell when someone was lying. And you told the truth.

"So what?!" That same annoying noble yelled. "That was a confusing story, and it doesn't even change the fact that the Bowel Hunter is evil!"

This time, Subaru defended Elsa. "I don't know who you are, but trust me when I say that I have a good reason to hate Elsa, not even mentioning her little sister. They have both caused me so much trouble and so much pain, but do I look like I want to kill them? No! I gave them a chance, and now I can call them allies without having to doubt what I just said!"

Emilia agreed. "My knight is right! I had my doubts at the beginning, but now I have fun with them! I know how it feels to be judged by people who don't even know you, so I gave them a chance and now I've made even more friends!"

The noble rolled his eyes. "So this brat even has you believing in his delusion of knighthood?! How adorable. Obviously, if you see him as a knight, you are the most incompetent-"

"Nooooow, we shouldn't be calling each other names," Roswaal interrupted. This was honestly surprising, so you let him continue. "Subaru-kun and (Y/N)-kun were knighted two days ago, so I wouldn't say that Emilia-sama is incompeteeeent for calling them knights."

A general gasp was heard, and Julius smiled. "Congratulations! I knew that the two of you could do it!" He started to clap, and then Crusch, Wilhelm, Felix, Anastasia, and dozens of other people began clapping for you and Subaru.

This irritated the arrogant noble, who started screaming as loud as he could. "SHUT UP! WHY WON'T YOU IMBECILES LISTEN?! THE BOWEL HUNTER IS RIGHT THERE! SHE NEEDS TO BE-"

"That's enough." 

Anastasia's voice cut off all noise, including the applause. "I believe that we have a consensus on this. The Bowel Hunter and her... little sister are ta be unharmed. They're members of the Emilia camp, and my camp and Karsten camp are her allies, so until there is cause for it, let's not kill her. 'Kay?"

The noble's face was turning red from anger. "But-"

"Oh yeah," you added with a smirk. "They also happen to be now-former members of the Assassin Organization, so we might be able to capture or kill 'Mother' if she ever tries to attack them."

Anastasia's eyes sparkled at these implications, but that stupid noble just used this to rant even more. "Then that means that wherever they go is dangerous! What if we are attacked right now by the Assassin Organization?! Why did you-"

He stopped as a massive hand gripped his shoulder. "Stop makin' trouble for us, bro. That's not cool!" With a massive smile, Ricardo, the captain of Anastasia's mercenary team, forced the noble to finally yield. 

At this moment, Otto spoke up. "I am Otto Suwen, the Head of Internal Affairs of the Emilia camp. Anybody who would still like to present their doubts about the Bowel Hunter and Meili can talk to me after this meeting. And on a similar note, I believe that Emilia-sama has a report to give before we delve too deep into this process."

"Eh?" Emilia peeped before remembering that Otto suggested that they tell everybody about what happened at the Sanctuary. After looking at Subaru and clearing her throat, she announced, "After the battle against the Sin Archbishop of Sloth, the residents of Arlam village were evacuated to a place called the Sanctuary. After a few days there, (Y/N) was able to get Elsa and Meili-chan on our side, and then we were attacked by the Great Rabbit. And we defeated it. After that, we moved to a new mansion, where (Y/N) and Subaru were knighted."

When Emilia mentioned the Great Rabbit, there were murmurs among everybody. 

Amazed, Anastasia asked, "Do ya have proof that you defeated another of The Three Great Mabeasts?"

"Well..." Emilia was about to shake her head, but Roswaal grabbed something from his robe.

He pulled a leather bag out and opened it up, revealing a decaying rabbit that had a crack in its skull from where you had crushed it. There was no doubt about it. This was the corpse of the Great Rabbit.

"Where'dya get that an' why d'ya have it on ya?!" Garfiel asked with concern. Even in his standards, carrying around a corpse is not normal.

"Becauuuuuse we need proof that we defeated it, right, Anastasiaaaaa-sama?"

She nodded her head. "This seems ta match the description of the Great Rabbit. A small, white rabbit with a single horn. But what happened to the rest of it? Is it not common knowledge that the Great Rabbit is not great in strength, but in size?"

Roswaal grinned. "I'm not the one who should answer that, riiiiight Subaru-kun?"

Subaru's eye twitched, and he looked down to Beatrice, who was standing by his side. She shook her head slowly, and he understood what she meant. Don't tell them that she banished the rest of the Great Rabbit to another dimension. That would bring unwanted attention.

"Well, my amazing Beako and Emilia-tan used their magic to enclose and destroy all of its buddies. We missed this one, but (Y/N) got it before it could multiply." Subaru gave a truthful answer so that Crusch would not call it out, and so that he could be as honest as possible to these people while still hiding one major detail.

Once again, there was talking amongst everyone else. If Subaru's claims were true, then that means that the Emilia camp has defeated another one of the Three Great Mabeasts, which was incredible. Just who were these people?

Crusch tapped Anastasia on her shoulder, asking for permission to speak. Anastasia nodded her head and stepped back. Crusch gently cleared her throat, then said, "These people have not told a single lie. Based on their account and the evidence that they have provided, I think that we should credit them for defeating the Great Rabbit."

"I have a question," called a voice that seemed familiar. After some scanning, you found that you indeed knew this person. It was Russell Fellow, the Treasurer of the Merchant's Guild. "I am not suggesting this as an accusation, but I would like to validate the eradication of the Great Rabbit from a source that is not a part of the Emilia camp. Without anybody outside of their camp to witness the battle, it is difficult to discern if this is a truth or a cleverly fabricated lie to help the Candidate's standings."

Subaru looked like he had some select words to say, but Otto grabbed his shoulder before he could say anything. "I expected something like this to come up," the Head of Internal Affairs explained to the assembly. "I propose that this camp gets the credit for defeating the Great Rabbit because the evidence cannot be refuted unless there is a real sighting of the Great Rabbit. If there is a sighting, the credit can be taken away and announced as being a lie."

"I like the way ya think!" Anastasia answered. "I personally agree with your proposal. Everyone agree?"

There were head nods and vocal agreements, and nobody seemed to object. "Good!" exclaimed Anastasia. "Now that that's settled, let's move back ta the White Whale."

Time Skip

After a long hour, the negotiation was finally  nearing its end.

The credit for the defeat of the White Whale went to you and Subaru because the operation was only possible because of the groundwork that the two of you made.

As for what to do with its body...

Anastasia suggested that it should be burned to ashes, but you had a different idea. If Daphne created it so that people could eat it, why not let them eat it?

At first, everybody, including Subaru, was revolted by the idea, but as you explained it, more and more of them began to agree. 

There are plenty of starving people in the kingdom, and by using the enormous body of the White Whale, many of them would be able to be fed several meals. Why pass up on this opportunity and burn it instead?

And so you were credited with the creation of the program, Feeding Lugnica. As long as parts of the White Whale lasted, people who needed food could get some hopefully good-tasting whale meat.

Next up was the topic of the battle against the Sin Archbishop of Sloth, Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti.

Subaru actually led this battle, so he was credited with defeating the Archbishop, but since many forces were given free rein during the fights against the Cultists, the Crusch and Anastasia camps, along with the Royal Knights, were given credit for defeating the Cultists.

It was now being mentioned that you, Rem (who nobody remembered), and Crusch were attacked by the Sin Archbishops of Greed and Gluttony, and that was why Crusch lost her memories.

"(Y/N), do you have anything to add to the report on that attack?" Anastasia asked without a trace of weariness in her voice.

You shook your head. "No, but I would like to announce something that is related to that."

Anastasia nodded her head, and you inhaled deeply. It was now time for the big reveal. "After being completely annihilated by two Sin Archbishops and seeing how so many people were killed or changed, I came to realize something. The Witch Cult has to go. And so, I want to create an organization that will hunt down and destroy the Witch Cult. It is called... The Crusaders! Are we the prey? No! We are the hunters!!!" 

After a long talk with Echidna, you had settled on The Crusaders. 

In her words, The Hunt was "uninteresting and very vague; something that must have come from someone who is impaired when it comes to naming things." So, after some brainstorming that included Echidna looking through many of your memories, the two of you finally settled on this name. After all, crusader comes from the word crusade, which means to campaign against a public evil, which is exactly what you were doing. And it definitely has no connection to JoJo's. Definitely.

The immediate reaction was extraordinary. Almost everybody erupted into cheers, and Subaru wore a familiar expression, as if he had heard that name before.

As Anastasia eased her polite clapping, she raised her voice so that it could be heard. "It seems that they like your idea! How do ya plan on it functionin'?"

As the voices died down, you prepared to give one of the best explanations that you have ever given. Clearing your throat, you started, "Well, to start off, our primary focus will be to find and destroy the Witch Cult. But to be able to do that, we will need members and funding. Anybody can come to me or Subaru if they want to join. But, even though we need people, not everybody can join. Quality is better than quantity, especially against the Witch Cult."

There were many nodding heads, and you continued. "As of funding, we accept donations, but our main source of money will be through the selling of original products."

Anastasia, being the merchant that she was, grinned at that notion. "Sorry ta interrupt ya, (Y/N), but what exactly will you be sellin'? I might want ta get a piece of it." 

With a mischievous smile, you answered, "You'll see in time."

'(Y/N), did you honestly tell your biggest potential business partner that she "will see" what you will be producing because you don't even know yet? I can surely list many-'

'Now isn't the best time, Echidna. I'm trying not to look like an idiot in front of everybody, so please - if you have any sympathy for me - let me go on without making those comments.'

Apparently, the Witch was very sympathetic, because she went silent again.

Anyway, your response troubled several people, including Anastasia and Otto. The latter pulled close to you and whispered, "Are you sure that you want to hide that from Anastasia-sama? If you tell her now, it will be easier for both of you to make a deal, and more probable."

Otto had solid advice, but for the reason that Echidna pointed out, you couldn't follow it. "Yeah, I'm sure. Trust me on this."

Otto looked you in the eye and nodded, backing away. Even though he hadn't known you for long, he trusted you. And you trusted him.

And with this trust, you said, "Anastasia, I can give you a detailed plan in a month. Does that sound fair?"

The merchant Candidate looked up from her thinking, and gave you a thumbs-up. "Ya had me worried for a sec, but it looks like ya didn't let me down. I look forward ta that plan! Now, what else were ya sayin'?"

"Uh..." Getting your thoughts back on track, you stated, "Well, that's it for membership and funding, but there's one more thing. I don't want to only be attacking the Witch Cult. I was hoping that we could help the people who are affected by them. I know that this will be a huge undertaking, but if we're going to destroy the Witch Cult, we might as well erase all traces of it too."

This earned many approving head nods, and Subaru gave you a thumbs up. He hadn't known about this before, but he liked it. Helping people like Rem and Ram who had been attacked by the Witch Cult (or in Rem's case, who had also been erased by it), and helping those like Crusch was a noble cause.

There was only one problem, which Crusch actually addressed. "Your cause is one that would be greatly supported, but how would it be carried out? Forgive me if I am being nearsighted, but would it not be difficult to help those who have lost their residences and other large factors of their lives?"

This was a valid point, but Echidna actually helped you before the meeting to answer this potential question.

"Yeah, but it's already happening everywhere. People who have been attacked are being helped by many others, so all we need to do is make this an organized process. People who want to help victims of the Witch Cult's activities can come together or work separately with funding. I am confident that my products will sell enough to be able to fund this, so that's what the money will be going to. I'm not going to hoard it so that I can become rich. I will use it all to destroy the Witch Cult and help everybody who it hurts."

Crusch gave an unsure nod of her head, and Anastasia gave her approval. "I'm surprised that you were able ta come up with all of that, but that's good! I can't see any glarin' holes in your proposal except for your sellin' of products. I think that it'll be best if we wait 'til ya get that detailed plan out so I can see if they'll be successful enough to get ya as much money as ya claim it will. But other than that, I approve! All of ya, do ya agree?"

Her audience, everybody around you, approved. Even the annoying noble couldn't help but agree with you. Going against The Crusade pretty much meant supporting the Witch Cult, so if good intentions were not a strong reason to show support, then the risk of being called out as a Witch Cultist or a supporter of the Cult was good enough to silence any biased opinions against it.

"Well, that's all, folks! Thanks for comin'!" And just like that, the negotiations were over. All the topics were discussed, and now the only thing left to do was mingle with the other participants.

You didn't have to go far to find somebody. Almost as soon as the conclusion was drawn, Julius approached you, giving a handsome smile to Elsa and Meili, which then moved on to Emilia. "Congratulations, (Y/N) and Subaru, for becoming knights! I knew that the two of you had the potential to surpass any expectations that may have been placed upon you!"

"Hey!" exclaimed Subaru, who had an exaggerated look of hurt on him. "Are you saying that nobody expected anything from us?!"

Julius playfully flipped his hair. "Of course not. I am just saying that you greatly surpassed anything that was thought possible of you."

A tick mark grew on Subaru's forehead, but it was slapped away by Beatrice. "Stop acting so childish, I suppose. It makes Betty look bad."

Julius shifted his gaze to Beatrice, and his expression grew tense. "Betty-sama, are you a-"

"Hmph," Beatrice crossed her arms. "Betty's name is not Betty, I suppose. And to answer your question, yes, I am a spirit." Smugly, she added, "A Great Spirit, in fact."

Julius gasped and looked at Subaru. "How have you gained the company of yet another Great Spirit?! As a Spirit Knight, this intrigues me greatly."

Julius wasn't as elegant as he usually was when he learned about Beatrice's identity, and Subaru took this opportunity to gloat. "Well, I made a contract with this lonely girl, and it just turns out that she is awesome! Right, Beako!?"

Beatrice blushed at Subaru's compliment, but Emilia came from behind him with a chop to his head. "Stop teasing everybody, Subaru! You're my knight now, so you have to be serious!" She was also playing around, as she stuck her tongue out at Subaru.

You were pulled away from this interaction between two Spirit Knights when Ricardo's hulking body came to you. "Hey bro! Congrats!" He gave you a fist bump, and you smiled at Ricardo's enthusiasm.

"Thanks! I-"

"Mimi knows him! (Y/N)-kun is going to be famous, and I know him!" A fluff ball interrupted you, and Mimi made her appearance. "Do you remember Mimi!?"

You crouched down to her height and answered. "How can I forget Mimi? She's too awesome and adorable to forget!"

"Yay!!!" Mimi exploded with joy, and began to run around with her extra energy, eventually bumping into Garfiel, who she began to bother.

Ricardo let out a full-sounding bellow. "Good ol' Mimi! Now, I look forward to seein' ya again, bro!"

"Later!" you said back.

As Ricardo left, you saw that everybody in the Emilia camp except for Roswaal was talking to somebody. Otto was surrounded by three men who were probably asking about Elsa, Garfiel was trying to detach Mimi from him, and Subaru, Beatrice, and Emilia were talking to Julius.

That left you, Elsa, and Meili together.

The elder female stepped forward. Licking her lips, she said, "That was interesting! My heart was throbbing when we were arguing with them!"

Meili hit Elsa, traces of tears in her eyes. "No! That scared me! I don't want to lose Elsa!"

You put your hand on her head. "You won't have to worry about that. From here on out, we're going on a hunt. We will keep on moving forward until our enemies are destroyed. And you'll be safe by my side. Everybody will be safe. Together, we will find a happy ending in this world... this world of despair."


'Of course, I'd have it no other way.'

'Then I will expect to enjoy my journey with you. Do not disappoint me. Life is relatively new to me, you see.'

'Don't worry. You'll get plenty of content to be satisfied. This story will be more than enough to satisfy your greed.'

'Eh~? I cannot but look forward to the realization of your claims. The future seems promising.'

'Together, we'll take that future. We'll take it into our hands and live life the way it's meant to be lived.'

'...I have asked myself, why does love fade? (Y/N), I hope to find something new with you. I will wait eagerly for the future.'

And with that, you weren't able to see Echidna, but you smiled at the same time that she did. With a still and silent toast, you both had the same thought.

'To the future!' 

Hey guys! I hope that you liked this chapter, even though it was mostly dialogue and no serious action. I mean, the title did say that there would be talking...

Thanks for everyone who gave me suggestions for names, but I finally settled on The Crusaders because 1) History can be very cool, and 2) I came up with the idea when Themanofculture suggested Stardust Crusaders.

Well, Arc 4 (Or 4.5, whatever you want to call it) is officially over. For real. The next chapter will finally be travelling into Arc 5, although this Arc 5 and the LN Arc 5 are completely different!

I'll see you there!

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