By sadhappysoul

89.1K 6.8K 1.7K

Alpha J is faced with a hard decision of choosing between the tradition that has been kept in check for 40 ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 6

1.6K 132 31
By sadhappysoul

Everything was going well. The female was there unconscious on the couch.

Mew was in the basement whilst the human was in the secret room in the basement. They were separated like that. And the day had gone by slowly.

When the clock struck 3 pm. Something unexpected happened.

The female gained consciousness. Something they were not looking forward to. She sat up and all they could do was started at her. She looked around confused.

"Where am I?" She groaned getting up, feeling a slight headache.

Mild nudged Luke.

Luke nudged back.

Becky looked at the two people in the room and in that instant she knew she had been kidnapped.

"Please don't kill me. My father will give you all the money that you need." She pleaded fearfully.

They didn't need money. Instead,

"Your human friend is here." Luke started.

"What? Human friend?" Did she have vampire friends or what? "What human friend?"

"Did you not come to look for him?" Mild asked.

That's when it clicked what the people were saying and what had happened before she got unconscious.

"Gulf??? Gulf is here?"  She looked around but there was no sign of Gulf.

Oh, his name was Gulf. The two realized they had been calling him human for almost a month because they didn't know his name.

"Yes, human Gulf is here," Luke answered awkwardly.

"Do you people want ransom from both families? Unbelievable!!! Greedy bastards." One thing about Becky was, she never forgot to bring her attitude.

"Ransom?" Mild asked Luke. Luke shrugged unsurely.

"how should I trust you?"

Luke led her to the basement door but Becky was not naïve. "You want me to willingly go in the basement after you kidnapped me?"

"Lady!! Go see your friend down there." Mild instructed feeling agitated.

"I'm not doing such thing. Just kill me here." Becky responded feeling bold.

"We don't have intentions of killing you. We want you to save your friend. We are running out of time." Luke tried explaining.

Luke went in first. "Please come with me." He asked gently.

"Uuh no thank you." The attitude she had was pissing them off. The clock was ticking and they were not supposed to use the fog twice a day otherwise she would go insane. Something they didn't want on their hands.

Mild carried her and she started screaming. As soon as he was in the basement, Luke was shutting the door to minimize the noise.

Becky didn't see a body on the corner of the room because she was squirming on Mild's shoulder.

Luke opened the door to the secret room and Mild put Becky down. As soon as she faced the bed, she had goosebumps. Her knees went weak and her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. Was that supposed to be Gulf?

She stepped away looking for somewhere to throw up. She ended up doing it on the rug on the floor.

"What have you done to him?" She asked feeling more drool pool in her mouth. "What have you guys done?"

She couldn't differentiate the salty taste of tears now sneaking in her mouth because her mouth was bitter from puke.

"What have you guys done?" She screamed throwing an object at Mild. "What have you done to him?"

"He is not feeling well and we're trying to save him. We need him alive as much as you. So please save him."

She crawled to the bed and saw what was left of her friend's body. He was barely breathing and the exercise seemed to be taking a toll on him.

"Becky is here Gulf. Can you hear me?"

Becky looked away. She couldn't take it anymore. She could literally see Gulf's skull skeleton. The deep holes on his eye sockets and cheeks were telling a very scary story.

She sobbed.

"What do you want me to do?"


Becky turned at the sound of the low growl and that's when she saw outside the door was a body laid on the ground.

"Who is that again? What are you guys? Who are you people?" A lot was happening.

"We need you to mate with him."

Becky looked at Luke like he was dumb. "Do what?"

"We need you to mate with him!" Mild repeated.

She was finishing a science project so the term mating was not foreign but she still asked for clarity because it just sounded ridiculous. "As in sex? As in intercourse?"

Mild bit his lips and nodded shyly as if he was innocent.

"Hell Nooo!!! I ain't doing that." She rejected the offer.

"Then your friend is going to die." Luke announced blankly.

"How is accepting a penis in vajayjay going to save him? Is this a cult? I'm a Christian just you know. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost."

She was confusing them.

Another growl came, this time louder and scarier than the last. Mew was feeling the effect of the lunar eclipse. It was starting to get dark and they needed to get her consent before it began.

Luke figured it was much better having two unconscious bodies than having three. That's why they were trying to get her to agree.

"Look," Mild said and Luke responded with a

Mild glared at him with a warning. This was no time to be joking.

Another growl was heard and Mild could see someone dying.

"Female Human," Mild called with a sigh.

"I have a name you know. Call me Becky."

"Look Becky, I know this is a lot to take in. I know it's crazy what's happening right now but you have to mate that man and that's the only way your friend can live."

"How? I don't get it."

"It's hard to explain but please trust us so we can save him." Luke added. 

"Trust you??" Becky snorted. "You kidnapped me and locked me here but what? Trust you? I may be spoiled but definitely not dumb."

Mew began moving.

"Beta!!" Luke called anxiously.

"You were always coming in the forest because you were looking for him. We led you to him. Now it's on you whether this human lives or dies." Mild was manipulating her. This was his last chance. "You can go out that way but his life is in your hands."

Becky was not falling for this trick. She saw the door and headed for it. However, before she could exit, a wet cough filled the silent room and she looked back. That's when Luke started really panicking.

"He's coughing blood Beta!" Luke panicked.

Mild ran and lifted the human's head so he could not choke on blood. It was too pitiful to watch.

Luke bit his lip anxiously. "We're losing him beta. He won't make it in an hour. There's still a few hours left until the full lunar eclipse." Luke alerted.

Another growl.

"Beta. I'll take your orders." He knew there wasn't much they could do. They had tried everything. But there was just no chance.

Another Cough and a spill of blood.

"Beta!!!!!" Luke was scared.

"There's nothing I can do Luke. There's nothing we can do." Mild finally answered him.

Another cough of blood and Mild sighed done. He had accepted his fate. Human was dying. And then his leader would follow and there was nothing he could do.

He laid Gulf down on the bed and was leaving the room and that's when he saw the lady just watching frozen.

He passed by her but he didn't get to leave the room. The lady was holding his arm but still not moving.

"What do you need me to do." She had made up her mind.

"It's too late." Mild sighed, his shoulders heavy.

"Don't you give up on him. I'm not giving up on him so tell me what I need to do!" Becky was determined.

Mild opened his mouth but words couldn't come out.

"Do I have to sleep with you? Is that it? I'll do it. I'll do it so please...." She breathed in as tears ran down her puffy cheeks, "please save. He's my best friend. Please.."

Mild was giving up. Gulf was not going to make it either way.

"Look I'm not a virgin nor am I a saint. I just want him to be alive. He is graduating in a month and his mother is waiting for him. His friend is waiting for him. Hell, I've been waiting and searching for him. We can't give up now."

Mild left the room and went in the room with Mew. He sighed and headed for the stairs so he could exit.

"Beta!!!" Luke shouted loudly but Mild was done.

"Luke, it's too late." He responded.

"No look."

Mild turned and saw Mew's eyes glowing. He was breathing deeply and dangerously slow. He was weak but he was looking murderous.

"Mine!!!!!" He growled and it happened so fast. Mild and Luke didn't need to tell each other what to do. They rushed into the secret room with Becky and locked the door.

"What's happening?" She asked scared.

"Ok. We're sorry but we need you to undress." Luke requested.

Becky did so without asking twice. These men were here to save Gulf and they had proved it.

Luke took her shirt and rubbed it all over Gulf's neck.

"When we open the door, you're going out and he is going to mate with you. He's weak so guide him through it. Towards the end, he is going to try and bite your neck but we need him to bite him instead." Mild said pointing at Gulf. "If you get bitten then your friend dies and he'll die too and you'll die too. So you have to avoid it at all costs. We'll try to step in and make him bite the human that way he'll live."

The confusion Becky had at that moment but she didn't have time to ask questions because Luke was opening the door pushing her out so she could go to Mew.

"Mine!!" He muttered looking at Becky. It was all the scent. The scent she had was the scent Gulf had the first day they met. He was following the scent. He quickly rushed to her and hugged her tight. Maybe unconsciously Mew knew what was going on that's why he took his time to rub all over her. However, he was whining like an injured pup. He wasn't satisfied at all but the scent made him stay. It was a complicated time for him and his wolf. He was suffering but he endured it. He had missed his mate.

Mild and Luke waited patiently. Each ticking second, Gulf's life was nearing the end and it was scary.

The Luna goddess was on their side. They heard a scream by Becky and they quickly opened the door to see Mew on top of her inserting his erect manhood in her opening.

They closed the door and went to get Gulf ready.

"How long will it take?" Luke asked.

"Considering he is weak, it might take a while." Mild replied.

Mild was impatient. They slightly opened the door so they could time it. It was torture hearing the groans and whimpers from both but they stood there with a mission in mind.

When they heard loud cries from the female they knew the knot was coming. The growls sounded weak but they alerted them of what was to happen next.

Luke carried Gulf into the room and if they were a second late, a disaster would've happened.

Luke saw his fangs growing. "He is going to mark the lady. Stop Him!!!!" He screamed.

Luke couldn't. He would die if he dared. Mild was Mew's beta so he stood the chance. Mild saw his life ending the moment he stood behind Mew. It happened at the same time; Mild moving Mew's head to Gulf's neck, and the climax beginning.

His fangs sank deep into Gulf's boney neck and it stayed there as the leader ejaculated in the girl's vagina, a knot beginning to form.

Mild sighed relieved.

"Mission Complete."

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